The Hunted (The Chronicles of the Hunter Book 1)

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The Hunted (The Chronicles of the Hunter Book 1) Page 7

by Jackie Ivie


  “You need to don the robe.”

  “Robe. Yeah. Good plan.”

  She bent to pick it up and the towel unwound, pulling her hair down as it dropped off her head.


  Now she was clumsy, too. A stab of tears hit her eyes. She was going to cry? Oh. No. Please, no. That was too horrid to consider. She blinked rapidly.

  “Babe. Please. You are really adorable. But we need to go.”

  His words sent something sweet flashing through her. It erased everything in its wake. The span of white tile came back into focus. She couldn’t do a thing about how her heart seized up. Or the tremor that ran down her back before entering her legs.

  “W-what?” she replied.

  “Uh...I’d rather not explain the condition of that shower stall. Leon is not stupid.”


  “The last hunter. We’ve been waiting for him.”

  “We have?”

  “I’ll explain everything. Well. I’ll try to, anyway. The moment we’re safe. But, for now, we gotta go. Fair?”

  Her answer was halfway between a sniff and a giggle. And then the robe disappeared as he grabbed it up.

  “Here. I’ll help.”

  He lifted her to her feet. Stood looking down at her. His eyes were still narrowed. He still looked angered.


  “You need to shed that towel. It’s damp. Probably cold.”

  He shook the proffered robe out. Held it open. The muscles of his jaw clenched. LeeAnn pulled the end of her cover open and dropped it. The robe shook in his hands.

  “Oh. Hell. You are so beautiful. I am either extremely lucky...or especially cursed. Here. Put this on. Please?”

  He was right. The towel had been chilled. The robe’s thickness was nice. But it didn’t warm her near as much as his words. Or the tone.

  “Where are we going?”

  She asked it as he stopped at a door, cracked it open, and peered outside. There wasn’t much to see. The lighting system out there looked even dimmer than what was in the shower room. But it couldn’t be. Or Kane had some real light-sensitive issues. He held her hand with one of his, while the other fished a pair of sunglasses out of his robe pocket. He opened and positioned them onto his face with the same hand. Easily. Almost automatically. The accessory made him look unapproachable. And pretty damned scary.

  He looked down at her solemnly for a moment. And then sighed heavily, sending a blast of air that ruffled the dried hairs along her forehead.

  “The only place I can think of.”

  “Is it...private?”

  “It’s safe.”

  “But not private? Well. Darn.”

  She had to hide the smile as he jerked slightly. His fingers tightened about hers.


  He said her name with an undertone of anxiety. LeeAnn scrunched up her nose and watched her reflection in his black lenses. “Oh, come on, Kane. I was kidding.”

  “It is not amusing.”

  She tried to match his attitude. What she could see of his expression. The set look of his shoulders. But she had to factor in the tiredness that dogged her, turning her into the consistency of a leftover limp spaghetti noodle sitting in a cauldron of tepid water. The best she could manage was an eyebrow lift.

  “You sure are a serious guy,” she remarked finally.

  “I have to be.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re a cyborg, Kane, and I’m not that imaginative. Oh. Wait. I must be. I mean, look at the evidence here. In one day’s time I’ve been shot at. Kidnapped. Almost drowned in a pool. Gone SCUBA diving – without one lesson, mind you.” Her voice grew louder as she continued. The words came quicker, too. “And then I just had the best um...uh. Well. Sex is not the right word for what happened, is it? I can’t even call it a romantic encounter. That was the most amazing session of lovemaking I have ever experienced! Okay? I am still wiped out. And—. Damn it! I can’t believe I just said that. This is so not me.”

  “You’re doing fine, babe.”

  “Fine? Me? Aren’t you listening? This is spy stuff! I rarely played video games when I was a kid! I’m a numbers person! I’m considered constant and reliable, not risky and dangerous. You know what I consider adventurous? Adding flavored creamer to my coffee! You wouldn’t believe the calories involved!”

  His lips twitched. Then, the smile evaporated.

  “I’ve gone from being a successful businesswoman to one without clothing, money, or even identification! I have a deranged killer after me! I’m in the clutches of a sinfully sexy stranger who could be a bad guy for all I know, and oh! You better add in that I have absolutely no idea where I am, either!”

  “North, two four. Three zero. Zero seven. West, eight one—”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you numbers.”

  “To what?”

  “Our location.”

  “You’re giving me longitude and latitude?”

  He nodded.

  “I was right before. You are not real. Nobody goes around spouting those. Confess. You’re a robot. Right?”

  He shook his head.

  “Then what?”

  “I told you. I’ll explain later. When we’re safe.”

  “We’re on some ship in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere. How can that not be safe?”

  He stepped closer. Pushed away an errant lock of hair from where it had fallen across his lenses, making him even more shiver-inducing. “Babe. Please? I lost my head for...a span there. As well as my objective. My focus. And a good chunk of time. I need to check things. Assess. Evaluate.”

  LeeAnn regarded him for a long moment. Tried not to react. It was really difficult to stay annoyed. “Lost your head, eh? That’s what you’re calling it?” she finally asked.

  “Lee. Ann.”

  He separated her name into two separate chunks. He might have been trying to sound stern. It didn’t work. The man had a voice that matched the view.


  The lights flickered again. That was followed by the sound of the automatic doors opening. Kane pulled her to him. The contact was instantly incendiary. She wondered if he felt any of that.

  “We’re leaving right now. You ready?”

  “Um. Sure. I guess.”

  “Stay close to the bulkheads.”

  “What’s a bulkhead?”

  He swiveled his head, the move cracking something in his neck. And then he looked down at her again.

  “Just...” He grunted mid-sentence before finishing it. “Stay close.”

  He opened the door wide enough to ease through. Pulled her with him. The door shut behind them with a hissing sound that sent a huff of air with it. Any lighting was a joke. She could hardly see. It took several seconds for her eyes to adjust. The halls were beige-toned. The lighting had the same dun quality. The only reason Kane stuck out was his attire. The white of his robe was just a bit lighter than the wall he was flattened against. His arm was crooked about her chest, just above her breasts, sticking her in place alongside him. She didn’t have much choice.

  But she wouldn’t have moved if given one.


  His idea of a safe place turned out to be his rooms. Or, what he called a cabin. It was located in the middle of a long hallway, above the shower room by at least two floors. Only he called them decks. The flights of stairs were termed ladders. Halls were called passageways. Bulkhead was the name for wall. She knew all that now, because he’d informed her in whispers. Despite telling him she wasn’t interested in a career at sea.

  Especially not on this vessel.

  The entire ship exuded luxury, but it hadn’t been put to good use with the color scheme. From the hall of beige-ness, he’d led her up a ladder to a passageway of barely-colored sage green. Then they’d traversed a bluish span of hall that made his skin look sallow. That’s when he’d gotten hyper-vigilant. Spent all kinds of time checking t
he path before proceeding. Continually glanced behind. Always keeping her in his shadow, like an extension of himself. They finally reached these rooms located in a passageway with such a pale pink tone it probably rated ‘distinct pallor’ in any mime’s face-painting box.

  And she was lost.

  Kane had stopped beside a nondescript pinkish-toned door. Lifted his hand. Placed it flat on the wall at his shoulder level. That was interesting. She could just make out framework around a panel. Her eyebrows rose as a pale light emitted about his hand, apparently scanning his palm. After a distinct click, the door opened inward an inch or so.

  Okay, LeeAnn.

  This was the stuff of movies.

  And pretty darn cool.

  Kane pushed against the door, slit it open enough to slither through. Brought her with him. The door closed automatically, barely missing her heels. He turned back, leaned his forehead against the door, and sucked in a large breath. She heard another distinct click of the locking mechanism.

  He exhaled. Spine-tingling words came with it. “Oh. Thank heaven. We made it.”


  He pulled her into an embrace that sent massive warmth. An unbelievable sense of joy. Exhilaration. His heartbeat was heavy. Full. Easily heard with one ear pressed to his chest. LeeAnn tried to move even closer, loving every second. Being in Kane’s arms was paradise. Heaven. Nirvana. All rolled into one. Her earlier claim of tiredness evaporated, leaving awareness. An itch of interest. All kinds of heart-pounding emotion. And Kane just stood there. Looking down at her. He still wore dark glasses. She watched her reflection while the silence grew.

  And grew.

  She licked her lips. He groaned.

  “I broke every rule bringing you here, love. But I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t leave you.”


  Her knees quivered and she would have fallen if he hadn’t been supporting her. His mouth neared hers. His breath meshed with hers. LeeAnn leaned upward, connected their lips, and held the cry inside. Ecstasy slammed through her. Joy. Happiness. And then he lifted his head. Nuzzled her nose. And sent a shaft of light right through her with his words.

  “I love you.”

  LeeAnn gasped.

  He shook his head slowly, back and forth. Several times. “I know it’s too soon. I know it’s impossible. I know it’s a huge mistake. I know all that, and yet it doesn’t change anything. I didn’t expect this. Don’t deserve it. And still can’t stop it. I love you. I do. I don’t know how it happened...or why. I only know I love you.”

  This time, his kiss stole her breath. Her sanity. And her heart. They were both shaking when he lifted his head away, and sent a groan so raw it brought tears to her eyes. She held to him until it ended.


  “I just wish love was enough.”

  She lost her breath. Her heart felt like someone had it in a big fist and was squeezing their fingers about it. “You’re joking. Right?”

  “I need to set you down.”


  “And I need you to walk away from me. Understand?”


  “You will.”

  “But...why, Kane? Why?”

  He didn’t answer. He set her down with a lurch. His arms fell away. LeeAnn didn’t move for long moments while her heart absorbed something heavy. Painful.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, placing her back against him. And then she lost that contact as he moved away. It took a few moments to see anything. More time passed as she used her sleeve to dab at her eyes, sopping up moisture that shouldn’t even be there. She hadn’t even known him before 4:58 this morning! She couldn’t possibly feel love for him, too. And yet, she knew what he spoke of. It was a physical ache to watch him move farther and farther away from her, until he almost disappeared in the dimly lit, grayish color scheme. The tone seemed appropriate somehow. It matched how she felt.


  LeeAnn faced a sea of grayness. There wasn’t one window to break it up. Nothing contrasted. It was difficult to decipher what was furniture and what was floor. There was an old-school phone on a table beside a same-shade gray couch. Kane picked it up. Despite his request, she followed as if there was a rubber-band around them and it had flexed too far. He lifted the receiver.

  “Yes. Kane. Yes. One.” He hung up. Looked down at where she hovered about six inches away. “LeeAnn, this is too close.”

  “Give me one good reason why.”

  He looked over her head as if debating something. She had to guess since he still wore his glasses. And then he looked back down at her.

  “I must go. Get dressed.”

  “You’re leaving me?”

  “I will return. I promise.”

  “Look. Kane. Come on. Please? I’m in way over my head here. You can’t just announce that you love me and then leave me!”

  He’d untied his belt. Walked from her toward a gray-toned door at the back of the room. He pulled an arm free from the robe before turning to face her, and that just made him look like a Grecian statue with a toga draped on it.

  “Don’t move,” he said.

  The door shut behind him. Silence descended. It was an eerie silence that lifted goose bumps along her skin. LeeAnn sat on a sofa. What she wouldn’t give for a book right now! Something to take her mind off the image of him. Shedding his robe completely. A magazine would even work. Heck, she’d even go for a pamphlet from a doctor’s waiting room. Graphic and gory. Anything to take her mind off—

  “I’m back.”

  LeeAnn was slack-jawed as Kane dropped onto the couch opposite her, denting it with his bulk. He’d been gone mere moments. Or she’d lost all concept of time. He was dressed in black again. Black denim. Black t-shirt. Black sunglasses. He had his hair pulled back tightly and secured this time. She’d never seen anything as perfect.

  “What?” he asked.


  “What about me?”

  “You’ Beyond gorgeous. I can’t help noticing.”

  He colored and looked away for a moment. That was cute.

  LeeAnn considered him. “Oh, come on, Kane. I can’t be the first woman to tell you that. I refuse to believe it. I mean, really. Do I look that gullible?”


  “Oh. Great. I look gullible? But that should come as no surprise. I’m here, aren’t I?”

  She stood. Shoved one side of her robe farther across the other. Yanked her belt tight. Did her best to glare down at him. It didn’t help that he was almost her height when sitting. Nor, that he truly was the most handsome thing she’d ever seen. It really didn’t help to remember their lovemaking session. And especially his follow-up declaration of love. That alone was guaranteed to soften her glaring ability. LeeAnn sighed.

  “Sit down, baby. Please? I am try to explain things. I don’t think I can do it with you glowering at me. Please?”

  LeeAnn sat. Folded her arms. Did her best to look like a certified public accountant facing an agent from the IRS. At an official audit. “Okay. I’m listening.”

  “I don’t know where to start.”

  He ran his hands down his thighs. Hugged his knees for a fraction. Slid his fingers back up his legs. It might be a nervous gesture, but it caught her glance. And that sent sparks shooting through her lower belly. She shifted slightly.

  “The beginning.”

  “Which one?” he asked.

  “Which one? The first one. How about birthplace. Where were you born?”

  “South Carolina.”



  “Really? I would never have guessed.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “You haven’t got a trace of a southern accent.”

  “That’s because I haven’t been there...for a long time. A powerfully long time.”


  He folded his arms, matching her stance. His move sent all kind
s of muscle definition bulging into view. The guy had immense arms. LeeAnn looked there. Suffered a distinct tremor. And somehow managed to move her gaze back to his sunglass lenses.

  He uncrossed his arms. Put his hands back atop his thighs. That just moved her attention. He had such massive thighs. And a really nice bulge at his groin. LeeAnn tried her best not to move or act like she’d noticed. She felt the blush burn her cheeks, but otherwise thought it worked.

  “I...was the outdoors type. Water sports. Mud-bogging. Hunting. Fishing. Camping. You name it. I was into it.”

  “Sounds fairly normal so far. I mean, I’ve never been to South Carolina, but I’ve seen the ads. Watched documentaries. Been to movies.”

  LeeAnn slipped a lock of hair over her shoulder. Adjusted the collar of her robe where it had gapped. Decided against re-tying the belt.

  “This isn’t working. Perhaps you’d better get dressed, too. I can’t concentrate.”

  She looked down at her robe. She was concealed from her throat almost to her ankles. She looked back up. “How much more do you want me to wear?” she asked.

  “A lot.”

  “Do you have anything in my size?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Well. If you want me to wear one of your just let me know. But I have to warn you. That’s gonna be very revealing without a bra.”

  He gulped audibly. LeeAnn nearly laughed. Hearing his declaration of love had altered things considerably. Made this a lot more potent than it might otherwise have been.

  “I really wanted to be a SEAL,” he blurted out, changing the subject completely.

  LeeAnn lifted an eyebrow. “The Navy Special Forces kind of SEAL?”

  He nodded.

  “Well. That couldn’t have been hard. You were probably top man on the recruitment list.”

  “Took me six years to qualify.”

  “Six years? You? No way.”

  “It was a new program. I was young.”

  “Okay. So. You’re a SEAL. That explains a lot.”

  “No. I’m not a SEAL. I was a SEAL.”


  He nodded.

  “Okay. So...what happened? You had an injury that forced your retirement? After which, you joined a group of mercenaries? And now you spend your time hunting bad guys?”


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