Bite Me Again… Please? - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (The Pixie Chix)

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Bite Me Again… Please? - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (The Pixie Chix) Page 1

by Zephyr Indigo


  Pixie Chix - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire

  Episode Two



  Warning: this story contains explicit descriptions of lesbian sex and more than its fair share of naughty language.

  For news and more info, visit me at

  Copyright 2012 Zephyr Indigo

  All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means is forbidden without the express permission of the author.

  Table of Contents










  FELICIA APPROACHED that spot in the forest, the place where she had last seen Mint. At least, she thought it was the same place.

  When she had left Ammathelene it had been windy, with just a light dusting of snow in the air. By the time she reached the forest’s edge the snow had intensified, but not enough to really concern her. Now that she was here she couldn’t see more than a couple dozen feet in front of her and the world was white in every direction.

  She stopped and looked around, searching for any sign of the Pixie. Would Mint even come out in weather like this? Pixies were as resistant to cold as any vampire, but cold wasn’t the issue tonight. It was the wind. Gusty and loud, it blew almost continuously across her path, howling as it tried its best to knock her down. So far she had kept to her feet, but Mint was smaller and lighter; how well would she fare?

  And of greater concern, the wind was actually rather painful; it drove the snow at her, stinging whatever skin it could find. True, there wasn’t much of her exposed, as she had been forewarned of the storm and was protected from head to toe, with proper winter boots and gloves and a long hooded cloak. If she were to stand still and not look around then the wind couldn’t reach her, but it would also make it impossible for her to search for a lone Pixie.

  Mint… where the fuck are you?

  It had been exactly twenty-eight nights since that night, twenty-eight nights since Felicia had last seen Mint. Why did she have to wait so long? The effectiveness of Pixie cum had been immediately apparent; the moment Felicia tasted the sweetness of Mint’s orgasm, all her hunger for blood had vanished. Even two weeks later she had been completely free of the hunger, which was radically better than after a normal feeding, where after a few days the urges would start.

  Three days ago the hunger had returned, bringing back with it Felicia’s depression and self-loathing. The Pixie cum wasn’t supposed to be a permanent cure, but Felicia had begun to hope. Now she would do anything to be free again.

  Which maybe was the point. I was free, gloriously free, and now I’m not. Twenty-eight nights ago I only thought that I’d do anything to be free of my need for blood. Now I’m sure: I would do anything.


  With that revelation, as if on cue, she saw Mint, standing not ten feet away.

  Felicia’s heartbeat quickened. After that night with Mint she had been immensely satisfied, but only briefly. Ever since then she had been aroused. Day and night she found herself thinking about Pixies. Touching them, licking them, making them scream in ecstasy. They were pleasant thoughts, but without any Pixies to play with, ultimately they wore her down. She didn’t feel that she was addicted to Pixies, not really. She just really wanted a chance to fuck one again.

  She forced her mind away from such thoughts and focused on the Pixie. It was no wonder that Felicia hadn’t been able to see her before now. Mint was dressed completely in white: white boots with white laces, white pants, a white coat with fluffy white fur trim around the waist and wrists, and a large white hood with more of the fluffy white trim.

  Felicia felt a spike of annoyance. Why in hells is she wearing white? How did she expect me to find her?

  But it was quickly replaced by relief: soon her hunger could end.

  Which lead directly again to thoughts of Mint’s pussy: warm, wet, a hunger of a different kind.

  And finally sadness. There’s no way we can fuck in a storm like this.

  Mint approached and now Felicia could clearly see the expression on the Pixie’s face. Felicia couldn’t help but laugh. Okay, she thinks we can fuck in a storm like this.

  Mint stopped a few feet away and said something.

  The sound was lost in the wind. “What?” Felicia said loudly.

  The Pixie started speaking again and seemed to be yelling, but no words reached Felicia. Mint realized that she was getting nowhere and held up one white-gloved finger. She took another two steps forward so that she bumped up against Felicia, then took hold of her strangely large hood and flipped it forward so that it encompassed most of Felicia’s head as well. Most of the wind noise immediately stopped.

  “Better?” Mint asked but didn’t wait for an answer. Instead she raised herself up, probably standing on the tips of her toes, leaned inward and kissed Felicia. The Pixie’s lips were cold, very cold, and Felicia’s mind immediately jumped to the first time she had kissed Mint, except that time she had her lips on Mint’s pussy: cold, almost frozen, then exploding with warmth.

  Mint pulled away and dropped back to her normal height. Felicia’s eyes were adjusting to the lack of blinding whiteness and could now see the Pixie’s face looking back at her expectantly.

  “So?” Mint asked.

  “I like kissing you,” Felecia said.

  “Of course you do, but—”

  “I like kissing other parts of you better,” Felicia added. With Mint so close, thoughts of kissing and tasting other Pixie body parts were unavoidable.

  “Well… obviously. If you’re going to kiss me, you should kiss me there. But you didn’t answer my question.”

  “There was a question?”

  “So?” she said the word with more emphasis this time. “Did it work?”

  “The Pixie cum?” It was a silly phrase, but Felicia found herself growing to like the sound of it. “Yes, perfectly, for a few weeks, anyway.”

  Mint nodded. “Ariel said it would only work for a while, the first time.”

  “I know, and now I want blood again. I don’t like feeling like this.”

  “So… you want to… continue?” Mint said coquettishly, but there was an underlying note of concern, as if she thought there was a chance Felicia would say no.

  “Absolutely, but I’m exasperated that Ariel made me wait this long.”

  Mint looked sad. “Yes, she said I couldn’t see you again until tonight. She said you needed time to make a proper decision.” Then she realized that Felicia had said yes and her eyes widened. “That was a yes?”

  “Yes,” Felicia said. “And if that’s not clear: yes yes yes!”

  Mint began to smile and it wasn’t difficult to see where here thoughts were going.

  “Just not right here,” Felicia added.

  Mint was undismayed and brought her face closer. “Are you sure? We’ve done it here before, after all.”

  “Yes, but not in the middle of a blizzard!”

  “What’s the difference?” Mint said, her cheek touching Felicia’s. “It was colder last month.”

  “It wasn’t windy and snowing, though.”

  “So?” Mint’s breath was warm on Felicia’s ear. “We could lie down, let the snow cover us like a blanket, protecting us from the wind. You
could keep your face warm between my legs at least until morning.”

  In spite of herself, Felicia found the idea strangely compelling. But she had to decline. “Uh, no, not here. Surely there must be a better place.”

  Mint pulled back slightly so she could look Felicia in the eyes. “Okay, I guess it’ll just be me licking your pussy then.”

  How would that even work? Does she really think that I’ll let her eat me here?

  “Uh, again… surely there’s a better place,” Felicia said.

  Mint smiled. “Of course, there are a million great places to eat pussy. But the best place is always exactly where you happen to be.”

  Felicia suddenly became aware of one of Mint’s hands, which had insinuated itself under her cloak and was loosing the belt around Felicia’s waist. “Mint… we can’t do this, not here,” she said, very aware that her voice didn’t sound very convincing.

  Mint gave Felicia a sad look, one carefully contrived to win any argument. “No?” she said as if in complete disbelief. Then she bit her lower lip, apprehensively waiting for Felicia’s answer.

  It still hadn’t changed. “No.”

  Mint leaned in and kissed Felicia fiercely. There was blood on her lip. Its salty, sweet taste sent a jolt of hunger through Felicia’s body.

  Felicia pushed Mint away. “What are you doing?”

  “Kissing you,” the Pixie said, then with surprising strength she pushed back against Felicia and brought their lips firmly back together.

  For a moment Felicia was lost in the taste of the blood. Sweet? Blood was never sweet! It was supposed to be smooth and metallic, full of life, but never sweet. Then she realized something.

  This is Pixie blood. It won’t satisfy me. It’s not like regular people blood. It tastes horrifyingly wonderful, but it won’t take away my hunger, it will just set it on fire and make it stronger.

  Mint pulled away, exposing Felicia’s face to the elements. The snow resumed its attack on her skin, hundreds of tiny little bites, but Felicia didn’t care. Her eyes were closed, the taste of blood coursed through her body.

  Suddenly she felt herself being propelled backward, but immediately felt something solid behind her: a tree. She let herself relax against it.

  Then she felt Mint, in front of her still, but lower to the ground. The Pixie had slid herself inside Felicia’s cloak and was opening her pants.

  In the haze of blood thoughts, Felicia couldn’t help but wonder how the Pixie thought this could work. There’s no way she can get my pants off. How can she possibly lick me properly?

  Mint pulled Felicia’s pants downward to her knees, and Felicia relented. She tried to spread her legs as much as she could and thrust her pelvis forward, hoping now that it was enough. Then she felt fingers on her pussy, pulling her lips apart. The Pixie’s fingers felt slick and warm, and Felicia realized that it was her own wetness that she felt. How could I be wet? I’m in a fucking blizzard!

  Then there was a tongue inside her and Felicia felt a momentary surge of relief that the Pixie had been successful, before it was replaced by a wave of pleasure.

  Intense pleasure. Once again, just like their last time together, Mint wasn’t being subtle. She was attacking Felicia’s pussy with a fierce intensity, as if she were afraid that someone might pull her away at any moment. Felicia felt an overwhelming need to scream as the raw pleasure of Pixie blood on her lips blended with the dance of the Pixie’s tongue inside her.

  She did scream, and the wind took it away, unheard by anyone. Felicia realized that no one could possibly hear her, so she screamed louder, and louder still. In her mind she imagined that it was the vampire within her screaming, trying to get out, trying to escape the Pixie.

  A shock went through Felicia’s body. Like an orgasm, but confusing and different. The strength drained from her legs and she fell forward onto her knees, pulling the Pixie down with her.

  Then she was lying face down in the snow. After a momentary separation, Mint somehow had her face in Felicia’s pussy again and was licking her much more gently now. The roar of blood in Felicia’s head was fading, and with her face against the cool snow, her own hood covering her head entirely, the wind sounded distant and muted. There was just the gentle sensation of a Pixie tongue playing inside her pussy.

  Felicia came again, but better this time. Quiet. Relaxing.

  Mint giggled. “I guess you didn’t know about the rule,” she said, her voice muffled as Felicia’s pussy was still resting on her face.

  “Mmm?” was all Felicia could say.

  “When a Pixie offers to lick your pussy, it’s always wrong to say no.”


  FELICIA AND MINT stood together, the Pixie’s hood once again protecting both of them.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Felicia said. “With your blood, I mean.”

  Mint gave her a quizzical look. “You don’t like blood?”

  “I love it. I hate it. Either way, that’s not the problem. Playing blood games with a vampire won’t always end well for you.”

  “It worked out well tonight.”

  “It almost didn’t. I might have killed you.”

  “You won’t hurt me.” Mint sounded very confident.

  That triggered a memory of their first night. “You said that before,” Felicia said. “I don’t think you understand what danger you put yourself in.”

  “You won’t hurt me,” Mint repeated, saying it slower and more emphatically.

  “You can say that all you want, but if you keep teasing vampires with your blood, you will regret it.”

  “No, not vampires. Vampire. You. I trust you.”

  “That’s…” and Felicia struggled for the right word, “sweet.” It seemed like ‘sweet’ encapsulated everything about Mint. Her attitude, her blood, her cum. “But please, don’t do it again. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Mint smiled—sweetly of course, but she seemed to understand. “I’m sorry. I won’t tease you with blood again.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Anyway, I’m sure there are better things to tease you with.” She gave Felicia a wink. “Speaking of which, are you sure you don’t want to return the favour?”

  Felicia gave her a tired smile. “I’d love to, more than you can possibly know, but not here.”

  Mint pouted. “You can’t say it’s because of the snow and wind. You came quite nicely, thank you very much.”

  Felicia needed to explain it in a way that the Pixie couldn’t argue with. “I don’t want a quick taste of you, Mint. I want to be able to settle in, relax and lick you until you beg me to stop.”

  Mint frowned. “Why would I ever beg you to stop? Never mind, though, I agree, you can’t possibly spend enough time between my legs here.” Then she paused for a moment to think. “Problem is, I don’t think where we’re going will help.”

  “Which is where exactly?”

  “You’ll see.” She made a motion with her eyes, as if looking behind Felicia. “You didn’t bring anything with you.”

  “No, nothing,” Felicia agreed.

  “I told you that you wouldn’t be coming back here, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did, but there’s nothing I want to bring with me. Everything here belonged to Felicia the Vampire. First chance I get I’m going to burn the clothes I’m wearing too.”

  Mint smiled. “I think I can find some good outfits for you to wear.”

  “I’m sure,” Felicia said, imagining short skirts, stockings with horizontal stripes and tops that only hid enough cleavage to make you want to see more.

  “So, you’re ready then?” Mint asked.


  “Well then, lets hope I got all the blood off my lips.” Before Felicia could inquire, Mint released her hood and wrapped her arms tightly around Felicia. Then she did a hop, lifting her legs off the ground and wrapping them around Felicia as well. She was surprisingly light and easy to carry.

  Then she planted her lips firmly
on Felicia’s, fortunately with no hint of blood. She kissed energetically and playfully, sucking Felicia’s lower lip into her mouth.

  There was a shift. The ground changed under Felicia’s feet and it was suddenly very bright in a much different way. She stumbled and, lopsided with Pixie weight, lost her balance. She fell forward and to the side, trying not to land on top of Mint.

  She needn’t have worried. Her fall slowed then stopped, the Pixie’s arms and legs still wrapped around her, but now keeping her afloat just off the ground. She looked at the Pixie in surprise, then saw the bright green wings flapping vigorously.

  “You’re heavier than you look,” Mint said with a grunt as she lowered Felicia gently to the ground.

  Felicia didn’t respond, her attention absorbed by the extreme change in surroundings. They were still in a sparse forest, but there the similarities ended. It was bright and sunny, with a clear blue sky and not a hint of wind. The ground was covered in lush grass speckled with white and yellow flowers and the trees were bursting with thick green foliage.

  Felicia took a deep breath, filling her lungs with warm air that overflowed with scents of summer. After so long in the dry and lifeless winter air, the abrupt shift was intoxicating. Contrary to popular belief, most vampires had no aversion to the sun. Most of this myth stemmed from the fact that young vampires, in their first years after conversion, did indeed find the sun painful and irritating. It was these young vampires that were the most likely to be discovered and hunted, in part because avoiding the sun made them stand out from everyone else. On the other hand, older vampires, the smart ones who survived their early years without detection, grew to accept it and some, like Felicia, even preferred it to the cool darkness. Vampires who lived in the sun were very hard to detect.

  Which makes it so much more embarrassing that those hunters found a way to track me down. I must have done something stupid, I only wish I knew what it was.

  A drop of water hit her nose. Felicia looked up at Mint, who was looking at her with an amused expression. Her hood hung loosely around her neck, the remnants of snow melting quickly in the sun.


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