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Unwilling: a shifter romance

Page 20

by Hannah L. Corrie

  "I promise, I want this. I want you," he said and tangled his free hand in Jared's short, blond hair. He didn't get much farther than that, though.

  The words had barely left his lips when Jared grabbed for Darwin's wrists. He let go of Jared's hair and extricated his other hand from around his cock with a sure move.

  "Good. It's my turn now," Jared growled, grinning suddenly. "I held my promise to give you space and go slow, but you asked me to break it, remember that."

  Darwin struggled against his forceful grasp. "You played me," he accused breathlessly and grinning, but there was nothing he could do against Jared's manipulations. He didn't really want to break his Alpha's hold, didn't put all his might into his struggling, but he wouldn't have been able to either way. His cock twitched and released another clear drop of pre-cum at that thought.

  Jared guided his hands to the top edge of the bed, putting his fingers around the headboard. "Hold on to that and don't let go, or I'll stop," he ordered with a fierce glint in his eyes. Darwin obeyed without hesitation.

  Jared swooped down and closed his lips around one of Darwin's nipples, sucking and licking it without reserve. His strong, warm hands stroked over Darwin's flanks on their way down, then took a tight hold on his ass cheeks. Every lick and pull on his sensitive nip sent a wash of stomach-clenching lust through Darwin's body, heightening his arousal until it was hard to hold on to the headboard.

  Darwin wanted those warm, strong hands on another part of his body, though. Wiggling in Jared's grip, he tried to rub his leaking cock against Jared's abs to get some kind of friction, only to have him tilt his body to break the contact.

  "Oh no, you don't," Jared purred and grabbed his waist to push him down. "I want to enjoy this, you just keep still."

  Struggling against the grip Jared had on his hips elated him, but he didn't keep it up too long. He didn't want Jared to stop and distracting him from what he wanted to do would only draw out his own suffering.

  Ever so gently, Jared mouthed his way across Darwin's chest to nuzzle his other nipple, using his teeth once and sending a spike of pleasure and pain through his body. His thumbs pressed into the grooves next to Darwin's hip bones and this too triggered a flash of heat that roared straight into his weeping cock.

  His tongue left a wet trail as it licked downward and crossed his taut stomach, dipped into his navel and reached the outskirts of his pubes.

  Darwin stopped breathing for a second.

  His wet glans brushed against the stubble on Jared's neck.

  With a mighty shudder, Darwin let go of the head board with one hand and grabbed the root of his cock to stop himself from spurting. Someone was groaning, but the sound was muted and distant and didn't sound like himself at all.

  Hot air brushed against his hand and cock as Jared laughed silently. He gasped for air.

  "Don't let go, I don't want you to come before I've buried myself in you," Jared whispered. "And don't think you'll get away with disobeying my command like that!"

  He waited for Darwin to nod, then his hands stroked along the undersides of Darwin's legs, grabbed him at the knees and bent him in half.

  When Darwin's knees touched his chest, he blushed a deep red and forced out an embarrassed huff. It was uniquely erotic to know where Jared's eyes would wander, now that his ass was being presented like this. He was torn between the need to cover himself and making Jared look away and the need to squirm closer to Jared's hovering body.

  When Jared leaned forward and his hot, wet, slippery tongue touched heated skin between Darwin's butt cheeks, he nearly let go of his cock. His fingers spasmed around his precariously hard flesh as he gasped and groaned harshly, but somehow he managed to hold on.

  "Jared, so close," he mumbled, then all thought was lost with the dip of a tongue.

  Jared rimmed him like he kissed, intense and demanding. He forced the tip of his tongue into his twitching hole, only to pull back and trace the tightening ring all around his entrance. Every time the blond Alpha repeated this, Darwin loosened up a little, having to harden his grip on his weeping erection a little more.

  When Jared stopped his ministrations, Darwin was more than ready to beg for more, but unable to form coherent words.

  Jared let go of Darwin's legs and they settled across his thighs. Leaning across him, Jared opened the uppermost drawer of the night stand, pulled out a travel-sized package of lube and grinned. "You won't believe what kind of stuff you can find in vending machines at some rest stations."

  "You didn't buy condoms? Confident fucker," Darwin huffed, only to fall silent with a shudder when Jared breached his ring with one slick finger.

  Still, the words made Jared grow still for a moment. He stared down hard at Darwin. "You wanna tell me something?"

  Just when Darwin tried to answer, he inserted a second slick finger into his channel, scissoring them a little. It burnt enough to drive Darwin from the brink of orgasm, but not enough to soften his cock. At the same time, Jared coated his own cock in lube. His hard flesh looked angry, dark and glistening.

  "Depends. You fuck Harry?" Darwin replied, and regretted the words at once. Where had that come from?

  Jared stilled once again, staring at his face with furrowed brows as both hands came to a stand-still. For a second he seemed at a loss of words and a little guilty, but before Darwin could drive his fangs into that expression, Jared shook his head and rubbed his fingers against his prostate.

  "Oh, no, deary. You're not gonna fuck this up," he hissed, "I did not fuck Harry, and you're not getting out of this the easy way." And to prove how much he meant those words, he inserted a third finger and built up a slow pace that robbed Darwin of his faculty to speak.

  Every thrust of those fingers sent another wave of mind-numbing pleasure through his body, and when Jared pulled out, Darwin was ready to beg. He must have made some sort of noise, because Jared crooned at him when he shuffled closer.

  "Shh, you'll get someone to barge in if you keep that up," Jared murmured and hoisted his legs over the crooks of his arms. With another shuffle and nudge, the flared head of his cock languidly breached Darwin's ring.

  Darwin had never experienced something like this before. It wasn't so much the sex itself, he'd had that before, but never with a dominant of his own species and surely never with an Alpha, or his mate. His body went numb and hypersensitive at the same time, turning him into whimpering goo under Jared's careful moves. He felt every inch of Jared's cock entering his body, stretching his insides to accommodate his length and girth. When Jared bottomed out, Darwin let go of the headboard and instead tried to hold on to Jared's arms.

  "That's the second time you disobey me," the blond hunk said, but his voice was terse, hinting how hard it was for him too to hold on to his senses. With a suppressed groan, he grabbed for Darwin's wrists with one hand, pulled them together and pinned them to the bed above his head. He started moving, too slow and too careful to match what Darwin really wanted. His other hand never left Darwin's waist, pulling him against his slow, deliberate thrusts.

  As much as he wanted to scratch and groan and make Jared let go of his control, he couldn't. He couldn't move, couldn't squirm, couldn't stop himself from tumbling closer and closer to the brink of orgasm. All Darwin could do was take the sweet torture Jared put him through. Every thrust rubbed against his sweet spot, making him groan and gasp and shiver as a light coat of sweat started to build up on his captive body, as Jared's muscled form moved above him.

  A shiver ran through Jared's taut body and he picked up the pace until the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room. Jared's cock twitched in its tight confines, warning him of his impending orgasm. But just before Jared spurt, he dipped down his head, nudged Darwin's chin to the side and opened his jaws to bite him at the crook of his neck.

  The pleasure of pain shot through him, finally making Darwin erupt with a harsh groan and twitching limbs. He all but forgot how to breathe as he bucked and strained against Jared's

  Only seconds later, Jared added his own shout as he coated his insides with his cum, thrusting a few more times before he sagged onto his mate and gasped for air. Their sweat mingled. The air was thick with sex and male exhaustion.

  Darwin never wanted to leave this one moment of pure, true bliss, but he knew he would have to. He also knew that he would spend the rest of his life hunting it like an obsession.

  Hours later, Darwin crept through the darkened kitchenette, wearing nothing but the sweat pants Jared had given him the other day. As much as he had wanted to stay in bed and bury himself in Jared's warm body and scent, he couldn't sleep any longer. His body hurt in all the right places, but his skin still itched intermittently from that way too hot shower and it sucked.

  The coffee maker was an old model, one that only worked with already ground beans. Darwin couldn't function without a cup of coffee, but waking up everybody with the clarion sound of a bean grinder was out of the question. Coffee didn't taste as refined from pre-ground coffee powder, but that was one thing he could live with.

  The sky outside the window was dark with a blueish tint. The sun would rise over the next hour, which limited the time Darwin had to work out how he should react to Harry's and Rayne's glances. Doubtlessly they would snicker and stare and make embarrassing remarks about the sounds they had heard last night. Darwin blushed just thinking about it and adjusted his dick with one hand. He still felt Jared on him and every time his ass twitched with the memory, he popped a boner, like some silly teenager.

  As the last drop of coffee dripped into the pot, the door to Harry's bedroom opened. Sleepy and disoriented, he followed the scent of fresh coffee like a sleep-walker through the dark room. Darwin pulled out another cup and filled it for his friend, smiling to himself. Some things didn't change, come rain, storm or sunshine.

  "Why are you up so early?" Harry yawned as he grabbed his mug, leaning his pert ass against the kitchen counter.

  "I could ask you the same question," Darwin rebutted and hid his grin behind his own beverage. Harry didn't look awake at all, but he had always been a heavy sleeper and pretty much useless in the morning.

  Harry yawned around the first sip of unsweetened coffee. "Darla tried to get out of bed for most of the night, so I didn't sleep much. But now she's settled down," he explained.

  Darla. Darwin had forgotten about her for a moment, but the guilt over what he had done to her quickly returned at the mention of her name. "I'm sorry you had to watch her. I'll let you sleep tonight." Unloading his problem on Harry was unfair, but Darwin planned to make it up to him. "If you're not too tired we could go shopping today. Leave the warriors at home," he offered, clutching his own mug tightly. He still had to talk to Harry about what had happened and maybe apologize. No, definitely apologize for his behavior.

  "Sounds fun. But no designer shops—" Harry started, but the rest of his words was toned out by the sound of cracking wood and glass.

  Too shocked to move, they stared at each other for a few seconds, long enough for Rayne to come through the front door and yell at them incoherently, then take off again.

  "Shit. Darla," Harry whispered, his eyes going wide with realization.

  Shit, indeed.

  They both started running, but Harry was a bit faster and entered his bedroom first. Darwin followed close behind, gasping when he saw the destruction in Harry's bedroom. The bed was empty and littered with shards of glass, and the window was ruined. Darla had apparently used her moment of solitude to try and make a run for it and she wasn't going to let herself be caught just like that, judging by the way she hadn't bothered to try and just open the window.

  "She's feral," Harry gasped, but Darwin didn't bother answering. He started running and jumped out the same way Darla had. Dodging the shards of broken glass wasn't easy, but then, he didn't try anyway. All the cuts would be healed before he'd be back at the house and there was no time to put on shoes.

  As Darwin started running, he could hear screaming somewhere in the distance. The voice screaming wasn't exactly female, it sounded more of like a barking animal, and the noise didn't bode well for Darla. As Darwin ran into the outskirts of the pine dominated forest, some bushes rustled, a thin, young tree shook, and the dull thud of flesh impacting on flesh followed.

  The next scream was male and outraged. Darwin ran in its direction, pumping his arms to gain more speed. It would be his fault if Rayne killed Darla, or, although improbable, Darla killed Rayne. Either way, he didn't want to risk the potential loss.

  Darwin skidded to a halt when he reached the small clearing the fight took place in. It was a sight to behold.

  Both Darla and Rayne were fighting in what looked like the middle of their respective shifting and both didn't look the least bothered. Maybe the pain of rearranging bones, joints and muscles distracted them enough to make them ignore the wounds they were ripping into each other.

  The winter morning air was thick with the scent of pine, ice and firewood, burning cold as Darwin took deep, harsh breaths. It was too dark to see the ground in detail, but where the light from the rising sun hit the tree trunks he saw spatter patterns of dark blood, still warm enough to steam slightly.

  "Rayne!" he yelled, only to be forced to jump out of the way as the two half-furred shapes rolled closer. He stumbled into a lush, many-branched bush that scratched his back to all hell and he squirmed for a few moments before he managed to untangle himself from the plant.

  Just as he got back to his feet, a heavy, sticky, furred shape hit him at chest height and toppled him over again. His head hit the base of a tree and he made a pained sound that was almost drowned out by the angered growl of whichever werewolf was now straddling him. God, he hoped it was Rayne. If Darla was in actuality feral and without instincts to prevent her from attacking submissives, this would be Darwin's last moment alive.

  At the same time, his head started to hurt fiercely, and he made another high keening pain sound. It wasn't his usual reaction to such things, but more of an instinctual reaction to the growl above him. He wouldn't have acted like that anywhere near Carl, but being with Jared made him slip up more and more.

  The wolf above him stilled, eying him warily. He— or she?— lowered their head to sniff the air above Darwin's mouth and the claws bored deeper into his muscles. He didn't dare move, but he couldn't halt his rapid, fearful breathing, not with a werewolf crouching on his chest.

  One of the dark, furred ears twitched confusedly, then the wolf hopped off him and started to turn away.

  In that moment, the other wolf made their move and tackled the dark one to the ground. This one was colored the natural gray and brown of a timber wolf and it didn't have any problems with putting the other wolf into its place.

  Within seconds, the dark wolf lay on its back, struggling and gasping for air around the teeth grabbing its throat.

  A pair of hands came out of nowhere, grabbed Darwin's arms, and pulled him back to his feet. Jared's scent floated his senses as the Alpha wrapped his arms around his chest and rubbed their cheeks together as if to scent-mark him. "You alright?" he asked, but his eyes were on the conflict in front of them.

  Jared would never allow him to be killed. He had been close. Darwin sighed a breath of relief. "Yeah, just a little bump to the head," he said, but he turned his eyes away. Fights for dominance always made him queasy.

  Harry stood on the other side of the tree, nervously wringing his hands. Darwin knew that Harry's pack was healthy and 'normal', for lack of a better word, so he probably wasn't worried about the outcome. It did mean, however, that Harry worried for Rayne.

  All of a sudden, Jared let him go and walked around him towards the wolves, leaving Darwin to stumble and brace against the tree. Darla had stopped struggling against Rayne and he was about to let her go. Jared crouched down three feet away from them, resting his elbow on his knee as he bent forward. He scented Darla to imprint her personal scent to his memory, but he kept enough distance not to panic he
r again. Right now she wasn't herself, more wolf than human, as a werewolf was bound to be on his or her first change.

  "Can you manage alone, Rayne?" Jared asked the other wolf, who was shaking the remains of aggression off with an indignant huff. He answered with a soft growl and a pointed look over to Harry.

  Sighing, the Alpha got up again and turned. "Harry, please accompany them. Darla seems to have joined the ranks of dominants and your presence will hopefully calm her down," he said to the brown haired man, who perked up and nodded with a grin. He was obviously happy to oblige.

  Accompanied by the sounds of another shape change, Jared walked back to Darwin and embraced him with a deep sigh. "That leaves us for guard and sleeping," he stated, pressing his face into the crook of Darwin's neck and inhaling his scent. "Are you up for guard duty? I'm still pooped."

  Darwin's heart gave a painful thud. It didn't look like much, but Jared trusting a submissive to keep guard while he slept was a very big deal, proved he trusted him and that he wouldn't treat Darwin like a kept trophy.

  "Yes. I love you," he whispered.

  Home is with you


  Keeping watch was actually quite exhausting as Darwin found out. He walked in wide circles, keeping himself to the edge of the clearing around the cabin so he wouldn't be blinded by the rising sun, and stayed warm by jumping up and down, rubbing his arms and stretching his legs whenever the cold became too intense. Every rustle of leaves or crunch of pebbles caught his attention and made him glance around nervously, hoping it was nothing, because, honestly, what was he supposed to do if someone came and attacked him?

  After three hours of not being allowed to read, to watch TV or to sit down and warm himself up, he was more than happy to see the three wolves break out of the woods and trot towards the cabin. The sun had risen completely and temperatures were on the rise, but the air still bore a hefty nip and the smoky aroma of snow. If they stayed here too long, they would get snowed in. Darwin wasn't all too keen on being stuck in the mountains for the whole winter.


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