Bite Me Again… Please? - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (The Pixie Chix)

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Bite Me Again… Please? - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (The Pixie Chix) Page 3

by Zephyr Indigo

  Oblivious to Felicia’s epiphany, Mint kept speaking. “I was just thinking,” she said, almost sounding as if she were talking to herself, “that if I wanted to eat a vampire’s pussy, I’d wait until that vampire was so distracted that there was no possible way she could even think about hurting me.”

  I know I’m not addicted, not yet, but it just seems like a formality. I can control the vampire. At least with Pixies around, I can.

  Felicia looked at Tulip and gave her a smile that she hoped was inviting and free of anything intimidating, then looked back down. Might as well look distracted. She took one last, long breath, practically drinking in Mint’s fragrance, then slid her tongue up between Mint’s moist lips.

  Up until that moment she had every intention of proceeding slowly, but immediately discovered that she couldn’t. It was like sliding her teeth into someone’s neck; the moment her teeth broke through skin she lost control and the hunger took over. Feeding never took more than a few seconds, and she found herself desperately trying to make Mint come instantly.

  Then, something redirected her attention. She felt hands on her buttocks, caressing them so lightly that it almost tickled.


  This distraction allowed Felicia to slow down somewhat. She raised her butt into the air and felt hands with cool fingertips slide between her thighs, trying to push her legs apart. Felicia rocked her body from side to side, each time moving a knee slightly outward, creating space between her legs. At the same time she tried to focus on Mint’s pussy, on her smooth, sweet taste, but as soon as she did she felt herself once again losing control, overcome by her need to make Mint come immediately.

  She was vaguely aware of Tulip, who seemed to be sliding between Felicia’s legs. Then she felt hands on her buttocks again, but this time they were strong, pulling Felicia’s body downward until her pussy made contact with the Pixie’s face.

  And then everything changed. Tulip’s tongue was inside her, and Felicia’s desperate need to make Mint come was nothing in comparison to Tulip’s insane desires. The Pixie was doing something with her lips and tongue, moving fast and insistently, like she wanted Felicia to come a thousand times before her next breath. Felicia was overwhelmed, the roar of her hunger was turned inside out and against her, sparks were flashing in her vision.

  The one calming force was Mint’s pussy. Now the sweet taste was a welcome respite from the intensity of what Tulip was doing to her. Felicia felt like a part of her could hide in Mint’s pussy and gently savour its warmth while Tulip made her body cry in ecstasy.

  But Mint seemed to have other ideas. Her hands were on the back of Felicia’s head, pulling her insistently closer and pushing Felicia’s tongue upward toward her clit. “Higher,” she said, just loud enough for Felicia to hear. “Harder.” She didn’t wait for Felicia to follow her commands though, as her clit found Felicia’s tongue and forced itself upon her.

  Felicia felt powerless and at the mercy of the two Pixies. She was being thoroughly fucked by Mint’s pussy and Tulip’s tongue.

  She came. Or thought that she did. It wasn’t the explosive release that she hoped for; rather it seemed to open another door for Tulip’s tongue. The pleasure was too much to bear and she wanted to push Tulip away from her, and to pull her tongue from Mint’s pussy, but she could do neither.

  Then she did come and Tulip stopped moving. Felicia felt as if she had been suddenly released, to fly forward on her own.

  And then she felt the hot sweetness of Mint as the Pixie came, the thick liquid flowing over Felicia’s tongue and into her mouth.

  Felicia felt the hunger leave her, only to be replaced with exhaustion.

  The last thing Felicia remembered was the sweet taste of Mint cum on her tongue.


  FELICIA OPENED HER EYES. Blue sky. Warmth. Naked. Lying in a bed of grass.

  What? But it’s winter!

  She sat up quickly, too quickly. All she noticed was that she was sitting in a field of grass before the dizziness caught up to her and she had to close her eyes.

  Memories came flooding back. Winter. Summer. Island. Pixies. Pussy. Coming.

  “Sorry, I should have warned you.” It was Mint’s voice.

  Felicia opened her eyes again, slowly. Mint was sitting beside her, leaning back on her arms, legs stretched out, wings waving slowly even though there was no breeze. She was wearing nothing except that white top, which was still proving ineffective at hiding her nipples, especially now that Felicia was looking at her in profile.

  “Tulip loses control sometimes. I guess I shouldn’t have let her taste you on my lips.”

  “Loses control?”

  “Or maybe she does it on purpose,” Mint said. “I don’t know, she won’t tell me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I was teasing her once, playing hard-to-get, letting her get close enough to see the dewdrops on my pussy, then running away.” Mint smiled dreamily. “When she caught me and got her tongue on me… I don’t think I’ve ever come so fast in my life. I was dizzy for a week.”

  “A week?”

  Mint looked at her. “Don’t worry, she went easy on you. You should be fine.” She squinted and her eyes roamed over Felicia, as if looking for something. “How do you feel?”

  “Light-headed, a bit worn out.”


  “For blood? No, but it took a few weeks to reappear last time.”

  “What about…?” and she spread her legs into a wide V shape.

  Felicia felt herself getting aroused, which instantly seemed to amplify her dizziness. “Yes, but…”

  Mint seemed to understand. “Relax, you’ll be okay in a few minutes. You need to make Tulip come next anyway.”

  Felicia looked around, suddenly realizing that she didn’t see the other Pixie. “Where did Tulip go?”

  Mint made a motion with her chin, pointing back to where they had first arrived. “There’s a small hill in the trees. She’s up there, getting ready for you.”

  Getting ready for me. There’s just something exciting about that phrase.

  “So, I take it that your plan with the curtain didn’t work.”

  Mint shook her head. “We tried dragging you across while you slept, but no, it didn’t work.” She raised her eyebrows as if realizing something. “I suppose you could try it yourself. Maybe you need to be awake.”

  Felicia stood up carefully. The dizziness was still there, but did seem to be fading. “Where is it?”

  “Right behind me.” Mint sat up straight and pulled her knees up, then spun around on her bottom and pointed. “There, about two feet away.”

  Felicia started walking slowly forward. She passed through the point that Mint had indicated and went a few steps further before turning around.

  “I guess not,” Mint said, disappointed.

  “So… I guess I should go see Tulip.”

  “I guess.” Mint hesitated, then said, “I think there’s something I should tell you.”


  “Tulip wouldn’t want me to say anything, but I bet she won’t tell you. And she’s already pulled a bit of a trick on you.”


  “And Ariel put me in charge, to make sure things went smoothly here,” Mint said, a commanding tone to her voice.

  “I already agree with you. Tell me!”

  “Okay,” Mint said with exaggerated reluctance. “Licking Tulip probably won’t be enough to make her come.”

  Felicia didn’t say anything; instead she just gave the Pixie a suspicious look.

  “She didn’t tell me the first time, either,” Mint explained. “She just let me lick her and fuck her with my tongue for hours. She kept making noises, like she was about to come, but never did.” Her expression softened. “I actually didn’t mind. I could listen to her almost-come for hours, but my tongue did get tired.”

  “So, how then—” Felicia began.

  “Her breasts, or rather, her
nipples. Give them a little love and she’ll come a thousand times.”

  Felicia smiled. I like breasts.

  But there was a problem. “Don’t I still have to taste her cum?”

  Mint just rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

  Felicia looked at the contour of Mint’s breasts under her top, then to her pussy, which was still clearly visible, then back to her breasts. “Yes, you’re right.”

  “You could practice on me, if you like,” Mint said and started to remove her top.

  Felicia made a stop motion with her hand. “If you show me your breasts I’ll never get to Tulip.”

  Mint’s face contorted into a mask of indecision. “I hate making choices like this,” she said.

  I think I know how to make the decision easier. “What about you? Can you come from me licking your nipples?”

  “Of course,” Mint said, immediately brightening.

  “Then, next time I see you, I’ll make it up to you.”

  Mint pouted. “Next time?”


  “Once?” She made the word sound horrible and sad.

  Well, there’s no point in making a small promise. “Five times,” she said.

  Mint considered that, then nodded. “That sounds fair.” She leaned back on her arms again, this time doing everything she could to push her nipples against the fabric of her top.

  Felicia started walking. “I should go, before one of us changes our mind.”


  FELICIA QUICKLY REACHED the place where she and Mint had first arrived. There was no sign of Tulip. To the right, where Mint had indicated, the ground seemed to be rising, so Felicia continued in that direction.

  She was naked and felt very odd to be walking about, completely exposed. The Pixies had said that no one else was here, but it still was an unusual experience. In spite of the fact that she liked the sun, it still felt oxymoronic for a vampire to be walking naked in full sun.

  She looked down at her body. Her nipples, which were still erect, had never before had the sun shine directly on them, and her pussy certainly had never felt the warmth of the sun’s rays. I feel naughty, and strangely not because I’m walking around naked, but because I’m letting the sun touch me anywhere it wants.

  She wove her way between the trees and quickly found herself at the top of the hill. At first it appeared that no one was here, but then she saw movement. Tulip was kneeling on the ground, her bright blue wings extended behind her. She was holding something large and swirling in her hands. Felicia stopped and watched, trying to determine if Tulip held a physical object, or was weaving some sort of spell. If it was Magic then Felicia knew better than to interrupt.

  But Tulip saw her. “It’s okay, it’s stable. I’m just warming it up.”

  Felicia approached, still trying to figure out what the Pixie was holding. It was about the shape of a human head, spherical and ice blue in colour. Except the hue wasn’t constant, it looked like it might be filled with water or smoke that was swirling around rapidly.

  “Are you okay?” Tulip asked, peering deeply into the sphere.

  Felicia paused for a moment, then decided that the question was directed at her and not the object. “Yes, I’m okay. The dizziness is almost gone.”

  Tulip looked at her. “I didn’t expect you to pass out. I’m sorry about that.”

  Felicia shrugged. “Any orgasm that makes me pass out is probably a good one.” She pointed at the sphere. “What is that?”

  Tulip gave her a long, appraising look. There was no fear in her eyes, but there were signs of lust lurking under the surface. “I’ll show you in a minute,” she said finally. “I assume that you couldn’t get through the curtain?”


  “I told her it wouldn’t work, but she’s always looking for a chance to say that I was wrong.” She smiled with a bit of embarrassment. “She doesn’t get that chance often.”

  “It does seem to annoy her,” Felicia agreed.

  “Well, don’t tell her this, but I wanted you to try her plan first. It’ll give my idea a better chance of working.”

  Felicia thought about that, her eyes following the swirls in the sphere. “So, do you think becoming addicted will make me more Pixie-like, and that will get me through the curtain?”

  Tulip looked surprised. “A little, yes,” she admitted. “But I also think each time you make a Pixie come that you’ll become less of a vampire. That’ll help a lot as well, I’m sure.” She looked at the sphere. “I think this is ready. Follow me.”

  The Pixie stood up and lead Felicia to the other side of the hill. Here the slope wasn’t gradual at all; it dropped suddenly about ten feet into a grassy area.

  “The curtain cuts through here,” Tulip said, pointing beyond the edge, “but it’s been warped and is almost horizontal. If I jump down here I’d end up in the Vale.”

  What Mint had said earlier passed through Felicia’s mind, about Tulip wanting to ‘pull’ her through the curtain. Gravity pulled. “You want me to jump down there?”

  “No!” Tulip exclaimed, then backtracked. “Well, yes, but let me show you.” She brought the sphere close to her chest, getting ready to throw it, then looked over the edge. “Right there,” she said, then thrust her arms out, hurling the sphere downward.

  Felicia watched, expecting the sphere to burst on the ground below, but instead it exploded only a foot beneath the edge, sending blue liquid in every direction. The liquid spread out, creating a flat surface that was glossy smooth and cast a perfect reflection of the blue sky and clouds above. It continued spreading slowly, until it covered an area that was generally circular and perhaps twenty feet across.

  “Perfect,” Tulip said, looking quite proud of herself.

  “What did you do?” Felicia asked. “Is that stuff on the curtain?”

  “Yes, it’s completely covering the curtain. There’s no way to pass through it in this world.” To emphasize this, she stepped down and the surface held her weight without a hint of weakness.

  “But you can still pass through to the Pixie side?”

  “Of course, if I wanted to,” she said, but seemed distracted. She walked around slowly, staring at the reflective surface.

  “And… how does all this help me get through the curtain?”

  Tulip was still looking for something and didn’t look at her. “The moment you make me come, that’s the key.”

  Somehow it made sense to Felicia. “At that moment I can fall through the curtain?”

  “Yes,” Tulip said, still looking. “You need to be pulled through. Lying across it just doesn’t make sense.”

  It sounded good, except for the fact that there was a fair drop to the ground below. “And what happens when I hit the ground? Do I bounce?”

  “What? No. Pillows. Lots of pillows.”


  “Yes, we thought of that. Hundreds of them.” Then she stopped walking. “Here, I think.” She was almost exactly at the centre.


  Tulip turned to face Felicia. “You should eat me here.” She was trying to appear calm and composed, but her eyes flickered with doubt.

  Felicia felt her heart speed up. She had been trying not to think about sex with Tulip, but now that the subject was broached she found herself wondering if Tulip’s cum would taste as wonderful as Mint’s.

  But she had to push that out of her mind for a moment. “You don’t seem sure,” she said, trying to sound relaxed and reassuring.

  “I am… sure. You need to… eat me… here.”

  “Okay, but do you want me to—”

  “Yes!” Tulip exclaimed without letting Felicia finish. “I do want you to. Completely! Except that…”

  “I’m a vampire?”

  Tulip nodded.

  “Wait there,” Felicia said. She put one foot over the edge and tentatively touched the surface. It seemed solid, so she put some of her weight down. When she didn’t fall t
hrough she brought her other leg down. The surface was smooth, but not slippery. It had a definite sponginess to it and her feet made a slight impression where she stood. When she was certain of its stability, she walked toward Tulip, quickly, so as not to give her a chance to run away.

  The Pixie looked startled, but stood her ground. Felicia reached forward with both arms, and in response Tulip held out her hands, expecting Felicia to take them.

  But Felicia smoothly slid her arms under the Pixie’s, slipping past her guard and in an instant Felicia had her arms wrapped around Tulip, brushing against the base of her wings and bringing the Pixie into a firm and tight embrace.

  Tulip cried out and struggled for an instant, her wings fluttering violently. Then she relaxed: Felicia already had her lips to the Pixie’s neck.

  And if Felicia had any doubts about her vampirism, they were now vanquished.

  I have no urge to feed. None.

  She gave the Pixie’s neck a little kiss. With the touch of lips to skin Tulip tensed again, then when nothing else happened she slowly relaxed.

  Felicia drew back. Still holding Tulip close, she looked into her eyes.

  “Do you believe me now?”

  Tulip nodded.

  “I have no interest in your blood,” Felicia said, just to make sure everything was clear.

  “I know.”

  “And do you know what I am interested in?”




  Tulip began to slide downward and Felicia gently released her. They maintained eye contact as Tulip lowered herself to sit on the surface and put one leg on either side of Felicia. With her knees bent and raised, the skirt of her dress slid upward, exposing even more soft, touchable skin.

  Still holding eye contact, Felicia lowered herself as well, until she was on her knees between the Pixie’s legs. The surface beneath her was indeed spongy and soft, but also firm. Her hands searched out and found the edge of the Pixie’s skirt. She lifted it and even without looking she knew the Pixie wasn’t wearing any panties.


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