Tied and True

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Tied and True Page 4

by Marie Harte

  “You’re still aching, aren’t you?” she whispered, kissing her way down his face to his lips. “Mmm, I taste me on your mouth.” She sighed and deepened the kiss, making him crazy.

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  Her mouth pulled and pushed, teasing and dragging on his tongue until he was sure he would come, and without any more help from her.

  “Jared, baby, you deserve a reward,” she promised. And as her mouth moved steadily south down his body, desperation threatened to break his silence about how close to the end he was. One touch of her mouth and he’d erupt.

  But his conscience suddenly demanded he warn her. Stupid principles. “No, Lindsay,”

  he said thickly. “If you put your mouth anywhere near my cock, I’m going to come. I’m so close as it is…”

  Her breath whispered past his chest down his navel, until he could feel the heat from her mouth over his shaft. “I know.”

  She took him inside her mouth so suddenly he swore, and then she sucked him so hard he saw stars. Unable to stop himself, he thrust once, twice, and then came powerfully, shaking with his release. The act was liberating, but the image in his mind, of her taking him deep in her throat, prolonged his orgasm.

  He continued to pulse, filling her luscious mouth with his cum. He was in what felt like a frozen arch, his shaft still firm even as she milked him dry. She lifted her mouth off him in a slow, shivery movement.

  “You taste good, Jared. Like warm, sticky candy.”

  He groaned, clutching hard at the bedrail. “Lindsay,” he uttered in a hoarse voice, still not recovered from her heavenly touch. “I can’t… That was…”

  “I can tell. But that’s only the beginning. I think you owe me more than one climax, don’t you?” He heard the grin in her voice, knew she’d want more, and thanked Ethan a million times over for the opportunity to help Tron Corp.

  “Yeah, baby. I figure I owe you plenty more,” he growled.

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  Chapter Four

  Lindsay stared at him, licking her lips as she studied his naked body. She’d shifted the heavy curtains over his windows and could now see the hard body lying calmly beside her.

  Resting her gaze on his penis, she had to admit to being impressed. Seeing him last night had been erotic, but she’d never considered going down on him. Taking her to heaven should have been its own reward, but she hadn’t counted on hungering for him. Taking him in her mouth, swallowing him, had been emotionally intimate, binding her to him in a way she hadn’t expected. Of course, his fantastic tongue and skillful mouth didn’t hurt any.

  Desire for more had hit her hard, amazing considering how intensely her climax hit her. Gazing at his lips, Lindsay ran a finger over the full, red flesh and shivered as she recalled the bliss he’d taken her to so unselfishly, so completely. And he’d been turned on by it, she knew, as evidenced by how hard he’d been. The few forays she’d had into oral sex had been nowhere near as mind-blowing as her experience with Jared.

  Touching his cock made her hot, but tasting him had rekindled her fire. Knowing she made him that hard was as much an aphrodisiac as taking him in her mouth. Mmm, just thinking about sucking him made her squirm.

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  Hell, she desired him again, but she wanted more than his mouth. Should she take him inside her? Ride him? The thought teased her imagination, but she found she needed more than a captive body beneath her. Yet, what if she let him go, and he turned on her?

  As if reading her mind, Jared smiled and suggested, “Why don’t you release my ankles?

  Or my wrists? If you’re worried about me being pissed, don’t be. I feel boneless right now.

  The only thing I want to do is taste you all over again.”

  His shaft stirred, and she stared at it with hunger.

  “Come on, Lindsay. At least remove the blindfold.”

  She hesitated, suddenly unsure. It was one thing to hold the power, to have done the incredible and tied up a dominant man like Jared to use for her pleasure. But to have him see her, to know he watched her helpless desire, would put her in a position of vulnerability she didn’t feel comfortable showing him. Sure they’d had sex, but it had been at her whim. Just a game, she reminded herself. The fact that she had to work so hard to convince herself to keep things light worried her. It made no sense, but there it was.

  “I don’t think so,” she said slowly.

  Before the sex, Jared had been a weakness. Now, he was more, an intimate part of her she felt surprisingly loath to let go. And how stupid was that? One stint of sex and she was seeing happily ever after? She knew better than that and blamed her unruly hormones, ignoring the clamor of her heart that said differently.

  If she hadn’t been so confused, and so damned hungry for his body, Lindsay would have demanded an explanation for his behavior Wednesday. But oddly enough, she realized she didn’t want to know. She liked this Jared much better than the lying braggart. And it made her pause to reconcile the many similarities between this guy and the salesman everyone at work continually praised, the man she thought she’d known.

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  She shook her head. Reality was an ugly heartbeat away. Now, however, for the first time in her life, she indulged in a fantasy, one that had her tying up her lover and driving him insane with lust.

  This Lindsay Riordan didn’t step aside when she’d been wronged, and she loved the sense of strength pouring through her veins.

  Smiling, she felt so pleased with herself she ignored the small sense of disquiet that she’d forgotten something important.

  * * * * *

  Needing time to clear her mind, Lindsay distanced herself from the temptation tied up in the bedroom and fixed herself and Jared some lunch. She had yet to put on any clothes, liking the hedonism of being naked in his house, and in front of him, no less. That he knew she flaunted herself gave her a sense of command that pleased as much as it aroused.

  Humming under her breath, she finished the sandwiches and grabbed two sodas, balancing everything carefully as she returned to the bedroom. Along the way she noticed what had bothered her last night during her brief surveillance.

  Jared’s home looked comfortable but not lived in. His walls were bare. No family pictures decorated the space, and even the furniture seemed too neutral, as if it had come with the house. And maybe it had. She shrugged and continued to the bedroom. Though Jared was a marketing genius at work, he didn’t necessarily have to be a domestic perfectionist as well.

  Entering the room, she noted his calm, even breathing. Disappointed, she nevertheless knew he needed the rest. He’d had a rough go last night, not to mention the subsequent bondage and sexual frustration she’d put him through today.

  “Poor guy.” Lindsay smirked and left his food on the nightstand. She nibbled hungrily at hers, studying him and wondering exactly what it was about him that had heated her blood from the first minute she’d laid eyes on him.

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  Okay, so he had height. She was a sucker for tall men, being close to five-eleven herself. And he had muscle. Dear Lord, he had muscle. A broad chest tapered into a lean waist. Taut abs, thick arms, and ropy forearms complemented his strong thighs and toned calves. The man could have modeled for Muscle and Fitness, and she couldn’t stop staring as she ate.

  All her life Lindsay had been told she was pretty, but she had never understood precisely why men found her fascinating. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, big deal. So did a million other women, women more attractive than her. And so what that she’d been cursed with large breasts? Nowadays, anyone could fit into a C-cup with the right doctor.

  Good genes were responsible for her trim frame -- that and her fair share of maintenance aerobics.

  Yet since puberty, boys, then men, refused to leave her alone. To her consternation, she’d felt little attraction for the opposite sex. Maybe it was the false praise, the inability to trus
t another to see past the surface into the woman within. Looking at Jared brought her issues into perspective. Lindsay had seen more attractive men, but Jared packed an unmistakable wallop that made him nearly irresistible to anyone in a skirt. And she wondered if he knew of his hold on women -- on her -- or if he felt as unsure as she did.

  After all, if Jared had been that vain about his looks, he sure as hell wouldn’t have been pleasuring himself when he could have been enjoying any one of the available women from work.

  She felt overly warm and drank her soda. The memory of him staring at her image on the computer when he’d touched himself kept resurfacing in her mind. He’d been so beautiful reaching climax, so incredibly hot while staring at pictures of her.

  Lindsay squirmed. She wanted him again, as if she hadn’t experienced an earth-shattering orgasm a short while ago. The small niggle of guilt that crept up when she stared too hard at his restraints left her. A small grin graced Lindsay’s lips. This whole mess was his fault, in a twisted kind of way, and this was her fantasy, damn it, her right to extract a bit of

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  revenge for being treated like an object. She might be taking sexual advantage, but he’d found as much pleasure, if not more, at her hands -- or rather -- Lindsay licked her lips, her mouth.

  She grinned wider, pleased with her rationalizations. Jared was hers for another thirty-six hours, and she intended to use that time to her satisfaction. She walked to his side and knelt close, placing her lips on the pulse at his neck. She kissed him slowly, sucking and teasing, until she felt an increase in the flutter of his heartbeat.

  Inhaling the subtle scent that was Jared, the raw blanket of sex that clung to him like a second skin, she continued over his neck to his chest, focusing on his nipples that, as she licked, tightened into small knots. She kissed him, laving the taut flesh until he awakened, groaning her name, arching into her touch. His muscles rippled as he fought the restraints, but he didn’t argue, merely urged her for more with his body.

  Gratified she could so enhance his desire, Lindsay whispered all the things she wanted to do to him as she reached down and stroked his turgid erection. His breathing increased until he was panting, pressing hard into her palm.

  “You’re so hot, Jared,” she said, nipping his earlobe and making him beg for more. “So thick.” Her hand slid over him easily, rubbing his silken flesh.

  “I need to move, to touch you,” he groaned. “Please, Lindsay. Cut me free.”

  Glancing at his feet, she decided to meet him halfway. Cutting the bonds off his ankles, she tossed his knife to the floor. “That’s as free as you’re going to get for a while. Now ease back and relax,” she said, her voice throaty. She wanted to taste him again. Moving down his body, Lindsay breathed over his penis and made him writhe.

  Taking him fully, she began sliding him in and out of her mouth, stroking with her tongue and raking her teeth ever so lightly under his crown. He shouted and pushed deeper, making her groan. She felt as desperate as Jared acted and decided to fix their problem with undue haste.

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  Releasing him, Lindsay straddled his groin and waited, sliding over his arousal without allowing penetration, her body completely wet and needy. “I’m going to ride you, baby. Long and hard,” she promised, taking the tip of him inside her. “And you’re going to come inside me.”

  “Lindsay,” he groaned, his voice harsh. “Fucking do it!”

  She rocked, taking him inside, little by little. Helpless to do more than thrust as high as he could, Jared trembled, ordering, asking, and then pleading with her to take all of him.

  Sensing he’d reached the end of his endurance and perilously close to coming herself, Lindsay sank over him. Up and down she pressed, slamming onto him and grinding her clit into his pelvis.

  “So good,” she breathed, as she quickened her pace, noting his encouraging motions, his jerking hips and clenched buttocks. “Oh, Jared.”

  She needed… So close to the edge… Reaching down, Lindsay rubbed her clit and swore she felt him swell inside her. Coming, she cried out and clenched him tightly, dimly aware of his shout as she continued to ride him.

  Finally stilling, she stared at him through half-closed eyes. His nipples were tight, and his chest flexed as he panted, as if he’d just run a marathon.

  “Shit, Lindsay,” he rasped. “You’re going to give me a heart attack.” Jared groaned, and she smiled. “Now, please, take these things off.” He shook his hands. “I need to touch you.”

  “Not a chance. I’m having too much fun with you at my mercy. Come on, Jared, admit you’ve thought about being tied up and seduced.”

  “Actually, I have. But in my fantasies, I’m the one doing the tying, and you’re helpless under me,” he rumbled. “I’m not going to ask you again, Lindsay.”

  Something in his tone made her sober, and she glanced at his ties with alarm. Seeing them intact, she relaxed and kissed him firmly on the lips. Feeling him inside her, she squeezed him tighter and warned, “Don’t ask again. My answer is still no. You’ll be freed

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  before Monday so you can go back to work. And our time will be over.” She paused, not wanting to, but needing to make sure he understood.

  If only she knew which Jared she clung to, the hard-working man she respected or the mouthy rumor mill trying to impress his juvenile associates. Recalling too easily his chatter with the idiot twins, she frowned. “Jared, don’t even think about mentioning this time together to anyone. I’ll not only deny it, but everyone at work will get a glimpse of the great Jared Hunt naked and stiff as the day is long.”

  He stilled, his body tense, but he said nothing. She squelched the small measure of guilt for threatening him after the pleasure they’d just shared, but he’d been the one chatting it up with Maclearn and Simmons. He’d been the one who insinuated that he had a naughty picture of her.

  “Just so we understand each other. Now, lie back and relax.” Petting his chest, she relaxed when he took a deep breath and settled into the bed. Yawning, Lindsay eased off him and moved next to him. “Just give me an hour or so, and I’ll show you a few things that will set your hair on fire.”

  Chuckling, she snuggled closer to his heat and threw an arm around his chest. Lindsay hugged him tight, wishing he was as perfect as he felt inside her. She sighed. Would that he were.

  The minute Lindsay’s breathing evened into sleep, Jared tugged his hands free from the restraints he’d been working loose for the past hour, ripped off his blindfold, and carefully substituted a pillow in place of his body for her to hug. He eased out of the bed, stifling a groan at the pain in his stiff arms. Working the blood flow back into them, Jared flexed and released his muscles as he stared, for the first time, at Lindsay Riordan in the flesh.

  His mouth dried as his gaze caressed her the way he soon planned to, with hands that itched for erotic revenge. In retrospect, it was probably a good thing he’d been blindfolded.

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  Had he seen her like that, those full lips, rosy breasts, and long, sleek thighs, he’d no doubt have broken out of his bonds earlier. As it was, it had been all he could do to remain in her control, succumbing to her teasing. Her sexual torture had made him desperate while she’d ridden him.

  Christ, he’d never come so hard before, or for so long. He couldn’t believe she made him so crazy. But looking at her, he could readily imagine their next time. And what a next time it would be.

  His eyes narrowed as he traipsed carefully out of the bedroom and down the hall to the second bathroom. After seeing to his needs and taking a quick shower, Jared cleared his bedroom of the stale sandwich and returned to the kitchen, suddenly ravenous. He grabbed a bite to eat and made a few phone calls. He should have checked in with Ethan last night, so he hoped his buddy wouldn’t think anything was amiss by his silence.

  As luck would have it, Ethan had been too busy on his
current project to bother with him. A call to their secretary assured Jared he hadn’t missed much, and he returned what messages he could before leaving his office behind, far behind, in his new list of priorities.

  Returning to his bedroom, he saw Lindsay was still curled around his pillow. She murmured his name and hugged it tighter, causing his heart to stutter.

  What the hell was that?

  He felt a moment’s panic that he’d fallen in way over his head on what had started out as a small job. Hell, the woman didn’t even know his true reason for being here. Or his real name.

  Jared’s toe nudged something cold on the floor, and he felt a measure of relief, his attention thankfully distracted by the small knife and black backpack sitting near the bed.

  After several moments spent perusing the pack’s contents, he smiled a slow, satisfied grin as he withdrew four more secure ties. Noting the time, he decided to give her a few hours of uninterrupted sleep before awakening her to a “new day,” with newer rules.

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  He’d hoped she would release him, that she’d allow him to show her he could be trusted. But no, not his Lindsay.

  His Lindsay. Mulling the words, he found to his surprise that he liked the sound of them.

  His Lindsay was a stubborn sex goddess with little room in her heart for forgiveness, apparently. She’d taken him to heaven but refused to let him stay there. Damn, but the images she’d stoked in his brain as he’d wondered what she’d do next had nearly killed him.

  But now…Jared gave a wicked smile. Now Lindsay would have plenty of time to regret her actions. And he’d make her listen to the truth if he had to gag her. His cock stiffened, and he rubbed the well-used member, amazed he was still so hungry for the stubborn woman. As long as he’d come, as perfect as it had felt to be inside her, Jared wanted her yet again, right now, but had to content himself with waiting.


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