The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 3

by Nikki Ash

  “Well, hello there handsome. I take it you’re the nice gentleman that invited us up here.”

  “That would be me,” he confirms. He moves his hand off my stomach to shake her hand, and I immediately miss his warmth.

  “My name is Cooper and my friends here are Kaden…” He points over at a guy sitting nearby who he gives her a chin nod.

  “Bentley.” He points over to the guy who no longer has the two women giving him a lap dance, but is sitting by himself and staring right at my best friend like he wants to devour her.

  “And the guy over there is Caleb.” He points to the other guy who had gotten up to give Cooper his seat earlier.

  He glances over at Kayla and back to me with a smile. “Guys, this is Liz and her friend Kayla. They’re down here for the next week celebrating their graduation.”

  “Nice,” Kaden shouts over the music since the song that is now playing has serious bass going on.

  Bentley walks over to Kayla and asks her to dance and of course she says yes. As she is walking away with him, she turns around and gives me a huge, over exaggerated wink. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re having sex by the end of the night. Hopefully they make it out of the club first.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Cooper asks, pointing to all the bottles on the table. I probably shouldn’t drink since I’m technically not twenty-one, but how ridiculous will I look not drinking at a club? After saying yes, he grabs the bottle to pour us each a shot then shoots his back. I follow his lead and shoot mine down quickly. It burns like a bitch the whole way down, and it takes everything in me not to cough.

  Four shots later, and I’m definitely feeling more than good. Kayla has come back over with Bentley and is drinking right along with us.

  We’re currently dancing our asses off on the table to Beyoncé’s remix of Single Ladies while taking another shot of whatever this yummy vodka stuff is. The other women are dancing with Kaden and a couple of other guys who have shown up during the last couple hours. Bentley and Cooper are sitting in the booth below us laughing while they continue to drink.

  Every time I look down at him, I catch him staring at me with what I think is lust in his eyes. The song ends and Cooper stands to help me off the table while Bentley helps Kayla. I realize just how drunk I am, when the room starts to spin.

  When everybody decides to head out, I know I have a decision to make. Do I have sex with Cooper tonight? Kayla has clearly made her decision but still asks me if it is okay since it means I’ll be going back to the room by myself. I am not about to pussy-block my best friend, so of course I tell her to go. We’re eighteen and heading off to college. We’re not babies anymore, and if she wants to hook up with Bentley that’s up to her. Since she’s going back to Bentley’s room, they tell me they can drop me back off at our room on their way.

  Cooper texts somebody, and it must’ve been to let his driver know he’s ready to go, because when we walk out to the front his expensive and shiny SUV is waiting for us. We all pile in and he gives the driver the name of the resort I’m staying at.

  The entire car ride he sits with his hand in my lap, his fingers rubbing over my knuckles. When I look at him, his lips curl into a small smile. He takes my chin in his hand and places soft kisses all over my face. I try to focus, but his lips brushing across my temple, my cheek, the corner of my mouth are distracting me.

  I’m still attempting to debate whether I should invite him up, when the SUV pulls up. He tells his driver he’s going to walk me to my room and helps me out of the vehicle. Kayla gives me a smile when I turn around and hug her goodbye, whispering in her ear to be careful.

  We get to my room and I twirl around, coming face to face with Cooper. I’m now up against the door and he’s using his palms to hold himself up and over me. I glance up at him, wanting to invite him in, but knowing I’m too drunk to want to sleep with him. I really want my first time to be memorable and I can’t imagine remembering any of this after all of those vodka shots.

  Cooper looks into my eyes and, with the next words he speaks, makes the decision for me. “If I come in, it would only be to sleep next to you. You have drunk too much for us to do anything else. When I take you, I want you to be clear headed and remember everything my body makes yours feel.”

  Unsure of how to even respond, I simply nod. He pulls out his cell phone and texts something to someone, probably to his driver, letting him know to go ahead.

  We enter the room and I excuse myself to rinse off and change into my pajamas. I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair so it’s not soaking wet. As I exit the bathroom, I see him lying in my bed in nothing but his boxers, and holy Jesus does he look hot. For a second, I’m frozen in my place, but I quickly gather myself and walk toward the bed to join him.

  “Hope this is okay. I didn’t plan to spend the night out, so I don’t have any clothes to change into.”

  “No, I mean, yeah, that’s cool,” I say, trying not to sound like the inexperienced teenager I am and pray he doesn’t notice.

  I walk around to the empty side of the bed and climb in, wondering if he can tell this will be my first time sleeping with a guy. I can only imagine how many women he has slept with. I shake off the thought because it really doesn’t matter.

  Not quite sure how I am supposed to lie down, I awkwardly roll onto my side away from him. He doesn’t seem to notice how nervous I am as he pulls me closer, spooning me from behind.

  “Are you tired?” he asks softly.

  Being wrapped tightly in this man’s arms makes me feel protected. I can feel his bulge again through our clothes and I know he’s turned on. I feel my cheeks heat up. Thank goodness, it’s dark in here and I’m facing away from him or my blush would give away just how inexperienced I am.

  “I’m exhausted but feel energized at the same time. I want to go to sleep but feel like I could stay awake all night. It must be the alcohol.”

  He laughs softly into my hair. “What do you usually do when you can’t fall asleep?”

  “Okay, don’t laugh at me. I usually count.”


  “You know… sheep or pigs or some other farm animal until I pass out.”

  He closes his arms around me, kisses me softly on my temple, and begins to count.

  “One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep…”

  I can’t help but laugh at this man counting sheep to help me fall asleep. My body relaxes and eventually I hear Cooper whisper in my ear, “Goodnight, Liz.”

  Falling asleep in this man’s arms feels better than I could have ever imagined. I never thought I could feel so safe and wanted by a man to the point I feel choked up and can’t even respond. With his soft breathing in my ear, I let sleep overtake me.



  I wake up and look around, trying to remember where I am. I feel warm skin under me and I look down at her. I can’t help but smile at her rare innocence. She was so adorable last night when we got back to her room. I doubt at her age she’s a virgin, but she’s definitely inexperienced. I’m not a manwhore by any means, but I’ve definitely had my fair share of women in my bed. What red-blooded twenty-two-year-old male hasn’t?

  My mind goes back to when I first saw her walking to the end of the line at the club. I knew I had to have her in my arms. The way she smiled shyly made me want her to smile like that at me. I didn’t even notice who she was smiling at because I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The way her beautiful curves shown through the tight yet modest little black number she had on, leaving everything yet nothing to the imagination. It was a tug-of-war between sexy and innocent. She doesn’t even realize how banging her body is.

  When I watched her dance—the way she moved like she has no idea how fucking sexy everything about her is—was a complete turn on. And when I got closer and her brown eyes connected with mine, I knew I was done for. I would give this girl anything she wanted. I wasn’t looking for love. Only here for a UFC conference for a fe
w more days, I was just looking for a hook-up, someone to help me forget about all the stress of my real life, but this girl could never be a simple fuck. She’s meant to be cherished, adored, and loved completely, something I’m not capable of. It isn’t in my DNA.

  I glance back down at her and she’s still snoring softly with her backside rubbing up against my dick. I groan at the feel of her perfect ass up against me and reluctantly get up to take a piss.

  While in the bathroom, I decide a quick shower is necessary. Afterward I put back on my clothes from last night because I don’t have any other clothes with me, and if I don’t put something more on I’m going to be tempted to take hers off. The truth is I never stay the night with a female. Staying leads to commitment, and commitment isn’t something I’ll ever be able to give a woman, and I don’t want to lead anyone on.

  Since she’s still sleeping, I order room service for breakfast. Unsure of what she eats, I order a little of everything and give them my credit card to cover the bill.

  I pull out my phone and check for any messages. There are a few texts from Kaden reminding me of when our flight leaves and asking if I got laid. I ignore those. There’s one from my mom congratulating me on my win. A little late mom, that was almost a week ago. She’s probably drinking again. The last text is from my dad, asking if we need anyone to come by to help with the move. I text him back to let him know it’s all taken care of and I’ll see him in a couple days at the new training center. Just thinking about my dad puts me in a foul mood.

  I shake off the aggravation I feel brewing from just the little contact I had with him and put my phone back into my pocket. I notice Liz starting to stir awake as she begins to stretch her legs and pull her arms over her head. The sheet that was wrapped around her entire body starts to move downward.

  By the way, she’s totally a bed and sheet hogger.

  Under the sheets, she’s wearing a cute, light pink tank top with her nipples poking through the thin material and tiny, cotton polka dotted matching shorts. Everything about her screams innocence. Her eyes come into focus and after a second, a small, shy smile spreads across her face. I’d like to think she’s remembering last night.

  “I ordered us breakfast. It should be here any minute.”

  “Oh, thank you.”

  She gets up to use the bathroom and, while she’s in there, the food arrives. After the guy wheels it inside, and I give him a tip, I grab the various plates and move it all onto the outside terrace so we can eat and enjoy the Miami ocean breeze.

  We enjoy breakfast in companionable silence. It’s insane how comfortable I am around this girl, like I could just stay here in this fake cocoon forever with her. I can’t remember a time I felt like this around a woman. Usually, I’m out the door before the sun comes up. I only have until tomorrow, but I think I would really enjoy spending some more time with her. I decide to bring it up, figuring the worst she says is no.

  “I was wondering…” At the same time, she says, “Do you think…”

  We both look at each other and laugh.

  Like I said, it’s just so damn comfortable with her.

  “Go ahead, you first,” she says, the corner of her lips quirking into a half-smile.

  “I was wondering if you might want to spend the day with me. My flight leaves early tomorrow morning, but I’d love to spend what time I have left here with you.”

  Her face falters for a split second, and if I weren’t staring at her, I wouldn’t have even noticed. She immediately catches it, though, and gives me a wide smile.

  “Yes, I’d love to spend today with you.”

  I’m not sure if her fallen smile was because she’s unsure about wanting to spend the day with me, or because I said I’m leaving tomorrow. I’m obviously hoping for the latter, but either way she’s on board for spending the day with me, so I’ll take it.

  In another lifetime, this would be the start of something new and beautiful, but this girl is just starting out in life. Having just graduated, she has her whole life ahead of her, and she definitely doesn’t need to be bogged down by the drama that is my life. From the little I know of her, I can already tell she’s the whole package and deserves the whole happily ever after bullshit all women want.

  I can’t give her the happily ever after, but I can give her today. When we part ways, I’ll be moving forward toward advancing my pro career as a UFC fighter in Vegas, and Liz will have the entire world at her fingertips. With the grueling training days ahead, there’s no room for anything but fighting. I have worked my entire life to get here and, with all these recent wins under my belt, I can finally see the light.

  Fighting is all I have.

  When I leave here, I’ll be going back into the devil’s lair. I spent the last four years away, but in order to advance my career, I’ve finally come to my senses and made a deal with the devil himself. My dad might as well not even be my dad. He’s the owner of one of the most elite UFC training facilities and has decided to open one up in Las Vegas. I’ve been training at a smaller facility in Colorado for the last few years, but now, with my recent wins, my current trainer isn’t pushing me the way I need him to, and that’s where my dad comes in. Kaden is a huge trainer at one of my dad’s gyms and my best friend.

  My dad has transferred Kaden to the Las Vegas location and I will be moving to Vegas to train at my dad’s facility with him. Bentley and Caleb have decided to make the move as well. I know it is the right move but the thought of being this close to my parents again is making me sick to my stomach.

  In my dad’s eyes, I am just a fighter that can potentially make money now that I have proven myself. My mom has been drunk since my dad caught her cheating and left her ten years ago. My dad was a fighter back in the day and rarely ever home. Since the day, he caught my mom cheating, he has drilled it into my head that fighters shouldn’t be in relationships and they definitely shouldn’t be married.

  According to him, you can’t have both and be successful. Fighting isn’t a nine-to-five job. Some days I’m in the gym for thirteen to fourteen hours, whether it’s to workout, train, or just to watch fights and learn about my opponent. I go home to eat and sleep, and then I’m back at it again the next day. Watching what my parents went through years ago, I’ll never put a woman or myself in that position.

  “So, what are you in Miami for?”

  Her question breaks me out of my thoughts. I look at her and realize she has no idea who I am. I’m not in the top ranking in my weight class yet, but since my wins recently and the fact that I’m undefeated, people are starting to notice me when I’m out in public. Women are definitely starting to notice me. It’s nice to be around a girl who doesn’t just want me because I’m a fighter.

  “I’m here for work.” I tell her vaguely in hope that she won’t ask any more questions. She seems content with that answer, so I quickly change the subject.

  “You mentioned you graduated. What’s next for you?”

  She thinks for a moment and replies just as vaguely.

  “Kayla and I are moving in together.”

  We finish up our breakfast and decide to start our day at the pool. While she’s changing into her suit, I run downstairs to the resort shop to purchase one.

  When I get to the resort shop, I notice the cutest stuffed animals for sale that remind me of her counting sheep. None of them are farm animals, but there are a few I think Liz might like. I grab one, along with a swimsuit, and head to check out.

  When I get back up to the room, I knock since I don’t have a key and she answers the door in her bright blue two-piece polka dotted bikini that instantly has me hard. What is with this girl and polka dots and why the hell do they turn me on so much? I knew she had a hot body in that dress last night, but now that it’s all on display I’m speechless.

  After running my eyes over her body for the second time, I finally speak up so she doesn’t think I’m nuts just standing here staring at her.

  “God damn, Liz. Are you sure you
want to go to the pool in that? I hear skin cancer is on the rise. Maybe we should stay inside. I can think of a better use of our time in this room where the UV rays won’t kill us,” I choke out, while trying to adjust myself without making it look obvious.

  It takes her a second to catch the meaning behind my words and then she starts to laugh, and not just any laugh. No, she’s practically doubled over with tears rolling down her cheeks.

  I didn’t think it was that funny. I was just trying to save her life… and my dick from remaining painfully hard all day.

  “You’re silly. Go get changed and we’ll head down to the pool. I hate the beach.” See. Fucking innocent.

  “Wait a second.” I hand her the stuffed animal. “I saw this and thought of you. Something to remember our time together by.”

  She stares at the flamingo. “Um, okay, you’re going to have to explain.”

  “It’s a flamingo. You said you count animals. So, the next time you can’t sleep, you can count flamingos and think of me.”

  Her smile widens as she hugs the flamingo close to her and proceeds to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Coop.”

  As I get changed in the bathroom, I almost consider taking a quick cold shower, but she knows I already took one earlier, and I really don’t want to have to explain that.



  We get down to the pool area and luckily it’s not too packed. We find two lounge chairs side by side, and lie down next to each other. I didn’t even think I would see Cooper after last night and now I’m spending the entire day with him. He didn’t mention anything about tonight but, I’m hoping he’ll spend the night again.


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