Stanley, Tim, 167
State Department, 40, 114
State of the Union, 30, 111, 157, 165
State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY), 100
Steele, Michael, 26–27
Steinem, Gloria, 31, 41, 105–6, 117, 155, 160, 176
Stelter, Brian, 110
Stephanopoulos, George, 129–30
Stern, Mark Joseph, 52–53, 143, 153
Stevens, J. Christopher, 114
Stewart, John, 129
Stewart, Marvin, 96–97
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 147
Stoller, Matt, 109
Stonewalled, 42
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 26
Strait, Megan, 88
Student Government Association, 3, 169, 171
Stupak, Bart, 164
Stupak Amendment, 142, 164
Suffragettes, 160
Suk, Jennie, 194
Sullivan, Andrew, 12
Sullivan, Theresa, 188
Supreme Court of the United States, xiii, 14–15, 17, 26, 57, 59, 134, 149–50, 153, 169
Surgery News, 173–74
Susan B. Anthony List, 152, 160
Susteren, Greta Van, 114, 122
Swarthmore College, 94, 96
Swift, Taylor, 30, 158
Talking Points Memo DC, 47, 113
Tancredo, Tom, 96
Tapper, Jake, 114–15, 124
Taylor, Matt, 172–73
Tea Party, the, 37, 39
Texas A&M University, 99, 26
ThinkProgress, 54, 59, 66, 181
This is How You Lose Her, 86
This Side of Paradise, 80
This Week, 12, 110
Thomas, Clarence, 26, 150
Thomas Aquinas College, 70
Thompson, Bennie, 26, 35
“ThyBlackMan” website, 27
Time magazine, 62, 110, 133, 179
Title IX, 32, 184–85, 193–94
TNT, 128
Transforming a Rape Culture, 180
Treasury Department, the, 113
triggers, trigger warnings, 2, 6, 82–88, 106
Trinity, the, 102
Trippi, Joe, 117–18, 35
Tucson, AZ, 50
Tufts University, 99–100
Twain, Mark, 1
Twitter, 11, 22, 29, 156, 159, 166, 184, 186
UltraViolet, 147, 183
“Uncle Tom” epithet, 26, 29
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 26
Unitarians, 102
United States v. Windsor, 57
University of Alaska-Fairbanks, xi, 173
University of Arizona, 99
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), 58, 82–83
University of California-Berkeley, 9–10, 62, 93
University of California-Irvine, 96
University of California-Santa Barbara, 69, 72, 74, 87
University of Central Florida, 80, 90
University of Chicago, 96
University of Cincinnati, 89–90
University of Connecticut, 81
University of Florida, 99
University of Georgia, 99
University of Hawaii, 91
University of Mary Washington, 99
University of Michigan, 83–84, 105, 175
University of Michigan School of Medicine, 173–74
University of New Mexico, 99
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 99
University of Notre Dame, 65
University of Pennsylvania, 8, 29
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1–2
University of South Carolina, 34–35, 55
University of Virginia, 15, 18, 57, 122, 185–86
University of Wisconsin–Madison, xi
University of Wisconsin-Stout, 81
Unlearning Liberty, 98
USA Today, 40, 161, 177
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 8
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 163
U.S. House of Representatives, 28, 138
Vagina Monologues, The, 156
Valenti, Jessica, 41, 160, 167, 185, 188, 195–96
VandeHei, Jim, 133–34, 142
Vanderbilt University, 100–4, 191
Vanity Fair, 10, 44, 190
Variety, 128
Verge, 172, 121
Vietnam War, 9–10
View, 61, 133–34
Village Voice, 49
Vines, Matthew, 53
Virginia State University, 81
Voice for Life, 169–71
Volokh Conspiracy, 144
voucher programs, 23, 143
Wagner, Alex, 27
Waldron, Jeremy, 8, 25
Walker, Scott, 39
Wallace, Chris, 109–10, 119
Wall Street Journal, 22, 87, 132, 135, 142, 177
Walsh, Joan, 39, 126
War on Women, 5, 30, 38–39, 74, 125, 153, 159
Warren, Rick, 11, 53, 59, 65–66
Warren, Tish Harrison, 101–4
Washington Examiner, 63
Washington Free Beacon, 146
Washington Post, 23, 29, 37, 40, 62, 125, 132, 134, 136–37, 139–47, 151–52, 155, 160, 176–77, 183, 187–89
Washington University, 99
Waters, Maxine, 26
Wear, Michael, 59, 65–67
“We Are All Already Decided” phenomenon, 4
Weekend Today, 21
Weigel, Dave, 142
Weinberg, Justin, 55
Weingarten, Randi, 22
Weisberg, Jacob, 124
Welch, Matt, 10
Wellesley College, 87–88
West, Cornel, 94
whistleblowers, 135–36, 139–41
White House Press Office, 135–36
White House TV, 134
“whitesplaining,” 5
white supremacists, 97, 169
Whitlock, Jason, 27
Whitmire, Richard, 23–24
Wichita State University, 28
Will, George, 40, 94–95, 119, 144–47, 183–84
Williams, Brian, 129–30
Williams, Erica Lorraine, 74
Williams, Jimmy, 153
Williams, Juan, 30
Williams, Raffi, 26
Wilson, Cintra, 155, 158
Wolf, Naomi, 155
Women’s Campaign Fund, 31
Women Speak for Themselves, 152
Wonkette, 197
Woodward, Bob, 137
Woolf, Virginia, 86
World Bank, 96
WOW Factor!, 180–81
Wythe, Philip, 86
xoJane, 172
Yale Law School, 16, 41, 195
Yale University, 80, 120, 181
Yemen, 138
Yes Means Yes, 185
Yglesias, Matt, 44–45
Yoffe, Emily, 40–42, 183–86
Young, Michael D., 74
YouTube, 16, 50, 79, 130, 134
Zernike, Kate, 37–38
Zion Baptist Church, 28
Zoellick, Robert, 96
Zurawik, David, 129–30
The Silencing Page 33