Mate Abduction (Alien Abduction Book 9)

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Mate Abduction (Alien Abduction Book 9) Page 11

by Eve Langlais

“Alone?” she asked.

  “I’m not alone; I have you,” he said as if it were the most reasonable answer in the world.

  It was, and she warmed to know he saw her as his equal.

  When they neared the field, he slowed the hover bike. “Let’s come at them from two directions.”

  She hopped off, and he zoomed away. She palmed her pistol and knife before heading for the edge of the trees.

  The moment she saw the field of battle, she really wished he’d brought backup. The clearing where she’d landed with Ishtara was strewn with bodies, a few of them twitching and groaning. Nothing a few turns in the healing tank wouldn’t fix. Amazing the things they could do in space.

  She stepped past one injured person who was crawling for the woods, sobbing. No one that she knew, not that she’d met many folks since her arrival, but she’d rather liked the ones she had. Except for the one-eyed barber. He kept eyeing her red hair and offering to shave it whenever she walked by on her way to the bakery—which happened to be three times since her return. They had a thing resembling a donut with gooshy stuff in the middle that was to die for.

  A sleek spaceship was parked in the field, and near it a massive purple dude, wielding a giant sword. More interesting was the woman standing wide-eyed by his side.

  A familiar woman who exclaimed, “Clarabelle? Is that really you?” It was Betty, her best friend and another orphan from Earth.

  Clarabelle couldn’t help but grin then waved, only belatedly realizing she’d not sheathed her knife or gun. “In the flesh. But a better question is, what are you doing here with tall, muscled, and purple? And what’s with all the dead bodies?” No need to let the big dude know most of them lived. He might be tempted to finish them off.

  “I’m here looking for you.”

  “Really?” Clarabelle couldn’t help but be surprised.

  “Of course, really,” Betty snapped. “You stopped communicating with me, and I got worried.”

  She’d not kept in touch after her departure mostly because she had nothing to tell. It never occurred to her that someone might come looking. “I was busy.” Busy fighting her attraction. Busy making out with Thyos. Busy trying to tell herself she wasn’t falling for the guy.

  “Too busy to let me know you were alive?”

  Guilt filled her. “The Zonian council knew I was.”

  “Well, I didn’t.”

  “Sorry.” An inadequate apology, but what else could she say? That she’d failed in her quest? Gotten distracted by bronzed abs?

  Apparently sorry wasn’t acceptable. The big purple guy held Betty back, his hands intimate. Her friend didn’t slap them away.

  Hold on a second. When had Betty met the purple dude? And had they hooked up?

  “So what have you been doing, other than ignoring your friends?” Betty finally managed to grumble.

  Clarabelle almost winced at the rebuke. “Checking things out. Following up on some interesting clues. Looking for some guys for the other orphans to hook up with.” Wondering if perhaps she should tell her friends about the Spa’Rtk’un. Maybe send a few pics.

  “You’re on a quest to find them some boyfriends?”

  Clarabelle noticed Betty’s use of them, not us. Last she’d seen her friend, she was training on Zonia, bitching like the rest of them about the lack of men to date.

  Had something changed?

  She eyed the warrior dude even more carefully. He stood behind Betty and didn’t interfere, but he appeared vigilant. She had no doubt he’d act if he thought Betty was in danger. Was that why he’d slaughtered all the guys in the field?

  For some reason she cast a glance behind her, wondering where Thyos hid. She had a feeling he’d act just as violently if she were threatened. It made her feel warm inside.

  It occurred to her Betty was still waiting for an answer about the whole boyfriend thing. “More or less. Since Earth is off-limits, we’re going to need something, or someone, for the gals, or there are going to be a lot of irritable and sexually deprived women on Zonia soon.” She was babbling, she knew it, however a tingling sensation on the back of her neck let her know Thyos neared. How would he handle the wholesale slaughter? Should she tell Betty and her boyfriend to flee, or would that just make them a target?

  “And did you find some?”

  “Yup. But I don’t know if they’ll work out. Damned barbarians if you ask me.” She insulted on purpose knowing he listened.

  “What makes you say that?” Betty asked.

  “Because we are,” was the gravelly response.

  Knowing Thyos was nearby and seeing him were two different things. His muscled body dropped from a tree several yards away, and despite having seen his bronze skin before—having licked and touched it—it still drew the eye with its oiled perfection. He’d eschewed armor today and wore only a loincloth, a sling for his blade, and nothing else.

  Betty blinked and stared, meaning Clarabelle had a sudden urge to block her view. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one bothered by Betty’s interest. Her purple guardian, who had remained silent until now, growled, “This one is mine.”

  How possessive, and yet Betty didn’t appear to mind. As the warrior stepped in front of her, she patted his back. “Easy, big guy. No one’s going to take me.”

  Leave it to Thyos to laugh. “Rest easy. I have no need of your female, Kulin. I have one of my own.” He’d gotten closer as he spoke, close enough he could slap Clarabelle’s butt.

  She squeaked and tossed him a dirty look. “How many times do I have to tell you I don’t belong to you?” It was better than throwing herself at him and demanding he say it again.

  “Are you going to argue with me still?”

  “Sex doesn’t make us married, buddy. We had this discussion already.”

  Too late, she realized how it sounded by how wide Betty’s eyes grew.

  Undaunted, Thyos offered a lazy grin. “And we shall discuss it again.”

  She hissed for his ears only, “Don’t make me kill you.”

  “Don’t renege on our deal,” was his soft reply.

  “If you want me to stay, I need an excuse for my friend.”

  “How about the truth? That you are mine.” An answer that she might have repudiated, except he chose to grab hold of her and toss her over his brawny shoulder.

  It was unexpected and out of character. She hollered, “Put me down, you thug.” She then cast an annoyed glance and plea at her friend. “Betty, help me.”

  Help her fight the insane attraction she had for Thyos. Help her escape before it was too late.

  Her friend angled her head around the big purple dude and smirked. “Help you? That wouldn’t be the Zonian way. Seems to me, you’ve accomplished part of your mission. You’ve found a male to breed.”

  “But he wants to keep me.” Even more astonishing, she wanted to stay.

  “You know what Pantariste would say.”

  In that moment Clarabelle could hear her teacher. The mightiest and wiliest prevail.

  Or those with patience. She had only a few more days. Mere days left to enjoy the pleasure. Hopefully long enough to sate the strange desire she had for him before she left and completed her quest.

  If she could leave. It was that fear that had her saying, “Hey, I thought you came to save me?”

  “Yeah, but as you just told me, you don’t need any help.”

  Her purple companion chuckled. “Now where have I heard that before?”

  “Did I miss a mighty battle?” Thyos asked, playing nonchalant as he eyed the bloody field while ignoring the fact Clarabelle hung down his back. With a knife.

  She could kill him if she wanted.

  The Kulin warrior stiffly replied, “Just a misunderstanding. The one in charge of the guard post thought he could touch what was mine. I showed him the error of his ways.”


  Men. Clarabelle couldn’t believe they would bond over being psychotically jealous. Then again, given how she’d fel
t when Betty eyeballed her man, she understood better now.

  Wait, when did he become my man?

  “Are we going to have a problem?” Betty’s guardian asked.

  “I never did like the pompous idiot. He only got the position because of his father.” She could almost picture the curl of Thyos’s lip by his tone.

  “So we are free to leave?”

  “I have no fight with you, although that could change if you plan to take the female I’ve claimed.”

  “You do not own me,” she muttered low enough for only him to hear.

  “I have my hands full keeping my own out of trouble,” declared the purple dude.

  Betty, trouble? She almost laughed.

  But what sobered her more quickly was the realization Betty was leaving without attempting to take Clarabelle with her. “What? You mean you came all this way and aren’t going to rescue me?”

  “Sorry, but this hero is taken,” Betty replied, hugging the purple guy around the waist, making it clear she’d staked a claim.

  She had no problem with the guy not being human. Was it only Clarabelle being too picky?

  “It is time you accepted your fate, freckled one,” Thyos declared. “Say goodbye to your friend.”

  “No. You can’t do this,” Clarabelle railed. “I refuse to let you abduct me, you giant barbarian. I’m on a mission, dammit. You need to let me go so I can get back to the Zonian world and let them know I didn’t find any suitable males for breeding.” Forget the bargain. She should leave. Now. With Betty, before it was too late.

  Thyos ignored her. “If you would, Kulin warrior and his mate, could you kindly relay a message to the Zonian home world that, despite their tendency to cause havoc and their contrary nature, my city would gladly welcome any human females who are in search of husbands. We find ourselves short of females at the moment due to a pandemic several galactic revolutions ago.”

  “I shall tell them. Good luck taming your mate.”

  “I don’t need luck,” Thyos exclaimed as he strode off toward the jungle. “I need ear coverings lest she render me deaf.”

  “Excuse me? Did you just tell me to shut up? I am going to carve off your ears then feed them to you. No, I’ll roast them and eat them myself,” Clarabelle screeched as he took her away from Betty and freedom.

  How dare he use his brute strength to carry her off! Why couldn’t she hurt him as she’d been trained to do?

  Why couldn’t she admit she liked him?

  They only went far enough to be out of sight before he flipped her into his arms and growled, “Stop your complaining. I didn’t harm you.”

  “What happened to not manhandling me without permission?”

  “You wanted to go with your friend.”

  “But didn’t.”

  “By your words, it sounded as if you contemplated it. You’ve yet to complete the terms of our bargain.”

  She couldn’t help but sneer. “Ah yes, your blackmail.”

  “We have an agreement.”

  “We do, and in a few days I’ll be done with my part.”

  “You are going to leave,” he stated.

  “Yes.” A reply that didn’t feel entirely honest given the turmoil inside her.

  His expression darkened. “Because you are repulsed by me.”

  For a moment she opened her mouth to deny it then frowned. “Not repulsed, not exactly. But I have to take into account the fact you’re different.” She couldn’t help but glance at his tail, flicking madly.

  “You’ve been enjoying that difference.”

  She felt herself blushing. “I didn’t say it was bad. But you can’t expect me to make a lifetime decision so quickly. I still feel as if I barely know you. A few more days won’t change that.”

  “How long do you need?”

  A question with no real answer. If they were soulmates like he claimed, shouldn’t she know? Wouldn’t she already be certain?

  “I don’t know.”

  “You enjoy my company.”

  She nodded.

  “Is it the coitus? Do I not please you?”

  Her jaw dropped. “Hell yeah you please me.” She then blushed.

  “That is good to know because if you are intent on leaving, then we are wasting time talking when we could be having pleasure.” He reeled her close, and she glanced up at him.

  How could she even think of abandoning him? What if she never found another man who made her feel like he did?

  What if she was making a mistake?

  What if…

  She needed to stop thinking. Let her only feel.

  She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. Or he kissed her. Hard to tell as they came together in a clash of teeth then a hard press of bodies against the nearest tree. His tail took the brunt of the rough tree bark rather than her back as he thrust into her, the loin cloth proving its use once he managed to shove up her wraparound skirt. She hooked her legs around his hips as he held her by the ass, bouncing her on his cock.

  She came so hard she forgot to breathe.

  Later, back at his lair, she remembered to breathe but lost it all in a scream as he made her come again.

  Over and over, he made her body sing. Their lovemaking was fast, furious, and explosive.

  She wanted to hate him; instead she desired him. She tried to remind herself of his alien nature but found it intriguing instead.

  And they kept having sex. They only had to look at each other and they were finding a place they could tear at each other’s clothes. Why would this passion not abate?

  Why didn’t she tire of the way he filled her, thick and hard and long? Why did it feel so good every time she clung to him, riding him to a crest of pleasure that had her gasping and yelling her pleasure? Would she ever be able to stop giving in to the passion?

  Because that was all it was. Lust. Sex. Hormones. Surely she would break this spell he had on her before the eight days was up.

  On that final morning, she couldn’t say no to the tender caresses. It was hard to remind herself she had to say goodbye.


  Why couldn’t she stay? He wanted her to. Ralph would miss her if she left.

  What of her mission?

  What of it?

  Thyos had the coordinates, and there was nothing stopping her from sending them to her friends so that she could remain here and forge a new life. And if it didn’t work out…she’d have a place to go.

  The decision made her light. She could almost imagine his face when she told him. He would beam and his eyes would glow and then they’d make love.

  Yes, love.

  Because that was what she felt for him.

  Pure, unadulterated love.

  The revelation had her wanting to announce it to Thyos, but he’d gone to deal with some village crisis. Who knew when he’d be back?

  Given she had a bit of time, she headed to the hangar hosting the ship to talk to Ishtara. To explain she wouldn’t be leaving with her.

  Her friend didn’t take it well. “What do you mean you love the male?” She wrinkled her beak in repugnance.

  “I know it’s quick, but I feel things for Thyos. I want to stay here and explore those feelings.”

  “Feelings? Caw! It’s called good coitus. You probably have a child planted in your womb making you irrational.”

  “I’m not pregnant. I don’t think.” She placed a hand on her belly and wondered.

  “You have a mission to complete,” Ish reminded.

  “A mission that doesn’t need me anymore. I’ll have him give you the coordinates once I tell him I’m staying.”

  “Are you sure he wants you to stay?” The sly remark came from Thuniana, another of Thyos’s sisters, who came sliding out of Ishtara’s room, belting a robe over her muscled physique. Clarabelle didn’t even want to try and decipher the logistics of how that worked.

  She’d met Thuniana only briefly a few days ago, under Thyos watchful—and glaring—gaze. Long enough to know the woman didn’
t like her. And she really didn’t care.

  “I’m his sykyrah.” The first time she’d said it aloud, but it felt right.

  “Are you sure? I don’t see the bond.” Thuniana eyed her coldly. “Surely with the amount of copulation you’ve indulged in it should be apparent by now.”

  Would it, though, given she’d only just realized she was in love? “Says you. How can you even tell?”

  Thuniana rolled her shoulders. “There’s not any visible sign if that’s what you’re asking. It just is. And you don’t have it.”

  “He said there’s a ritual.”

  Thuniana laughed. “Did my brother lie? I’m surprised. Makes me wonder if he’s telling the truth about you being his sykyrah. After all, males will say anything for sex.”

  Clarabelle wasn’t about to believe the word of someone who’d been clear in her dislike for her. “Say what you like. I’m going to get my answers from Thyos.”

  “And what if you don’t like them? Will you grovel and beg him to keep you?” Thuniana taunted.

  “Red Tide begs no one,” Ish declared, then to Clarabelle, “Snap out of it. You’re obviously quim addled.”

  “What? No.” She was horny for him, but she hadn’t lost all her wits. “I don’t see what the problem is with me talking to Thyos. I don’t trust her.” She jerked her head in Thuniana’s direction.

  “Are you calling me a liar?”


  No surprise Thuniana hissed and threw herself at Clarabelle. But she was ready for the other woman and managed to duck enough to shove her shoulder into Thuniana’s midsection and lift her off her feet before slamming her to the floor.

  It would have been an interesting fight if Ishtara hadn’t cheated and jabbed her with a syringe.

  When Clarabelle next woke, it was days later in her bed on board the ship without Thyos. Abducted by her own friend.

  She went stomping to the bridge and yelled, “How dare you?”

  Ish didn’t look one bit apologetic as she said, “About time you woke up.”

  “You drugged me!”

  “For your own good. You were going to stay with that male.” Spoken with disdain.

  “Hell yeah I was because I love him.”

  “Do you?” Ishtara leaned back from the console. “If you love him so much, then turn us around. But do it quick. We’re about to enter an asteroid field.”


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