Sunny's Love

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Sunny's Love Page 8

by Anna Kristell

  When the kiss ended he said, “I guess we have our answer, baby.”

  “Yes, I guess we do. Goodnight, Chase. I’ll see you at the altar.” She blew him a kiss and went into her room, closing the door quietly.

  She walked into the bathroom and quickly prepared for bed. As she lay alone in her bed, she thought about the conversation they’d just had and the kiss they’d shared.

  The next morning, she was up early. Chase had been given strict orders to stay out of sight. “It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride on her wedding day,” his mother had told him as Alma, Alice, and Sunny’s mother agreed.

  George and John were in charge of the groom and ring bearer. They whisked the two of them to John and Alice’s quarters early that morning. After they were out of sight, Alice knocked on Sunny’s door.

  When Sunny opened it to let her in, the woman carried a breakfast tray into the room. “I brought your breakfast in to you. Marty and Alma are breakfasting with little Ali downstairs but we thought you might want some time to yourself, before we have to start bustling around here.”

  “How thoughtful, Alice. How would I have gotten this all done so quickly, without all of you?”

  “We’re glad to be a part of your special day, honey. The men are gone and your mother should be arriving any minute now. So eat up, we’ll get everything together and get you to the church to get ready soon. We want you to be beautiful for your groom.”

  Sunny’s eyes were shining as she hugged her housekeeper and friend. “Thank you, Alice.”

  She picked at her breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast and drank two cups of coffee, too nervous to do the delicious meal justice.

  When she’d finished, she carried the tray downstairs. Her mother was there and soon it was a mad rush to get everything loaded into the car and to the church. They arrived in plenty of time. Sunny began to get ready with the help of her mother.

  She’d chosen a simple white sheath style dress. It was backless and had a lace shawl which matched her short veil. Her mother had loaned her a pair of pearl earrings for her something borrowed, her garter was blue, and Marty had given her a set of pearls that had been a gift from Chase’s father for her something old. Now all she needed was something new. That was supplied by Ali who, along with Brice, had bought her a pearl bracelet.

  “Oh, sweetie, I love it. I’ll cherish it always.”

  “Grandma Marty helped us pick it out,” the little girl told her proudly.

  “Well, thank you, Grandma Marty.” She hugged her future mother-in-law.

  Her own mother had tears in her eyes as she hugged her. “You look ravishing, darling. Your dad would have been proud to have walked you down the aisle.”

  “I know he would have, Mom,” she replied with tears in her own eyes.

  “Okay, you two, dry up the waterworks. We don’t want to have to re-do the bride’s make-up.” Alma laughed as she teased the two Drake women.

  All too soon, it was time for the ceremony to begin.

  Alice walked up the aisle first, then little Ali followed her, dropping rose petals from a tiny basket as she made her way up the aisle to take her place beside Alice.

  Brice followed, proudly carrying the two wedding bands on a pillow.

  The time had come. Dr Rose took her arm. “Are you ready, dear?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” She smiled at him and as the music began to play, he escorted her down the aisle to meet her groom.

  Sunny smiled at Chase, as he stood at the altar with John, Reverend Key and Brice. He watched as she approached and when she took her place next to him, they turned to face the minister. Chase winked at her, flashing a smile much like the one she’d been so taken with the night they’d met in Dr. Rose’s office. Sunny’s heart melted all over again and her tummy was doing strange somersaults. I’m actually doing this, she thought as Chase took her hand in his.

  The ceremony was brief, but beautiful, and when they had been pronounced man and wife, her groom took her in his arms and kissed her. Sunny thought she would melt on the spot as heat spread throughout her body at his touch. When he released her, he smiled knowingly.

  The reception was in the church basement where Alma had prepared a scrumptious feast for all of them. After the meal had been eaten and the cake had been cut, there was much well-wishing, along with hugs and kisses. They told the children to behave for Grandma Marty, who was staying to help Alice with them while Sunny and Chase were away.

  Finally, the newlyweds were on their way home to change and pick up their luggage.

  “I think it went well,” Chase said as they pulled out of the church parking lot.

  “It did, the kids looked so sweet.”

  “So did their new mama.”

  “Their mama, that has a nice ring to it.”

  “Here we are. You’re packed, right?” he asked as they pulled into the driveway.

  “Well, your mother packed for me, since I didn’t know where we’re going.” She laughed as she looked up at him.

  “You’ll find out soon enough, sweet thing.”

  He walked into her bedroom with her. “Do you need help with a zipper or anything?” He attempted to unzip her dress for her.

  “That would be great. I had help dressing. I wondered how I would get out of this thing.”

  “Oh, getting out of it will be no problem, believe me.” He expertly unzipped the dress and turned her around to face him. “Mrs. Dupont, I believe all you have to do is step out of it now.” He kissed her then, a kiss as passionate as his kiss had been the night before. Her heart was beating so hard, she thought it might pop out of her chest. She put her arms around his neck and gave in to the sensations he stirred inside her. He slid her wedding gown down and gently caressed her bare back. Forcing himself to pull away from her, he said in a low, husky voice, “Sunny, we need to get out of here. We have hotel reservations. But, we’ll continue this, once we get to where we’re going.”

  “You still haven’t told me where we’re going.”

  “For tonight, Miami, you’ll find out the rest in due time. Now get changed, baby, we have a long drive. We can pick up where we left off later.” He grinned seductively before kissing her again.

  “If you don’t stop doing that, we aren’t going to get out of here anytime soon, husband dear.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m going to get changed. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can begin the honeymoon.”

  Within a half hour’s time, they had changed, loaded the car, and were on their way to Miami to spend their first night together as husband and wife. Sunny looked over at her husband and smiled.

  “Happy?” he asked as he reached for her hand.

  “I am. Are you?”

  “Yes, Sunny, I’m happy, for the first time in a long time. I think we’ve made the right decision, even if it did start out as a business arrangement. I have the feeling we’re going to fall into married life quite nicely.”

  She yawned. “I’m sorry. I guess the day was tiring.”

  “Why don’t you take a nap? I’m not tired. I’ll be all right driving.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “No, sweetheart, I don’t mind.”

  He called me sweetheart and no one is listening.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sunny woke up when Chase stopped for a coffee break. Looking around groggily, she asked, “Where are we?”

  “Fort Lauderdale, we’ll be there soon, baby, but I needed a break.”

  “Let me get awake and I’ll come inside with you.”

  He waited patiently as she put herself together. Together, they strolled hand-in-hand, into a small café. After they’d ordered coffee he asked, “Well, Mrs. Dupont, tell me, how does it feel to be sitting in a café with your husband?”

  “It feels pretty good,” she replied shyly.

  “Not half as good as you’re going to be feeling later tonight,” he told her with a wink.

  “Chase Dupont, have I created a
monster by telling you I’m ready to be your wife in every sense of the word?” she whispered.

  “Maybe…ah…here’s our coffee.”

  He thanked the waitress and as he took a sip of the steaming liquid, he smiled across the table at her, “Have a nice nap?”

  “Yes, I did, I guess I didn’t realize how tired I was. It was such a relief to have the wedding over with. I mean it was nice, but such a lot of work getting it all together so quickly.”

  “No regrets?”

  “No…do you have any regrets, Chase?”

  “Not on your life. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Then I think we’re on the right track. Let’s finish our coffee and get to the hotel.”

  He raised his eyebrows and teased, “Get to the hotel, you say? Did I by chance, just get married to a nymphomaniac?”

  “Oh, you big tease…” Sunny giggled as she took a sip of coffee. A feeling of warmth spread over her body and she was sure it had nothing to do with the coffee.

  Arriving shortly after dark, they checked in at the desk. Sunny looked around at the beautiful lobby. Chase had certainly chosen a nice place for their first night as a married couple. Chase carried their luggage to the room. Setting it down in the hallway, he inserted the card key and opened the door, surprising her by scooping her up in his arms and carrying her across the threshold. He set her down, picked up the luggage and kicked the door shut.

  “What was that?”

  “You wanted a traditional honeymoon, didn’t you?” He grinned seductively. “Welcome to the honeymoon suite.”

  “Oh, Chase, who knew you were such a romantic?” She leaned up for a kiss, but he stopped her.

  “First things first, oh wife of mine,” he told her as he opened the door, put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the doorknob then locked it.

  “Now, come here, you.” He kissed her finally, a kiss that told her there was more to come. She allowed herself to become lost in it. It wasn’t hard to do…she was lost…lost to every sensation taking over her body at that moment.


  “Chase, slow down. I want to freshen up after the car ride. Give me a few minutes, okay?”

  “Whatever you want, baby. Tonight is your night.”

  “Tonight is our night, Chase, yours and mine, the first night of the rest of our lives.” Grabbing her bag, she went into the bathroom, took a quick bath and put on the sheer black nightie she’d purchased for her wedding night. She’d bought it last week, hoping something might happen during the honeymoon. She was glad now she had the foresight to go ahead and buy it. She’d debated, finally talking herself into going ahead with the bold purchase.

  When she walked back into the bedroom, Chase was sitting on the bed. He looked up. He was speechless for just a moment. When he found his voice, he said, “My God, Sunny…you are a vision.”

  She walked to the bed and leaning over him, kissed him. He pulled her onto the bed and kissed her again, thoroughly. His hands began to caress her silky skin. She moaned as tingly sensations delighted her senses. He whispered in her ear, “Baby…I want you so much.”

  He kissed her again, moving to her neck. Removing the nightie, he threw it on the floor. “It’s nice, baby, but it’s getting in my way.”

  She giggled and began caressing his back, as he moved his lips to her breasts. “Sunny…I can’t believe I was willing to be married to you and go without…there’s no way. I see that now.”


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Don’t stop…”

  “I have no intention of stopping.”

  Proving he meant exactly what he said, his lips trailed further and further down her body, leaving a trail of sweet kisses every place they touched. His lips scorched her skin, igniting a fire within. When he had kissed every inch of her body from her head to her toes, he began a trail back up until he reached her thigh. Pushing her legs apart, he found a new place to explore. She moaned as his lips touched her again, igniting a fresh fire that she had no control of…it scorched and burned until she thought she would explode.


  “That’s it, baby….go with it….”

  When he was sure he’d satisfied her, he moved back up to face her. Through desire-glazed green eyes, he looked at her and whispered, “I want you…Sunny?”

  “Yes, Chase…oh…yes…I want you now.”

  He positioned himself and entered her swiftly, taking her with him to lands unknown. They soared above the clouds together, entering the sea of desire, the waves crashing toward them…closer and closer…until they met in one final swoop. Wave after wave of sensation overtook Sunny as she cried out.

  “Sunny…” he whispered softly as he met his own release. “Oh…Sunny.”

  They lay quietly for several minutes. When they finally returned to reality, he kissed her and teased, “I told you you’d be feeling good tonight, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did, but I had no idea it would be like that.”

  “Sunny, you had a sexual relationship with Scott,” Chase reminded her. “You’re not new to this.”

  “I did, but it was nothing like what we just did.”

  “You’re going to be so good for my ego, baby.” He kissed her again before he asked if she wanted to order room service.

  “Not particularly,” she replied. “But go ahead if you want something.”

  He ordered champagne and sandwiches for the two of them. After he replaced the receiver on the cradle, he pulled her into his arms.

  “You’d better get dressed. Room service doesn’t want a naked man answering the door,” she teased, as she ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair.

  “You never know.” He laughed as he rolled out of bed and put his pants on. He threw his shirt on carelessly, not even bothering to button it.

  “Chase, are you glad we decided to consummate the marriage?” she asked in a serious tone as she leaned up on one elbow.

  “What kind of question is that?” he asked curiously.

  “I just wondered. I can’t understand why we thought we should wait. It really makes no sense to me now.”

  “All I can say is, even if we hadn’t had that little talk last night, it wouldn’t have taken long for me to decide I had to have you. I would have gone crazy knowing you were mine but not really.”

  “I’ve wanted you from the start.”

  “Really, you have? Oh, baby, it’s a good thing you didn’t tell me that before. I might not have been able to keep my hands off you. It’s been a struggle as it is.”

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Chase signed for the food, handed the server a generous tip and carried the tray into the room. He handed her a roast beef sandwich then opened the champagne. He poured them each a glass and toasted her, “To my wife…a formidable partner…in every way.”

  Sunny held her glass up and toasted him with the words, “To my husband…who has taken me on the adventure of a lifetime.”

  “I could take that to mean several different things, Sunny.”

  “Take it however you want to.”

  He chuckled as he joined her on the bed with his sandwich.

  After they’d eaten, they snuggled together on the bed and watched a movie, falling asleep in each other’s arms. Near dawn, she woke to find her new husband watching her.

  “You okay?”

  “I am now that you’re awake.” He kissed her and pulled her on top of him.

  I’ve died and gone to heaven, was her last thought, before she began another adventure with the man she so desperately loved.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When Sunny and Chase awoke later that morning, the sun was shining brightly through the window of their Miami hotel room. She looked over at the man lying next to her and smiled, remembering the lovemaking they’d shared earlier. Who knew I’d be lying next to Chase Dupont when I first fell for his green eyes and sexy smile that night we met last spring? Things like that just don�
�t happen to Sunny Jo Drake.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” her sexy new husband said as his eyes met hers.

  “I’m thinking we ought to get out of bed at some point today,” she replied, although getting out of bed was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “We could go down for lunch…I’m sure we’ve missed breakfast by now.”

  “We could…or we could call room service and stay right here.” She gave him the most seductive look she could manage. Apparently it worked, because he took her in his arms.

  “Sunny...Sunny…Sunny…what did I ever do before I met you?” He kissed her, a passionate kiss that spoke to her soul, arousing desires even she didn’t know she possessed.

  “You probably were a very frustrated man, I’d say.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Yes, I guess I probably was. But if last night and this morning, are any indication of what being married to you is going to be like, I’ll never be frustrated again.” And to prove his point, he began caressing her arm as he kissed her again.

  She grew bolder as the kiss deepened and began exploring his magnificent body. She grew bolder still and straddled him. He looked at her in surprise, before treating her to the sexy smile that belonged only to him. He began caressing her breasts.

  “Sunny…my Sunny…” he said huskily as she began to ride him. They rode into the sunset together until they both were totally spent, Sunny again experiencing the ultimate satisfaction, and Chase marveling at the woman he’d chosen to be his wife.

  She rolled over and started to get out of bed but he pulled her back and kissed her again. “Sunny…my wife, my lover…” he murmured.

  She returned the kiss and when he finally released her, she got up. “Let’s go have lunch now.”

  “That’s it, after all that…you want lunch,” he teased.

  “Have to keep up my strength you know. Chasing two kids and keeping up with you is going to take a lot of energy.”

  “Okay, okay. Maybe we can go for a swim later and stroll down to the shops to pick up some gifts for Ali and Brice.”

  “Sounds good, but you’ve never told me about the rest of our week. Are we staying here?”


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