erratic course for Polaris, 139–143
food ration discrepancy, 67–68
gluttony of supplies, 115–117
Hall’s distrust of, 54–56, 70–71
insistence on going south, 61–64, 126–135
left Polaris to Eskimo chief, 250
pilfering food, 40, 45, 70
plan to scuttle Polaris, 110–112
Polaris winter quarters, 61–63, 101, 104–105
rescue of Polaris party, 252
small boat scouting trip north, 118–119, 120–121
statements at expedition inquiry, 255–263
stranding crew on ice, 131–135
suspected drinking, 70, 71, 74, 76, 89
Bylot, Arctic explorer, 19
Campbell, Walter, 267
cannibalism in Greely expedition, 3
Joe’s concern for his family, 208–210
Joe’s concern for his family on ice floe, 169–171
Tyson’s hint at expedition inquiry, 237
Chester, Hubbard C, 27, 49, 62, 64, 260, 262
failure of small boat scouting party, 125–132
during Hall’s illness and death, 73, 79–87
sledge trip during winter season, 109
small boat trip north, 118–119, 120–121
statement at expedition inquiry, 263–266
surviving on the Polaris, 265
City of Antwerp, transport of Polaris survivors to New York, 252
Civil War
Battle of Mobile Bay, 228
Hall’s second expedition during, 14
reconstruction of the South, 19
Washington Navy Yard, 228
coffee, Hall’s cup of, 76, 81, 90, 267
Coffin, Nathaniel, 33, 95, 142
Coleman, Patrick, 43–44
Colfax, Schuyler, 15, 19
Commagere, Frank Y., 250–251
Conception Bay, Newfoundland, 219
Congress, USS, supplies for Polaris, 44–16
Constitution, Cape, 50, 119
Cumberland Gulf, 196
Daly, Charles P., 22
Davenport, H. K., captain of the Congress, 44–46
Davis, John, 19
Davis Strait, 249
Dease, Arctic explorer, 19
Denmark, Greenland territory, 4
diet. See Food
Disco, Greenland, 40–42, 111, 178, 179
dogs/sled dogs on the Polaris, 14, 22, 49, 80, 96, 98, 103–104, 119, 123, 146
supplied in St. Johns, 39–40
on Tyson party ice floe, 158, 162, 177, 184
Ebierbing “Joe,” 49, 97, 139, 268, 269, 290
appearance at fundraising, 15–16
Arctic experiences with Hall, 31–32, 93
during Hall’s illness and death, 81
Hall’s sledge trip, 73
ice-floe survivor, 146
promise to stay with Tyson, 128
return search for Polaris survivors, 246–251
sledge trip south with Bessels, 117, 119–120
Tyson party reliance on hunting for food, 79, 153–222
Ellesmere Island, 54, 168
England, polar expeditions, 17
Erie, 231
Eskimos, 83, 182
accompanying Hall, 31–32
appearance at fundraising, 14–16
Arctic abilities, 14
capote, 188
concept of food rationing, 157–158
dividing a seal properly, 173–174
partnership for survival, 165
Tyson party reliance on hunting for food, 79, 153–222
See also Hendrik, Hans
See also Tookoolito “Hannah”
See also Ebierbing “Joe”
execution, in Greely expedition, 3
Farragut, David, 228–229
Fenton, Reuben, 19
food rations for dogs, 103–104
rations for Polaris crew, 67–68, 106–107, 115–116
rations for Tyson party on ice floe, 153–222
“Fowler’s Solution,” 284–285
Fox, Arctic explorer, 19
Franco-German War, 25
Franklin, John, 43–44, 52 1845 expedition, 14
expeditions to find survivors, 18, 28
Frazier, Cape, 139, 234–235
Frobisher, Martin, 19
Frolic, USS, retrieval of Tyson party, 227, 229
George Back, Cape, 56
Georgiana, 231
German crew members, control over expedition, 48, 179, 182
Germany, 24, 25
Gignoux, Tom, 5
global warming effects at North Pole, 293
Godhavn Harbor, 41
Grady Harbor, Labrador, 222
Grant, Ulysses S., 20, 28–31, 230, 287
American attempt for North Pole discovery, 3, 14–20
Black Friday in first term, 254
return search for Polaris survivors, 245–251
Greely Expedition of 1881, 3
Greenland, 3–9, 41
Greer, James A., command of Tigress search for Polaris survivors, 246–249
Hall, Charles Francis, 16, 23–25
American flag shroud, 6–7
autopsy of remains, 3–9
Buddington’s conduct questioned, 40–41
burial of, 92–93
cause of death, results of expedition inquiry, 280–282
choice of Polaris, 28–31
confiding trust concerns to Tyson, 70–71
determining location of North Pole, 22–23
dislike of Bessels, 26, 47–51, 71, 85
expedition during Civil War, 14
experience with insubordination, 43–44
fascination with Arctic north, 13–17, 23–24
fundraising for expedition, 13–20
German crew members’ disrespect, 48
hallowed ground of, 4, 9, 92, 93
health during sledge trip, 80
illness and death of, 76–87, 92–93, 266–269
last message to Secretary of the Navy, 75
missing journals and papers, 52, 241, 250, 261–263
mistaken Polar Sea, 56–57
Polaris winter quarters, 61–72
resignation of command during illness, 83
shooting of Patrick Coleman, 43–44
sledge trip from Thank God Harbor, 69–87
suspected poisoning of, 4, 82–87
travel with Eskimos, 14–16
troubles with Bessels, 47–51
Hall, Mary, 14
government stops payment, 227
request for Hall’s body, 246–247
“Hall’s Land,” 102
Hannah. S^Tookoolito “Hannah”
Hans. See Hendrik, Hans
Hansa, party compensation, 168–169
Hayes, Isaac, 49
threat to Hall’s funding, 17–19
winter quarters, 54
Hayes, Noah, 51, 82, 93–94, 262, 278
Hayes, Rutherford B., 292
Heidelberg, University of, 24
Hendrik, Augustina, 49, 142, 146
Hendrik, Charlie Polaris, 135, 146, 174, 188
Hendrik, Hans, 96, 97, 247
family on Tyson party ice floe, 146
Hall’s sledge trip, 73
joins the Polaris, 49–50, 56–57
kayak to Tigress for rescue, 219
promise to stay with Tyson, 128
sledge trip south with Bessels, 117, 120
Tyson party reliance on hunting for food, 79, 153–222
Hendrik, Merkut, 49–50, 135, 146, 162
Hendrik, Succi, 49, 146, 188
Hendrik, Tobias, 49, 146, 187–188
Henry, John, 25
Henson, Matthew, 293
“Hero of the Arctic, George E. Tyson’s Career of Adventure Ended,” 292
Herron, John, 117, 146, 178, 208, 261, 267
Hobby, Henry, 88, 260, 277–278
Holsteinborg, 179
Horn, Cape, 27
Howgate, H. W., 228
Hudson, Henry, 19
Humboldt Glacier, 28
humpback whales, 52
hunger. See Food
icebergs, activity of, 185–186
ice-floe survivors. See Tyson party igloos, 14, 155–157
Inuit Eskimos, 15–16
Isloolik, 14
Jackson, William, 117, 152, 155, 208, 267
cooking abilities, 33, 88–89
ice floe survivor, 146
James, Arctic explorer, 19
Jamka, Frederick, ice-floe survivor, 146
Joe. See Ebierbing “Joe”
Johnson, Peter, ice-floe survivor, 146
journals and logs during expedition, 42–46, 261–262
Juniata, 246, 248
Kane, Elisha Kent, 19, 28, 49, 54
kayak, on Tyson party ice floe, 155–220
Kennedy Channel, 56, 139
King William Island, 14
Knuth, Eigel, 4
Kruger, John W. C, 146, 176, 181, 206, 247
Lieber, Cape, 56
Life with the Esquimaux (Hall), 52
Lincoln, Abraham, 228
Lindquist, Gustavus W., 146, 247
Lipton, Cape, 125–126
Littleton Island, 248–249
Lloyds Steamship Company, 32
Loomis, Chauncey, autopsy of Hall’s remains, 3–9, 282, 284–285
Lucas, Douglas, mystery of Captain Hall’s poisoning, 283–286
Lupton, Cape, 109
Mauch, Joseph, 51, 84, 261, 262, 278, 280
Maximilian, 32–33
McCarthy, James, 293
McClintock, Leopold, 19
McRitchie, D. G., 253
Merchant Marine, recruiting immigrants, 32
Meyer, Frederick, 62, 248
Buddington confides about Hall’s death, 89
frostbite, 96
ice-floe survivor, 146, 162, 200, 205–207, 209, 210, 214, 220–221
navigational readings on ice floe, 167–168, 178
science/journal duties questioned, 32–33, 39–16, 261
sledge expedition to Newman Bay, 121
statements at expedition inquiry, 243–244
“the Count” on ice floe, 162
Monarch, HMS, 228–229
Monitor, 228
Morton, William, 27–28, 49–50, 261–262
during Hall’s illness and death, 76–87, 89–90
Polar Sea mistaken identification, 56–57
statement at expedition inquiry, 266–269
mutiny, in Greely expedition, 3
Myers, Mrs., second wife of George Tyson, 292
National Academy of Sciences, 24–25, 228
Newman, J. P., 45–46
Newman Bay, 79, 121, 129–132, 135
New York Stock Exchange, Panic of 1873, 253–254
Nindemann, William, 97–98, 127, 155
ice-floe survivor, 146
return search for Polaris survivors, 247
“northern lights,” 53
Northern Territories, 1
North Pole, Peary’s expedition, 293
North Star, 23
Northumberland Island, 248
Nova Zembla, 24
Observatory science station, 66–67, 93, 96, 100, 105, 115, 271
Odell, Alvin, assistant engineer of Polaris, 32, 80
Orra Taft, 231
Osborn, Arctic explorer, 19
Paddock, Frank, 5, 282
paraselene, 102
Parry, Cape, 248
Parry, Edward, 19, 70
Patterson, J. W, 19
Peary, Robert E., 3, 4
pemmican, 103–104
See also Food
Periwinkle, USS, 29–30
Perkons, Auseklis, analysis of samples from Hall’s remains, 282–283
permafrost, 5, 92
Piankatank River, 29
poisoning of Charles F. Hall, suspicion of, 82–87, 270–277
Polaris, the North Star, 67
Polaris, USS
abandoned by surviving crew, 249–250
alcohol consumption by Buddington, 70, 71, 89, 91, 116–117, 120
Buddington’s plan to scuttle, 110–112, 240
command transfer to Buddington, 98–112
crew’s rapid consumption of supplies, 115–117, 129, 132–133
damage from winter storm, 107–108
death of Captain Hall, 86–87
departure from the Brooklyn Navy Yard, 30–31
discipline of crew, 39–16, 100
expedition journals and logs, 42–46, 52, 241, 250, 261–263
holiday celebrations, 101–102, 106–108
ice-floe survivors abandoned by Buddington, 144–149, 239–241
inquiry of failed expedition, 225–281
nationalities of crew, 33
previous history and renaming of, 28–30
selection of officers, crew, engineers, 32, 33
supplies thrown overboard, 144–149
turning south from winter quarters, 135–144
winter camp and rescue of remaining crew, 249–250
winter storm damage of, 97–112, 124–135, 143–149
Polaris Bay, 57
Polaris Promontory, 1, 4, 9
Polar Sea, mistaken location, 28, 50, 56–57, 293
Port Foulke, 54, 110, 111
Providence Berg, 97, 98, 100–101
“Providence Berg,” 65
Punny “Sylvia,” 146, 165, 193
Rae, lohn, 19
Rappahannock River, 29
Ravenscraig, rescue of Polaris party, 252
Repulse Bay, 14, 43
Repulse Harbor, 64
Resolute Bay, 1
Reynolds, William, 228
Robeson, George M., 27, 35, 228, 287–288
Hall’s last message to, 75
inquiry of failed Polaris expedition, 225–281
search for Polaris survivors, 245–251
visit to Polaris survivors prior to inquiry, 253
Robeson Channel, 57, 80, 102
Robeson Strait, 102
Roosevelt, USS, 3
Ross, James, 19
sailing vessels, restructuring for Arctic exploration, 29–31
Sandwich Island, 27
Sangus, 228
Schoonmaker, C. M., 229
Schuman, Emil, 32, 117, 124, 140, 143, 144
scientific corps of expedition, 24, 66–67, 93, 96, 100, 105, 115, 271
scurvy, 3, 67, 114, 132
seals, 14, 67, 69, 153–222
Shackleton, Ernest, 293
Sherman, lohn, 19
Sieman, Herman, 96, 262
Signal Service Corps, 228
Simpson, Arctic explorer, 19
Smithsonian Institute, 18
Smith Sound, 50, 53–54, 139, 141
snow blindness, 129, 130–131
South Pole, 293
St. Johns, Newfoundland, Polaris acquires supplies, 39
in Greely expedition, 3
of Tyson party, 163–222
See also Food
Sumner, Charles, 19
“Sylvia.” See Punny “Sylvia”
Talapoosa, USS, site of Polaris inquiry, 228–244, 252–281, 288
Thank God Harbor, as Polaris winter quarters, 65
Tigress, 240, 288
rescue of Tyson party, 216–222, 225, 226
search for Polaris survivors, 245–251
Tookoolito “Hannah,” 32, 49, 139, 268, 269
appearance at fundraising, 15–16, 31–32
Arctic experiences with Hall, 77, 81, 82, 93
ice-floe survivor, 146
Tyson, Emmaline (mother of Tyson), 292
Tyson, Emmaline (wife of Tyson), 38, 292
Tyson, George account of Hall’s death at inquiry, 230–243
Arctic background, 27
attempts to hunt with Joe and Hans, 193–196
chief engineer answers to Tyson only, 140–141
commission paperwork, 37, 48
concern with Buddington’s conduct, 39–41, 54–56, 110–112, 117–118, 142, 259
confides to Chester of Buddington’s plans, 122
fear of expedition failure, 102–103, 121, 122, 141–142
during Hall’s illness and death, 77–87, 89–90
Hall’s selection of, 26–27
ice-floe survivor, 146, 162, 165, 175
life after expedition, 290–293
Polaris winter quarters, 61–72
pressing farther north, 61–63
sledge expedition to Newman Bay, 121–123
small boat scouting party, 118–119, 120–121, 125–132, 234
statements at expedition inquiry, 229–243
Tigress search for Polaris survivors, 245–251
time in crow’s nest, 55, 62, 63
Tyson, George E., Ir., 292
Tyson party
abandonment of disintegrating ice floe, 197–222
armed survivors, 156
attempts to reach Ellesmere Island, 154–155
attempts to reach the Polaris, 148–149, 150–153
blubber lamps, 156
death of last dog, 184
dividing seal meat, 173–174
German crew plans for Greenland, 175–176
Joe’s concern of cannibalism, 169–171, 208–210
lack of freshwater, 208, 215
members of, 146
reliance on Joe and Hans for hunting food, 153–222
rescue by sealer Tigress, 216–222
shelters and encampment on ice floe, 155–157
site of separation from Polaris, 248–249
survival on ice floe, 150–222
Thanksgiving and Christmas, 166–167, 172
tidiness of encampment, 183, 220
uncooperative German crew, 151–152, 162, 163–164, 168–169, 176, 213
U. S. Coast Survey Office, 18
United States Navy
recruiting immigrants, 32
split-command orders if death of commander, 35–37
United States Signal Corps, 42
Upernavik, 49, 50, 110–111
Virginia, CSS, 228
Walrus, whaling ship, 225
walruses, 52–53
Washington Navy Yard, 29, 227–229, 253
whaling, 16
wildlife in Arctic. See Animals in Arctic/wildlife
York, Cape, 248, 252, 256, 260
Fatal North Page 29