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Billionaire's Holiday (An Alpha Billionaire Christmas Romance Love Story) (Billionaires - Book #17)

Page 80

by Claire Adams

  "No, I'm really not." He got up and pointed just behind us. "There's the pond. Looks like we had a sense of direction that worked in our favor today."

  I looked back at the pond and smiled. It looked like something out of a Hallmark movie. "Can you ice skate on it?"

  "I'm sure you can, but I've never tried. We should try sometime. The damn thing is frozen like that most of the year." He moved in behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

  I relaxed against him and asked a question that kept bouncing around in my mind. "Do you know what's up with our dads?"

  "They're anal-retentive?"

  I chuckled. "No. My dad can't seem to stand your dad, which is so weird. They have a lot in common. Know the story behind it?"

  "Not a clue. I had no idea there was an issue."

  The wind picked up, and I shivered, getting cold all of a sudden. I turned in his arms and looked up at him. "Let's go back to your place. Do you have anything to eat?"

  "We can whip up a stew or something. I have potatoes and meat."

  "You can cook?" I asked, moving up beside him as he wrapped me in a side hug and kissed my cheek.

  "Yep. Way better than any of the men in my family."

  "I thought it was just you and your dad?" I looked up at him as my heart fluttered in my chest.

  "I have a grandfather and uncles, silly girl." He shook his head and snorted.

  "Then, you're cooking. I've been cooking since I got here. My brother was living on Cheez-Its and gummy worms."

  "That actually sounds delicious." He released me as we got back to his place.

  "Boys," I mumbled and walked in as I started to pull off my coat, gloves, and scarf.

  "Men, actually. I'm not a boy anymore. My father calls me a grown-ass man." Finn moved to the fireplace and worked to start a fire as he continued to talk. "I'm not just a common man, but I get the designation of being a grown-ass man."

  I plopped down on the couch and leaned back. "You and I are one and the same, then. My dad tells me that I'm a grown-ass woman."

  He glanced over his shoulder and stole my heart. "I knew we were supposed to be together."

  His brown hair was disheveled and curled on the edges from being a little long. The warmth in his golden brown eyes spoke volumes of the man underneath and the sexy curve of his lips left me wanting to taste them again. How easy it would be to stretch out on his couch and offer him all of me, but it really would be all.

  To spend a night with him wouldn't just be an offering of my body, but my heart would be involved, too. It scared me to think it might already be.

  Finn got up and walked to the kitchen as he tugged his jacket over his head. It pulled at his shirt, and I turned to watch him with the hopes of seeing some of his tanned skin.

  "So, let's talk as I cook dinner. Wanna?" He glanced over at me and lifted his eyebrow. "You should be cooking, and I should be laying on the couch watching you like a sex-starved man."

  "Do I look sex-starved?" I moved to get my shoes off and decided not to tell him just how close to the truth his descriptor was.

  "If I say yes, can I be the one to help you change your status?"

  "You're relentless." I popped the first boot off and groaned before starting to work on the next one.

  "Only when I want something I feel like I can't live without." He turned back to the stove.

  I needed to get us away from the topic of us, especially with sex being part of the discussion. I was too close to giving in to the desire to get sweaty with the handsome devil.

  "Tell me your most embarrassing date." I worked on my other boot and ignored the stare I received over his shoulder.

  "Right. You sure you want to hear this?"

  I got up and walked to stand behind him, sliding my hands up his back and pressing my fingers into the tension in his shoulders. "Yeah. I do."

  "Her name was baby, but you knew that."

  I snorted and laughed loudly, pinching him and whispering, "Terrible."

  "Anyway, I was probably nineteen, and she was way out of my league, but I met her at one of the ice cream shops in town. Why we have ice cream in Aspen is beyond me."

  "Tell the story." I pinched again, and he groaned, the sound of it starting a fire deep inside of me.

  "Right. So she sits down at the table in Brian's seat and tells me I'm cute."

  "You are."

  "Are you going to let me tell the story?" He laughed as I slid my hands down his sides and squeezed tightly.

  I wrapped him in a hug and pressed my cheek to his back, unable to help myself. I wanted warmth, but only from him, all of a sudden. I was grateful he didn't call me out for it. Every move that was made during the day was me doing it. He was intentionally not coming on to me, which was great and frustrating all at the same time. It was my fault, either way.

  "So she licks at her ice cream in front of me and promises me a good time if I come back to her place with her. I ditch Brian-"

  I cut him off, rubbing my hands over his chest. "Poor Brian."

  "Hush, woman. Jeez." He laughed and turned toward me, lifting an eyebrow. "Stop rubbing all over me, or I'm returning the favor."

  I rubbed my hands on his chest in a frantic fashion, and he rolled his eyes. "Women, I swear. So anyway, I got over there, and this was in my skinny jeans phase."

  "No, you weren't wearing skinny jeans." I laughed and moved back to the couch.

  He joined me and pulled my legs into his lap, starting to massage my feet as I melted into the side of the couch.

  "I did, but you'll never find evidence of them. I burned all of those fuckers."

  "As you should." I moved the other foot in his way, wanting a turn for it.

  "So, she attacks me the minute we get in the door, and to make a long story short, I can't get the fucking pants off without her help. The zipper catches my crotch hair, and yanks a patch of it out, which causes me to lose my erection because I'm now bleeding everywhere and... Yeah."

  I was laughing so hard that I'd pulled my legs from him and was curled up on my side in pain.

  He swatted my butt and got up, walking back to the stove.

  My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out as I wiped tears from my eyes. It was my brother, and he was tired of being alone. Dad wasn't there, and he was starving.

  I looked over at Finn and sighed. "That's my little brother. I need to go."

  "Sure. No problem. This is almost done. Let me just package some of it up for you guys, and I'll drop you off."

  "I hate for you to go out. Just let me take your truck, and I'll pick you up for work in the morning."

  "What? No. I want to take you home. Get your shoes on, and we'll get going."

  I did just as he said and walked languidly to the door. "It's a good thing he called, right?"

  Finn smiled wickedly as he handed me the stew and leaned over, kissing me softly. "Would you want to spend the night with me? To let me fuck you? Are you ready for that?"

  I leaned in and pressed a long, hot kiss against his perfect mouth. "Yes. That's part of the problem."

  "Well, when it stops being a problem, you let me know, and we’ll make it happen."

  Chapter Sixteen


  My sleep was filled with dreams of what would have happened if Chloe hadn't left. After our day together, I drove her back to the shop to get her SUV in a comfortable silence and let her go without another kiss. I wanted one, but figured she'd given more than enough of herself for the day.

  I worked my ass off, trying to push through my jobs as quickly as possible so I would be available by the early afternoon. She wanted to take her brother snowboarding, and there was a new hill that had opened the previous weekend on the east side of the city. I was dying to get over there and knew that if I could impress her brother, maybe I could wiggle my way into her heart a little deeper. I was running out of time with her, and I'd just met her.

  My phoned buzzed several times during the day, but after checking it and s
eeing it was Brian, I figured I’d hit him up later on my way home to shower and change. I wrapped up my last job and stopped by the shop, only to have my dad pull me in his office for a few minutes.

  "What's up?" I dropped down in the chair in front of his desk.

  "That girl from need to be careful with her."

  "Chloe? Why?" I pulled off my knit cap and scratched my hair frantically.

  Dad's lip curled in a snarl, as if I cared what he thought of my hygiene. I'd worked hard and sweated like an ape all day. I needed a shower and clean clothes badly.

  "She's a Burke, son. She doesn't seem like her old man, but I'm just warning you. Jonathan is a stealing, lying bastard."

  "Chloe's leaving in two weeks, Dad. The only thing she's taking with her is likely my heart."

  "That's what I'm worried about. You need to be smart about this. You're too damn giving." He leaned back in his chair and pinned me with a knowing glare.

  "I don't really have a choice. I'm falling in love with her. She's smart and sweet, beautiful and probably the most authentic person I've met in ages." I slipped my hands in my pockets. "She makes me want to be a good man."

  "Awe damn. You're already lost to her, then." He stood up and let out a long sigh. "Stay away from her father. He and I have..."

  "Bad blood between you. I know. She asked me why yesterday, but I wasn't sure of the answer." I shrugged, not really caring. I might be falling for Chloe, but it wasn't like we'd be sending out wedding invitations anytime soon. There was the issue of her being a million miles away and not wanting a long distance relationship. Her father was the least of my concerns. Besides, her and I were still very much classified as friends.

  "She knows about me and Jonathan?"

  "I guess. Who knows how, but she doesn't know why." I walked to the door.

  "You're not going to ask for her?"

  "Nope. If you wanted me to know, then you'd tell me." I put my hat back on and tapped the doorframe. "You need anything else? There's a large mountain and a snowboard calling my name."

  "Must be a nice break from it being a woman. There the only ones who usually call out your name," he laughed.

  I rolled my eyes, flipping him off and walking back out into the freezing cold afternoon.

  I got in the truck and texted Chloe to meet me at the ski lodge in front of the mountain in an hour or so. We could rent her a board or skis if she preferred. She reminded me that her brother Parker was coming, which I was looking forward to. I didn't have a brother, so I'd be happy to borrow hers for the afternoon, as long as he wasn't a tit.

  My phone buzzed again as I drove home, and I growled. Brian again.

  "Damn, dude. You'd think we were dating with as many times as you've called me today," I barked.

  "Well, if you'd pick up, I wouldn't have to keep trying. I haven't heard from you since the other night at the club. How did things go with Cindy?"

  "They didn't. You knew I wanted Chloe, and yet you didn't help at all. You actually stepped on my dick. Is there a reason for that?" I didn't realize how pissed I was until we started talking about it.

  "Yeah, because I don't want to see you get hurt. You have enough shit you’re dealing with. Falling in love with a girl who's leaving in two weeks and already has a man isn't going to fly."

  "Already has a man?" My heart almost stopped in my chest. Was Chloe playing me?

  "Yes. Please tell me that you haven't been hanging out with this girl."

  "Of course, I have. She's everything I want in a woman." I ran my hand over my head and tugged my hat back off, throwing it across the console of the truck.

  She didn't have a boyfriend. That would be ridiculous. With as timid as she was, she probably just told Brian that she was dating someone to keep him off of her.

  "Well, stop. She's taken, and you don't need your heart broken." Brian was still ranting at me, but I calmed as soon as I realized that he was only trying to protect me.

  "I'm seeing her today. I'll talk to her about it, see what's up."

  "I think that's a bad idea."

  I clenched my jaw and held back a growl. "I appreciate your concern, buddy. But I'm a grown-ass man. I'll figure it out, but thanks."

  "Whatever, dude. Don't get pissed when I say I told you so." He hung up and I gripped the steering wheel tight.

  Chloe wasn't seeing someone, and Brian being overly sensitive about it was simply his way of watching out for me. I would just clear things up and get on with trying to win the beautiful girl.

  * * * *

  By the time I met her at the Wolf Lodge on the east side of town, I was pissy and convinced that she was still taken by some guy back home. Why wouldn't a girl as beautiful and talented as her be?

  She was obviously an incredible catch, and by the way she kissed and petted at me all night, she knew how to turn a man on. There was no way someone like her was single. That meant she was just getting out of a relationship.

  Wait, didn't she tell me that? She was just getting out of a relationship and didn't want to date anyone else right now? Or was that another girl I'd been involved with?

  The conversations seemed to run together. I grumbled under my breath and parked the truck before getting out, pulling my board out of the back and walking toward them.

  She was in ski pants and a long sleeve shirt that fit her incredibly well. She smiled, and her whole face lit up. She was happy to see me, and here I was, planning to light into her.

  Guilty before proven innocent, huh?

  I let out a long, slow breath as I approached them and forced a smile.

  "Finn, this is my brother, Parker. Parker, my friend Finn."

  Parker stuck out his hand and gave me a goofy grin. "Hey. Nice to meet you."

  "You, too. I heard you got some skills." I nodded toward his board.

  "Some, but I'm always up for learning something new." Parker glanced toward Chloe. "I'm going to go wax my board in the lodge. I'll meet you guys by the lift."

  "Alright. See you up there." She turned to me and smiled. "You look good."

  "Yeah? Same man I was yesterday, I think." I shrugged and turned to walk after her brother. "You coming?"

  She moved up beside me, and I could tell from the tension in her shoulders that she was reading into my comments.

  "What's the matter?" She pulled me to a stop and forced me to face her.

  "I'm tired. I worked my ass off all day and tried to hurry, which left me a little more put out than I thought it would." I shrugged and looked around her, not sure why I felt the need to be a dick, but I did. "It's all good."

  "Okay," she mumbled as she fell in behind me.

  I should have stayed at home after talking to Brian. I couldn't shake the thought of her being with someone else and yet to ask her would have me looking needy and childish. She'd already mentioned that her life wasn't going to be in Colorado and that we were strictly going to remain friends. I just needed to lean on that and stop pushing in the other direction.

  Parker turned as I walked up beside him and smiled. "Hurry up and scoot over. I haven't waxed mine, either."

  Chloe walked past us and left the building, moving toward the lift with her skis in her hands.

  "What's that about? She okay?" Parker glanced from Chloe to me.

  "Yeah, absolutely." I shrugged and worked on getting my board ready.

  "Don't hurt my sister. I know you're the big shit around here, which is totally cool, but she's not just another notch on your belt. Understood?" I had to give the kid the respect he deserved for having the balls to stand up to me like that. I would have done it for my sister, too, if I had one.

  "Hell, yeah. I hear you loud and clear." I winked and turned back to the task at hand. "Question for you, you know, in the hopes of not having my heart crushed...she got a boyfriend?”

  Parker looked like he was thinking about whether to be truthful or not. "Why does it matter?"

  "Because it does." I stood to my full height and looked down
at him.

  "Yeah, she does. They've been dating forever. He's headed to the NFL next year." He shrugged, took his board and headed for the door. "She's just a friend to you, right?"

  "Yep. Just skiing buddies. She's not interested in anything else. I just didn't know why. Now, I do." I smiled as my heart broke in my chest.

  She had lied to me, but why?

  "Cool." He walked out and put his arm around Chloe's shoulders.

  I finished up and walked out behind them, slipping on a tight facade. I would have fun with them as friends, and then I was done. My heart was already too wrapped up, and it was my own fucking fault. Chloe wasn't to blame. I was. She had been clear with her intentions.

  "You guys ready?" I glanced toward Chloe and smiled. "You sure you don't want to try one of these babies? They're so much fun."

  She gave me a tight smile, still upset about our conversation. "No, but thanks."

  Parker helped her up onto the lift and took the seat next to her, which was fine with me.

  I waved at them and winked at her. "I'll catch you at the top." I waited until the next one came and sunk down into it.

  The wind and snow blew around me as I tried hard to pull myself out of the slump I was diving into. This was a good thing. It was the caution tape being resurrected. She was off limits, and even though she was starting to open up to me, it would only lead to her cheating on her boy and hating herself.

  She wasn't the type of woman who wanted to cheat; she'd made that clear. I could respect that and would just back off. Besides... I was a man whore. All the lovey-dovey shit I was starting to feel was incredibly uncomfortable if I really thought about it.

  I dropped off the lift and moved beside them before glancing around. "There's two hard slopes and an easy one."

  "I'm going to focus on the easy one for a little while to see if I remember how to do this." Chloe turned and walked toward it.

  "I'll go with you, sis," Parker called after her, but I caught his arm.

  "No, I'll go. I need to talk to her for a minute, anyway. You get on the hard one and show me some shit. Seriously. I'll be watching from the side." I smiled and Parker looked at Chloe, then back to the new hill.


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