Isekai Magus 3: A LitRPG Progression Saga (The Fantasy World of Nordan)

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Isekai Magus 3: A LitRPG Progression Saga (The Fantasy World of Nordan) Page 13

by Han Yang

  The duke’s castle arrived quicker than I expected. Karack Hold was smaller than Moonguard City, less defensible too. The fact the city was so far from Jeer is what likely made it a ripe target for me. I knew this was far away from the main war the empire fought.

  The cobbled road led to a tall marbled wall with seamless construction. A large arched gate rested open. Inside the courtyard a dead griffin, a dead dragon, and an angry woman waited.

  Countess Carlina kneeled beside her dead father whose legs faced one way, his torso another, and his face a third. Yeah, he had probably died quickly upon impact.

  “How dare you!?” Carlina screeched, running a hand through her short brown hair.

  “I told you I was coming,” I said.

  She huffed with a building anger. The second she tried to lunge for me, a guard tugged on a collar I didn’t notice her wearing. Carlina fell on her ass from the force and glared daggers at me.

  “We need to talk, somewhere out of sight,” I said with a smile. “After, I promise to have your father revived if you cooperate.”

  “Wait…” she glanced at me in confusion. “He is worth more dead.”

  “Is he, though?” I asked.

  “His death would rock the empire,” Carlina said. “His revival would only harden his resolve for revenge.”

  “I want to make peace, not war. I know, I know. You will say my actions prove otherwise. However, if I spare your father, return all the people I abducted, and I say sorry in just the right way, I may be forgiven. This is a political calculation, but I still need a private word.”

  “I don’t think Emperor Fawne will see you as anything besides a new campaign target. However, I actually love my father and don’t want my mother sitting on his throne,” Carlina said with a huff.

  She asked for a hand, and a guard lifted her off the ground in a delicate manner. She dusted off her knees before leading us into the castle.

  Minions streamed out with sacks loaded with valuables. The staff lined the hall, bound and gagged with their backs to the wall. A few dead guards lay in side rooms, but for the most part, they joined the staff in their surrender.

  “Why not ransom them?” Carlina asked, pointing to what was likely an escort.

  Tarla bent down, removed her gag, and asked, “What do you do for the estate?”

  “I’m an entertainer, listener, and companion for visiting nobility,” she said, glaring at Carlina with disdain.

  “And who do you spy for? Mind you, we can find out the truth,” Bell said.

  “Pretty much everyone. I compartmentalize what I say to keep everyone happy without isolating any of my revenue,” she said with a smile.

  “You might get brought to Moonguard. I have certain fetishes I desire. Up you go,” I said, and a guard hauled the corset wearing woman to her feet.

  I lied. I didn’t want her for sex, but the entire staff was watching the interaction.

  “I can’t do two in a day,” Bell said, and the woman frowned.

  “I normally only court men,” the escort said. I snickered and pointed for her to follow Countess Carlina. “What are you planning to do to me?”

  “Nothing, but I am going to give you a raise if you can do what I want. Got any kids?” I asked, and she nodded. “How old?”


  “The joys of Zorta age reducers,” Carlina said. “Madame Demova has served us well for decades. She is almost worth more than father.”

  “And yet, you singled me out,” Demova said with a scoff.

  We ascended a steep flight of stairs, heading deeper into the private estate.

  “You stole Marvin from me. You knew this was coming one day, and now father can’t protect you,” Carlina snickered.

  “You shouldn’t have cheated on him. I merely saved you both heartache. But you never saw it as a thank you. No, instead you feed me to a necromancer. It’s pathetic,” Demova said.

  We followed Carlina, and admittedly just listened to the exchange while passing skeletons stole paintings. A turn into a private meeting room ended our trip, and my guards sealed the door with a goblin erecting a yellow barrier.

  Magical lamps lit the decent sized room, and a big oak table sat in the middle with a dozen stiff chairs around it.

  Bell walked over to the guard holding Carlina’s leash and used it to guide her to a seat.

  “Okay, what’s with the secrecy?” Carlina asked, taking her seat.

  Bell walked behind her chair to scoot it up.

  A dagger flashed out, the weapon tight in Bell’s right hand.

  Bell dragged the blade across her neck in rapid fashion.

  Carlina gurgled, clutching her neck in utter shock. Demova shrieked in shock while the rest of us watched the dragon rider die.

  Carlina flopped forward a few seconds later, and an orb appeared over her head.

  “By the gods, you killed her. Please don’t kill me. I will tell you where all the hidden Zorta is,” Demova said.

  I glanced at Tarla with a raised eyebrow. This wasn’t in the plan, but I certainly wouldn’t say no.

  “You have five minutes,” I said.

  Tarla slid out of the room, careful to ensure no one could see Countess Carlina dead. Demova followed her out, and guards protected them. I couldn’t help but smile at the turn of events. I needed Zorta.

  “I love a good plot twist,” Bell said with a grin. “Thanks for trusting me to handle it.”

  “Bell, thanking me for killing a woman in cold blood is a bit excessive,” I said.

  She smiled. “I know, but this is about survival.” I saw her resolve weaken, and she started to sniffle.

  I walked around and wrapped her up in a hug. “It will be fixed soon.”

  I rested a hand on Carlina, asking for a connection. Her orb rejected my attempt.

  This surprised me. An actual connection was stronger than a distant one, and I possessed a high cultivation score. Then again… she was a dragon rider, and Bell had killed her, not me.

  A brewing domination spell reached a crescendo, and I forced my will onto her orb.


  “I need to let you go,” I told Bell.

  I rotated, sticking two hands onto Carlina’s shoulder.

  “Death brings life, and I demand submission. Death brings life, and I demand submission. Death brings life, and I demand submission!” I shouted the last line.

  My power coursed through me, met the resistance, and this time, shattered it.

  You have connected to Carlina Karack. Do you want to Claim, Consume, Drop - Claim selected.

  You require 12.228 Zorta to convert Carlina Karack into a minion. Convert (YES) - (NO) - Yes selected.

  We both stood back, seeing ghoulish hands reaching up from the floor.

  “She was worth a lot and a challenge to break. She must have leveled up considerably,” I said.

  Translucent hands materialized from the chair, proceeding to gruesomely strip her body of its flesh. The moans and groans of the ghouls were silenced outside the bubble.

  “That won’t affect my part,” Bell said.

  A few seconds later and the chair pushed back. Countess Carlina stood as a bony skeleton. I connected to her body while applying a revival spell.

  You have selected to revive Carlina Karack with your once a day revival spell. Confirm - (YES) - (NO) - Yes selected.

  I watched the golden light smash down through the roof and coat Carlina’s body. The intensity grew to a point that I had to look away. Then, as suddenly as it had started, the spell faded.

  Carlina stood there naked, confused, and very scared.

  “Get dressed,” I ordered and plopped into a seat at the table.

  Carlina wanted to fight my commands. Her face twisted with displeasure, but she did as she was told. I saw her sneer when she realized she had lost her free will against me.

  “For months I have been having to be reactive. I’m sick and tired of it. The plan was to rob this city while planting s
pies. I wanted your mother. She has more access to vital information, but… you will be in your father’s good graces,” I said with a smirk.

  “What is your plan?” Carlina asked, returning to her seat.

  Bell walked over, placed a hand on her shoulder, and chanted, “The power of the divine courses through me, and I shall mold this world in her image. The power of the divine courses through me, and I shall mold this world in her image. The power of the divine courses through me, and I shall mold this world in her image.”

  A golden light shimmered over Carlina’s white hair. The magic converted all of her traits from appearing undead, to making her look normal.

  “No one will be able to tell you’re a minion. As long as you don’t travel too far, you’ll live and flourish. If you go north, you’ll die. Your spying time will be limited, and eventually you will have to stay at my side,” I said, leaning into the table to stick my elbows on the surface. “I will keep a few key nobles in my dungeons. You will be my liaison. Your father will think you’ve convinced me to keep you near.”

  “I tell him we’re screwing?” Carlina asked.

  “Yup,” Bell said. “Even throw me and Tarla into the mix. You’re going to feed your father and the empire information we give you.”

  “And the best part is, you’re loyal to me. Take no other lover. If you had one, break it off. You bribed me to revive your father. Use any way you see fit to describe the bribe besides being a turncoat. You made a painful sacrifice to secure this city and your father’s return,” I said. “When the time comes for me to adventure or leave the area, you will fly your dragon to Moonguard City to stay near Cecil or me.”

  “How am I to get information?” Carlina asked. “Father always keeps me and my sisters at arm’s length.”

  “Do what you can without being obvious and use others. Like I said, this is all temporary. Soon, you will stay and serve at my side as a dragon rider when I’m ready. Until then, you’re an agent. Do your tasks well, and I won’t restrict you as much as I’m about to. Please me with initiative and I will bring you back to life via Caitlyn, your new god,” I said.

  “I don’t have a choice,” Carlina said, folding her arms.

  I shrugged. “You really don’t, but you do. Trust me, please me by eagerly completing your tasks, and you will earn freedom. I honor my word.”

  “He does,” Bell said.

  “Why do you let your mistress speak for you?” Carlina asked.

  “I’m his High Priestess and a stand-in mother for his daughter, not a mistress,” Bell said, staring down her nose at the woman. “We want the assumption.”

  That wasn’t necessarily true, but it wasn’t the time to quibble about Bell becoming assertive again.

  Instead of dealing with Bell, I spent the next ten minutes reading off a list of restrictions and commands Cecil had prepared for me. When I was finished, I had my first agent inside the Podoni Empire.

  A soft knock on the door broke a silence that had settled over the room. Tarla and Demova had returned empty handed.

  “Where’s the loot?” I asked.

  “Being rushed home. Enemy aerial units are on the horizon. It’s time to go, my King,” Tarla said with concern.

  “You revived her? Why?” Demova asked.

  “She begrudgingly acquiesced my request for sex. She will help facilitate the nobles I’m keeping in Moonguard City while whoring herself out to me. Fitting, really,” I lied with a straight face.

  “That’s… yes, very fitting. And what are you going to do with me?” Demova asked.

  “Bribe you, of course. We need information. You can work my nobles or stay here, either way, I want details from you,” I said.

  “The moment you leave, your power fades with you. Which should be any moment with reinforcements coming,” Demova said.

  “Ah, close, close indeed. The skeleton can hear, did you know that?” I asked, and she nodded. Then I lied. “Good. The tetrin are a fist-sized lizard with fangs about three inches long. I have them hidden all over the upper city. Displease me, and they will hear, and bad things will happen. You tell Carlina what you know, and when it’s asked what you did for us, you say you only led us to the treasures.”

  “You want me to feed Carlina information? She’d never turn on her father or family. You’d be smarter to make her hair white and convert her into one of your zombies,” Demova said.

  I pursed my lips, as if considering her recommendation. “I want her how she is. Zombies are very limited. This works for everyone. I’m buying a smidge of favor by not consuming her father’s Zorta. She wants her dad in command, not her mother,” I said.

  Demova replied with a grunt, “Fine, I see that as being true. I’m a nobody, but I will help you get some useless information from this tiny town. The empire is vast, something you should be aware of because it seems to me that you have lost all common sense.”

  “Maybe, one day at a time. I have a lot to accomplish and I could use some insight. I actually think we will see peace, sooner than later,” I said with a genuine smile. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a lovely lady to bounce on my knee.”

  “He means our daughter,” Tarla said, offering me a hand.

  I accepted and walked towards the secret tunnel. When we exited the Duke’s estate a series of goblins revived him as well as his griffin and Carlina’s dragon.

  I didn’t talk to him. The skeleton holding a crossbow to his face kept him right where I wanted him. When we passed the metal, more than half of it was gone.

  I stole a few glances at the horizon and saw the enemy reinforcements keeping their distance as more and more troops added to their mass.

  Once I was safely in the tunnel, a trumpet blared, and my army left Karack richer than ever before. The question now was - what did I do with all my new wealth?


  Moonguard City

  A soft knock on my door pulled me out of a restful sleep. I stretched with a grunt and hollered, “Yeah.”

  “A delegation from Yookree has arrived,” Yermica said from behind the door. “They will be in the throne room at your convenience.”

  “Thank you, Yermica.”

  I dragged myself out of bed and walked to a running shower that Tarla occupied. I always drank in the sight of her fine form, and that morning was no different. After getting a bit dirty with some steamy action, we cleaned off with the heated water.

  At the far end of our room, a stack of reports and breakfast waited. I geared into light leathers and a fancy robe before taking my seat. The first report was from Cecil. It had taken him two days after the battle of Karack Hold to finally finish my data point.

  Right now, I recommend returning centaurs to the living. It is easy for a goblin to ride their backs. The matogators have all had their homes removed and now fight in the oceans.

  The structures have been isolated in a grove in the Coorg Woods. If you wish to break them down, simply will it.

  As always, I recommend removing the raskers from your inventory, they are pitiful and you have goblins to scout.

  Every day, I recommend upgrading your elite skeleton ogres until they become too much for our shared mana. I would then work on the waroni and following that, the lidka.

  If you think something should be on here, and it is missing, it is because I removed them to make room. Since the breeding restrictions. All animal minions besides Margret, Zhogath, and Lumpy have been reverted to skeleton or turned to ash.

  We secretly destroyed most of the minion born hounds. We need replacements and the reason given was crossbreeding.

  Expect a report like this once a month or upon request. As you can tell, compiling this was exceedingly difficult.

  ● Cecil



  Humans - 628

  Goblins - 77

  Dwarves - 53

  Korb - 171

  Ogres - 337

  Matogators - 558

  Waroni - 30

p; Elva - 207

  Gnomes - 37

  Centaurs - 18

  Raskers - 0

  Lidka - 0

  Dragon - 1

  Jenix cat - 1

  Griffin - 1


  Humans - 333

  Goblins - 373

  Dwarves - 0

  Korb - 279

  Ogres - 21

  Matogators - 0

  Waroni - 4730

  Elva - 252

  Gnomes - 0

  Centaurs - 4102

  Raskers - 3227

  Vamperia - 1101

  Lidka - 4335

  Jenix cat - 13

  Cerberus - 3

  Hounds - 112

  Total - 21,000 Minions.

  Alright, I figured this had to be mostly correct. I ate some melon before finding Nee’s report.

  The exodus of humans fleeing to safety continues even with the news that we are at war with the empire they retreat to.

  Morale among the Ostriva citizens is fantastic. A war general winning is what stirs the heart. With the growing amount of goblin ogres, we have had a slow, but steady uptrend of refugees.

  For the Nordan citizens, it is a mix. The dwarves and the gnomes have nowhere else to go. They seem to understand that the Podoni Empire will likely enslave them into servitude. Here they are free and getting paid… or were. That is about to change.

  Yermica, Jenoven, Tarcel, Korgo, and Smitt are starting up payments and when you get to the bottom of this report you will learn why. There will be a basic income followed by hired labor costs.

  With the coming siege, paying your citizens will go a long way. Selling them essential needs as well as lavish wants will go a long way.

  We have a few trade markets setup with Garo neighbors but they are small. The population control is seen as a positive. In goblin society, it means the tribe or warlord is able to do well enough that the burden of constant birth is unnecessary.

  These numbers are estimates, you try running down children and moving families.

  ● Nee

  Tribe Members Living: 80, 993 - not counting your living minions.

  Goblins: 40,110 - population put on control. One baby a year now.


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