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Page 13

by Unknown

  “Come away with me this weekend. To the cabin. I want to show you where I went that summer.”

  She struggled to open her eyes. She met his stare. Seeing something vulnerable in his eyes. “What about the girls?”

  “Girl Scout weekend. Their whole troop is going camping. Janine and Annie, too.”

  “I’d like that.” Jessie was surprised she’d agree to this. Surprised because she was actually looking forward to it.

  But then, Cole hadn’t told her the whole story. There were still pieces missing.

  She drove home trying not to castigate herself. Tonight she’d probably broken every fling rule there was, and without the said benefit of the fling. Sex.

  THE BROCKS WERE WAITING for her Tuesday morning outside the storefront of her official office. She’d been wrong to ignore that niggling sensation about their case. Something was wrong. Their tight faces and tense body language gave it away.

  “Good morning,” she said, as she unlocked the door and ushered them inside.

  “For you, maybe.” Mr. Brock’s tone was scornful and angry.

  Mayor Brock placed a gentle hand on his arm. “Don’t antagonize her further, Tom.”

  Antagonize? Further?

  Jessie flipped on a few lights, which illuminated the seating area of two brown leather couches, and a few chairs. Magazines were neatly piled on a pair of small end tables. Her inner office was more formal. A desk, computer and executive chairs. She invited them to take a seat on the couch there, thinking that might put them more at ease.

  Mr. Brock indicated he had no intention of sitting. “How could you do this to us? We trusted you, Ms. Huell. You came highly recommended.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  His breath came out in a hiss. “The pictures. The threats of going to the media. What is it? Are you trying to ruin my wife or just get money?”

  She’d been a P.I. long enough to not let the accusations of emotionally upset people bother her. Her goal was to project a wall of calm, hoping to infuse that into her client. “I’m telling you again, Mr. Brock, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  A long silence greeted her statement. Finally, Mayor Brock sighed. “Tom, I don’t think she does know.”

  Mr. Brock sank down on the couch beside his wife, his head in his hands. “What are we going to do?”

  “Why don’t I make us some coffee and you can tell me what is going on.”

  Mayor Brock nodded, and Jessie left them to prepare the coffee. The couple needed a few moments without her presence. From what she could piece together, they were being blackmailed. The other photographer…She’d known something was wrong that night.

  Jessie shook her head. What she had going on with Cole had made her sloppy. She was never sloppy. After filling the bin with water, she turned the coffeemaker on and returned to her inner office. The Brocks were talking quietly, their bodies a study in anxiety and worry.

  “The coffee should be ready in just a few minutes. I take it someone is trying to blackmail you?”

  Mrs. Brock met her gaze. Worried, but still collected. “Yes, with pictures from that night at the park. The same night you, uh—”

  Jessie nodded. “I understand. Do you have the pictures with you?”

  Mr. Brock removed an envelope from his briefcase and handed it to her. Jessie examined the envelope. No return address. Postmark was Peachtree City, but that was only a quick drive from Atlanta, so no real clue there. The envelope had obviously been handled so much she doubted there’d be any usable fingerprints.

  Maybe she’d get something from the pictures. She flipped through the shots, examining them closely. There were four photos. The first had the couple in a very passionate embrace. The second clearly showed Mr. Brock cupping Mayor Brock’s exposed breast. The third had her hand down her husband’s pants. The last showed them against the slide, obviously intimate. Each photo captured both their faces and that it was happening at a very public place after hours.

  Not good.

  “Anything?” Mayor Brock asked, her tone filled with a kind of resigned hope. As if she knew nothing would come of Jessie’s examination, but she’d love to be pleasantly surprised.

  “The quality of the black-and-white photos is quite poor. An amateur.”

  Mr. Brock sighed in relief.

  “That doesn’t mean he might not have the skills to pull off a successful blackmail.” Jessie’s tone was cautious. “Let me ask you something. What you did in the park—that wasn’t new, was it? That’s something you do on a regular basis.”

  “I wouldn’t say regular basis,” Mrs. Brock answered, hedging like a true politician. Jessie kept her smile to herself.

  “But someone who followed you regularly…they wouldn’t be surprised if you suddenly detoured to a deserted park after midnight.”

  The mayor dropped her gaze. “No.”

  “I did see something unusual in the park that night. I took a photo of a man who was also taking pictures of you.”

  Mr. Brock stood. “Why didn’t you say something before now?”

  “At the time, I wasn’t sure if he was another private investigator you’d hired to find you. I have the pictures downloaded on my computer. Let’s see if you recognize him.”

  ON WEDNESDAY, Cole donned a suit and tie. He hadn’t worn such formal attire in a long time. Maybe since he’d interviewed for the job at the station five years ago. Now he stood outside a courtroom with the rest of the lottery group. Eve and Jane were talking together quietly. Zach had acknowledged him with a nod. Nicole was on her cell phone.

  He couldn’t believe they’d actually made it to this point. He’d never thought the lottery controversy would go this far. But there she was, Liza Skinner, standing near the doorway, her expression defiant.

  How had it come to this? They’d been more than just coworkers once. Liza had been with them since the first days of Just Between Us, when they’d only brought in people they could trust, who were creative and didn’t mind spending sixty hours a week getting an untried program on the air. As the show’s first story-segment producer she’d been there to help mold the show into the success it was today. They’d been friends once. Jane and Eve had been Liza’s best friends.

  Jenna Hamilton, their lawyer, walked toward their small group, looking tense but efficient. Tense was good. It meant she knew they had a lot to lose and wouldn’t get cocky. She acknowledged Liza’s lawyer with a quick nod. He nodded back, his gaze hesitating a little too long on Jenna’s chest.

  Now that made for an interesting development. Cole wondered what Jessie might have thought of it. She read people well.

  Images of her kept popping into his mind. Not a bad thing, he acknowledged. Just new and different—the way she’d break in on his everyday thoughts.

  The bailiff opened the ornately carved double doors that led to the courtroom. “The judge is ready for you now.”

  Jenna turned to them. “Remember, this is only a preliminary hearing. She’s going to give her version, we’ll give ours. This is not a trial. Yet.”

  The word hung ominously among them as Jenna turned on her heel and they followed her inside.

  After what seemed an inordinate amount of time dealing with administrative details, the judge called the group to order.

  Liza’s lawyer stood up first. Cole noticed Jenna’s back went ramrod straight. “Your honor, my client contests she should be awarded equal sharing of the lottery proceeds. She contributed to the lottery group longer than two of the current members.”

  Jenna stood. “Objection. Those members were current in their contributions to the kitty. The plaintiff was not.” She returned to her seat.

  “Her funds were still in the group’s kitty for some time even after she left. Which, I’d like to stress to the court, the group did use to pay for their tickets.”

  Jenna returned to her feet, her attention on Liza’s lawyer. “Ms. Skinner’s contribution to the group’s kitty did ev
entually run out, and she has not paid her way since then.” Their lawyer remained standing this time.

  Liza’s lawyer angled toward Jenna. “We can cite examples where previously the others covered for someone who forgot to ante up. And there was no question as to whether they’d receive part of any prize if they won.”

  “Your client left no instructions prior to quitting her job at the television show and leaving. Nor any word of her intentions. For all the group knew, they’d never see her again, and therefore she’d forfeited her participation.” Jenna faced the judge. “May I remind Your Honor that no written contract exists between the members as to the terms of the group. These details were left up to the existing group to decide.”

  “And may I remind both attorneys that this is a preliminary hearing. Not a battlefield.” The judge stood, as well, her black robes flowing. “I need to see counsel in my chambers. Court is dismissed.”

  Eve turned to look at the rest of them, raising an eyebrow. “I’m not exactly sure what I saw, but that was something besides just arguing a case.”

  Cole couldn’t agree more. This did not look good.


  COLE PICKED UP JESSIE and they drove together to the cabin. It was Friday night and the first time they hadn’t met somewhere, but she refused to denote any significance to the matter. Him driving was simply convenient. They’d chatted about frivolous stuff. The weather, the scenery outside, but what Jessie really wanted to talk about was the court case.

  She’d read in the paper that Cole’s group had met with the woman claiming she was due part of the money. No settlement had been reached as of yet, but surely now that a judge and lawyers were involved, something would be resolved quickly. Jessie could only imagine the kind of stress being in limbo caused.

  She wanted to ask him if he was worried about losing all the money, since the millions would eventually go back to the state of Georgia if no clear claim was made. And what did he plan to do with the money if he did get it? Quit his job?

  Cole seemed to be in a strange mood. Words had come easily between them at the restaurant, but now…

  It was as if they were standing in an open doorway and they both had to make the choice whether to go through it or not. If they crossed the threshold, this fling would never be the same. They both had to know it.

  Jessie twisted in her seat to ask when they’d arrive, just as Cole turned off the main road. As he steered along a country road the tree canopy grew thicker. The route became more winding. “We’re almost there.”

  The houses she occasionally spotted were a fair distance apart, indicating large properties. “How much land do you have?”

  “Roughly a hundred and twenty acres.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot.”

  “We can explore it in the morning.”

  She cast him a sideways glance. Maybe that trip to the park late at night had given Cole the misimpression she was a camping kind of girl. Maybe she should try to distract him from those thoughts.

  “I was thinking I’d explore your body.” Ahh, a very pleasurable distraction.

  A smile touched his lips as he pulled up in front of a rustic log cabin. She quickly scrambled out, anxious to stretch her legs, impatient to look around. Cole’s place was like something out of a movie. A true log cabin that had a wraparound porch complete with a swing, welcomed her.

  He hauled her suitcase out of the trunk. The air had grown cold, and she rubbed her hands up and down her arms for warmth.

  “It won’t take me long to get a fire going,” he assured her as he headed up the gravel path.

  Jessie followed him up the stone steps, loving the place on sight. Cole opened the front door and flipped on a light. His home was gorgeous inside. Open concept. A beautiful stone fireplace dominated one wall.

  Tucked in a corner was a cozy kitchen. Cole shut the door behind her and she stared up to see exposed beams, and a stunning balcony that looked over the entire great room.

  Family memorabilia graced the walls, and fluffy blankets and throw pillows invited lazy lounging with a book. This cabin was a home well loved. She’d fall asleep tonight with the smell of pine in the air.

  “Cole, this is fantastic. I was thinking it would be rustic. We’d have to rough it.”

  Jessie jumped at the sound of their bags hitting the hardwood floor. She turned to look at Cole. He strode toward her. Purpose and thirst in his gaze.

  She took a step back, then another until she touched the wall behind her. He trailed a finger down her cheek, cupped her chin and drew her lips toward his.

  It was a kiss filled with need. Their mouths fused and their tongues entwined. She could almost taste the arousal on his lips. She leaned into him, giving as good as she got.

  The slam of the heavy front door broke them apart. The wind must have caught it. He leaned his forehead against hers, dragging in gulps of air.

  “I wanted to do that the entire drive here.”

  She smiled, understanding the reason behind the strange mood in the car.

  “I’ll give you a tour after I get a fire going. There are two bedrooms upstairs, and a master downstairs.”

  He placed a light, quick kiss on her lips, then braced himself away from her. He walked toward the fireplace, his steps echoing throughout the cabin. She watched as the muscles of his arms bulged as he tossed a few logs onto the grate. Then he knelt and lit the kindling, taking care to get a strong flame going.

  But Jessie didn’t want a tour. She wanted those strong arms around her. They hadn’t seen each other all week, and she was hungry now to feel the strength of him. The heat of him. To drag into her lungs that minty, citrusy smell of him.

  All she wanted to do was toss one of those blankets in front of the fire and make love to Cole. She walked to him with purposeful steps. He straightened as she approached, his eyes growing darker. Oh, yeah, he knew what she intended.

  “I don’t want a tour.”

  “What do you want?”

  Jessie reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want you.” She gently tugged his head down. But that was the only thing gentle. Her kiss was urgent. And Cole met her need with a groan.

  Then he pulled away. “I’m not going to let you drive me crazy. Not this time. This time it’s going to be slow.”

  His thumb caressed her lower lip. “I love your mouth. I think about how damn good it feels nonstop.”

  Jessie leaned forward, ready to show him how good she could make him feel with her mouth.

  “Not yet,” he said without even a hint of teasing. Then she realized this wasn’t a game for Cole. Tonight was about serious lovemaking.

  He reached for her hand, gave it a gentle squeeze, and then drew her fingers to his lips. He lightly kissed each fingertip, then licked her palm.

  She sucked in a breath, the sensation of his tongue there surprisingly erotic.

  His mouth moved along, stroking the sensitive skin at her wrist, kissing the delicate, responsive area of her inner elbow. How flutters of excitement quaked and vibrated from such a simple caress she’d never know.

  She also didn’t care. Just wanted it to go on and on.

  Cole’s hand stroked up her arms. His fingers curled around her shoulders. With a sudden tug, he hauled her up against the hardness of his body.

  “Your soft breasts against my chest…I couldn’t think of anything else.” His words became a moan and the rumble made her knees shaky. Cole’s lips followed a lazy path along her neck and across her collarbone. Goose bumps tickled at her skin.

  She ached to feel his hands on her breasts. The warmth of his breath, the moist torture of his tongue teasing her nipple.

  He didn’t make her wait. Her eyes closed at the first light brushing of his fingers.

  Cole abruptly dropped his hands. “Open your eyes, Jessie. I want to see what you’re feeling through your eyes.”

  She slowly lifted her lids and met the rich brown of his gaze. A smile tugged for the briefest of moments at his
lower lip.

  Then he cupped her from below. Lifted and molded her breasts with his hands, agonizingly staying away from her nipples.

  He traced a circle pattern slowly around her. “This is what I’m going to do with my mouth. Over and over, moving closer and closer to your nipple. But I won’t touch you there.”

  Her eyes narrowed.

  “Not until you ask,” he said, his voice seductive and filled with a kind of sexy confidence that said he knew she’d ask. Hell, she’d probably beg.

  Her nipple tightened in anticipation, poking her shirt.

  A cool blast of air hit her overheated skin as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse and guided it off her shoulders. His fingers lightly brushed her skin, creating a tight knot of sexual tension in her belly. He reached for the clasp of her bra. Yes. The scrap of material fell to the floor and that direct gaze he’d kept focused solely on her eyes dropped.

  “Jessie, you’re so beautiful,” he said, his breath harsh.

  He made her feel beautiful.

  His gaze met hers again. “Now, on to the task at hand. You can close your eyes on this one,” he said with a wink.

  He lowered his head, his lips finding the stretch of skin where her breasts began to rise. He kissed slow circles against her skin, building her anticipation. Moving nearer and near toward her center. When he reached the darker hue of her areola he traced the outline with his tongue, circling closer and closer again but stopping before he reached his goal.

  Her goal. She held her breath. Her muscles tensed. Every nerve ending tightened in sensual expectation. The delay of his mouth where she really wanted it was driving her crazy. She ached to feel his lips.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said against her sensitized skin. Her nipple puckered tighter.

  “Take me into your mouth.”

  She shivered when his lips covered her nipple. But she moaned when he sucked it into his mouth.

  Jessie sank her fingers into his scalp, wanting to draw him nearer. Cole shifted, giving the same, tormenting attention to her other breast as he’d given the first.


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