Mixing Note

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Mixing Note Page 5

by Shūsuke Amagi

  To be able to do all that by himself, that was the definition of strong.

  And that's why Nina started harboring thoughts of not being able to do anything by herself...

  "Kongoukei...(Diamond Kei)That's what this technique is called. It defends against all attacks and then causes them to rebound; the strongest shield. And then there is the strongest Guan Dao (halberd) wielded by Cauntia, which can cut through anything. This pair's combination attacks have massacred large numbers of Filth monsters."

  "...So that's why."

  She understood that reasoning. A team, which was made up of two people who had reached a genius level in their offense and defense, would surely be a formidable combination.

  But Layfon shook his head as Nina thought of this explanation.

  "There's Cauntia who only attacks and completely disregards defense, and there's Reverse, who only defends and never bothers with offense. Think about it carefully, and imagine the situation."

  "With that body, she takes on the relentless attacks of the filth monsters with such concentration that she barely blinks. Can you imagine that, Captain?"

  Nina didn't reply and was frozen on the spot.

  When they were battling the mature form of filth monster, Nina acted as the bait.

  At that time the filth beast was coming closer and closer, pressuring her, and Nina was so scared that she couldn't move at all. She thought it was going to be the same as a battle, so she didn't think that there would be any problems. At that time, she never even imagined she might be torn into shreds by those gigantic teeth.

  She decided that she would imagine herself in such a situation more often.

  What kind of people would be there...

  "The basic idea of Kongoukei is to use Internal type Kei to reinforce your body and simultaneously follow the Kei of an attack and reflect it. It's actually very simple in theory. But the hard part is getting the timing right and to always be staring at the opponent with a persistent glare, and to do that you have to have a very strong will. You have to do those two things."

  As he said 'To always be staring at the opponent with a persistent glare' she already thought that it was possible for her to master this technique.

  But, if it was as he said, then it shouldn't be that easy to learn. After all the training, Nina finally understood this from her experience.


  Nina woke up to excruciating pain in her muscles. How long had it been?

  Even before, she hadn't ever been like this before.

  Now she thought about it, recently every time she had forgotten her restraint and pushed herself too much she had done something that made her whole body sore with pain.

  But practicing by herself for self-training all the time, to the point of being hospitalized, which was the catalyst for Layfon to start training her, providing Nina with very valuable training sessions.

  Ignoring the pain, she sat up with that blank look of having just woken up, adjusting her Kei breathing. This was her latest daily routine she had to go through.

  Her ultimate goal was to be able to maintain her Kei breathing even when she was sleeping, but right now, she still couldn't do it.

  It wasn't actually to flood her lungs with Kei, but it was to stabilize the flow of Kei coming from her Kei organ in her back...that was called Kei breathing.

  As she proceeded with her Kei breathing, she unconsciously looked around her room.

  Looking at her bed, her study desk, and her wardrobe, you could immediately tell it was a private room; it was Nina's living space. The toilet, the showers, and the kitchen were all shared.

  Nina lived in the girl's dorms.

  This was built a few years ago as practice for the Architecture Students for their graduation. The designer had called it a work of art, and you could see this clearly from the outside of the building. It was built in an archaic wooden house style, and on the inside, everywhere you looked you could see carefully designed ornaments. The three shared rooms were also very spacious and luxurious, making people who lived in other apartments and dormitories feel envious.

  But the thing was, that place wasn't very popular.

  The main reason was that it was too far away from school.

  And another reason was the noise pollution.

  Originally, the land nearby was prepared for Architecture Students to undergo training, so they would build many different structures, or knock down the older buildings. The reason that the girl's dorm that Nina lived in hadn't been knocked down was that the person who designed this returned to his home city after graduating and won an award for the design, so they kept this building as a memorial of sorts.

  A house without people living in it would quickly fall into disrepair, so they turned it into a so-called girl's dorm and rented it out. But when it got dark, the lack of people felt creepy to many residents, so there were very few people who lived in that dorm.

  Because of all the terrible conditions, the rent was low, so Nina decided to live here.


  Nina had finished adjusting her Kei breathing, and now fully awake, she used her Internal type Kei to ease the pain in her muscles. This level of muscle soreness only needed maintain some sort of Kei in the area, and the pain would be gone by around noon.

  Internal type Kei, or Katsukei, could be used to reinforce the body and remove fatigue. If in an emergency one fully released all their Internal type Kei and continually reinforced their body, afterward there would be very scary side consequences waiting for the user. Nina had experienced this period of aftershock herself. However, if it was used appropriately, one could achieve accelerated recovery.

  Feeling a lot more comfortable, Nina placed a panda plushie that she had been hugging all that time onto the jutting windowsill beside her bed. The plushie had been mended in several places, and gave an overall appearance of being very old and worn.

  That plushie was one few things that Nina had brought here from her hometown. It was a present from her grandfather when she was little, and she wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully if she wasn't hugging it.

  Wearing a set of light pink pajamas, Nina walked out of her room, going to wash her face.

  As soon as she walked into the hallway the mouth-watering smell of melted butter assaulted her.

  Nina hurriedly looked at the clock hung on the wall beside the stairs. It was an ancient clock that had to be wound, telling Nina that breakfast was about to start. Nina quickly walked towards the washing basin, washed her face, and then returned to her room to change.

  Just as she finished changing...

  The clock sounded out with a ring and simultaneously, a voice called out "Breakfast is starting~~~~". At the same time a clanging sound reverberated with the other noises around the dorm at a level far beyond ear splitting.

  Put simply, it was the sound of metal hitting metal, but to call it a weapon created solely for pissing people off wasn't excessive at all. Any alarm clock in existence couldn't possibly create a sound as annoying as this.


  After a while, she heard the ringing again. Normally, she got up well before the sound went off, but she had overexerted herself in yesterday's training session, so she slept in a little.

  Even if she lived this irregular life, the only schedule she strictly followed was her mealtimes. That was one of the rules of the girls dorm.

  "I'm up! I'm up already!"

  Shouting at the top of her lungs from her room loudly, Nina scrambled out of her room.

  The girl beside the stairs was holding a soup spoon and was beating a pan. The noise this made was known as the most effective weapon designed to wake people up in the morning.

  "Hehee... Nina you lazy sloth".

  As she said this, she stopped hitting the frying pan and pulled out her earplugs.

  "Haa...I'm sorry."

  Seeing that the noise had stopped, Nina apologized in a relieved manner.

  This girl's name was Selina Vin. She
was a fourth year Alchemy student, and she was also the dorm manager.

  The reason that she was the dorm manager was because of all the people who lived here, she was the only one who could cook. People who could control food were the greatest people in the world, as decreed by the last dorm manager who graduated last year.

  "But it's been a long time since I've whacked the frying pan like this, so I'm a little happy." Saying this, Selina went downstairs first.

  Nina helplessly chased after her.

  All of the people who lived in the dorm were already seated at the table in the dining room.

  "Morning, Nina."

  "Morning, Leu"

  The person who called out to Nina was another person who lived in this dorm, and after replying, Nina also took her place at the table.

  Today's breakfast was toast fried in butter and dipped in milk, along with salad and tea.

  On a table which could seat ten people, there was only enough food for three.

  That is to say, these three people were all of the people who lived in this all girls dorm.

  "It's been such a long time since I've heard that sound she uses to wake people up."

  "Yeah, sorry about that."

  Selina also put on a expression which said 'can't help it' and sighed.

  "The others who used to live here have all graduated, so now it really feels a little lonely."

  "No, that's not it. Only two people graduated from here" said Nina calmly as she spread honey across the toast.

  "But it's because nobody new came to live here."

  "Anyway, it's not a problem that has just started. It started ages ago" muttered Leu, staring into the distance.

  "Part of it's also because of the way Selina wakes people up; it leaves most of the new people here traumatized and they all leave this dorm."

  "But isn't that because it was really hard to wake that girl up?"

  Looking at Selina frowning with displeasure, Nina shook her head helplessly.

  "Well...even if she wasn't scared away, there would only be four people. In this dorm for ten people there isn't even half that."

  At least she had to reassure her first.

  "But isn't having only three people manage this huge dorm too much work? We can't clean the empty rooms up properly, and we can't clean up the lawn outside properly... and recently there's been more mice, so don't you guys think it'd be better if we called in some more people?"

  "No." Facing Selina who was whining, Leu cut in "I don't think the mice have anything to do with the number of people living here, but there have been some pretty annoying sounds coming from the ceiling."


  Nina moved her feet under the table slightly, and her toes touched something. It was a something that was quite hard.

  "That's why I have a proposal. Ah, you can't reject this proposal. No matter what you say, I'm the dorm manager. Ahem!"

  Listening to Selina who had probably puffed up her chest, Nina looked under the table.

  "That's why I want to increase the number of people in this dorm."

  "...you don't even know how you're going to do that, and we all know we can't just increase the number of people so easily just because we wanted to."

  "That'll never happen, yeah?"

  "This dorm has a pretty unfortunate environment, so I doubt many students would be willing to come here."

  "Hem hem hem~"

  Pretending to listen to what Leu and Selina were saying, Nina had put all her attention into looking for the something under the table.

  (...What is that thing?)

  There was a normal plate placed there.

  On the plate, there were the dishes leftover from last night. There wasn't any problem, seeing as plates were made for dishes to be placed on them. There wasn't any problem with that.

  The question was, what was a plate doing on the floor? And next to the plate, there was a chipped soup bowl, with some milk inside. Why was this.

  "Then, I'll introduce it to everyone."

  "Introduce?" Asked Leu in surprise. The talk across the table was still continuing.

  "Is there already someone coming to live in our dorm?"

  "That's exactly right~~~Steven-chan, welcome~~~" As Selina held extended her 'welcome' there was a creepy noise. "Shu~~~" "...What is this?"

  Leu looked at the thing that flew out from under the table with a surprised expression. It must have been ordered to stay under the table until this moment. Under the table, there were many plates with all the leftovers from last night. She obviously heard Selina's introduction, but that was a completely inadequate explanation of the phenomenon in front of her.


  "No, I'm not talking about that."

  "That is something my friend from the Cultivation Department sent me from another city. Originally they bought a squirrel-type egg which was meant to exterminate mice for us, but they made a mistake and they got a pet instead."

  "Haha, and you can't return stuff you bought from other cities as well."

  "Yeah, but if they just threw this thing out, it's a bit too cruel, so they looked for people who were willing to keep him."

  "Then it's him who's going to live here from now on?"

  "Yeah, he's really cute, isn't he?"

  "Well, I don't really hate pets. I'm not afraid of them either. But still, if we were going to get a pet, we should have just gotten a guard dog to look after the house."

  "Arah, there's no point in keeping a guard dog. We don't have any criminals or delinquents in this area."

  "I think the fact that a person like you who has no sense of urgency managed to live peacefully up till today is the real mystery...If it can't catch any mice, then there's no point at all in having it as an extra member of the dorm. He isn't even a person."

  "Eh~~~~~? I can't?"

  "Well, I guess you can, but have you figured out a solution for his litter?"

  "No problem."

  "Really. Then it's up to Nina then? Is it ok?"

  As for Selina's question, Nina couldn't answer it.

  She was drenched in cold sweat, and it wasn't stopping.

  Below her feet, there was a terrifying creature.

  It was a creature she could grab with one hand, eating the leftovers in the dish like a wild beast. It looked like it was pretty hungry.

  Aah, it's slender body gave out a feeling of immaturity.

  It had grown long claws in order to run around the ground more easily.

  In its mouth, there were small, sharp teeth tearing at the leftover food.

  ...It was a ferret.

  "Aaah! Waaah!!!!"


  That creature lifted its head and licked it mouth, it front legs rubbing its face before it stood up, looking about at its surroundings.

  Looking at Nina.

  Those glossy, round eyes were filled with curiosity.


  It was a very weak sound.


  Nina let out a deafening cry and jumped onto the table.


  "What's wrong?"

  The two of them stared stunned at Nina, who was shaking on the table.

  The ferret was frightened by Nina's cry and hugged Selina's leg, hiding behind it.

  "...Nina, do you hate animals?"

  "...No, it's only those that I can't stand"


  Seeing Nina holding her head and shrinking away, the two looked at each other.

  In the end, they took Steven the ferret back to Selina's room and continued their breakfast.

  "Though I never thought that Nina would be afraid of ferrets."

  "It's pretty surprising."

  "...If you two want to laugh, then laugh."

  Seeing her shoulders still quivering slightly, the two couldn't help not laughing but didn't make a noise, and Nina just sat there pretending to calmly eat breakfast. But her veins near her temples were still throbbin

  "But why is it that you're only afraid of ferrets? I mean, in the inter-city battles, you've met far scarier people than that little creature."

  "Is it a physiological reason?"

  In response to Leu's question, Nina said definitely "It was that thing's fault in the first place."

  "It's fault...Nina, what exactly did the ferret do?"

  "Aah, just thinking about it scares me. It was when I was five. Because my uncle loved animals, he kept a lot of pets and livestock at his house. At that time, I often went to that uncle's house to play..."

  "Uhh...if it's like that, why are you afraid of ferrets?"

  "On my fifth birthday, everyone in my extended family came to wish me a happy birthday. My uncle also came. He told me there was a surprise waiting for me in my bedroom. Even though I wanted to see what it was immediately, he told me to wait until the birthday party was over. So I had no choice but to be patient and wait."

  Nina shivered as she recalled it.

  "Well...what happened?"

  "Yeah, what next?"

  "My uncle prepared a ferret for me. Originally, it was meant to be safely housed inside its cage, I don't know if it had something to do with the metal lock being broken, but somehow that ferret got out of its cage."

  "So that's why you're afraid of ferrets?"

  "If would be great if that were all. That thing ... my precious plushie..."

  "Plushie? You mean the one in your room?"

  "Yeah. It was chewing my precious Mitessha with tearing noises."

  Recalling the scene, Nina continued to quiver.

  What the young Nina saw when she returned to her room was an evil monster using its vicious teeth and tearing a hole in Mitessha's stomach and was pulling out the cotton stuffing within into long thin strands.


  "To me, Mitessha isn't just a precious plushie I got from my grandfather. It's a precious friend who keeps me company through the night. Even though it was so important, that thing... that thing..."

  With her mother's help, Mitessha was restored to his former glory, but on his body there was an irrevocable scar.

  From then on, every time she saw a ferret, she would remember what happened back then and she would be so terrified that she would start shaking.

  "Then, can't I keep him?"


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