In the Life

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In the Life Page 4

by Will Blue

  When Morris had told me that Lailiana had been cast to play that part, I became so star struck. I mean, I am one of her biggest fans and here he was in a movie with her. I loved her last album and couldn't wait for her to drop her new one. Morris promised me the chance to meet her. I just hope I wouldn't look like the biggest dork when that happened.

  As time went by, I was really missing my baby. I felt like one of them old school house wives who had sent their man off to war. All I had was the television to keep me warm at night.

  Sunday afternoon found me on the couch with a Charmed marathon. And it is really messed up that I almost had an orgasm when I saw it on television. Hell, you can get your kicks your way and I will get mine where I can. My phone interrupted me watching Piper, Phoebe, and Paige kick some serious demon ass.


  "Hey baby. You miss me."

  "More than you will ever know." I muted the television and gave him my full attention. I decided that this might be a good time to break from the living room and go fix me a hot cup of peach tea.

  "So what do you have on?" I couldn't help but laugh. This horny ass nigga here! I looked down at my fully clothed body and decided to play around with him.


  "Word? Not even any socks or anything."

  "Yep, nothing. I just got out the shower so I am still a little wet."

  "Is that right?" He said coolly. "Well, let me see then." Once again, I laughed.

  "And how am I gonna do all that?"

  "Well, you could start by opening the front door." I damn near dropped my phone. I stopped what I was doing and ran to the front. I tried to look out the peephole, but something was blocking the view.

  I swung that door open and was face to face with my boo. I couldn't contain what I was feeling. I lunged forward and planted the biggest kiss on him. As we kissed, he backed me up into the house. He closed the door without breaking away from me. His lips tasted so good against mine. My soldier was at full attention below. Taking a more aggressive role, I maneuvered Morris towards the sofa and pushed him down on it.

  "I take it that you are happy to see me then," he said breathlessly as I then started to unbutton his shirt.

  "You could say that," I said back with a smile. And then, oops there went my shirt up over my head. Oh my. And my pants, drawers, and everything else soon followed. Morris still was clothed from the waist down, but I wasn't concerned with that. Hell, all that was about to come off too. It was time to show my baby what he had been missing out being in Cali.

  As he started kissing me again, his hand glided down to my bare ass. His touch felt electric. He palmed and kneaded my booty. It had been too long. When I felt him smack my ass, I almost came all over him. Instead though, I went and undid his pants. Morris stopped me before I could let him feel the warmth of my mouth.

  "Baby," he said lifting my head up so I could look him in the eyes. "We have all night." Morris sat up and took me by the hand. He then led me up to our bedroom where we then proceeded to wear out the headboard.

  Chapter 7

  "Damn, why you walking like you just got off of riding a horse?" Curtis asked as I walked up to him. We were meeting for lunch and he got there before me and already had secured a table for us.

  "I did." And oh, boy had I! "Morris surprised me last night. He flew in and left right back out this morning."

  "Oh, so is that why you have that certain glow?"

  "Let me just say that, me and Morris had gone through all the condoms that we had in the house and then he had to go to the store to get some more."

  "Damn, nigga! I am mad at that. Yall probably woke up the neighbors with all your moaning and shit too."

  "Probably did," I laughed.

  "Yeah, laugh now, but wait until you get home. There is going to be an eviction notice posted on the door talking ‘bout "Get yall's horny, loud, homosexual asses out of our establishment. And have a blessed evening." We started dying laughing. Soon, our waiter made his way over and we ordered. Since we were both pressed for time and trying to eat better, we both opted for the grilled chicken salad on the menu. Just as our salads hit the table, Curtis' phone went off. When he answered it, his whole demeanor changed. He got serious all of a sudden and I didn't know why. I knew it was Jay calling because I recognized his ringtone. Curtis hung up the phone and had the strangest look on his face.

  "Tre? You still have internet on your BlackBerry?" I nodded my head as I handed him my phone.

  "What's going on, Cee? Is something wrong with Jay?" Curtis didn't answer me. He just proceeded to use my phone to look up whatever it was he wanted. I began to eat my salad as I watched him. When he found what he wanted, his eyes became the size of saucers. He started shaking his head. Now, I was real worried and curious.

  "Ok," Curtis finally uttered. "That was Jay calling me. And it’s all over the news and I just had to see it myself."

  "What is?" I can't take this suspenseful shit. Curtis passed me back my phone.

  "The tabloids and all are saying that Morris and Lailiana are an item. The press is all over it quoting her and everything." I looked at my phone and saw a picture of the two of them cuddled next to each other. It didn't look too good, but I was not going to jump to conclusions. After all, my baby loves me.

  "This picture doesn't mean anything. They were just probably… I don't know… going over a scene together. You know how the paparazzi are always trying to make something bigger than what it really is." My argument did not sway Curtis.

  "Yeah, scroll down to the next picture and see if you still think that way." And that is when I saw a picture of them on the beach kissing. And what enraged me even more was the shorts he was wearing was something that I had bought for him. I know that was something small and insignificant, but it triggered a tear to come to my eye.

  "Wow, okay." I was damn near speechless. I got up from the table and started walking to my car. "I gotta go."

  "Tre!" Curtis yelled out behind me, but not too loud to bring too much attention to us. It probably would have looked like we were having some kind of lover's spat or some shit. I did not turn around. I dialed Morris' number and it went straight to voicemail. I hung up and tried again and then again. Finally, I left a message saying simply to call me back. I waited until I got all the way to the car to cry.

  Chapter 8

  If this isn't the worst sight, I don't know what is. I am sitting behind a computer screen flipping through the same five pictures of Morris and Lailiana online. The way he was looking at her was something that I thought that he had reserved for only me. He held her hand in some pictures. And then of course, the new bane of my existence was the picture in which they were kissing each other. The sight was so vulgar to me that I almost threw up in my mouth. My phone going off was what snapped me out of my daze. I didn't recognize the number, but I picked up anyway.

  "Hey baby. My flight just landed and I wanted to let you know that I made it in safe."

  "What number are you calling from?" Oh, just let him say he is calling from that trick's phone.

  "A pay phone here at the airport. My cell phone battery is dead, but I wanted you to know that I made it." I didn't know what to say to him. Should I bust him on what I now know? With his phone being off, he is probably still oblivious to the fact that his shit had hit the fan.

  "Oh, okay. I am glad." I chose not to say anything. Why? I wasn’t ready to confront him. I didn't feel like yelling at him. I didn't feel like hearing him lie to me. I definitely didn't feel like crying again. But most importantly, if he told me that he loved her, it would crush me beyond belief.

  "Well, I will call you once I get settled at the house."


  "And baby, I want you to know that I really enjoyed being with you even for that short time. You know there is nowhere else I would rather be than with you. It kills me to be away from you, but you know that all this is for you. Yes, this is my dream, but if all goes well you will never have to want for
anything again in life. It’s just you and me, baby."

  "Uh huh." My eyes started tearing up, but I would not let him know that.

  "I love you. And I will talk to you later on tonight."

  "Ok. Bye." I tried to get him off the phone quickly, but Morris wasn't going to make it that easy.

  "Oh, you not gonna to say I love you back? Come on, don't do me like that." And as much as I didn't want to say it, I knew I had to. If I wanted to get off the phone, I would have to say those words. And unfortunately, I still meant them.

  "I love you too." I could imagine Morris smiling brightly on the other end.

  "Bye baby." I hung up the phone without a goodbye.

  Chapter 9

  Oh, niggas getting caught doing dirt can be a funny thing. I knew the exact moment in which Morris realized that his shit was out there. How? All of a sudden, my phone was ringing off the hook. He was leaving me message after message on my voicemail. The nigga even tried to be slick and call from numbers that I didn't know. I kept ignoring all calls. If it wasn't Curtis, I didn't answer my phone. Even when Jay and Brent called I didn't pick up. Morris is resourceful. He could always call one of them and ask them to three-way the call.

  A couple of days went by and he called like thirty times a day. My voice mailbox was past full. I hadn't listened to any of the messages that he had left. I refused. I knew if I did, I would lose it. I probably would be a weeping mess. It was already bad that Morris had sent me five dozen flowers, a bunch of balloons, and a big white teddy bear to me through FTD. Five deliveries to my doorstep in three days. He must have FTD on speed dial by now.

  "Hey wassup," Curtis said over the phone. I was fixing myself something to eat when he called.

  "Nada mas. Just hooking up some chicken."

  "Wait a minute. You are frying chicken and you aint let me know? I might have to come over there."

  "Yeah, got some collards cooking too."

  "And this is all just for you? Damn, nigga."

  "Hell, I just had a taste for it so I said fuck it. Plus, I knew your greedy ass would eat some." As we talked some more, I got a beep. I looked at the phone and it was Morris. I ignored the call but, of course, he tried to call again… and again.

  "Just answer the man's calls, please," Curtis said. "How much longer are you gonna keep this up? You are going to have to talk to him sometime."

  "I know, but who said that that sometime has to be soon?" Oh, why did I have to say that? As soon as I uttered those words, I heard someone at the door trying to get in. My first instinct was to panic. Second impulse was to grab the butcher knife in the drawer next to me.

  "Tre, it's me." I heard being called out from up front. It was Morris. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Nigga, let me call you back." I hung up the phone as I saw Morris come into the kitchen.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" Morris didn't get too close to me. I still had that butcher knife in my hand and was waving it in his general direction as I spoke.

  "Baby, you didn't answer any of my calls. I wanted to know if you are okay."

  "Why should I have answered? I knew what you were going to say so why even bother?"

  "But baby, if you could just give me a minute to explain…"

  "Oh, what? Let me guess." I dropped my voice and started to mimic what was sure to come out of his lying, cheating mouth. "Baby, I am sorry. I love you. You know it wasn't what it looked like. She doesn’t mean anything to me. You are overreacting." I reverted to my natural tone. "And I dare you to tell me that I am overreacting. Come on!" The knife was pointed right at him. I didn't plan on using it, but damn it was it a great prop. It was very Vanessa Williams in Soul Food, don't you think?

  "Baby, please. Just calm down, baby."

  "And would you stop calling me baby!" I screamed. I put down the knife and turned my attention away from him and to the chicken behind me.

  "Why you gotta be like this?" He started to yell emotionally. "I love you. I fucking love you. You are my whole world. I would die for you." I turned right back to him.

  "Then how about you do us both a favor and drop dead now." That comment stung him. I could see him trying to calm down and figure out what to say next.

  "Look, I flew all the way back here because I wanted to talk to you. I want to make things right between us."

  "Why, Morris? Tell me why you did this to me." He took a deep breath and started explaining… or lying. You know how niggas in trouble do.

  "I didn't mean to hurt you. It’s not like I went out and purposely tried to cheat on you. I would never want to do that."

  "Well, you did. And what is so bad about it is that I had to find out about it through a fucking tabloid. So that makes my humiliation about the whole thing even worse. Now, everyone knows you cheated on me. Everyone who I introduced you to as my man and everyone who knows how much I care about you also know that you can't keep your fucking dick in your pants. They all are probably talking and laughing about it saying how I wasn't enough for you."

  "But, you are enough for me. I love you, you know that."

  "Well obviously I am not what you want and I don't know shit anymore. I thought you wouldn't ever cheat on me, but whoop, I couldn't have been more wrong. So tell me… do you think about me when you are fucking her?"

  "She means nothing to me. Baby, I…"

  "Answer my fucking question! When you are fucking her, do you think of me? Or am I just some after thought when you go take a shower when you are done?" Morris started shaking his head. He was looking at me like I had gone off the deep end. And I can't lie… I had.

  I was full of rage. All of my insecurities were feasting off of this shit and I was asking all these questions that I really didn't want answered. We all pretend like we want to know the complete truth, but can we handle it? I had just uttered a question which was a double edged sword. If he said yes, that he did think about me that would make me go off. Despite the love that we had for each other and all that we shared, he chose to sleep with someone else. And not just that, he had an outside relationship with her. He was getting something from Lailiana which I could not give him. Plus, she is a fucking superstar! How am I supposed to compete with that? And then on the other hand, if he said that he didn't think about me, I would be so hurt. I didn't even mean enough for him to even give me a thought. He probably acted on a clear conscience. So why am I pressuring him to answer this question that would break me no matter the answer? Why am I doing this to myself?

  "Come here." Morris moved towards me trying to hug me. I wanted to give into his touch, but I didn't"

  "Get off me." I pushed him off. He looked at me with this unreadable glare. Tears started to run down his cheeks. My own eyes started to water. I felt myself about to give into him. I saw it in his eyes how much he wanted me and how hurt he was. I knew that our love was strong and that nothing could change that. I just knew that this was just something that was a test to our relationship. All of these things were making me want to forgive him… until his phone started ringing. I heard Lailiana's song "Finally in Love" come from his phone. Of course her ring tone would be one of her own songs. Morris had this look on his face. I know he was thinking "uh oh".

  "Go ahead and answer her. But you can leave while you are doing it." He ignored the ringing and tried to hug me again. A quick hand blocked him from coming any closer. With a look of defeat on his face, he left.

  Chapter 10

  Of all the names that I could call Morris, persistent was what came to mind first. He had called me every day like twelve times. At first, I wasn't answering his calls. However, after like day three, I caved. Truth be told, I still loved him and missed him. Hell, here I was living in his/our place and everything around me reminded me of good and happy times. So I am sorry to say that after all my efforts to stand up and be tough, I once again became putty in his strong yet sensual hands.

  I had to learn to regain the trust that I once had in Morris. He had told me the complete truth ab
out him and Lailiana. It all started when one of their love scenes became a little too hot and heavy. From there, it just barreled out of control. But now it was all over. He broke things off with her for me. He had even invited me and the gang out to California to see him on set. Jay and Brent couldn't make the trip, but Curtis went with me to see him.

  The set was so chaotic. I couldn't believe all of the stars that I was seeing walk around. Curtis had to rip the camera and autograph book out of my hands before we left the hotel room. He was adamant that I was not going to embarrass him on the set. Meanwhile, when Terrence Howard walked past us, Curtis' ass was about to break out into a gallop to get to him… well, I almost did too, but that's beside the point.

  The outdoors scene that was going on was something about Lailiana's character having been kidnapped and Morris was meeting with Terrence about a ransom. I couldn't believe that Morris was acting alongside of Academy Award nominees. It was so surreal. But my baby was holding his own. He was all up in Terrence's face with a gun. I don't know why, but I was getting a little turned on. I don't think that was supposed to be happening, but seeing Morris all aggressive and gangsta…. Woooooo. He was going to get it tonight.


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