Conquer (Control)

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Conquer (Control) Page 13

by Willis, M. S.

  “We also need to stop at a phone store on the way to the gym.” Daemon’s words jolted me from my thoughts and anxieties about my parents. He looked down at me knowingly and I smiled up at him, amazed that he could read me as well as he did. His hand came up to brush along my cheek. “Forgive them, Paige. They were only trying to look out for you by what they did. Their choices were made because of their love for you, and I can’t help but be thankful to them for that.”

  I stood silently, having nothing to say. He was right. I understood my parents’ decision, but it still felt like a betrayal. My emotions were apparently not in sync with logic. Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “Let’s get going. The phone store and the gym are going to take a while, and I want to try and get to The Center before late afternoon. I’m not sure when they are dropping Annie off, but I want to get there as soon as I can to see her.

  Within the next hour, I found myself shopping for a phone with Daemon by my side. As soon as we entered the store, Daemon instantly directed me to the biggest and most advanced smart phone available. The damn thing was massive. I believe the screen size rivaled most small computer screens. I was unsure how I could even hold it to my ear. The expression on my face must have given away my hesitancy because Daemon snatched the floor model phone out of my hand to show me the different features.

  Ten minutes passed as he bested the sales people. I believe a few gathered around to listen and learn from his sales pitch. He really was very astute in his knowledge of the device.

  “Think about it, Damsel. When you get back to work, this phone could be quite useful. You’ll have the internet at the tips of your fingers, and the screen is large enough that you should be able to navigate .PDFs and other documents with ease. You wouldn’t have to wait to look things up until you were in front of a computer…”

  His smile was enough to floor me. He looked like a child asking for a new toy, hopeful, yet still not sure his parent would relent.

  “…And there are a lot of useful apps. There is pretty much an app for every possible thing you could ever want. Flashlights, cameras, video recorders, voice recorders, GPS…the list goes on and on.”

  My mouth scrunched at the corner. He was like an infomercial. Upbeat and perky and promising me that the item he was selling would somehow solve everything wrong in my life. He was freaking me out a little. Where was the seductive, yet terrifying Daemon I had grown to love?

  “If I agree to buy it, will you change back into a normal person?”

  His smile faded at my question.

  I took the phone from his hand and placed it back in its holder. I looked over to the gathering of sales people. Jerking my thumb in Daemon’s direction, I said, “I’ll take it, but you need to give the commission to him.” Their applause surprised me and replaced the smile on Daemon’s lips.

  We stepped up to the counter and waited for one of the clerks to run in the backroom to retrieve my new computer…errr…phone. Daemon smiled triumphantly and I rolled my eyes in response. Just as the little pimpled face, seventeen year old clerk stepped out with my device, Daemon’s phone rang.

  Bringing the phone to his ear, he moved away from the counter to answer the call. I paid the clerk for the phone and patiently listened as he offered protection plans, screen protectors, cases, chargers, camera attachments, and just about every other possible accessory known to man. Who needs all of this stuff?! It’s a freaking phone! I was able to side step all the miscellaneous offers, but agreed to the insurance plan after remembering the fate of my previous phone.

  As I grabbed the bag and turned to walk away, I noticed the blank expression had returned to Daemon’s face. Oh shit.

  Daemon opened the door so that I could walk outside before passing his phone to me. “It’s Detective Troy. You really need to talk to her, Paige.” Judging by the expression on his face, I knew the news was not good.

  I brought the phone to my ear. Before I could utter a greeting, she was talking. “Ms. Stone, I’m seriously disappointed that you didn’t call me last night with the results of your trip to the trailer park yesterday.”

  Holy crap. She was calling to yell at me? Okay, so I’d forgotten to call her, but I was distracted. Car sex had turned into bed sex, and then wall sex, more bed sex, and finally a long bath and sleepy land.

  “Ms. Stone, I need to know the name of the person you met with yesterday. More importantly, I need to know what he told you.” Detective Troy spoke in a curt, quipped manner and I grew worried at the implication of her tone.

  “I met with a guy named Bill. He told me he was Chris’ biological father but he wasn’t really around as Chris was growing up. He also said something about Chris being abused by his mother. Apparently, she disappeared without a trace and Chris ran off about a year afterward.”

  “Ms. Stone, Bill Ingram was found dead this morning in his home. His death was not pleasant to say the least.”

  Holy shit!

  Bill was dead? I didn’t know what my emotions were doing. Was I sad, scared, or shocked? I didn’t know. It could have been a combination of all three. “Are you sure you have the right guy? Who found him? How did you know he was the guy I visited? Are you sure it’s the same Bill? ‘Pull my Finger’ shirt Bill?” Words were pouring so quickly from my mouth that even my questions were asking questions.


  “So how did you know I’d been there?”

  Detective Troy sighed loudly into the phone. “He was found by a female neighbor who had stopped by to check on his welfare. We interviewed her after arriving to the crime scene and she described a tall blond woman and dark haired man who visited Mr. Ingram’s trailer earlier in the day. She happened to have copied down Mr. Pierce’s vehicle tag number. I was contacted by the investigating officers due to Daemon’s involvement in our investigation.”

  The nosy bitch copied his tag number?!

  How sad. I sighed when I realized Bill hated those ‘nosy bitches’, but if it hadn’t been for them, his body may have gone undiscovered for months. My eyes met Daemon’s briefly. He looked like a caged tiger as he paced back and forth in front of me. His hands clenched at his sides, causing the veins in his arms to bulge.

  I returned my attention to the phone. “Detective Troy, Bill believed Chris may have killed his mother several years ago. Apparently she abused him verbally and physically his entire life. The women who live in that park told Bill about the things that were done to Chris. I suggest you speak with them. I asked Bill if he knew where we could locate Chris, but he told me he hadn’t spoken to his son since right after Chris’ mother vanished.”

  The phone was silent for an extended time and I wondered if Detective Troy had forgotten about me. “Detective? Are you there?”

  “Yes.” Her instant response startled me. “Is that all the information you gathered?”

  I quickly ran through my recollection of our visit with Bill before answering. “Yes.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Stone. I’ll be in touch.” The phone disconnected and I handed it back to Daemon. I briefly pondered her rush to end the call, but shrugged it off.

  “Bill’s dead.”

  Daemon nodded before placing his hand on the small of my back to lead me to his truck. I was once again met with his chilling silence as we drove to the gym.


  When we arrived at the gym, we were met with the same gruff and weathered faces as before. Joe smiled to see that we’d returned. He approached us within seconds, taking Daemon into a hug right before also wrapping his large arms around me.

  “Good to see you kids back so soon.” Immediately, Joe launched into recanting the ongoings at the gym after we’d left yesterday. Apparently, Dave beat on Tony pretty good as a lesson for being disrespectful to a lady. I felt bad. Tony was just being a kid when he’d said what he’d said. A kid my age. Not really a kid. Nevermind…I no longer felt bad.

  After talking for about ten minutes, Joe walked over to retake his place among the peanut gallery. Not one
second after arriving next to his buddies, Joe reached into his shirt pocket to remove a cigarette from the pack. Lighting it up, he smiled and nodded his head at Daemon and I, acknowledging that we had free reign of the gym to train. I turned to Daemon and found an odd look plastered to his face.

  Hesitantly, I asked, “So what’s the plan for today. Are we climbing in the ring or what?”

  Daemon checked the time on his phone and looked around the gym. Apparently he didn’t find what he was looking for so he excused himself to make a quick phone call. I watched as his muscular body walked away. I was always appreciative of the view of Daemon whether he was coming or going. Both the front and back of his body had features that caused involuntary drool to escape me. The muscles of his legs and butt moved within the fabric of his shorts. I had flashbacks to my hands traveling along the smooth, yet rock hard perfection of his body and my knees suddenly felt weak. I should have cared who he was on the phone with, however that part of my brain shut down as my eyes took in the perfection of his form. I was lost in my admiration when I heard coughing and sputtering coming from the peanut gallery. I was instantly reminded that Daemon and I were not alone, and I had to shake myself out of my lustful state.

  Daemon hung up the phone and moved back to my side. “I have a special surprise for you today, Damsel.” A mischievous grin played over his sculpted lips, which perfectly complimented the gleam in his eye. I cocked an eyebrow knowing that he was definitely up to something. Daemon noticed my skepticism and chuckled before saying, “My surprise is running a little late, but should be here within the next ten minutes. Today, we are going to work on your endurance.”

  I didn’t know it was possible, but my one eyebrow raised even higher above my eye and was dangerously close to getting lost within my hairline. “Why are we working on my endurance?”

  “Two reasons. You winded way too quickly while we were sparring yesterday, and if you are ever in a situation where you need to protect yourself, you will need to be able to keep going without wearing out. Secondly…” His eyes hooded and darkened as he leaned closer to my ear to whisper quietly, “…considering what I want to do to you the next time I have you alone, it would be best that your body and lungs are conditioned to withstand physical exertion.” Pulling back, he winked quickly at me. My knees buckled slightly and I reached out to steady myself. Another chuckle escaped Daemon as his arms came around me to pull us together. “Have I told you lately, how much I appreciate your body’s reaction to me?” His voice had that smooth, seductive pull as he spoke. A few hoots sounded from our audience and my cheeks heated in response. Daemon’s face took on a smug grin. He had the remarkable ability of making me feel naked in public and he knew it…he enjoyed it. A few suggestive words, mixed with a sensual and baritone drawl, and poof…I became a lump of clay ready for his skilled hands.

  Two could play this game.

  After quickly formulating a plan, I asked, “So what are we waiting on? How exactly were you planning on warming me up?” I turned so that my back was to him. I stripped off the tank top I wore over my sports bra, held my hand out and unceremoniously dropped the shirt on the ground. My head twisted to peak at Daemon from over my shoulder. His eyes dared me to continue. He knew it was unlikely I would, especially given the presence of Joe and the Gang. I was intent on proving him wrong. My intent was only fueled as the corner of his mouth twitched giving away his attempt to hide his knowing grin.

  Slowly, I removed the cotton shorts that covered my spandex. More coughs and sputters sounded from the peanut gallery, but I didn’t care. This was game on and I couldn’t afford to be modest. The sports bra and spandex were enough to cover my skin, but so tight that they left nothing to the imagination. I felt exposed.

  Reaching down slowly, I brought my hands to my ankles. I peaked up at Daemon from between my legs and smiled. “Perhaps we should stretch first?”

  Daemon’s mouth was slightly open, his eyes burning as they locked on my ass. I bounced my knees a little. His eyelids hooded.

  I’ve always been a flexible person. I never had to practice to achieve that flexibility. It was a product of my klutziness. I’ve tripped and slipped and fallen so many times, sometimes landing in painful positions, the ligaments and tendons within my thighs had stretched throughout the years. Using this unknown talent to my advantage, I righted myself only to slowly slip down into a full straddle. Once again peeking over my shoulder, I said. “Come on, Daemon. Don’t you want to help me stretch?”

  With my legs still split impossibly wide, I lowered my upper body to the floor. From Daemon’s angle, everything was exposed by the spandex hugging my body. He didn’t move and I inwardly high fived myself. My challenge was not accepted and I viewed that as a win.

  Righting myself, I pushed myself back into a standing position before turning back to face him. His eyes ran up my body, stopping in keys places, before continuing their path to meet mine. My chest flushed from anticipation. He was fucking me with his eyes. I knew that look. I was absorbed by that look.

  To be fair, I gave his body a good look over as well. A sheen of perspiration appeared in the dip at the base of his neck. Although barely noticeable, his chest expanded just a bit more with his increased breathing. His hands were clenched at his sides and…oh! Judging by the beginnings of a tent in the front of his cotton shorts, I’d say Daemon was participating in some stretching exercises after all. I chuckled triumphantly and looked back up to his eyes. They were crinkled in the corner and the different blue hues swirled together. I bit my bottom lip, causing his eyes to widen.

  Taking two steps forward, I pressed my chest against him. My neck craned as I looked up. We were so close I could hear his heart beating against the wall of his chest. Mine knocked back in return. I held my breath, waiting to see if he would break his resolve. His hands found their way to the back of my head. I kept my face turned up to him. Bringing his head down, his mouth brushed against mine. I was intoxicated by his scent. My tongue poked out from between my lips to taste the salt left behind from his brief kiss. He brought his face down to touch my nose with his. Parting his mouth slightly, his hand fisted in my hair and he pulled me…

  “What the hell is that?! Boy, I think you are in the WRONG gym.” Joe and the Gang cackled from their corner. My cheeks heated again. I’d completely forgotten they were there. Daemon had that effect on a girl. Our heads shot to the front of the gym to find David standing by the front door holding a boombox.

  Oh. My. God.

  David…was dressed…like Richard Simmons.

  There were no words.

  He wore white sneakers with white socks pulled halfway up his calves. His long legs were exposed by the embarrassingly short red striped shorts that barely covered his ass. His heart shape bedazzled tank top dipped low to reveal most of his chest. The look was completed by the rainbow striped sweatband that adorned his head. In all honesty, it looked like a little girls closet threw up all over him. He stood there with a silly smile on his face and an impish look in his eye.

  Daemon suddenly broke out into booming laughter. Releasing me he walked over to greet David. They did the male fist bump before Daemon turned to me and said, “Damsel…meet your aerobics instructor.”

  As David walked over to where I was standing, I noticed that the peanut gallery had grown unusually quiet. I glanced in their direction. Each man stood open-mouthed, a burning cigarette balanced precariously on their dropped bottom lips. How in the hell did they do that? Returning my attention to David, he sashayed his way to my side and stopped in front of me, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.

  “I hear you need to get yourself in shape, Paige my dear. Well no worries, because I am here to help you move!”

  This was not happening. Not only was he dressed like Richard Simmons, he as acting like him as well. My eyes flicked to a grinning Daemon. His expression gave away his amusement at the situation. I knew the bastard had set me up.

  “David, you don’t do aerobic
s. As far as I can recall, you’ve never exercised a day in your life.” I eyed my friend, wondering who’d stolen him and replaced him with the exercise pixie of the 1980s.

  David brushed away my question with his hand. “We’re not exercising Paige…we’re Dancing to the Oldies!!” His voice raised about two octaves as he excitedly announced his plans. Placing down the boombox on the floor, David moved to stretch out his long, lean body. While bent over, David peeked up at me. “Paige, you’re going to want to stretch out so you don’t get any muscle cramping while we dance.”

  Daemon’s hand suddenly landed on my ass, followed by a low whistle from our audience. “No worries, David. Paige stretched before you came.” Daemon winked at me. “If you need me, babe, I’ll be standing over there with Joe.

  I glared in his direction as he sauntered his way over to the spectator’s side of the gym, chuckling the entire way.

  David popped back up from his stretching. “You ready?”


  “Too bad! Let’s do this, girl!” He reached down to push play on the boombox.


  My eyes widened in realization of the ‘oldies’ David had in mind for our dance session. “Is this Wham?!” My voice was one of shock and disbelief. This was not happening. I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again, hoping with everything I had that it was all a dream and I would somehow awaken just by the mere motion of my eyelids. It didn’t work.

  “Yes! Come on, girl! This is a classic! George Michael is so freaking hot!” David was bouncing around waiting for the song to get moving.

  “I’m not dancing to Wake Me Up.” I crossed my arms over my chest, shaking my head in protest to his chosen music. “No way, David!”

  As soon as Mr. Michael started into the fast beat, peppy music David was shaking his ass to the rhythm. He maneuvered his way behind me and placed his hands on my hips, forcing my body back and forth to the song. “Oh yes you are!”


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