The Dragon's Mate

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The Dragon's Mate Page 104

by Emilia Hartley

  “No-one,” Nick growled, dropping to his four paws as he recognized Dan from the Northern Wind pack. “Leave her alone.” If Jo was watching, he knew she would only hear his words as growls, hating that she would probably be completely terrified by the scene unravelling before her.

  A large brown bear walked down the steps of the cabin, its footsteps slow and sure. Nick hadn’t met this one before. “Join us.”

  Nick’s dark eyes glowed dangerously. “No.”

  “Said that before,” the second bear rumbled. It was a dark mottled gray and had begun to move towards Nick as stealthily as possible. Flood, if Nick remembered correctly. “We don’t like that.”

  Nick braced himself. He could smell the adrenaline coming off all three bears, knew that they were preparing themselves for a fight. “That’s too bad.”

  “We don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “But we will.”

  The warning was clear. “Leave her alone.” Nick’s muscles were rippling as his body grew ready for a fight. His eyes began searching in the woods for Dan, the third bear. He’d gone downwind, so Nick couldn’t pick up his scent. “She’s not one of us.”

  “She’s your mate.”

  Thumping the ground with his two front paws, Nick growled loudly. They’d been watching him, watching the cabin. “She’s not. She’s human.”

  “Then join the pack,” the large brown bear said, now ambling closer and closer as he began to swing his head from side to side in warning.

  Nick could sense the darkness in its voice, saw the way its ears moved back. The attack was imminent. Blowing out a long breath through his nostrils, Nick snarled his teeth. "No.”

  The moment he gave his answer, Dan came from behind Nick and began a vicious attack. He had snuck around the back, attacking him where he was most vulnerable. Claws dragged their way up his back, and Nick let out a roar of pain, turning to defend himself. A swipe of his huge paw sent Dan away with a whine, a deep cut to his face, but Nick immediately had to deal with the other two.

  Gathering his strength, Nick knocked Flood to the ground, while the other sank its teeth into his shoulder. The pain only fuelled his rage, as Nick shook the other one off. Dropping to the ground, Nick tensed, waiting for them both to attack him again. The moment they advanced, he pulled himself back up to his full height, swiping first at the eyes of Flood and the nose of the other.

  A roar of pain came from Flood, blood beginning to pour from his eye. Nick’s claws had found their mark, leaving only the largest bear to deal with.

  Standing as tall as he could, Nick roared aloud, the sound echoing through the trees. He stood taller and larger than the other bear, his dominance clear. His lips curled, his teeth bared, blood dripping from his claws.

  “This isn’t over,” the bear snorted, dropping to its four paws and turning away. “Watch yourself.”

  Nick didn’t move, his roars sounding long after the three bears of the Northern Wind pack had disappeared into the forest. He stood there for a long time, waiting for their scent to disappear entirely, before going back onto his four paws. Blood was roaring in his ears, the adrenaline only beginning to leave his veins. He couldn’t change when he was like this, he needed to wait until the bear had grown quiet. Then he could check on Jo.


  Changing back into his human skin was agony, the roar ending in a scream as his bones shrank and muscles snapped. The injuries from the attack were now red scrapes to his shoulders and back, and Nick could taste blood. He’d bitten down hard when he’d changed, in an attempt to keep the pain inside, but it hadn’t been any use. The bear liked it when he roared, but he always tried to keep it inside. It never worked. Nick just hoped that Jo hadn’t seen anything. He’d tried to change far away from the cabin, but he didn’t know where she was or if she’d even been looking out of the windows.

  Dressing quickly, Nick walked through the trees towards the cabin. He was struggling to hide his limp. He'd really taken a beating. The Northern Wind pack hadn't been kidding when they'd threatened to force him into joining them, but their threats against Jo had to be taken seriously. She was human and could be easily killed. A single swipe from a paw could do that. Fragile, delicate, gentle little human, he warned himself, just as the rush of protectiveness flooded him. He could almost taste her fear as he walked towards the cabin, pulling himself up the steps.

  “Jo?” he called, hammering on the door. “Jo, are you there? Are you okay? It’s Nick.” He strained to hear any sound from indoors, frowning when nothing caught his ears. “Jo?” he called again, banging on the door again. “They’ve gone. It’s Nick, you can let me in now.” The door creaked loudly. Nick winced as he saw the marks on it. They’d really given it a battering, no wonder Jo wasn’t answering.

  Her legs were still shaking, but Jo could hear a familiar voice calling her name. Relief flooded her as she realized it was Nick. Her first thought – that he was outside and the bears were attacking him – had her scrambling for the door, but as she made her way down the stairs, she heard him call that the bears were gone.

  Nick’s senses were all focused on Jo. Finally, he heard her footsteps coming down the stairs, sagging against the doorframe in relief. “Jo?”

  “I’m here,” she replied, her voice quivering. “I’m just coming.”

  She’s shaking, Nick realized, standing back so she could open the door. Her fingers had slipped on the key at least twice, and he could hardly bear the wait. "Jo?"

  “I’ve got it,” she replied, finally managing to swing the door open.

  “Jo,” he breathed, catching her up in his arms. “Are you all right?”

  “What happened to you?” she asked, at exactly the same time. He half carried her back into the house, slamming the door behind him.

  "I just – " Realizing he should have thought of an excuse earlier, Nick struggled for an answer. "Had a few scrapes fixing your car." It wasn't exactly the best excuse, but it was the only one he could think of. The scent of her sweat made him realize just how afraid she'd been, his anger towards the Northern Wind pack making him tighten his grip on her.

  “Really?” Waiting until Nick set her down, Jo looked up at him with frightened eyes. “But what about the bears? How did you chase them away?”

  Nick tried to smile. “We have a security camera outside the cabin, just so we know if something like this happens. The car horn scared them off.”

  “Oh,” Jo said, softly. “I didn’t hear it.”

  “Where were you?”

  “In the bathroom,” she replied, feeling a little embarrassed. “One of them almost cracked the front door so I tried to get as far away as possible.”

  “That was exactly what you should have done,” Nick said, gently, lifting her chin with his finger. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  Taking a long breath, Jo gave him a shaky smile. "You didn't have time to put anything on….those?" she asked, pointing at the marks in his shoulder. The blood was seeping through his t-shirt, and part of it had been torn away, exposing his shoulder.

  “Uh – no,” Nick replied, his anger beginning to fade away. “I saw what was happening and –”

  “Came running,” she finished, gratefully. “Thank you, Nick.”

  “All part of the service,” he grinned, mischievously. Seeing the hint of laughter in her eyes made him smile, glad that she was forgetting about what had just happened.

  Jo felt something between attraction and concern, wondering if she should offer to help him clean up. It would mean taking his shirt off, but that would just be so that she could see what needed to be done, right? "Is there a first aid kit around here?" she asked, a little timidly. "I mean, they're still bleeding."

  Nick swallowed, his need for Jo roaring into life at the thought of her touching his skin. “There should be,” he said, a little thickly. “Somewhere in the kitchen.”

  “You don’t mind if I….?”

  Shaking his head, Nick swallowed hard, trying t
o get the bear back under control. Already he was growling inside, wanting to take her completely this time. Shifters don’t mate with humans, he told himself, over and over. Stay away from her. You almost lost it last night. Don’t let it happen again.

  “I’ll boil some water,” Jo said, throwing him a glance. “You might want to take your – well, what’s left of it – off.”

  “Right.” He could smell her arousal, a rattle in his chest almost escaping from his mouth. Keep it under control. Throwing off his shirt, he sat down at the kitchen table, feeling the blood pound in his veins.

  “They look bad,” Jo murmured, trying not to let her gaze travel down his body. “You said this happened from fixing my car?”

  “It can be a bit of a dangerous profession,” he tried to joke, his teeth practically clenched as she rested one hand on his good shoulder and gently cleaned the other with a warm cloth.

  "Well, you should be more careful." Rinsing the cloth out, Jo carefully wiped away all of the dried blood from the scratches across his back and marks to his shoulder, frowning at the way some still oozed slightly. "This doesn't look good." She couldn't quite understand how this had happened from fixing her car, but then again, she wasn't a mechanic.

  “I’ll be fine.” Right now, he was having a hard time focusing on anything other than what she was doing to him, her soft fingers shooting sparks all the way down his forearms. The memory of how soft and warm she’d felt under him last night rushed into his mind, and he gripped the edge of the table to stop himself from turning around and taking her in his arms.

  Jo picked up some antiseptic cream. “This might sting a little,” she warned, brushing it on gently. “Then maybe a couple of dressings.”

  “I don’t need dressings.”

  “I think you do,” she challenged. “And I’m the nurse, after all.”

  A groan escaped from Nick’s mouth at the thought.

  “Sorry,” Jo whispered, mistaking the sound for pain. “I’m almost done.”

  He tried to smile, focusing on the smell of the antiseptic instead of the images that flooded his mind. “Take your time,” he murmured, closing his eyes, wishing he could tell her not to stop.


  "I think that should do it," Jo said, finally, scrutinizing her work. All his injuries had been cleaned and dressed, despite his argument and she thought she'd done quite a good job. "You can get up now."

  “Thanks.” His dark eyes watched her as she washed her hands, something brooding in his stare. “You did a good job, Jo.”

  “No problem.” Heat exploded in her belly as she dried her hands, watching him. He didn’t seem to know what to do, his hands curling and muscles tensing. “Is…is everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled. “I just need to get another shirt.”

  “Okay,” she replied. “Is there one here?”

  “Upstairs,” he said, making no move to go and get it. “Sorry. That’s two shirts I’ve ruined and left here.”

  She tried to smile, walking over to him. “I don’t mind,” she breathed, putting her hand on his chest and running it gently down over his stomach. “I didn’t want you to leave last night.”

  Nick bit his lip, lifting his head to the ceiling. “I had to,” he said, his breathing ragged. “I can’t do this, Jo.”

  “Why not?” His words stung, but she could tell that he was fighting this, for whatever reason. He wanted her. And she wanted him.

  “I just can’t.”

  Standing on tiptoe, Jo stretched up towards him, lifting her arms around his neck. “That’s not a reason, Nick.”

  This was not a good idea. He could still smell blood and the bear was growling for more. Being with Jo last night had made him vulnerable, but for some reason, he couldn’t stay away. “I can’t be myself with you,” he tried to explain, even though her mouth was an inch away from his. “It’s dangerous.”

  Her eyes flared, and he could hear the way her heartbeat picked up pace. “Maybe I like dangerous.” Taking a quick breath, Jo kissed him, hard, pressing herself up against him.

  A growl ripped from his throat, as he grabbed her and spun her around, pushing her against the table. Jo could hardly get her breath as he pulled her shirt up, his hands exploring her skin underneath, barely taking his mouth from hers. Flinging her head back, she rolled her neck as he grazed his teeth down her jawline and along her shoulder. His hands moved lower, working at her jeans.

  “Nick,” she breathed, tugging his head back up so that she could kiss him again. “Promise me you won’t stop this time.” She had to know, had to be assured that he wasn’t going to leave her again. Last night had been an experience she didn’t want to repeat.

  “I…” His fingers stopped working at the buttons on her jeans, his arousal just begging for satisfaction but Nick knew he had to deny it. “I want you, Jo.”

  “Then don’t stop,” she whimpered, leaning back against the table so that her covered breasts were close to his face.

  “I have to,” he gasped, wanting nothing more than to bury his face into her soft mounds. “This isn’t right.”

  His words fell on deaf ears, as Jo pulled him back down, lying along the length of the table. Her body was calling to him, and he couldn’t help but answer it. His lips and hands moved, exploring whatever bare skin was available to him. The bear was growing louder, its roar shaking him inside, but Nick chose to ignore it. His eyes glowed as he tugged at her shirt, wanting to get rid of it so there wasn’t anything between them.

  “Nick,” Jo breathed, kneading his shoulders. “Don’t stop this time.”

  Pain blasted through his shoulder, her fingers pressing against his injuries – and the bear exploded. With a snarl, he ripped the shirt from her body, his nails tearing her skin. His spine was bending, his muscles tensing. You can’t change, Nick!

  “Ouch!” Sitting up, Jo pushed him away with a frown. “What did you do?”

  Breathing heavily, Nick took a step back. Staring at her, he realized that his nails had, somehow, torn her skin. She was scratched, redness appearing just below her collar bone. Ice washed over him, his arousal disappearing immediately. "I'm so sorry," he breathed, his eyes wide with shock. "I didn't mean to."

  Jo shrugged. "It’s not exactly a life threatening injury, Nick, don’t look so scared! You're a bit rough compared to my previous…." Thinking better of it, she shook her head. "It doesn't matter, though, it's just a scratch. I like that you want me so much." Her eyes darkened as she coyly beckoned him back toward her. "Where are you going? Don't you want to carry on, maybe finish what we started this time?"

  Nick’s jaw worked. He wanted nothing more than to take her, but the damage he’d done was warning enough. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  "It's just a couple of scratches!" she exclaimed, jumping down from the table. "It's nice to be so wanted, I guess, so I'll take it as a compliment. We can go upstairs if you like."

  He couldn’t take his eyes from the marks he’d left on her. They might be slight, but they were enough of a warning. Nick knew he had to stop, that he couldn’t touch her again. His bear had almost come right out of his skin, the pain in his shoulder enough to make him want to – need to – change. “No, I –”

  Jo’s phone rang, startling them both and breaking the mood immediately.

  “Why don’t you get that?” Nick said, trying to calm himself down. “I’ll maybe go and find another shirt.”

  Jo smiled tightly, her eyes filling with disappointment. That was the second time he’d backed away, and she was getting tired of it. Why couldn’t he tell her what the problem was?

  Picking up the phone, she frowned, not recognizing the number. "Hello?"


  Her heart sank. It was Brian. He must have got hold of a different number somehow, still mad at her for blocking his number. “What?”

  “Don’t use that tone with me!” he exclaimed, his voice immediately going into that fake British, overly posh accent.
  Jo rolled her eyes. “What do you want, Brian?”

  Listening to him go on and on about how rude she was, how ungrateful she was that she’d been given such an amazing opportunity to go and get this client’s work for their gallery, Jo sat down heavily in one of the plush sofas. “Yes, Brian,” she murmured, resting her head back. It didn’t matter what she said, Brian was clearly angry with her and was getting everything off his chest in one go.

  Nick prowled down the stairs, his careful footsteps not making a sound. Jo was leaning back on the couch, her eyes closed and strain on her face. He could hear a man’s voice going on and on, catching a few words that made his blood pump furiously. This must be her boss again. He seemed to be the only one that made Jo turn into the tense, stressed out mess that was clearly very unhappy. Sitting down on the bottom step, Nick clenched his fists, his jaw set. Jo was beginning to get upset and he didn’t like it.

  “Okay, Brian,” Jo protested, weakly. “I think you’ve said enough, don’t you?”

  “Enough?” Brian screeched, taking a long breath. “I don’t think I’ve said nearly enough, Jo! Am I getting through to you at all? Am I?”

  “Yes, you are,” Jo replied, a lump in her throat. “I –” Her words were drowned out as he began to talk over her again.

  Nick couldn't take it anymore, especially when he saw the sheen of tears in her eyes, as she blinked furiously. The guy was a moron and he wasn't going to let him speak to Jo like that. Jo needed to be strong and stand up for herself, but he could tell by the way she sagged against the sofa that she wasn't able to be right now. His hackles were rising, a rattle in his throat as he caught the words ‘idiot' and ‘ungrateful'. Wanting to do something about it, he got to his feet, taking a breath to calm himself down.

  Striding over, he snatched the phone from her hand, a dark look in his eyes. “Look,” he said, holding the phone to his ear. “I don’t think that’s any way to speak to a valued employee. Don’t call Jo back again until you can be civil. Got it?” Without saying another word, he hung up, throwing the cell phone on the sofa, stomping over to the kitchen and muttering something about coffee.


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