The Dragon's Mate

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The Dragon's Mate Page 73

by Emilia Hartley

  This is it. The giant stump of an old tree left thick gnarling roots that were large enough for a wolf to fit through. A thick layer of moss covered the bed of the floor beneath her paws and a tiny stream babbled within earshot. Only Cynthia knew of this place, and when she shared it with Alex it was the turning point in their relationship.

  Cynthia trotted slowly to catch her breath. It would be a few more minutes before Alex would arrive and she wanted to be ready for him. A surge of adrenaline sent chills down her spine. Human fingers ripped and tore their way through her front paws as her fur receded. Her snout flattened into her face as the hair on her head grew to its usual length and darkened to its usual hue of brown.

  Hurry up.

  Cynthia leaned against the thick roots of the tree stump with her arms crossed against her chest. He sure was taking his sweet time getting here. She was so horny she couldn’t wait any longer. Her hand reached down between her legs. So wet! Her own pussy juice ran down her leg while she played with her clit. Little jolts of excitement sent surges of pleasure throughout her body. If he was trying to track her by scent then it made sense for her to be as turned on as possible.

  Her breathing was still quick from the run but it grew more erratic. She thought of his throbbing cock probing inside, filling her completely and she nearly lost her mind. Her nipples fought against the cold air and with her other hand she toyed with them; they were so sensitive and she was so turned on that she could have orgasmed.

  The last remnants of daylight were fleeting and soon it would be dark. What was taking him so long?

  He burst into the clearing, panting heavily.

  “Took you long enough,” Cynthia said. She held out her hand, covered in her juice, “Look what you made me do.”

  Alex whined. He would, the slow bastard. His wolf fur tore away and she could hear his bones crack from the strain. His muscles snapped into position as he stood to his full height. With his cock standing erect, he was trying to catch his breath and failing miserably.

  “You’re…” he panted, “too fast.” He coughed into his hand.

  Cynthia pushed off the log and joined her man. His shaft slid against her wet slit as she pulled him into an embrace. It sent a tingle down her spine causing her to shudder.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she said. She rubbed her hands along his cold exposed flesh.

  “Did you want to try running away, again?” He asked as he wrapped his hands around her upper back.

  He smelled so damn good. Her hips moved on their own running the full length of his shaft.

  “I’m willing to consider it,” she said softly. Her hands ran down the scar on his chest, a present from an angry bear. The scar only made him sexier. She kissed him on the neck, quickly losing her patience.


  What the fuck now? Cynthia’s head swiveled as she searched the woods for the source of the sound.

  “Who’s there?” Alex shouted into the darkened wood.

  Her heart was beating faster. The urge to run nagged at her as fear took hold in the depth of her breast. The twilight of the forest was no ally. What was supposed to be a quiet getaway was becoming a nightmare.

  Plodding footsteps started to echo, getting closer and closer with each passing second. Cynthia could take it no longer; she tugged on Alex’s hand, urging him to run.

  “Come on!” she said.

  From the rim of the clearing, it stood on its haunches, a mighty bear. Dammit. Now was not the time to stand around.

  Come on Alex.

  Before she could even start shifting, she was already running. Her feet stung from the rocks and roots that stabbed at her feet. She fell to all fours as her hands gave way to paws and fur sprouted from her body. The fear that beat in her chest shut out all of her senses and urged her to run faster than before.

  Goddamn bears. They ruined a perfectly good night. She was going to get laid and enjoy some snuggle time with the man of her dreams. Now, she was running for her life through the forest.

  Come on Alex.


  Fight or flight? He couldn’t decide. The bear loomed over him, its razor sharp claws ready to swipe and end his life. Alex was tired from running but it was a much better alternative.

  Cynthia was well out of view before he turned to join her flight. The sinew of his muscles snapped and groaned against his shifting bones, his muzzle protruded from his face while fur cascaded down his back.

  You can win.

  Now isn’t the time. His body burned from running with Cynthia and it was only going to get worse.

  I don’t want to find out.

  Something whispered in the back of his mind. Like a nasty sliver that he wanted to pick at but hadn’t the time.

  Kill the bear. Hunt. Feed.

  Shutup. Now isn’t the time for stupid thoughts. He continued to sprint through the dark forest. Alex wasn’t even sure he was going the right way, but his nose could tell that Cynthia was in this direction.

  Why did they have to come tonight? Cynthia was a goddess. She was perfection. And, she was all his. He’d given her a head start to get back to the den. He wanted to know that she’d be safe from the bear even if he had to sacrifice himself to be sure.

  The forest broke open and he saw the farmhouse ahead. Cynthia was already standing, in the middle of the den, safe from harm. Alex slowed his pace and wheeled around at the forest edge. He lowered his head and growled while bearing his sharp fangs.

  He scanned the forest with the light from the farmhouse porch. It cast shadows that tricked his eyes, but deep within, just out of reach of the light, he saw the hunched over figure of a bear. It stood and stared right back.

  Kill it. Tear its flesh.

  The whispers were louder now. Alex shook his head, trying to silence the voice that reached out.


  Let go.

  The fur on his back stretched and grew, his skin tore, and his muscles ached. Alex was working his hardest to hold back his wolf, but his leash wasn’t tight enough. Darkness crept in the corners of his vision. The two were locked, each with one side of the leash and Alex was losing.

  Stop it, dammit. Not now!

  Everything around him was dark, and before him stood only the wolf. The corners of its mouth were twisted and snarled. With a blink of his eyes he was back in the den. A different creature was staring back at him, the bear.

  What in the hell was that? How could the wolf be taking over his mind so easily?

  Alex and the bear stared each other down for a moment before it disappeared back into the darkness of the thick wood. Good, one less thing to worry about.

  However, for the time being, Alex was more scared of the wolf inside. Even now it was tugging at him to chase down the bear.

  It’s over.

  Not for long.

  Cynthia walked up behind him and rested a hand on his shoulders. Her scent was intoxicating. Alex yanked at the leash of the wolf, returning it to its cage. His body obeyed shortly after. This time, though, the pain of the shift was tremendous. It felt like the wolf was punishing him. His bones cracked and broke while his muscles snapped and tore. Every hair on his body felt like a tiny needle stabbing into his skin. When he could finally stand up on his human feet, his head was spinning and he had to return to the ground.

  “Are you okay?” Cynthia asked.

  Fuck no, I’m not okay.

  “Just give me a minute,” he replied.

  Cynthia trotted over and retrieved her abandoned clothing, slipping her dress over her shoulders. When she returned, she tossed Alex’s pants at his face. He pulled them on quickly, shielding himself from the cold that was sucking the heat from his overtaxed body.

  “I’m still wet,” Cynthia whispered in his ear. She sported a wicked coy grin. And, the boner was back. Even though he could barely stand, his dick still knew what to do.

  He snapped to his feet, which he began to regret when the headache set in.

  “You alwa
ys say just what I want to hear,” Alex replied. He would have offered the farmhouse, but the idea of having sex in his bedroom with Connor and Tess just a room over was repulsive.

  “Let’s go to my place,” she said, “it’s my grandma’s bridge night.”

  “Can’t say no to an offer like that,” he joked.

  Cynthia took Alex’s hand, pulling him along for the ride. Her house was one of the smaller buildings, barely tall enough for Alex to stand in. Still, it was big enough for Cynthia and her grandma even if they had to hunch from time to time.

  The house looked dark inside, a good sign so far. Cynthia pushed her way through to make sure it was empty and Alex followed shortly thereafter. Inside didn’t look much better than outside. Two beds sat angled against each other in the back, a small round table made from an old wire spool was flanked by a pair of upturned buckets used as makeshift seats. A shelf was nestled against the only other wall. It housed various sundries and knickknacks.

  Cynthia lit the single camp lantern that hung from a beam stretching across the ceiling. It provided enough light to see. Before the lantern grew to full brightness, Cynthia was already tearing off her dress and hopping into her bed. Alex watched her little butt wiggle with each step she took.

  I am the luckiest man alive.

  He began to unzip his own pants but was surprised by the creak of the door behind.

  “I was wondering who was here. Hey Alex,” her grandma said.

  I am the unluckiest man alive.

  Dammit, again, why now? She was a nice enough old lady but three interruptions in one day?

  “Evening Miss Bannon,” Alex said with a sigh while zipping his pants back up.

  “You must be freezing without a shirt,” she said.

  “No, I’m fine. It’s a style,” he said, taking a seat on Cynthia’s bed. She was still naked beneath the covers and his opportunity for some quiet time with her was waning.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Grandma?” Cynthia asked.

  “Bridge night was cancelled. I guess one of the girls got scared when she saw a bear in the woods. Oh well, we’ll get back together again next week,” Miss Bannon replied.

  Cynthia face palmed. Alex merely thought about it.

  “Since you’re both here, do you want to see something I found early today?” she asked.

  “No, grandma, we don’t want to hear your boring story,” Cynthia said.

  “I found this old photo with both of your mothers in it,” she said.

  Alex was surprised that he was interested to see it. There weren’t many photos of his mother in the house. His dad was never one for taking pictures at family events and apparently his mother was always camera shy. Besides, this would give Cynthia a chance to get her clothes back on.

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing it,” Alex said, giving a quick wink to Cynthia who quickly caught on.

  Cynthia’s grandmother held out the crinkled photo. Alex took it gingerly from her wrinkled hand and held it to the light of the lantern.

  Without hesitation, Cynthia quickly put her clothes back on before falling back on the bed in sexual frustration.

  It was a large group photo. A stacked wooden cottage loomed in the background with twelve young faces smiling in front. They couldn’t have been much older than Alex was right now. He scanned the faces to see which one might be his mother and did his best to guess.

  “Is this her?” Alex asked.

  The old woman leaned in close.

  “Nope, that’s Cynthia’s mother,” she replied and pointed to another woman in the photo, “that’s your mother.”

  “Wait, they’re not sisters are they?” Alex asked. He felt a lump grow in his throat. If their mothers were sisters then he’d be dating … his cousin?

  “Nope, not even close,” she reassured him.

  Thank god. Alex swallowed hard.

  “I remember your mother well. She was the daughter of the old alpha before your father. Actually, there’s your father right there,” she said.

  Her finger rested on a dopey looking kid standing behind his mother. His arm was locked around another kid in the photo.

  “And, that was his best friend before the packs split,” she added, “they were inseparable, until they got old enough to fight over your mother. The rest is history.”

  Alex returned the photo.

  “I think Cynthia’s father is in the photo as well but I can’t remember which one he is,” she added. Her eyes darted through the photograph. She stood with sudden realization, pointing at the largest of the group. “This one is him, Bruce.”

  He was the tallest by more than a head and a thick beard was already growing on his chin. He was a barrel chested monster in biker boots and a thick leather jacket. A scar ran vertically from his forehead to his cheek over his right eye. Beside him sat a brand new black motorcycle.

  If badass had a look, his would be it.

  “Wow, Cyn. Did he ever take you on that motorcycle?”

  “Nope,” she replied, “I never even met the guy. He’s a deadbeat.”

  “Last I heard he was still on the mountain with his gang but they never come through this way,” Miss Bannon added.

  “Thanks, grandma, for ruining my night,” Cynthia said.

  “No problem, dear,” she replied without listening.

  Wow, no wonder Cynthia is always so frustrated. Alex handed back the photo and joined Cynthia on the bed. She stared at the ceiling, clearly annoyed. Alex couldn't help but find her sexy.

  “I’m going to sleep,” Miss Bannon said, snatching him from his thoughts. She eased herself into the only other bed. “Please turn out the light when you go to sleep.”

  Cynthia and Alex locked eyes. Looks like tonight was a bust. There was nowhere else in the den to be alone. Running off might lead to another bear attack, and Alex had to be up early to travel. He could have pounded his head through a wall with the amount of tension that built up inside of him.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Alex whispered, “I’ll be back in a couple days.”

  “I don’t want you in a couple days, I want you right now,” she whispered back.

  Ugh. She wasn’t making this easy. He pulled himself under the comforter, and pressed his body against hers. Her soft skin was still flush and warm to the touch. She kissed him on the lips and ran her finger along his toned abs.

  “It’s too bad you can’t come with me on the trip,” he whispered. Only when his head was on the pillow did he realize how tired he was. What a day. He fell asleep to Cynthia’s warm body and her tender smile.


  Alex woke, alone in the bed. He felt around for Cynthia but was met with cold bedsheets. He stood from the bed quietly searching around the tiny one room house but still no Cynthia, just Miss Bannon sleeping an arm’s reach away.


  He raised a hand to his head and left the warmth of the bed only to get a shock of cold in his feet from the floor. He shot to his feet and smacked his head into the low hanging beam of the ceiling.

  Fuck, no Cynthia and a bruise. Great day so far.

  Alex tried to hold in every swear word he wanted to blurt out as he rubbed at his head. Not wanting to wake Miss Bannon he tip-toed out the door making as little sound as possible.

  The sun was rising from behind the farmhouse and cast a long shadow on the rest of the grounds. He looked around, checking the water pump and the nearby houses for any sign of Cynthia but came up empty. The only other person he saw was Connor already standing on the farmhouse porch, leaning against the railing and sipping a cup of coffee. This day kept getting better and better.

  “Late night?” Connor quipped.

  Alex leaned against the railing opposite him, rubbing at his sore forehead.

  “She’s a great catch,” Connor said, taking a sip from the coffee cup in his hand.

  “Are you looking for a second, now? I thought my sister was more than enough,” Alex shot back defensively.

onnor patted Alex on the back so hard that he nearly fell over.

  “It’s obvious that you care about her a lot,” Connor started.

  “Cynthia is something else,” Alex tried to reply, but was cut short by Connor, continuing to talk without regard.

  “You must be looking to start a family,” he said.

  “I don’t think we’re-”

  “It’s the best thing I’ve ever experienced,” Connor interjected, “knowing that you’re going to be responsible for pups that are going to look up to you, it’s a big responsibility.”

  Alex relaxed his shoulders and stopped trying to get a word in but was met with silence as Connor sipped at his coffee.

  “Well, as I was saying-” Alex began.

  “Just make sure she doesn’t get in the way of your work,” Connor interrupted again, “what you’re doing is incredibly important and your mind needs to be focused.”

  Great, yeah, focus.

  Connor again, patted Alex on the shoulder before disappearing inside. The force of the pat was much rougher than expected and Alex had to fight to stay on his feet.

  Alex rolled his eyes and muttered his frustration under his breath.

  How are things? Oh, they’re great, how about you? Oh yeah? That’s great.

  The scent of fresh eggs and bacon spilled from the kitchen and Alex’s stomach growled loudly. He could have eaten an entire cow if one was present. When he started pushing the door open he was greeted with his father stomping out the door with his walking stick in hand.

  “Oh great! Looks like you’re ready to go. I already threw your bag in the truck. What the hell are you packing these days? That bag weighed a ton.”


  “Hop in the truck, we’re already behind!” he said.

  Alex stared into the kitchen through the window. His sister Tess had a plate piled high with pancakes covered in syrup. His mouth watered while his father pushed him toward the truck.

  “But,” Alex started.

  “But, nothing. If we don’t make it to the pass before the snow starts then we might not make it at all,” his father replied.


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