Haven Of Obedience

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Haven Of Obedience Page 3

by Marina Anderson

  His face would have been attractive but for the fact that there was no warmth, no softness about him. Instead there was a very real suggestion of danger in the set of his mouth, and in the way his eyes flicked over her. Without a word he grasped her ankles and pushed her legs back so that they were hooked over the arms of the chair. ‘That’s better,’ he said, staring down at her.

  Natalie began to blush. She was totally open to him, with her entire vulva on view. She desperately wanted to cover herself up, but lacked the courage.

  ‘Right, now masturbate yourself for me,’ he said calmly.

  It was too much. ‘I can’t,’ she blurted out.

  ‘What do you mean, you can’t?’

  ‘I’m sorry but it’s too embarrassing. I feel dreadful, sitting here like this with you ...’

  He sighed. ‘I hope you’re not going to be difficult,’ he said, with icy politeness. ‘Did I or did I not explain to you a few minutes ago that here at The Haven obedience is everything?’


  ‘You’re an intelligent woman, I understand. You run your own business – what is it, now?’ His eyes flicked over her notes again. ‘Ah yes, you run your own magazine. Well, you should certainly be bright enough to understand what the word “obedience” means, then.’

  ‘Of course I do.’

  ‘Then start obeying me. This is only your initial assessment: I dread to think what you’re going to be like when you start mixing with the other guests. You’re certainly going to need a lot of instruction from me, I can see that already.’

  Natalie wondered whether this was a good thing or not. She rather suspected that it wasn’t. He took two paces back and then waited, with his arms crossed, for her to begin. She wanted to weep with the humiliation of it all. This wasn’t what she’d expected, but then Jan hadn’t really given her any idea what went on. She’d said that it was against the rules, and Natalie could understand why. Slowly, reluctantly, she allowed her hand to move down over her belly.

  ‘Stop,’ said Simon harshly, and her hand froze in mid-movement. ‘You don’t have to rush things. Caress your breasts first.’

  Natalie felt very awkward. ‘But that’s not how I usually masturbate,’ she explained.

  ‘Nevertheless, it’s what I want you to do,’ he said, clearly exerting iron self-control in order to remain civil. Hastily she moved her right hand upwards and tentatively stroked her left breast. She could tell that he was watching her like a hawk, but despite this, as her fingers lightly touched the delicate skin, she felt her hips twitch slightly and realised that she was becoming excited. Immediately she trailed her fingers down over her ribcage.

  ‘Not yet,’ said Simon. ‘I’ll tell you when to move your hand.’

  Natalie bit her bottom lip, feeling frustrated and resentful, but she did as she was told. For what seemed like endless minutes she continued to caress each of her breasts in turn, until they were hard and aching, the nipples standing out proudly. Only then did Simon allow her to move her hand lower, but even so he insisted that she spent several minutes stroking her belly and outer thighs.

  By this time there was a dull ache between her legs and she could feel her sex lips opening up. When Simon finally allowed her to touch herself between her thighs she was shamefully damp and her fingers slid easily up and down the soft channel inside her outer sex lips.

  When he didn’t give her any further instructions Natalie ran her finger around the entrance to her vagina for a few seconds before drawing it upwards, moving over the moist, silken flesh until she was able to touch the side of her swollen clitoris. Normally it took her a long time to masturbate herself to a climax but this time it was much easier. Already the ache was turning into a pleasurable pulsating sensation. Warmth suffused her lower belly, then her clitoris started to retract as her climax grew nearer.

  ‘Bear down,’ said Simon.

  Startled by the interruption Natalie lost her rhythm for a moment, and uttered a tiny cry of disappointment as the imminent climax ebbed away. She guessed that if she disobeyed him again she wouldn’t be allowed to complete even her first weekend. Knowing that her clitoris, although fully exposed once more, would be too sensitive to touch she could only circle around it, waiting until the delicious tingling began again.

  She could hear her breathing growing heavy in the silent room and when she moved her finger in and out of the entrance to her vagina she instinctively tightened herself internally, so that the increased pressure sent sharp spirals of pleasure racing through her lower body.

  ‘Touch your G-spot,’ said Simon.

  ‘I’ve never managed to find it,’ gasped the excited Natalie, mortified at her own ignorance.

  ‘Well, that’s something we’ll get put right over the weekend. Carry on, then.’

  She couldn’t have stopped even if he’d told her to because now her whole body felt tight, and moving her hand higher she once more rubbed softly against the side of the tight nub, then whimpered with delight as a violent orgasm tore through her.

  Natalie’s breathing was still rapid and her pulse racing when Simon moved nearer to her. ‘Hopefully that’s reminded your body of what an orgasm’s like. We don’t like our clients to begin any sessions cold, as it were.’

  ‘What do you want me to do now?’ asked Natalie, breathlessly.

  The corners of Simon’s mouth turned up slightly. ‘That’s better – far more the way you’re expected to behave here. Since you’ve asked so nicely you can get up and get dressed.’

  She felt a pang of disappointment, having half hoped that there might be more pleasure to come from him. It was mortifying to see how apparently unmoved he was by what he’d been witnessing. But when she took her eyes off his face and glanced lower she could see a tell-tale bulge in the crotch of his trousers, which was quite a relief. A relief, yet also humiliating. Never before had she masturbated herself to orgasm in front of a man, not even to please a lover, let alone a perfect stranger.

  As she dressed, Simon glanced at his clipboard. ‘Right, there are a few more things I need to know before I leave you. First of all, your favourite sexual position?’

  ‘I’m not sure that you’ll approve,’ muttered Natalie. She could tell from the expression on his face that he was amused by her reply.

  ‘We don’t judge people here. We simply aim to help you change, which is, after all, why you’ve chosen to visit us. We can hardly help you change if we don’t know what you’ve been doing in the past. I assure you there’s nothing personal in this. I neither approve nor disapprove of anything I see or hear when working at The Haven.’

  ‘I prefer to be on top,’ she admitted.

  ‘Kneeling on top?’


  ‘Where you can control all the movement?’

  ‘Of course. That’s why I like it.’

  ‘Quite. Have you ever experimented with games of bondage?’

  ‘Certainly not!’

  Simon seemed taken aback by the vehemence of her response. ‘Lots of people do,’ he commented mildly.

  ‘Well, I never have.’

  ‘Fine, I’ll put that down. I take it you haven’t tried S&M either, then?’

  ‘I’ve never been asked to.’

  ‘Okay. Suppose someone had suggested it, would you have said yes?’

  Natalie shook her head. ‘No, I wouldn’t have wanted that.’

  ‘To summarise, then: you like straightforward sex, preferably with you on top, and you don’t masturbate on a regular basis. Would you say that’s a fair assessment of your sexual behaviour?’

  She was beginning to feel like an experimental rat in a laboratory. ‘I think I have a better time than you make it sound,’ she protested.

  ‘But you want to have an even better time, don’t you?’


  ‘Which brings me to the final question. What’s your real reason for coming here?’ Simon was watching her closely, and Natalie knew that she had to tell the truth, however painf
ul it was.

  ‘I’ve got an important job, and I’m in total control at work. That’s the way I like it, and the way I’ve always liked it in my love life as well. The trouble is, it hasn’t worked out. I’ve had lots of affairs, and sometimes I’ve fallen passionately in love, but in the end the men always leave me. For ages I couldn’t understand why, and then ...’ She stopped herself, realising that she’d been about to explain how Jan had told her about The Haven.

  ‘And then?’ asked Simon, patiently.

  ‘And then, a couple of months ago, when my last lover left, he told me why. He said that I was a control freak, and that my attitude in bed turned him off. I didn’t know how to change, or even if I really wanted to. Then, the more I thought about it the more I became aware that I’d probably been missing a lot, only I didn’t know what to do. Luckily I then met a friend for a meal and told her how I was feeling. She asked me how much I wanted to change, and after a while said that I might be a suitable client for The Haven.’

  ‘I see. She didn’t tell you exactly what went on here, though?’

  ‘She said that she couldn’t, but that it was a place where I’d learn to grow and change sexually. An opportunity for me to experiment, but in a safe environment.’

  Simon nodded approvingly. ‘That’s very well put. You are indeed in a safe environment, very safe. The problem is, you have no experience whatsoever of the kind of things that you’re going to be expected to do over the next two weekends. I’ll be honest with you, Natalie, I don’t believe that you’re going to stay the course.’

  ‘What gives you the right to pass judgement on me?’ she demanded, furious that anyone should imagine she would quit anything once she’d set her mind to it.

  ‘I’m very good at analysing people’s sexual preferences and abilities. You’ve spent so long in the driving seat I can’t imagine you’re going to be willing to move over and become a passenger. Still, it’s up to you to prove me wrong, isn’t it?’

  ‘It certainly is,’ she said angrily.

  ‘And that’s another thing,’ he remarked. ‘Your demeanour should be respectful and obedient at all times, even towards me, your personal instructor. I know I’ve annoyed you, but so will other people during your stay. You have to learn to subdue your natural reactions and accept things with a smile, or even an apology for your own shortcomings.’

  Luckily for Natalie, just as she was about to say that Jan hadn’t told her any of this and if she’d known she probably wouldn’t have come, Simon abruptly left the room.

  He’d left a brochure on her dressing table. Opening it up, she read that there was a general meeting in the main reception hall for pre-dinner drinks at seven-thirty. That meant she had another hour and a half to kill and she decided that a walk in the grounds might help her settle down. At the moment both her mind and her body were in turmoil.

  Leaving her room, she walked along the corridor. As she passed one of the doors she saw that it was half open and there were strange noises coming from inside. Anxious to know what was happening, she glanced in.

  A tall, strongly built man in his mid-thirties was standing in the middle of the room, stark naked. His hands were fastened behind his back and his eyes were blindfolded. Sue, who Natalie had last seen at reception, was kneeling between his legs. Her hands were caressing the man’s outer thighs while her mouth and tongue were busily working away, licking and sucking at his testicles and the shaft of his rigid erection. He was trembling from head to foot, the muscles of his abdomen rigid and strange guttural noises, which were what had attracted Natalie’s attention, were coming from his mouth.

  ‘Only another five minutes and then you’ll be allowed to come,’ said Sue, taking her mouth away from him for a moment and giving him a few seconds’ respite.

  ‘I can’t last that long,’ he shouted.

  ‘I’m afraid you have to, otherwise you’ll be punished – and I’m sure you remember from your last visit what that means.’

  Natalie could hardly breathe. She’d never seen anything like this in her life. The veins were bulging on the underside of the man’s swollen cock and the tip was an angry purple. Every now and then his hips would jerk forward as some particularly intimate caress of the girl’s velvet-soft lips brought him nearer and nearer to the peak of ecstasy. It was easy to see how frantically he was trying to obey the girl’s command. But even as Natalie watched, he gave an agonised cry of despair and shuddered violently as he failed, spilling himself into Sue’s mouth.

  When his body was finally still Sue stood up, and Natalie saw her tweak one of the man’s nipples savagely. ‘You’re a very slow learner, aren’t you?’ she said calmly. Then she turned to shut the door. Hastily, Natalie hurried on down the corridor, hoping that she hadn’t been seen. But what she’d witnessed was etched indelibly on her mind.

  As well as frightening her it had left her highly aroused. As Natalie walked through the beautiful grounds all that she could think of was the man’s straining erection, heaving chest – and the tight tendons of his neck when he’d thrown his head back in despair as he finally came.

  Chapter Four

  AT SEVEN-THIRTY PRECISELY, Simon Ellis and the other tutors followed Rob Gill into the reception room, where their twenty weekend guests were waiting for them. As usual on the first evening of a course, the guests were standing awkwardly in small groups, most of them feeling nervous and – probably for the first time in years – unsure of themselves.

  It was a moment that Simon always enjoyed. He loved the anxious expressions on the guests’ faces as they looked up at the tutors: it gave him a wonderful feeling of power. It was especially good on a day like this, when he’d had such a dreadful week working as a freelance journalist. Out there, in the real world, it was quite different for him than for most of their guests. He was struggling to carve himself a niche, whereas all these people were hugely successful. They were the kind of people who could make or break him, which made his work here all the sweeter.

  As Rob started his usual opening speech Simon looked down from the raised dais, letting his eyes wander over the room. He was looking for Natalie Bowen, and it was easy to spot her. She was the tallest woman there, and also the most elegant. Her long wavy blonde hair fell loosely to her shoulders and the simple blue dress that she was wearing accentuated her slender figure. He could picture her long slim legs beneath it very clearly. Even while he’d been assessing her in a professional manner, another part of his mind had appreciated those legs. They were unusually good and he was looking forward to initiating her into the ways of The Haven.

  Feeling his manhood stir, he tried to distract himself by looking at some of the other people. It was unusual for him to be this excited by someone so early on. Of course, during therapy sessions he always became highly aroused – he had to or he wouldn’t have been able to do his job – but this seemed more personal. He wondered if it had something to do with the fact that Natalie was in the same line of business as him, only far more successful. Whatever the reason, it was going to add an extra dimension of pleasure to the weekend.

  Realising that Rob’s speech was drawing to a close, Simon looked at the sheet of paper in his hand. On it were three names: two women’s and a man’s. Naturally, Natalie was one of the women. Over the next two days she would do nothing without him either participating or being there to watch her progress. They had several other tutors, but Simon was second only to Rob. He was usually assigned to the people who Rob reckoned were going to have the most trouble. In the case of Natalie Bowen, Simon was certain that his boss was right.

  ‘That’s all I have to say,’ concluded Rob. Then he turned to the assorted male and female tutors standing on the platform behind him. Only Simon was allowed to stand next to him, as a sign to the guests that he was second in the chain of command.

  ‘The tutors will now let you know what groups you’ll be in this evening,’ explained Rob. ‘After you’ve eaten, you’ll go off in your various groups and your weekend of
instruction will begin. I really do hope that come Sunday evening, when we meet in here again, you’ll feel that we’ve more than fulfilled our promise to you all.’

  Simon decided that he’d collect his other pupils before Natalie. The man was called Chris, a thirty-year-old commodities broker on his second weekend at The Haven. The other woman was Heather Lacey, at twenty-nine well on her way to becoming a millionairess, thanks to her chain of beauty salons. Like Natalie, this was her first visit, but Simon suspected that she’d be easier to train. She’d seemed almost timid at their initial meeting, although she claimed that she was too forceful for most men.

  As Simon, Chris and Heather approached Natalie he saw the blonde’s dark blue eyes widen a little, a sure sign that she was feeling very nervous.

  The four of them ate together at a secluded corner table, but as usual Simon made sure that the conversation didn’t touch on sex. Unlike some of the other instructors he preferred it this way because it kept the clients on edge. He knew that they were expecting some kind of verbal tuition or explanation at this stage. Without it they became confused and thus, in his experience, easier to control later on.

  It was gone ten before he finally rose from the table. ‘Time to go upstairs,’ he explained and then strode swiftly away, leaving his three pupils to hurry after him. He led them up two flights of stairs to the training floor, where each tutor had his own room. Simon’s was large, plushly carpeted, with heavy curtains that were tied back at the moment, a big bed, a couch, chairs and several other pieces of equipment that he usually had to use at some stage during every weekend.

  Although the decor of the room was attractive there was something forbidding about it, partly because of the subdued lighting. There was no central light, only wall lights. Again, this was part of Simon’s strategy for disorientating the visitors. If they were too relaxed, too at ease, it was difficult to ‘persuade’ them to change their ways, even though that was what they were paying for.


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