Ravage and Surrender

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by Cali MacKay

  Ravage and Surrender

  Book Five in The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

  By Cali MacKay

  Ravage and Surrender

  The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

  By Cali MacKay

  Copyright © 2015 by Cali MacKay

  Published by Daeron Publishing


  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher or author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. The story contained within is the work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This story contains explicit sexual scenes and adult language and is only for readers over the age of 18.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2015, edition 1.0 (links included)

  ISBN: 978-1-940041-27-8

  Table of Contents

  Ravage and Surrender

  Ravage and Surrender

  By Cali MacKay

  Chapter One

  With her heart pounding and her chest tight with worry, Hannah Tennant knocked one last time, desperately hoping Will would just answer the door. Though they’d separated six months earlier, he was still one of her best friends and it wasn’t like him to stand her up, nor was it like him to not answer his phone.

  Sure, he’d been more distracted as of late…and more secretive. At first she’d blamed it on his job, knowing he was working hours that were crazier than usual. Then she’d blamed it on him moving out and their pending divorce.

  But now? Her gut told her something was wrong, and after her brother’s murder, she couldn’t help but worry. If nothing else, she and Will could have a good laugh over her paranoia. Besides, Will would understand after all she’d been through.

  Digging through her purse, she pulled out the spare key he’d given her. It wasn’t the home they’d shared when they were together, but rather a small cottage that he’d moved into after they split up, quietly nestled in the woods. He hadn’t wanted to disrupt her life by having her move out, even though she was the one who’d finally called it quits, needing to bring an end to something that had long felt like it was dying a slow death.

  Jiggling the key in the lock, it finally turned and she let herself in. “Will? It’s me… Are you home?”

  The moment she moved past the entry, adrenaline spiked through her system, sending her heart hammering as she took in the scene. The once neat room had been destroyed—lamps broken, furniture overturned, and…blood…so much blood… “Will!”

  She was reliving her nightmare, except that this time, it was Will instead of her brother, Ryan. With trembling hands, she pulled out her phone and managed to dial nine-one-one, trying to keep calm as she gave the emergency operator the address, her voice shaking as she stumbled over the words. Carefully, she moved through the house, still hoping to find her husband as she answered the operator’s questions.

  “No…he’s not here and the house is empty, from what I can tell. I don’t know where he is…but there’s blood and the place has been tossed. The police…” They were on their way, at least. “No, I haven’t touched anything—just the front door to let myself in.”

  She could hear the sirens in the distance, and went out onto the front porch to wait for them, unable to bear the sight of Will’s struggles and what was likely his blood. “They’re here now. Thank you.”

  Hannah barely remembered a thing about the next four hours as she was questioned and re-questioned by the police, forced to relive her nightmare as the worst memories of her life were dredged up, her barely healed wounds of her brother’s murder torn open once more. “No…Will’s a nice guy. He doesn’t have any enemies and he doesn’t have any bad habits—no gambling, no drugs, just the occasional drink. He’s just your typical computer geek. Sweet, smart… No, I don’t live here. We separated six months ago, but we’re still good friends. I still…love him.” Her eyes burned as she held back her tears, trying not to think the worst, and yet…how could she not?

  Detective Lambert jotted down something in his notepad and then flipped it shut. “We’ll check with local hospitals and the surrounding woods, on the off chance he tried to get away from the assailants on foot with the hopes of finding some cover there. We’ll also question the neighbors. See if any of them saw or heard anything. We don’t know the nature of the attack, or how your husband fared, but we’ll look into it. His car seems to be missing, so it’s possible he left. Went to get help, perhaps?”

  “But…there’s too much blood and his time’s running out if he’s been badly injured. His place—it’s been destroyed. Someone must have attacked him, and they must have taken his car too.” Was Lambert trying to tell her that just because there wasn’t a body, that they weren’t going to take it seriously? Her tears finally spilled over at the thought that they might not find him in time. “He could be dying somewhere—someone must have taken him. Please…you need to find him. He’s not the sort of guy to just take off, which means someone did this to him.”

  “We’re going to do everything we can, Ms. Tennant. In the meantime, if you can think of anything else, no matter how small a detail, please call me.” Lambert handed her his card and then with a look over at his partner, they left her and headed back into Will’s house, which was now roped off with crime-scene tape.

  When the tears slipped down her cheeks, she wiped them away with a shaky hand, her entire body fighting off the tremors that wanted to consume her. What had Will gotten himself into? She had to find him…especially if the cops weren’t going to make it a priority or take it seriously. Because she couldn’t shrug off the feeling that the worst had happened, and the thought of losing Will…

  Jake… She had to tell him what happened. He was one of their dearest friends, and maybe…maybe he’d know what to do. Maybe he’d heard from Will.

  Taking a ragged breath, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number, knowing that if anyone could help her, if anyone could see her through this, it’d be Jake.

  And yet the mere thought of Jake sent her worried heart racing to a different beat, a heart still carrying battle scars that refused to fully heal. And yet it was a beat she had long ignored—and would continue to do so if she had any hope of keeping her heart safe. Because Jake might be one of her dearest friends, but he’d also broken her heart.

  He picked up just as she was starting to lose hope, loud music thumping in the background. “Hannah?”

  The sound of his voice had her eyes stinging with tears. “Yeah… It’s me. Jake… I need you. Please…it’s Will. He’s missing. And his place…there was a fight…and there was blood.”

  “Are you okay? Are you safe?” There was such concern in his voice, she suddenly felt less alone just to know he cared.

  “I’m fine. But…I just don’t know what to do. I need you, Jake.” She hated that her voice cracked and her tears spilled over when she needed to stay strong—for Will’s sake.

  “I’ll be right there. I’ve got you, love.”

  Chapter Two

  Jake had gotten Hannah’s call while at Emma and Quinn’s wedding, and had left immediately, pausing only to quickly pack a bag at his place and get changed out of the tux he’d been wearing. It had felt a little odd to see Emma get married, but truth be told, he couldn’t have been happier for his dear friend, and Quinn truly did make her happy, which was all Jake had ever wanted for her.

  Hannah… Fucking hell. His chest immediately filled with regret and heartache at the mere thought of her. He’d had eight years to mull over
the biggest mistake of his life, and it hurt no less now, years later, to know he’d missed out on being with the love of his life. He’d tried to move past it, tried to get over her just like she’d managed to get over him by marrying Will, but eight years later he’d yet to find the sort of relationship he’d stupidly walked away from.

  Pushing aside his own issues, he thought of Hannah and what she must be going through, especially after her brother’s death four years ago. The thought of her going through this alone…he just couldn’t bear it.

  He’d always been fiercely protective of her, and now was no different, especially when whoever had done this to Will might come back and harm her. It had him wanting to steal her away, to keep her safe. And it also had him wondering if he and Hannah could ever start over. Because that thought, above all else, was a constant in his life.

  As for Will…fuck. What the hell had he gotten himself into? He wasn’t the sort of guy who got himself into trouble. He was always the one who took the safe road and the sure bet. It was why Hannah had fallen for Will after Jake had walked away from her, too worried that he couldn’t make her happy and give her all she deserved. Will had been there to help her pick up the pieces, and with him, she’d found happiness. For a little while anyway.

  Having left the wedding so late in the evening, it was nearly one in the morning by the time Jake got to Hannah’s home. She answered the door the moment he knocked, her eyes rimmed red from crying, and her copper curls disheveled. “Jake…”

  She paused for a long moment, clearly trying to fight back the wave of emotions she was battling, and then, as if losing the fight, she fell into his arms. Without a single thought, he held onto her, cradling her body to his as she wept against his chest, his cheek resting atop her head.

  It killed him that she was hurting, especially when there was so little he could do for her. He’d try to offer her what little comfort and protection he could, though it felt woefully inadequate in the face of what she truly needed. “Hush, love…we’ll find him. I promise.”

  Still holding onto her, he made sure to lock the door behind them, still worried that whoever had gone after Will might also come after Hannah. With a tight arm around her waist, Jake shifted her towards the sofa, already familiar with the layout, since it was the home she’d once shared with Will.

  Despite his feelings for Hannah, Jake still visited them regularly while they were married. But once Hannah and Will separated, Jake hadn’t trusted himself to be alone with her—not when she was finally single. He had never come between them when they’d been married, but knowing they’d split up… Well, he knew that their split would be enough to weaken his self-control, and he’d try to get back what he once had with Hannah—what he’d once been stupid enough to walk away from.

  He’d known it’d be a bad idea to pursue her so soon after her divorce, and he hadn’t wanted to ruin what little chance he might have to win her back. And then there was the fact that Will was one of his best friends, which only complicated matters further.

  So he’d stayed away from Hannah, as hard as that had been. Until now.

  Pursuing Hannah could easily be taken as a betrayal to their friendship. Although it wasn’t all that different than Will dating her after Jake had left her brokenhearted, Will at least had the decency to speak to him about it first. Not that Jake would get that opportunity if they didn’t find him.

  It’s not as though Jake hadn’t tried to move on. He had, to an extent, by falling for Emma, even if she could never think of him as anything but a friend. But maybe…maybe he’d fallen for Emma because she’d been a safe bet, and he knew there was little chance that she’d return his affections. And it was why one look at Hannah was enough to stoke the fire that still burned for her, reigniting a love that had never come close to being extinguished.

  With Hannah still in his arms, he sat them down on the large comfy sofa, leaving her tucked in at his side, as his heart raced to have her so close once again. He ran a soothing hand over her back as she cried, her head propped against his chest, making him wish he could erase her pain. It killed him to see her so upset, especially when she’d never been one for tears. “We can’t assume the worst, love. But you have my word, we’ll do all we can to find him.”

  With a ragged breath, she sat up out of his arms and took off her tortoiseshell frame glasses to wipe at her tears. Fucking hell…even when she was a wreck, she was still gorgeous, with her thick strawberry blonde hair and the galaxy of freckles that smattered her porcelain skin.

  She may have been his best friend’s wife, but long before that, she’d been the woman who’d stolen his heart. And he’d fucked it up. He’d pushed her away, too scared of the intensity between them and too worried that he wouldn’t be enough—too worried that he wouldn’t be good for her. And so he’d driven her into Will’s arms, only to realize how badly he’d fucked up once it was too late to win her back. Hannah had started a life with Will, and he’d respected that. What choice did he have when Will was his best friend?

  “I know I need to stay positive, but after what happened to Ryan and then seeing Will’s place…I just can’t stop thinking the worst. I don’t even know when the attack took place. And what if he’s still alive somewhere, bleeding out? What if he can’t get help and we’re not able to find him until it’s too late?”

  “You can’t give up hope, Hannah. We’ll go to the police station first thing in the morning and see if they’ve come across any new information for us to go on.” Yet Jake couldn’t shrug the feeling that this was all so odd. Will wasn’t the sort of guy who’d get himself into any sort of trouble. He was always the calm, levelheaded one. The one who was sensible, responsible, and thought things through. “Do you have any idea who may have wanted to hurt him? Or maybe there was something he got mixed up in?”

  She shook her head no, her aqua eyes darkening as her gaze slipped to her hands on her lap and she fidgeted with her glasses. “Honestly, I’m not sure. We still saw each other often enough, but lately…I don’t know. He seemed distracted—not that he’d talk to me about it. I hate to say it, but we’d grown apart these last few years. Ever since Ryan…”

  Jake knew just how hard her brother’s death had been on her, especially when Ryan had been the last bit of family that she’d had left. For her to have to relive something so awful…it was killing him that he couldn’t protect her from it all and spare her the hurt. They just had to get to Will before it was too late.

  “Was he working on any new projects? Hanging out with any new friends? Any changes to his schedule?” Though he and Will had been good friends, Jake’s schedule at the restaurant was crazy, and he, too, often missed out on what his friends were up to. And with Will married to Hannah, it wasn’t exactly easy to see them together.

  “No…not that I’m aware of, anyway.” She settled back against his chest, with a ragged sigh, the emotion in her voice killing him. “Some friend—some wife—I am. I don’t even know what he was working on.”

  “In your defense, you guys split up over six months ago. You don’t even live in the same town anymore. And it’s not like I’ve been any better about keeping in touch.” From the little Will had said, his split from Hannah had been amicable. They’d just wanted different things from life and had grown apart. Yet Hannah had said even less when he’d tried to speak to her about her impending divorce. He’d wanted to push, wanted to know if she wouldn’t discuss it because she still loved Will, but she had refused to elaborate.

  At the very least, Jake hadn’t been an active part of the reason they’d broken up. It’d been damn hard to stay away and not give in to his feelings for Hannah, but he had. He’d let their relationship play out, without interfering in any way. And if he did eventually try to pursue a new relationship with Hannah, he couldn’t be accused of having meddled in their marriage or sabotaged it in any way.

  When she nestled deeper against him, Jake tightened his hold on her, doing his best to ignore his body’s reaction to
having her back in his arms once more. It was the last thing she needed, and totally inappropriate given the circumstances, even if he found it near impossible to hold himself back from desperately wanting her.

  Needing to put an end to his growing arousal before he did something he’d regret, he gently shifted Hannah out of his arms. “Come on, little red. It’s really late, and we’ll likely have a long day ahead of us. Let’s get you to bed, yeah?”

  She sat up and nodded, her eyes shimmering with tears. “What if…what if the worst has happened, Jake? I know I need to stay positive, but the amount of blood…even if he’s still alive…his injuries could be fatal if he doesn’t get to a hospital. The thought that he’s out there all alone on such a cold night—or worse, that he’s with whoever did this to him. What if they’re hurting him? I just can’t bear the thought. And I keep seeing Ryan…the way I found him…”

  Jake cupped her cheek and brushed her tears away when they spilled over, her skin soft as silk. “Don’t, Hannah. Don’t do this to yourself. It might not even be Will’s blood. Let’s not think the worst when we don’t have a whole lot of facts to go on. Okay? Come morning, we may know a whole lot more than we do at the moment, and right now, the best thing for you is to get some rest. Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” Jake stood and pulled her up off the sofa when she gave a slight wobble as if the blood had rushed from her head and she’d gone light-headed.

  Catching her, he scooped her up in his arms, ignoring her protests. “I can walk, Jake.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re dead on your feet, and you’ve had a rough night.” He was already heading up the stairs with her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him, as she finally settled her head against his shoulder.

  Heading to her room, he lowered her onto the bed and got ready to go when she grabbed his hand and looked up at him with shimmering eyes, and tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. “Jake…”


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