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In the Life

Page 18

by Will Blue

  Alonzo was a cool, sweet dude, but Jackson could not see how he was Sherrod's type.

  Jackson tried to imagine a conversation between Alonzo and Sherrod while he drove home from work. He could see Sherrod talking about dreams and goals while Alonzo went off on a tangent about how awful Fantasia's hair was at the Grammy's. And by the way, it was pretty bad. However, he could not see them having an intelligent one on one. Was this all just jealousy? Yes. Jackson had to laugh at himself for being jealous of anyone. That was not how he was. He was very comfortable with himself and never had the urge to throw salt in his someone else's game.

  When Jackson opened his front door, he saw that all the lights were out in the house. That was certainly a change from the norm. Even when Alonzo wasn't there, he managed to leave at least one light on. Jackson knew he was guilty of it too so he couldn't trip. The door to the bathroom opened just as Jackson was about to walk past it. Jackson's mouth dropped to see Sherrod standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of gray boxers. His beautiful, hard body looked magnificent under the florescent lights of the bathroom. Jackson took in the whole view. There were two tattoos that he could see right off. A cross was on his left arm and on his right pectoral was the word Sagittarius written in a very elaborate cursive script. Jackson couldn't help but think how he would love to trace each letter with his tongue.

  "Oh hey, man. I didn't know you were here. Did you have to get in there?" Sherrod asked motioning inside the bathroom. Jackson shook his head while trying to tear his eyes away from Sherrod's body. It was more ripped and scrumptious than Jackson could have imagined. Those black polo styled shirts that they had to wear at Bennigan's did not do it any kind of justice.

  "Naw, I am just getting in from work."

  "Was it busy today?"

  Jackson shrugged. "It was cool."

  Sherrod turned off the bathroom light and closed the door. Jackson was about to walk back to his room, but Sherrod stopped him. Sherrod quickly ducked into Alonzo's room and grabbed his t-shirt. He slid it over his head as Jackson watched the free peep show vanish. Jackson's room was a mess. He wished that he had thought about that before leading Sherrod in there. Clothes, empty soda cans, and books were scattered all around. Sherrod picked up one of the books and read the cover.

  "Walter Mosely," he said after reading the author's name. "I haven't read this one by him. I read Devil in a Blue Dress and Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, but not this one."

  "Yeah, those were his two more popular ones. They made movies out of them."

  "I know. That is what drew my attention to the books. The books are always better than the movies. They cut out so much." Sherrod sat down on Jackson's bed and made himself at home. He stretched out on the bed as he opened up the book to read the jacket cover.

  "Well, that book there, Killing Johnny Fry, is a little trippy." Jackson laughed to himself primarily over his choice of words. "It is his first erotic noir book and I don't know what to think about it. It is a little bit too strange and kinky for me."

  "How far are you into it?"

  "Page ninety, I think. I had to put it down though, at least for a while."

  "So what are you reading now?" Jackson went into his backpack and grabbed a book. He didn't know why, but he felt so excited that Sherrod was taking an interest in what he was reading. It was great to share that hobby with someone.

  "The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah. Aren't you late reading this one?" Sherrod smiled and handed the book back.

  "I know," Jackson started laughing. "I know I am, but it is good. I just never got around to reading it before. So, I guess you have read it then." Sherrod nodded his head. "Well, excuse me then," Jackson said in response.

  "You need to let me see that Walter Mosley book after you finish. Maybe you could come over to my place and see which one of my books you want to borrow. I have a lot of them just taking up space on my bookcase."

  Jackson put his book back in his backpack and then went into his closet for another book. He quickly found it under more clothes and clutter and tossed it to Sherrod.

  "Oh, I heard of this book, Invisible Life."

  "I thought that you probably haven’t read that one. Who knows, you may see some similarities with you and the lead character, Raymond. And once you get done with that, I have Just As I Am which came next."

  "Cool, cool." Sherrod said as he thumbed through the pages to see how long the book was. Jackson was having such a good time talking that he had almost forgotten that Sherrod wasn't his company. Sherrod must have had the same thought go through his mind too.

  "Well, I probably need to get going. I mean, back over to Alonzo's room. He’s asleep right now, but…" Sherrod's words trailed off. He didn't really know what to say nor did he really want to leave the room.

  "Yeah, I know. He’s probably wondering where you are right now." Jackson tried to say it with a light laugh. Sherrod nodded his agreement and left out the room without closing the door.

  Chapter 3

  The sonic blast of Beyonce's Crazy in Love jolted Jackson out of his sleep. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand and saw it was nine in the morning. Jackson was never a morning person and could not understand how anyone could be. Obviously, Alonzo was already alert and at full attention. Jackson tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but that was not going to happen. Alonzo was now playing Freakum Dress and singing right along with the words. Jackson had to face the fact that he was not going to be able to drift back off into his precious slumber. Besides, he had to pee like a race horse.

  Jackson went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth while he was in there. Nothing was worse than morning breath. By the time he opened the restroom door, he saw that Alonzo was standing there in the hall waiting for him.

  "Jay, let me tell you about last night," Alonzo blurted out. "So first let me…"

  "No, first can you turn off the music," Jackson asked as he marched back to his room. "It is much too early for Beyonce or anyone else to get me bodied."

  Alonzo did almost as requested and ran back to his room to turn the music down. It wasn't completely off, but at least Jackson could hear himself think now. Alonzo stood in the doorway as Jackson crawled back into bed.

  "So Sherrod was over here last night and nigga let me tell you what happened."

  "If you must." Jackson didn't really feel like hearing what Alonzo had to say. Not that early, anyway.

  "Nigga, I think that I am falling for him." That statement stole Jackson’s attention and made him sit up for two reasons. Number one, the ‘him’ being referred to was Sherrod. Was Sherrod feeling the same way? This was moving way to fast. And that brings up the second issue. This was Alonzo here! Alonzo doesn't fall for any one like that. Jackson didn't consider him a hoe or nothing, but he was a bit of a player. For a dude to really affect him, some serious work must have been put in. Serious work meant that there was a hell of a lot of pampering, spending, and some very good dick.

  "Falling? What do you mean falling? You have only known him for how long?"

  "I knew you were going to say that. I mean, I thought about that too, but I can feel it! And last night was so good. Let me tell you about how he had a nigga screaming! He was knocking my box out."

  "Is he big?" Jackson had to know about if the rumors were true. Alonzo started cheesing hard as he nodded his head excitedly.

  "Oh boy, is he! And he knows exactly what to do with that thing." Alonzo walked over to the bed and collapsed on top of it as if he was some southern belle swooning over the tall, dark, and handsome stranger. He fanned himself with his hand as he recalled the great sex he had just had.

  "But in love? Come on now." Jackson waited for Alonzo to say he was over dramatizing the situation as always.

  "No, I am serious dude. He is so different from a lot of other dudes. Today, he took me out to Cheesecake Factory downtown and Lord knows how long it’s been since I been up in there. Anyway, we sat and talked and he paid for everything.
We caught the new Tyler Perry movie after that. And then, we came back to the apartment and had mind blowing sex.”

  "Well, that's good." Jackson purposely cut the conversation short. He sunk down in the bed and turned away from Alonzo. He tugged at the covers which Alonzo were laying on.

  "Aren't you happy for me?" Alonzo got off the bed and stood to his feet.

  "Yes, very. We will talk more about it later." Jackson could sense that Alonzo wanted to talk more about it, but he left out the room without a fight. "And close the door, please!"

  Jackson tossed and turned for a good thirty minutes in his bed. He longed for the deep sleep he was engaged in prior to the Beyonce mega mix. He tried not to think about Sherrod. He tried not to let any jealous thoughts creep into his head. This was all so stupid. Jackson asked himself why was he tripping like this. It wasn't like he hadn't had this same crush a while back. So what was different now? Maybe it was the thought that he might actually have a chance with him now. Well, if it wasn't for Alonzo he would have a chance.

  In need of some help going back to sleep, Jackson got up and made his way to his computer. He opened up his Windows Media Player and found the playlist he had created called Groove Me. Angie Stone's interpretation of the song Holding Back the Years was the first selection to play. Jackson got in the bed as Angie eased him right back to sleep and into a dream world.

  Chapter 4

  "Thank you for coming out to Bennigans. Please come back to see us." Jackson parted with his last table. It had been a long day and he was glad that it was over.

  Jackson grabbed the black plastic book with the signed credit card slip from the table. He tried to walk a good distance from the table before he opened up the book to look at his tip. Fifteen dollars was a cool way to end his night. Jackson tossed the book to the side happy that he broke a hundred dollars on a moderately slow Tuesday night.

  "Yo, Jackson. Did the manager cut you from the floor yet?" Sherrod approached Jackson from another section of the restaurant. Jackson's mind flashed back to a steamy dream that he had a few days prior. It was something about the way Sherrod walked. Just how women have drooled over Denzel Washington's bowlegged walk for decades, Jackson marveled at Sherrod's long, sensuous strides.

  "Yeah," Jackson replied shaking off lustful thoughts. "So how was your first day back?"

  "Hey, I made my money. That's what I came for, right."

  "I guess. Do you close tonight?"

  "Sure don't." Sherrod leaned against the counter beside Jackson. He licked his lips in a manner that caused Jackson to stare at his delectable lips surrounded by a neatly trimmed goatee. Jackson wasn't sure if the gesture was meant to be seductive or if it was simply a case of dry lips. It was probably the latter.

  "Well, I am about to get out of here now. It was a long night."

  "Yeah, I feel you on that one, but I was also wondering if you could give me a ride home."

  "Who’s home? Yours or mine to see Alonzo?" Jackson had uttered the statement without being able to control the slight bitter undertone. He immediately regretted opening his big mouth. Fortunately, Sherrod did not seem to notice his folly. Or at least, he did not check him on it.

  "I am going back to my place. I got some things that I want to do at the house. But, ummm, what you say about that ride?"

  Jackson had been feeling nostalgic lately regarding his music. As soon as he started up the car, some classic Anita Baker started to play. His favorite song by her was Talk to Me, which was presently playing.

  "What do you know about this song, dude?" Sherrod said with a smile in between mouthing all the lyrics.

  "Come on, man. I love this song. It is one of her best!"

  "You would have fit right in my household growing up." Sherrod laughed. “My mom was obsessed with Anita. She used to swear that she sounded just like her.”

  “And did she?”

  “No, not at all, but my mom did have a bit of a voice. Growing up, the house was full of music. Mom played the piano. My dad could play the sax, but he only broke that thing out every once in a while.”

  “You play anything?” Jackson asked.

  “I did try to learn how to play the piano and the acoustic guitar. The key word here is try," Sherrod chuckled.

  "Oh, what happened?"

  "Let’s see." Sherrod leaned his head back and let it rest on the back of his seat. "With the piano, I just didn't have the patience. My mom tried to teach me. I wanted to learn. She ain't try to push the lessons on me or nothing. I remember coming home from elementary school one day and asking her to sit down with me behind her piano. I don't remember what sparked my interest, but she showed me the scales and all, which is just about all I can remember. I can't even play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star if my life depended on it."

  "And, what about the guitar?"

  "Oh, that was a whole other deal and a waste of money too. Around my senior year of high school, is when India.Arie first came out, I think. Her song, Ready For Love, was my shit even before she released it as a single. Well, I wanted to learn how to play that song on the acoustic guitar like she was. I figured that the best motivation would be for me to go buy a guitar which is exactly what I did. I went to a pawn shop and bought one for cheap thinking that I would go home and not put the damn thing down until I could master it. I was going to teach my damn self how to play that bitch. Can you guess what happened next?"

  "I am guessing that it leads up to you not being able to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star again."

  "Smart man," Sherrod said as he patted Jackson on the thigh. The innocent gesture made Jackson get hot. He could swear that the pat had a little squeeze at the end. Or perhaps that is just what he wanted to feel. He wanted Sherrod to grope him or just caress his cheek.

  "Well, I guess this is the end of the road for you, sir." Jackson pulled into Sherrod‘s driveway. He wished that the ride had not ended so soon. Why did it have to?

  "Yep, thanks for the ride and the conversation." Sherrod gathered all of his things together and then stepped out the car. Before closing the passenger side door, he ducked his head back into the car. "Hey, how come we never talked like this before?"

  Jackson thought about it for a moment. They had always been cool at work. They had engaged in the normal coworker banter and occasionally went to the same social functions a coworker held outside of work like birthday or Halloween parties.

  "I guess we never caught each other at the right time."

  "Never caught each other at the right time," Sherrod repeated the statement over to himself. He bit down on his bottom lip as he tossed the thought around in his mind. "I guess you are right. It's funny how that happens."

  "Yeah," Jackson said quietly. Sherrod thanked him one more time before turning to go inside his building.

  Chapter 5

  The new Kanye West played as Jackson cruised through Chicago traffic on the way to his friend's house. An unexpected but welcomed power outage had closed Bennigan's down early. Jackson had only managed to make twenty dollars before they locked the doors. He wasn't too hurt though. He and Mykel immediately started to make plans for the night. First, they would meet over at Mykel's house, Jackson would pick up him and his roommate Paul and afterwards, they would hit up the club.

  Jackson felt good about the night. His wardrobe was simplistic, but still well put together. The black fitted tee that he was wearing really complimented his lean frame. Jackson loved that the shirt was also flattering to his chest. Those occasional pushups were beginning to show some kind of change. If only he did not love sleep so much, he would be doing more of a workout. Possibly, he might entertain the idea of joining a gym. Alonzo had been urging him to go to Bally's with him, but he always passed on the idea. When did he ever have the time? Actually, the right question to ask is when did Jackson ever feel like giving away any of his free time to work the bench press machines?

  The music was getting Jackson pumped. He had picked up two bottles of liquor from the store, Patron and Gr
ey Goose. Jackson reached into the black bag that held the bottles and picked up the vodka. He unscrewed the top without taking his eyes off the road. His exit was about to come up. Once he looked around to make sure there were no cop cars around to catch him, Jackson brought the Grey Goose to his lips and took a big sip. The taste was strong, yet very smooth. Jackson took one more swig before tucking the bottle back under the front seat.

  It wasn't a long drive to Paul and Mykel's place. Jackson loved their apartment complex. It was so quiet and there were a lot of stores and eateries in walking distance. Except to drive out to work, Mykel barely got in his car for anything.

  Jackson called Mykel once he was outside and they came right on down. They too were dressed in black. Paul had on a black and white pinstriped button down shirt with black slacks while Mykel had on a black and white shirt from Aeropostale. All three of them had their hater blocker shades although Jackson wasn't wearing his quite yet. Mykel jumped right in the front seat and without saying hey, hi, what’s good, or watch out for that tree and started messing with the stereo. He quickly ejected the CD that Jackson had been listening to and popped in one of his own.


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