The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance

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The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance Page 28

by Sophia Hampton

  Rafael stood up from the bench, picked her up so her legs were around his waist, and slid her to the end of the table. The multi-tasking man had placed a condom on sometime between satisfying her and having the discussion about how he likes to figure people out. He bent his head down for a kiss and entered her at the same time. The taste of his pussy-coated lips and her scent all over his mouth was very sexy to her. She was so involved in her nectar on his mouth she barely had time to hold on to the stallion who was pumping and thrusting for all he was worth. When he broke the kiss, he stood up and held her thighs against his body, as he went in faster and deeper with each thrust.

  Watching his face was interesting. From the deep frown on his forehead to the lips that were drawn so tight, she didn’t think he was going to allow a single thing to escape them. He surprised her with a small puff of air. Then, like a pressure steamer that seemed primed to overheat and explode, he hunched over with determination apparent in his dedicated movements, his thrusting becoming more erratic. His orgasm was quiet, but his expression was magnificent, his deeply heaving breaths telling the truth of how hard he had come.

  “You’re pussy fits my cock like it was made for it,” he said when he was able to talk without sounding as if he had just run a marathon. She enjoyed watching him pull himself together.

  “Maybe it was,” she returned, trying not to preen about his comment. For all she knew, he said that to everyone just to make them feel special—since he was an artist at getting into people’s heads and finding out what they wanted most.

  “Let’s get out of here and get something for you to eat.”

  “Does that mean real food or are you going to feed me your cock in another location?”

  Rafael threw back his head and really laughed at that. “Although it sounds like a good plan—and I may take you up on that later—I was really going to see about giving you a bit of nourishment so you could continue to keep up.”

  There was a chest by the table that had lots of supplies. Emma was happy there were wipes in that box or she would have been a sticky mess. His lingering chuckles and grins in her direction made her happy she had such a smart-ass mouth—at least tha what she’d been told. She found she was very hungry and was still feeling the sexual high.

  Sashaying up to him as he stood at the table, she smiled up at him. “You lead and I’ll follow,” she told him, as he handed her the ammunition to carry.

  He bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. It was different from the other kisses she’d gotten from him. It wasn’t seductive or a means to an end. It felt like a spur of the moment kiss—just for the hell of it—and it was the sweetest she’d ever received.


  He was having a good time with Emma. She was sweet, sexy, and sensible…his favorite combination. That she actually used the gun when he’d directed her to do so was a nice surprise. People don’t usually have fear that so evident on their faces if it didn’t come from a dark place. He hadn’t wanted to know about the pain or the situation that had gotten her to that state of terror for a lot of reasons. One—she probably would have wanted to know something more about him, and the other was because he was being pulled in by her charm so quickly that he was almost afraid to know more. In any case, that bonding moment did more for him than he thought it would. Also, she made him smile. He did his fair share in that he wasn’t a “Grumpy Gus.” However, she really got him going. Her witty banter and snarky remarks made him want to match wits and get further into her.

  That she was a tie to his beloved foster mother was also, if not a plus, then a pleasant coincidence. They pulled into the lot of Sparkies, one of his favorite late night dives. He loved it because most people hated the place and he could be where no one knew him and no one wanted to. Was it the nicest place to take someone new? He wasn’t really sure because most of the dates he went on started and ended in the bedroom—so there weren’t a lot of social outings with a woman.

  Turning off the bike, he was almost sorry the ride was over because he’d enjoyed her holding on to him and riding between her thighs. Yes, he’d slid into Emma’s hot sheath a couple of times that evening. The last time drained his essence he’d come so hard. He’d been with lots of women, but this one he actually wanted to meet up with again.

  When she had looked up at him as he slid into her warmth the first time, he recognized her as the woman he’d thrown out of the way when the three clubs were trying to settle a few differences and draw a few lines in the sand. He didn’t care about the fight, as they had agreed to only use hands before the meeting even started—but even fist fights could get brutal…and it had. He watched a guy bowl over the redhead, but when his gun fell out of wherever he kept it, she looked as though she’d seen a ghost. Her face was pasty white and her eyes grew big. Right in the middle of glass breaking, heavy stomping, and men hitting the floor at a rapid pace, she sat hunkered, staring at a gun as if it could get up and bite her. He’d gone over to her and put her behind the bar so no one else would see her. “Placed” may have been a mild word, as he was in the middle of a battle; but, he’d made sure she landed on her rump and not her head. She should have been happy she wasn’t a casualty in that ugly fight.

  “This place looks…interesting,” she said, as she hopped off the back of the bike. Again, he thought about how sorry he was that the ride was over. He’d enjoyed watching her body move as she stretched out her legs. If she didn’t stop bending over so much, she would find herself stuffed with his cock again. It seemed to think it was a teenager in her presence. What the hell? Most women he’d fuck once or twice and become satisfied—but not this one. He wanted to get his cock in her almost as soon as he’d finished—and he’d had her twice already.

  “I’ll admit it doesn’t look like much, but the food is fantastic and the environment is stellar,” he said trying to keep his mind on what she’d said and not her thick nipples, clearly growing hard beneath her shirt.

  She shook her head and he could tell she wasn’t expecting much from this little place. For once, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” was in full effect when it came to this hole in the wall. He wanted to tell her that. Now, he couldn’t wait to show her the inside of this establishment. He opened the door for her and waited to hear her response.

  “It’s much better looking on the inside than the outside,” she admitted freely.

  As soon as they walked in, Rafael spotted his friend Andres "Fat Jesus" Rios, a man known for his loyalty to himself, his ability to get anything someone wanted, and his appearance. He looked exactly like the picture of Jesus that resides in any church with the long hair and the blue eyes, but he was carrying about 80 to 90 extra pounds…thus, the reason for his nick name—“Fat Jesus” or sometimes “Fat J.”—was approporiate. He wasn’t overly happy to see Fat Jesus, but if it had to be someone that he knew, he was glad it was him. He walked up to the man, knowing that he was going to have to say something so he may as well do what he typically did and face up to what was going on.

  “Hey, Rafael,” Andres said as he spotted him. The large man put down his burger, wiped his mouth on the paper napkin next to his plate, and seemed to take in all that happened with his gaze. You didn’t get far in the life they lead without being able to sum up a situation quickly and read between the lines.

  “Fat J., what are you up to?” Rafael said, wondering what the wise man was going to tell him.

  “Not as much as you are apparently.”

  Rafael could tell by the look in his friend’s eye he had something to say and he’d rather not hear it in front of Emma. He took out a few dollars from his wallet and handed them to her.

  “Emma, go get me the bacon burger dog meal and get yourself whatever you want. I need to talk to my friend here.” He was glad she was a club girl because she seemed to know that meant she needed to walk away, and she did so with no fuss at all.

  Sitting down across from his friend, Rafael stretched out his leg on the booth’s seat
and had his back against the wall. He looked over at Fat J. “I could see you wanted to say something and I’m hoping it’s job related. Do you have an answer for how long it’s going to take to bring in the weapons we need to fill the order for the Haitians?”

  Fat J. looked at him while he chewed the huge bite he placed into his mouth, wiped his lips, and put down his napkin. It was a wonder he was so big because he wiped his mouth and hands between every bite. “What are you doing, Rafe?”


  “Not sure what you mean, dude. Getting something to eat, quizzing you…the answer to that is debatable.” He didn’t know why he was giving the wise man shit, but he was having a hard enough time figuring out what he was doing, and he didn’t think he’d be able to explain to someone else what he was doing.

  “Don’t bullshit me man.” Fat J. was someone Rafael felt comfortable with, so he didn’t take offense at his tone or his question—especially because he was bullshitting him until he could figure out how much he was going to share and what the hell was going on in the first place. Rafael was known as “The Lucky One” for a reason. He believed it was because he was able to make snap decisions, and they were usually pretty good ones. What most people didn’t know was he was like a human lie detector and could almost feel when someone was telling him a lie. That was one of the reasons he’d gotten so high up in the ranks as fast as he had.

  “I’m not known for bullshit, so why don’t you say what you’re thinking and we can stop with the general niceties.”

  “I’ve met your new friend before.” Fat J. tipped his head toward Emma while he kept his eyes on Rafael.

  “You’ve been around the block, buddy. I’m sure you have seen everyone on the scene at least once.” He kept eye contact with Fat J., even though he felt twitchy at where this conversation was headed. This was the type of conversation he had with others, but being on the receiving end of a situation where you may be in the wrong just didn’t sit well with him.

  “She’s loyal to the Headless Reapers, and she’d been with them for quite a while if I recall correctly. I know she’s one of their club girls…one of the favorites apparently because they keep her under wraps. She’s not one you’d have found out on the town, and I know I saw her earlier tonight, so how in the world did you end up with her?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Brother, I’ve got nothing but time,” Fat J. said, with a grin on his face.

  “Right, but I don’t fat man.” Rafael laughed at the way his large friend stretched both of his hands up and placed them behind his head—like he was just settling in for the long tale.

  “So, this whole secret thing you have going on with the Reaper’s golden girl? I’m hoping that this is one of your one night specials because—if not—I hope you are ready for what could possibly come next?”

  Rafael looked around and spotted Emma. She’d found a seat and waved to him when he found her and he nodded back at her. “I don’t know, Fat. I like her and I wouldn’t mind seeing her a few more times.”

  The shock on Fat J.’s face would have been amusing if he didn’t think about the reason behind it. The man was like stone. No expressions showed on his face most of the time. One of the things he was known for was the fact that he was practically unreadable. The thought had crossed his mind earlier that being with Emma may not have been the best idea, but sometimes the best ideas weren’t always the safest. He had watched her at the party, he had enticed her away, and then she blew him away with the sex and the memories.

  “Why so shocked, fat man?” Rafael was torn between wanting to know what his friend would have to say and keeping his head in the sand.

  “Are you trying to start a war?” The man sat up and moved in as if he was telling Rafael something he didn’t want out. “You know as well as I that the tension between the Tribesmen and the Reapers has been rocky at best and right now it’s at its rockiest. Both sides seem to be looking for a reason to bite the head off the other one. Do you really want to be that reason? I see you two walking around for all to see, like you both aren’t playing for opposite teams, and I wonder what would have happened if members of either of your clubs were enjoying a bite to eat. You picked a good place that neither visit often. But what if tonight had been the night they wanted to try it out?”

  There really wasn’t anything Rafael could say about any of this, since it was true. He’d known that no one of either set was likely to be in this establishment at this time of night or really at any time. He was surprised to see Fat J. sitting there when they got there, but he should have been more prepared for the scenario his friend suggested.

  “I can see you are thinking about the difference it would have made if you saw club men in here, and that’s good. There has been no blood shed between the Tribesmen and the Reapers…yet. Do I think with the way tensions are heating up that it won’t bubble over? I’m not sure. But what I want you to think about, Lucky,” Fat J. looked at Rafael, as if trying to determine if what he was saying would penetrate the thick skull of stubbornness he had seen firsthand, “is…do you really want the first drop to be spilled on your account?”

  Rafael sat listening to what his friend was saying, and he understood and agreed with his assessment of the situation with the clubs; but, when he looked over at Emma, he wasn’t sure he was willing to give her up that quickly. They could be secretive and maybe just take a bit of time to figure out what they had going on. Sure, he’d seen things turn bad on a dime but that didn’t mean it would necessarily happen with them or with this venture.

  “My god,” Fat J. said. Rafael watched the man look between himself and Emma. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to have feelings for this one. I’ve seen you go through women as most people go through sunflower seeds. You take one enjoy her and spit her out only to replace her with another random seed, but here you sit and I can practically hear you trying to rationalize getting more time with her.”

  “You’re pretty poetic today. I didn’t say I was going to marry her or anything but I am interested…so what?”

  “So…what do you think the president of the Mountain Tribesman would do if he knew his VP was at the first annual party the Headless Reapers threw this evening? That’s the only place you’d have picked up your new arm candy. I saw her leave tonight and so did everyone else. It smacks of cocky disrespect for the Reapers or could be seen as disloyalty for the Tribesmen. I won’t even say what could happen to the lady in that particular scenario. I know you Rafael and you didn’t come this far in the ranks because you didn’t think things through. Take a look at what you’re doing and the many ways this could play out. There isn’t really a good ending for the two of you any way this shakes out.”

  Rafael hadn’t considered it the way Fat J. was describing it, but club life had rules, regulations, and consequences for those who didn’t follow said rules and regulations. Loyalty was at the base of all club life, but he wouldn’t have considered what he’d done disloyal to his club, and he really didn’t give a fuck about the Reapers. What would happen to one of their club girls who did something like this? He wasn’t really sure as none of the ladies who were with them wanted to leave. If they did, he didn’t know about it.

  “I hear you, man.” Rafael said, as he sat up and faced his friend. “I’m not taking this lightly. I will really take your words into consideration.”

  “I know you hear me. You’ve got great listening skills. But the question is what will you do with the information? I can feel the wind of you blowing me off.” The fat man was wise beyond his years. That’s probably why he was respected in most sets of club life. It’s also the reason why he was still alive even though he said how he felt to anyone who he wanted to say it to. “Think of Layla. She’s one of the most popular girls in your club, right?”

  “I guess you could say that.” He knew where this was going and yes, he knew there would be hell to pay if Layla somehow swapped sides. It wouldn’t be taken lightly. She was a big wom
an with a huge heart, and she could ride your cock for as long as you needed…anytime you wanted. A hot commodity is what the Tribesmen had in Layla. They knew it and so did she. Besides what he’d seen during the huge fight between the clubs and a few other sightings, he’d rarely seen Emma. However, he’d experienced what a few hours deep in her pussy could do and he’d even thought about who was missing this fine fuck.

  “There will be no promises made this night. I know I want to see her again. That’s all I can say.”

  “So you are willing to risk all you both have in your lives for a chance to see her? You can’t believe this is an affair that will work out in the long run.”

  Rafael watched Emma enjoying her food and found himself smiling. She did everything with gusto. Where most women would daintily pick at their food and try to look cute, this one was truly enjoying her food. She took regular bites and ran her fries through the ketchup before plopping them into her mouth. He enjoyed watching a woman find pleasure—whether it was on his cock or some other kind.


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