Curves of the French Riviera

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Curves of the French Riviera Page 3

by Krista Lakes

  He quickly stripped himself of his shirt, leaving him in only dark blue slacks. His arms were well muscled from sailing, his chest muscular and smooth. She carefully slid out of her heels as he loomed over her, his masculine scent filling her senses. He kissed her again, his hands running across the bare skin of her shoulders and back. Her hands pressed into his stomach, feeling his muscles tighten as he pulled her in closer.

  “You’re shaking…” he whispered in her ear, wrapping his arms around her. “Is everything all right? We can stop…”

  “No! No, please don’t stop. I have never wanted anything in my life so badly as I want you. I am just afraid this is a dream and I will wake up. I am scared this night is going to end and I am going to go back to back to… to being normal.” She looked up at him, her eyes big with hope and fear. She couldn’t go back to playing second fiddle after being with him. She had finally tasted what it felt like to be the winner, to be wanted. Megan could feel the ropes of her insecurities creeping around her.

  “I have waited for someone like you for so long. Megan, I have never felt this way about anyone. Especially never so quickly. Since I saw you, I have been able to think of nothing else. Every time I close my eyes, it is your smile I see.” His voice cracked, so full of emotion she thought it might somehow burst. “I wasn’t sure if it was all in my head, but then in the restaurant. I felt such a connection to you, something I couldn’t resist. Something I didn’t want to resist. I was so afraid you wouldn’t come tonight, that you would change your mind. I can’t tell you how wonderful tonight has been for me.”

  He caressed her face, running his fingers down her cheek. His eyes burned a fiery green, truth shining out of every word. His words sliced through the ropes of insecurity and fear. She felt a sudden sense of freedom. Her body ached to feel him, to give substance to his words. Megan reached her hands up, bringing his handsome face into a kiss. She drank him in like he was oxygen. His masculine taste and smell filling her senses, drawing forth a carnal need. As she pushed herself against him, she could feel his growing erection pushing back at her. Yes. I want you. She wasn’t sure if she whispered it out loud, or if he read her mind, but he kissed her as if she had shouted it.

  He put his hands on her hips and gently pushed her back onto the bed. She sat down, and reached behind her, unclasping her bra and then slowly removing it. His pupils dilated as he looked at her breasts, his face full of need. He lowered his face to her breast, his mouth open hungrily; he found one nipple, gently caressing it with his tongue, then sucking on it until it was a hard pink nub. His hand found her other breast, cupping it and squeezing its plumpness in his palm. She moaned, rising her hips up towards his, the dull ache in her middle calling out to be filled

  She slid to the center of the beautiful bed, lying down as he climbed on top of her, kissing her shoulders and collar bone. She could feel his erection pushing through the fabric of his pants and into her leg. Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling his face into her chest as he kissed her breasts. He pushed his crotch towards her, his hardness questing towards her heat.

  He slowly began kissing down from her breast, down her stomach to her underwear line. With short sweet kisses he traced the top of her lacy panties, his tongue leaving a small wet line across her skin. She shuddered with anticipation as he slowly began working them off of her hips, inching them down an inch at a time. She raised her hips and he slid the small piece of fabric off, working it down her legs and then onto the floor. He could smell her juices running as she spread her legs before him.

  With sensual slowness, he traced the length of her slit, from the top of her pubic bone down to her ass. The soft touch made her quiver with excitement and she spread her legs wider to allow him access. He leisurely began to pull her labia apart, revealing her opening to him like a flower. He ran his thumb across her clit, feeling it swell at his touch. He then raised its little hood, pinching it gently between his pointer and middle finger, swirling it in a small circle. The sudden onslaught of pleasure made her cry out and arch her hips, and she began to grind her hips to his beat. He smiled and a low chuckle left his throat as he began working her towards a climax. She reached up and began to play with her own nipples, pinching them and rubbing them into hard nubs of sensation. A throbbing tension was building in her core, the dam holding her pleasure back weakening. He began rubbing his thumb across her opening, barely sliding it into her. His hand was quickly covered in her juices, his thumb sliding deeper and deeper with ever stroke. She could feel the dam break, a tsunami of sensation rushing through her. Every inch of her skin felt like it was made of fire and pleasure, her body vibrating with bliss. He dove his thumb deep into her wet recesses as she contracted her muscles. A whimper of joy escaped her lips as the seas of her pleasure finally subsided.

  He stood, and removed his pants, tossing them carelessly to the ground. His underwear immediately followed, but before he could get back on the bed, she was sitting at the edge of the bed. Her eyes were level with his now free cock, and she licked her lips as it filled her vision. She reached a hand up, and stroked it from the tip of the head down to the line between his balls. She carefully wrapped her hand around its base, and kissed the fully engorged head. A small pearl of wetness leaked out, and she licked it up like a delicacy. She looked up at him through her eyelashes as she guided him into her mouth. She began moving her head back and forth, sucking and moving her tongue, her hand firmly squeezing the base. He groaned and put his fingers into her hair, losing himself in his pleasure. She listened as his words slipped into French, his head tipped back as he concentrated on the sensations.

  When she felt like he was wet enough, she licked him one last time and then lay back on the bed, her legs spread and ready for him. She was used to men jumping on her at this point, but he dropped to his knees in front of her. When she looked at him quizzically, he replied, “Ma chérie, the gift you have given me must be given back. Surely the men in America do the same for you, no?” She blushed. It had been ages since a man gave her oral pleasure, and she propped herself up on her elbows and smiled.

  She kept her knees bent as he licked up the inside of her calf, making eye contact with her the whole time. As he moved past her knee, she straightened her legs back out, and he reached around both legs. She had feared that she would look even bigger, but his massive arms were able to wrap around her legs with ease. Right before he lowered himself to her velvet folds, he gave her a wink and a smile, and she gasped with how good he looked. Then, he dove in. She felt his stubble brush against the inside of both her legs at once, and his tongue went right for her clit.

  She collapsed back on her back, her hands immediately going for her breasts. His tongue slithered around her clit like a little snake, pushing and stimulating her in just the right way. The pleasure just kept building and building, and soon she felt her legs tensing with the pleasure. She had to keep herself from squeezing his head, a task she found a little difficult.

  He removed his tongue from her clit and looked up at her. “Ma belle chérie, you must relax.”

  She laughed, the first time she had since getting on the boat. Her hands went to fan her face, feeling little drops of sweat forming on her forehead. “I don't know how you do that. No one has ever caused me that much pleasure before. I didn't want to hurt you if I enjoy myself too much.”

  He smiled, clearly enjoying the compliment. “You relax, and enjoy yourself. You will not enjoy this unless you let yourself go, and if you do not enjoy this, then I will not enjoy this.” With that, he dove back into her tender sex.

  She instantly let herself become relaxed, and it was amazing how much faster she climbed towards her climax. He relentlessly stimulated her pleasure centers, and soon she found herself squeezing again. She let it happen, and a few seconds later, found herself tensing for the inevitable. Her hips arched, and she grabbed Gabriel's hair. The ship's cabin exploded into a blend of colors and light as she experienced the greatest sexual joy she had ever known. She
moaned loudly as her hands went to the bed, gripping the sheets in ecstasy.

  As her orgasm wound down, he stopped. She lay there, still gasping. Sweat ran into her eyes, but she still managed to look up at him. He looked like a beast uncaged, desire to be satiated overwhelming him. “La petite mort,” he said, and she smiled at the flowery French phrase for orgasm. He wasted no time. “I must have you,” he said. She nodded her head slowly and closed her eyes, spreading her legs and baring herself to him.

  He moved above her, positioning his cock at her dripping hole. With wonderful pressure, he pushed himself into her, their eyes locked as they joined for the first time. She felt his fullness within her as she lost herself in the green of his eyes. He began to rock in and out, slow at first, but quickening as he found a pattern. She wrapped her legs around his, her hands grabbing at his perfect ass, fingers digging into the muscle. He reached down and grabbed her hand, first one and then the other, bringing them above her head and pinning them there. He leaned in and kissed her, and the light taste of her sex was still on his lips. Soon, though, she could not hold the kiss, as the pleasure became too much, and her moans needed to be released. He continued to thrust as he kept her pinned beneath him, her head lashing from side to side as he filled her to her core.

  He finally released her hands, instead leaning forward and wrapping his arms around her body. He then flipped them both, rolling so that she was now on top. She yelped in surprise, but quickly sat up and began bouncing on his cock. He grabbed her hips, guiding her up and down as she rode him. Her breasts bounced wildly as she found the position that felt best for her, her clit grinding against his pubic bone. He let his hands switch between grabbing her ass to fondling her breasts. She closed her eyes, letting her head hang back. She drank every sensation in. His body radiated heat, and it burned her like fire. Every moan he made, every breath she took in like water in the desert. She could feel his eyes, watching and wanting; she opened her own to look down at him, his eyes brighter than she thought possible. She pushed herself deeper onto him, throwing her body at him. He captivated her, their eyes locked as they let their bodies merge.

  With a quick upward thrust, he picked her up. He easily supported her weight with his huge arms, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The two of them locked eyes as they writhed against each other. He turned her back toward the bed, gently setting her down. He lay on one of her sides while pushing her so that they were spooning. She put a leg in the air as he pushed himself within her, and she lowered her leg. He reached around her neck, grabbing one of her breasts while directing her movements with his other hand at her hip. He soon began gasping with pleasure as her ass rubbed against him. His breath felt like magic in her ear, and his hand squeezed her breast with delight. As they matched rhythm, he bit into her shoulder with passion and desire, and she moaned loudly. It was heaven.

  She could feel how good it was feeling for him, and thought he might never want to stop. However, he took her shoulder in his hand and pushed her over. She giggled, and he knelt behind her. The giggle turned into a gasp as he pulled on her hips, bringing her to her hands and knees. She could feel her desire searing through her , as though her bones were made of burning coal. She waved her ass enticingly at him, wordlessly begging him to dive into her deep recesses yet again. He grabbed her hips and thrust into her, feeling her wet velvet folds surround him. She was perfect. His hands ran along the curve of her ass, the bend of her thighs, the arch of her back; a bead of sweat dripped down her spine, accentuating the perfect flow of her body. Her hair still hung in cascading waves, moving like the ocean as he pounded into her. He grunted with delight as he plunged in again and again. The view of him diving into her, her pussy enveloping him was better than he imagined. Everything about her screamed perfection. He reached back and smacked her ass, a sharp crack filling the room. She cried out with pleasure as he spanked her again. He loved the way her ass felt on his hand, the way it shook when it made contact. He could feel himself growing, the need inside of him about the explode. His body ached to touch her everywhere, to fill her with his seed. He wanted her with every cell of his body, her beauty only increasing with every moment he spent with her. With a groan, his body seized and then released his seed deep inside of her. She screamed with pleasure as it filled her, his thrusts coming frenzied in the last moment. He continued to fill her, until his knees buckled from pleasure. He traced his hand down the curve of her spine, her hair soft and her skin like satin.

  She lay in front of him as he curled around her. His hand traced the curves of her breasts and hips, his fingers still full of heat and desire.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered between gasps.

  And she finally believed him.


  Laura sat on the beach, watching the waves roll in and out under the moon. It was quiet and peaceful, the world sleeping as she watched a small light bobbing in the water. She wondered if it was Gabriel and Megan. She smiled at the thought of their happiness, and let the waves wash over her feet.


  Megan woke to sunlight streaming onto her face. The large bedroom window’s curtains hung open, the bright blue ocean all she could see. The windows were open all night- someone could have seen us! She thought for a panicked moment before the absurdity of it hit her. They were miles offshore, so no one could have possibly seen through the open window. She giggled softly at herself as she rolled onto her side, looking for Gabriel.

  “What are you laughing at?” he asked her, his eyes bright as he lay watching her.

  “That we left the windows open for all to see. How long have you been watching me?” She suddenly felt self conscious, running a nervous hand to her disheveled hair.

  “Not long. You are beautiful when you sleep. You look so peaceful and content. I didn’t want to wake you.” Gabriel murmured as he leaned over and kissed her. She began to kiss him back, but suddenly pulled away, covering her mouth. He gave her a puzzled look as she kept her hand securely over her lips.

  “Morning breath” she whispered as she pulled the sheet up around her. He laughed, and caught her up in his arms.

  “Ma chérie, I do not care about your morning breath!” his mouth coming close to hers. She held perfectly still as he kissed her softly. He continued to kiss her until she finally smiled and kissed him back.

  “Can I go clean up now?” She scowled playfully at him. He pulled her even closer to him, as he pretended to think. She could smell herself on him, their mingled sweat from a night of passion still on the sheets. He kissed her cheek, his face rough against hers where his beard had begun to grow, then let her go. She grinned at him and tried to slide out of bed with one of the sheets.

  “Where are you going with the bed?” he asked her innocently as he gripped the sheet in his hands. She pulled on it, trying to get him to let go so she could wrap it around her so he couldn’t see. He shook his head no, a mischievous smile covering his face. She sighed and let go of the sheet, deciding that if she had to go naked, she would go with style. She puffed out her chest, and set out for the bathroom. She wiggled her hips, and stopped halfway, turning to pose like a model on the catwalk. His green eyes glowed with desire as he looked at her, and she no longer felt silly, but rather incredibly sexy. The shift in emotion surprised her; she had never felt sexy like that before. Then again, no one had ever looked at her the way Gabriel was looking before either.

  She quickly cleaned up in the master bathroom. She found a comb and smoothed her hair, some toothpaste that she rubbed on her finger for an improvised toothbrush, and ran some water on her face. She sauntered back into the bedroom feeling like she could take on the world. Gabriel welcomed her back into his arms, mussing her hair as he held her close.

  “What would you like for breakfast, ma chérie?” he murmured into her ear. She turned to face him, their faces close enough that she barely had to move if she wanted to kiss him.

  “Um, what do you have?”

  “Anything you wan

  “Pancakes and eggs?” she asked hopefully.

  “With or without chocolate chips?” he grinned at her, turning to pick up a phone on the nightstand.

  “With. Oh, and coffee!” she added. Someone on the other end answered as he rattled off her breakfast request. She could hear a female oui on the other end before he set the phone back in its cradle. He cuddled her back into him, whispering sweet words into her hair. She giggled, and the two of them began to whisper secrets. It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door. Gabriel jumped up and opened it, a silver serving tray on the doorstep. He carefully brought it in and set it on the bed, raising the lid to reveal their breakfast. It was the most beautiful breakfast platter she had ever seen. It looked like a work of art instead of a meal. She began to pour the coffee as Gabriel fished two terry cloth robes from a closet. She wrapped herself in the soft material as they began to eat.

  She was sure she was still fast asleep. Any moment her alarm would wake her and send her back into her gray world where her dates left before they fell asleep. Where she was never served breakfast, let alone breakfast in bed. She prayed to never wake from this dream, to never wake from this golden world where his green eyes never left her. To never leave this moment, where she felt wanted and beautiful. Megan thought she could cry from happiness. It had to be a wonderful dream. She waited until Gabriel focused on his food, and she pinched the inside of her wrist as hard as she could. Pain shot through her as she bit down a yelp. It was the most wonderful sensation she had ever experienced, because it meant the morning was real.

  After breakfast, Gabriel pulled her out onto the deck. She felt a little silly wearing nothing but a bathrobe, but his childlike enthusiasm pulled her forward. They stood out in the sunshine, the waves lapping gently at the boat, a seabird flying overhead. Gabriel stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her as they stared out at the horizon.


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