The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 48

by Nikki Ash

  “Where are you going all dressed up?” she playfully asks, still in her singing mom voice.

  “I wouldn’t call a shirt and jeans dressed up… I’m going to Ashley’s for dinner.” I glance down at my clothes. I’m in a collared shirt, which I don’t usually wear, but still… Do I usually dress so crappy she’s considering this dressed up?

  Kayla’s eyes widen out of shock. “Just you and Ashley?”

  “No. Kaden will be there and so will Hayley, I guess. Mind if I take this wine?” I try to sound as chill as possible not wanting her to question my motives.


  “Wanna go?”

  Her smile widens and she shakes her head slowly. “Nope, you enjoy your double date, my friend.”

  “It’s not a double date. Kaden and Ashley are only friends.”

  “Yeah, until they both get their heads out of their ass and admit they want more.”

  I laugh at that. “Kaden settle down? Highly unlikely.”

  “You never know. Cooper and Bentley both settled down.”

  “Yeah, but the difference is, Bentley has always wanted to settle down and Cooper was pining over Liz for years. Plus, they have a kid together. I don’t think Kaden will ever settle down.”

  “And what about you?” She quirks a single brow. “Will you ever settle down?”

  I don’t like how serious this conversation is getting, so I say something to deflect. “Not a chance in hell. The only woman I trust is taken, and plus… Bentley would try to beat my ass.” I give her a wink and Faith a kiss on her forehead, and walk out the door before she can say anything else. She laughs as I close the door behind me.

  As I walk down the stairs to my car, I start to feel uneasy. Is that what this is? Was I tricked into a fucking double date? The thought pisses me off. Once again I’m being forced into something I didn’t ask for. Did Hayley put Kaden up to this?

  I pull out my phone and text Kaden.

  Me: Hey… is this a double date?

  Kaden: No… just dinner with friends.

  Me: Okay, fine. I’m on my way.


  Me: You’re a dick.

  While I want to cancel and not take the chance that Kaden might be lying to me, I decide to go. Kaden has never lied to me before and I don’t think he would start now. If he says it’s just friends hanging out, I believe him.

  I arrive at Ashley’s house twenty minutes later, and both Kaden and Hayley’s vehicles are in the driveway. I barely make it up the sidewalk when the door swings open. Kaden is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a knowing smirk on his face.

  “After your texts, I thought for sure you were gonna bail.”

  “Shut up, man.” I push the wine into his chest for him to grab and follow him into the house. The aroma of Italian food hits my senses and my stomach growls loudly as I walk to the living room to sit down. I can’t even remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal. Hayley hears it from the couch where she’s watching television and laughs, not quite like the laughter I saw Stephen bring out of her but close.

  “Hungry?” she asks, keeping her eyes on the show she’s watching.

  “Yeah, it’s been a crazy day. I forgot to eat.”

  “I saw you run out earlier. Everything okay?” She turns her attention from the show to me. The way she looks at me reminds me of Kayla. Like she genuinely wants to know what’s wrong. No hidden agenda. It makes me want to be honest with her. I sit next to her on the couch since Kaden is sitting on the loveseat with Ashley.

  “Yes… No… Shit, I don’t know.”

  She gives me a confused look that encourages me to keep talking.

  “You know Marco, right?”

  She nods, smiling. I’ve seen her talk to him, and she’s clearly fond of him and he of her.

  “I followed him home today because he said he couldn’t make it to class, and I think he’s selling drugs for some guys.”

  “Holy shit!” Kaden yells, overhearing our conversation.

  “Are you sure?” Ashley asks.

  “Yeah, I think so. The guy looked to be trying out the product and then gave him an envelope of money. I have no idea how to handle this.”

  “Damn,” Hayley weighs in frowning. “Marco is such a good kid, too. What are you going to do?”

  “I have no clue. His mom is in a bad place. I’m afraid if I tell the authorities it will mess up things for her.”

  “You have to do what’s best for Marco. I see kids all the time in bad situations, and as much as I don’t want to report it, I have to,” Ashley says sadly. It makes sense she would feel this way. She teaches at a school close to where Marco lives. It’s a poverty-stricken area, so I can imagine the shit she sees and hears from the kids.

  “I need to think about how to approach it.” I need to handle the situation with care. Marco trusts me and I don’t want to do something to lose that trust.

  “Just don’t think too long,” she says before getting up to go to the kitchen.

  Dinner is served and the food is delicious. We eat while making light conversation. We discuss what we’re all doing for the holidays. Ashley is going to her parents’ house for Christmas. Tristan’s grandparents picked him up after MMA class today to spend some time with him, and since Kaden’s parents are in Hawaii for the holidays he’s joining Ashley instead of flying back to Colorado to visit them. Hayley says her family lives here in Las Vegas, so she’s joining them and her sister for Christmas. When Hayley asks what I’m doing, I tell her I’ll just be home hanging out with Kayla and Bentley. She doesn’t need to know most of my family is dead, and the one person who is alive, I haven’t talked to in over seven years.

  I do notice that hanging out with Hayley today seems different than before. She hasn’t once tried to come on to me—she hasn’t tried to touch me, or even flirt. Thinking about it, since the day at Bentley’s house in Breckenridge when I refused to share a room with her, she hasn’t tried anything. Not that she was so forward before. Just a touch here, a flirtatious smile or comment there, but now… nothing, and for some reason it makes me want her. It makes me want to make her want me. I am one fucked up son-of-a-bitch.

  After we eat dessert I say goodbye and wish everyone a Merry Christmas in case I don’t see them beforehand. Hayley decides to leave at the same time so I walk her out.

  “Have a good Christmas, Caleb.” She gives me a bright smile. Fuck! That smile has my dick twitching. It makes me want to cover her lips with mine, to feel her smile against me. It makes me want to take her right here on the hood of her car. I don’t know what the hell has gotten into me today.

  “You too, Hayley,” I say before she shuts her door, turns on the ignition, and drives away.

  Chapter Four


  To say I was shocked Caleb was actually joining us for dinner was an understatement. I had already made the decision to stop pursuing him weeks ago at the ski resort, but that doesn’t mean his presence doesn’t affect me. When he showed up in a navy blue collared shirt that made his stormy blue eyes pop, hair still damp and wild from the shower, and in jeans that fit his ass perfectly, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to first run my fingers through his messy hair, grab his ass, or run my hands down the washboard abs I know are hidden under his shirt.

  A while back Kayla decided to surprise Bentley with a trip to a resort overnight and thought she could play matchmaker by having Caleb and me babysit together. I showed up to their apartment at the same time Caleb was walking out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. I honestly thought I was going to orgasm right there on the spot.

  His body was not only covered in sexy as hell tattoos, but he was also sporting a nipple ring. A fucking nipple ring! It took everything in me not to run straight to him to lick the nipple ring, and while licking it, I could have run my hands down his rock hard abs. I wasn’t aware of the restraint I was capable of until that moment.

  Of course he nearly
freaked out and hurried to his room. He could cover himself all he wanted, that visual was engrained into my brain—and vagina—and not going anywhere anytime soon. Needless to say, Caleb’s sexy-as-sin body has become the focal point of most of my self-inducing orgasms these days.

  So when he walked in to Ashley’s house, I thought it would be best to watch the television and not him. If I stared at him too long I couldn’t be held responsible for the things that would come out of my mouth. I thought I was in the clear but then he sat next to me and I could smell his cologne—not too strong, just a light, fresh, clean scent—and it took everything in me not to lean over and give him a good sniff.

  After he told us about Marco, I could see how much he really cared about him. The worry on his face was heartbreaking. Dinner and dessert thankfully went smooth, and I was really proud of myself for remaining cool around Caleb. I think he was more comfortable around me today as well and that confirmed what I already knew—he isn’t into me. But it also gave me hope we could be friends. Caleb is a good guy, and I would rather have him as a friend than not at all.

  After getting home, I text my sister to let her know I will be over to mom and dad’s house Christmas morning first thing. The guy she’s dating is joining her, so she begged me to be there when they arrive. It’ll be Dad’s first time meeting one of our boyfriends, which is making her nervous. Hannah is a lot like me. While she is three years younger, she’s my best friend. She focused on school and college and then law school. I seriously missed the hell out of her while she was away at law school and was so excited to learn she would be moving back to accept an amazing job offer here in Las Vegas as a defense attorney for a prestigious law firm. Once she was settled into her job, she started dating, and after quite a few duds, she met Gavin.

  They were at a mediation meeting—he was council for the other side—and they hit it off. They waited until the case was resolved and then went out. They’ve been together for about four months now and are inseparable. Because our parents were vacationing with my aunt and uncle in New York, they haven’t met Gavin yet and will be meeting him on Christmas. I am definitely curious to see how they act. It’s like a trial run for when, or I guess I should say, if I ever bring someone home.

  After showering and pouring myself a glass of wine, I snuggle up on my couch to get caught up on The Bachelor. It’s one of my favorite shows. It’s so hilarious watching the women get all catty with each other, fighting over one man. I also love to watch their one-on-one dates. They are always so romantic. I would give anything for a guy to take me on a date like the ones they go on.

  My phone dings with a text from Cooper reminding me the gym will be closed the next few days for Christmas, and will open back up afterward. I text him back wishing him and Liz a Merry Christmas and decide to go to bed.

  As I walk through the house turning the lights off and double-checking the locks I feel the loneliness that surrounds me. It seems like everyone is with someone besides me. Even Ashley and Kaden have each other. Sure, they’re only friends, but they hang out so often they might as well be together. I wonder if Caleb ever feels lonely. Does he lie in bed at night and wish someone were next to him?

  After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I lie down in my dark room and turn the television on, turning it down to almost mute. The light and sound makes me feel a little less alone. Cuddling up in my down blanket, I think about how I got to this point. Back in high school when I was so hell-bent on studying and getting good grades, I told myself college was where I would meet someone. The problem was, while in college I got cheated on and so I told myself it would be best to wait until after I graduated. Medical School came and went and I was so busy studying I didn’t have time to date anyway. Jeez… when was the last time I even had sex? There was that one guy I met at the party Kaden threw. How long ago was that? It must have been well over a year ago. I seriously need to get laid.

  My issue is at thirty years old I want more. While a one-night stand would definitely scratch my itch, I really want my house to be less quiet. I was so excited when I purchased this home. With four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms, I envisioned finally having a family. The backyard is perfect to set up a swing set next to the underground pool. I can see myself having play dates and barbeques.

  While volunteering at a local YMCA last year, there were people from DCF encouraging us to sign up to be a foster parent. I filled out the paperwork and got approved, thinking if I don’t meet Mr. Right I can always adopt. I haven’t fostered anyone yet, though. I think I keep hoping I’ll meet someone and we’ll choose to create kids together. Now if I could just find someone. The question is, how do I meet someone if all I ever do is go to work and home? I need to get out more often. Maybe I’ll ask Ashley to join me one night. Hell, maybe I should just woman up and go out by myself.

  I make a promise to myself that after the holidays I’m going to try to meet a guy. I’m never going to meet anybody if I don’t try. And then I remember the dating site Ashley once mentioned. Maybe I can meet a guy on there. I roll over to the middle of the bed and stretch out wrapping my body around the body pillow and wish that one day there will be a warm body next to me.

  Chapter Five


  Christmas was overall a great holiday. Mom made Christmas breakfast while we watched the Disney parade on television. It’s a tradition I look forward to every year. Her cinnamon buns were mouth-watering delicious like they are every year. Dad and Gavin hit it off and watched football the rest of the day while Hannah, mom, and I cooked Christmas dinner and made cookies. I love that, even though Hannah and I are older and there are no kids running around, mom still makes cookies with us every year just like she did when we were little.

  After dinner, Gavin got down on one knee and proposed to Hannah. It was a sweet proposal and the ring he gave her was beautiful. She, of course said yes, and the rest of the evening was focused on when they plan to get married and where they plan to live. I’m thankful Gavin’s family mostly live local so they’re planning to make roots here. They even talked about looking for a house in the same neighborhood as mine.

  Of course Mom and Dad had to point out several times throughout the night that I’m three years older and still single with no kids. Hannah came to my rescue, insisting I’m still young and have plenty of time, but I know they’re right. It just solidifies my plan to take the initiative to meet Mr. Right.

  It’s been three days since Christmas and I’m back to work. I joined the dating site Ashley recommended and actually have a date tonight with a guy name Greg. He’s a few years older than me and owns a construction company locally. We agreed to meet at a restaurant in the area. I don’t know this guy, so I figured it would be safer to meet somewhere public instead of him picking me up.

  I’m about to leave when Alex, one of the fighters, comes over and asks me to take a look at his ankle. It’s been bugging him a lot recently. I tell him to head into my office and I’ll meet him there. I grab my purse from the locker room so I don’t have to grab it afterward and see Caleb and Marco fighting in the ring. I’m glad to see Marco here. If he’s here ,he’s safe. Caleb is showing him how to do a move correctly and Marco is watching with complete rapture. Caleb catches me watching and grants me a slight smile. I give him a small wave and head to check out Alex’s ankle.

  “Which ankle is it?” I ask Alex. He points to his right ankle, so I grab it gently and place it on the medical bed to examine it. I feel for any tension and when I hit a certain spot, he jumps in pain.

  “I take it, it hurts there.” I smile at Alex before touching it again, making him jump in pain.

  He smiles back a boyish grin. “Hey now! What did I ever do to you?”

  “Oh, don’t be a baby. I just had to make sure that’s where it hurts.”

  I’ve known Alex since I started working here, but never paid attention to how cute he is. While he isn’t hot like Caleb, he definitely has that whole boy next door look going for

  “It looks like you just sprained it. I don’t think it’s fractured and it’s definitely not broken. Keep it up and alternate between cold and hot compressions. I want to see you back in a couple days to make sure it’s healing okay.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” He gives me a wink as he carefully jumps down on his good ankle.

  I lock up my office and head out the door when I see Marco leaning against the outside window staring at his phone and looking around nervously.

  “Hey, Marco. What are you up to?”

  He looks around again and quietly says, “I’m about to go home.”

  Something tells me this kid shouldn’t be alone right now.

  “I’m going to grab a bite to eat and could use the company. Want to join me?” I know I’m supposed to be going on a date, but I’ll have to call or text him to cancel. It’s not exactly the first impression I wanted to make, but the look I see in Marco’s eyes tell me he needs me more.

  He looks conflicted, but after a few moments, nods. “Okay, yeah, sure.”

  As we’re heading to my car, I notice a couple of guys heading toward us. They don’t look like they belong to the gym and it hits me they might be the guys Caleb mentioned Marco has been associating with. I try to rush us to the vehicle, but the faster we walk, the faster they do, and before I can unlock my doors and get us in, they make it to my vehicle.

  “Yo, Marco. We’ve been looking for you,” scary guy number one says. Marco’s face pales, looking more scared than any kid should ever look. I pull him behind me and raise my chin, praying I don’t pee my pants when I confront these guys.

  “What do you need him for? Isn’t he a bit too young to be hanging out with you?”

  “He wasn’t too young to take what doesn’t belong to him,” scary guy two spits out.

  I keep Marco behind me. “Well, you shouldn’t be dealing with a child. Do I need to call the police?”


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