Passion's Fire (Passion Moon 2): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance)

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Passion's Fire (Passion Moon 2): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance) Page 5

by Renee Jordan

  Tonight we'd have our own bed. I pushed down my nerves. There was nothing to be afraid of in the house. Christian was dead, and Burt couldn't hurt me. He was just a regular guy. He wasn't a witch or a shifter. Once I learned how to control my own magic, I could protect myself from my abusive ex.

  And until then, I had Forrest and his pack scouring Moonrise for Burt.

  They hadn't found him yet. Hopefully, he had left town.

  I closed my eyes. This was as good a time as any to practice my other senses and spot all the spirits that were supposed to be everywhere. I crossed my legs on the bed and peered around the room. I stared at all the dark shadows on the shelves, the little knickknacks and statuettes that decorated the room.

  My face scrunched as I struggled to see, and I reminded myself to relax. I couldn't force it.

  I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and jerked my head to look, peering intently at the dresser.


  I went back to my meditation. Maybe if I cleared my mind, emptied it of all thoughts, and just let my eyes look I would see them. Maybe that's what Penny was getting at.

  Don't think. Don't think.

  Wow, not thinking was hard. Now all I wanted to do is think.

  No. Stop that, Kotie. Empty your mind.

  Empty mind. No thoughts.

  Of course, thinking no thoughts was a thought.

  Ooh, why did this have to be so hard?

  Movement flashed in the corner of my eye again.

  My heart beat as I looked towards the movement. Nothing.

  I turned my head back and saw it again. I groaned. I was seeing a loose strand of hair poking from my temple, bouncing with every subtle movement of my head.

  “This is hard,” I moaned.

  “It looks like it.”

  I jumped at Forrest's voice.

  “What were you doing?” he asked. “Besides whipping your head back and forth.”

  “Trying to see spirits so I can use my magic better,” I sighed. “Penny's explanation doesn't make sense. I need to concentrate and be relaxed at the same time.”

  “Like a hunter,” he mused. “You need to be aware of everything around you. You have to be attuned to all your senses. But you can't focus on any one of them. If you do, you'll miss something. Focus too hard on seeing, your hearing diminishes. But at the same time, you have to keep concentrating on your hunt. You can't let your mind wander and be distracted.”

  “I guess.” I glanced at him. “How do you do it?”

  “Practice,” he smiled. “Like everything that's worth doing. Practice, practice, practice.” He leaned over and kissed my shoulder. “You can do it. Just don't get frustrated.”

  “But it's easy to get frustrated,” I pouted. “I need to learn this magic. I want to help you protect Moonrise.”

  “You'll get it. You're an amazing woman, Kotie.” He smiled. “You were amazing that night. The way you kept fighting. You saved my life, Kotie. You freed me from Christian's spell. Remember that. You can do this because you already have done this.”

  I smiled at him, my heart swelling with love, tears brimming in my eyes. “Thank you. You're...” I couldn't find the words, so I hugged him tight and kissed him. I let my passion do all the talking.

  I pushed him back, my mouth hungry on his. The alarm clock blared. Forrest slapped it, knocking it to the floor as he kept kissing me. I settled atop his muscular body, rubbing against him as my passion burned.

  His cock nudged between my legs, swelling hard. I ground against him, rubbing my clitoris into his hard stomach. I shuddered in delight as my passion grew. My tongue thrust into his mouth. I moaned and purred into his kiss.

  “Do we have time?” I asked, glancing at the clock.

  “I'm the Sheriff,” he grinned.

  I reached down between us. I was already so wet. This man affected me that way. He lit fires inside me. Maybe it was the imprint. Our souls were so entwined that when one of us grew excited, it fed the other.

  Or maybe he was just so damn hot.

  I squeezed his cock, guiding it to my sopping hole. I shuddered as I slid down, my back arching as he filled me. I clenched down on him as I writhed my hips working them back and forth, bouncing up and down on his girth. He gasped in delight, his hands finding my breasts, squeezing and gripping them.

  I arched my back, leaning way back, loving the new way his cock slid through me. He nudged and brushed new parts of my body. I licked my lips, slipping my hips from side-to-side. He stared up at me, eyes burning with desire.

  My heart beat faster. This man loved me. He saved me from fear. I was so lucky to find him. To love him. And no one would pry us apart.

  The bed creaked and I moaned his name. My butt cheeks clenched as I rode him. My fingernails scraped down his hard muscles and across the barbed wire tattoos. Energy tingled for a moment. My totem itched as I felt the magic in his tattoos, the restraints that kept his beast from destroying him.

  My orgasm hurtled closer.

  “Forrest!” I gasped in delight, slamming down harder. I leaned over, grinding my clitoris into him as I stared into his golden eyes.

  Something wiggled on his chest, a blob of black ink crawling along his barbwire. A small spirit, the magic in his tattoo. I could see it.

  My orgasm burst through me.

  My eyes squeezed shut as bliss pounded through me. Wave after wave of delight flooded me. I loved this moment. Our flesh melded together. I slammed down on him, loving how he groaned as his hot come burst inside me.

  I fell forward on him, holding him tight. This was my man. My mate. His strong arms crushed me tight.

  “Oh, Forrest,” I moaned. “I saw one.”

  “Huh?” he asked, heavily breathing.

  “A spirit,” I smiled. “I saw a spirit. It was amazing.”

  Forrest grinned. “Do you still see more?”

  I looked around the room. According to Penny, everything had its spirit, but I saw none of the wiggling blobs. I frowned, trying to remember how I felt at the moment I had seen one. I was so open to the experience after my orgasm, taking in every sensation.

  I tried that again, focusing on all my senses, not just my sight, but my hearing, my touch, my smell, and taste. I inhaled the musk of our passion and the wonderful, manly scent of Forrest. I heard his breathing, felt his heart beat in his chest. I tasted his kiss on my lips and saw the love in his eyes.

  But I saw none of the spirits.

  What was I doing wrong?

  Forrest and I took a quick shower—we controlled ourselves this time. It was very difficult, but he was already running late. We ventured downstairs for one more lovely breakfast cooked by Augustus. It was delicious. I had grown used to these scrumptious feasts.

  “You need to give me your French toast recipe,” I told Augustus after breakfast. “It's the best.”

  “I sure will,” he laughed, giving me a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. “If you ever need a recipe, girl, you know who to call.”

  “I will,” I promised. “Thank you kindly for all your hospitality.”

  A smile crossed Augustus's lean face. “Girl, it was my pleasure. Even if I didn't owe Forrest, I would have helped you out. You are just a delightful thing.”


  Augustus’s face fell. “Well, I had some...problems with those disgusting Donovan's when I arrived. But Forrest, he straightened everything out.” Augustus let out a great sigh. “If only he had imprinted on me. Mmm, but I do love a pair of broad shoulders.”

  I giggled. “I'm sure your guy is out there.”

  “Girl, I hope so. A nice, big bear to keep me warm on those cold Montana nights,” he laughed.

  “We need to get going, Kotie,” Forrest called.

  “I'll email you the recipe. And don't be a stranger. I have a brunch every Sunday. I expect you here.”

  “Gladly,” I nodded and gave him another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  All day I practiced trying to see the s
pirits as I worked at the bar. It was difficult. I was kept busy by the mangy Donovan boys. They showed up bright and early, which was unusual for the unkempt lot. Luckily, Fiona wasn’t with them today. As usual, the miners came in for the lunch rush. It was hard to focus my mind when I had a dozen guys calling for beer, pretzels, and chicken wings. But I did my best whenever I had a moment. Sometimes, I would see something, a wisp of gray floating through the air, a fat drop of water dancing in the sink, or a rigid looking splinter playing on the counter.

  They were only there for a second, but it gave me hope to keep trying.

  The lunch crowd filtered out, leaving behind the pack of yapping coyotes in the corner. I took a seat at a faraway table, concentrating on seeing more of the spirits. I tried to keep myself relaxed, but it was hard. The Donovan boys kept looking over at me with their beady eyes. I turned away, so I didn't have to look at them, but I felt even more uncomfortable. Their eyes were watching me, and my skin crawled like I was covered in filth. I shuddered, wishing Ms. Maggie would just kick the verminous lot out.

  “Have you had any success?” Penny asked, a smile crossing her round cheeks.

  I jumped, letting out a startled gasp. I had been staring up at the light fixture. I thought I saw a darting ray of prismatic light dancing about it. I straightened my chair, flushing at the amused smile on Penny's face.

  “I catch glimpses of them,” I said. “Ever since this morning when...” I trailed off, my cheeks coloring.

  “Since when?” Penny asked. “What were you doing when you saw the first one?”

  My cheeks grew even redder. I glanced at the Donovan boys, then leaned over and whispered, “I was...with Forrest. And, I, um...reached my...”

  “You came?” Penny giggled, nodding her head. “Lots of energy is released during sex. Plus it's so relaxing.”

  “I guess,” I muttered.

  “So you need to have more orgasms,” Penny decided. “It seems to put you in the right state of being. Once your mind figures it out, you'll see them at will.”

  I blinked. “Well, okay. I mean, Forrest and I...make love a lot.”

  Penny nodded her head. “But that won't help with this lesson. I want you to go in the bathroom and masturbate.”

  I blinked at her.

  She nodded her head in encouragement. “Have a nice come. Get relaxed, and I bet you'll see spirits everywhere.”

  “You can't be serious.”

  “I've very serious. Get in there and love yourself, woman.”

  “In the bathroom,” I groaned. “I can't. That's...disgusting.”

  “Hey, I cleaned the ladies room last night.” Penny put her hands on her hips. “It's plenty clean. So march in there and get in the right head space.”

  “This is ridiculous,” I muttered, standing up. “I'm not know.”

  “Just think about Forrest and the way his ass looks in his pants.” Penny let out a moan. “I know that always does it for me.”

  “Hey, that's my guy you're talking about!”

  “I can't look at him?” she pouted.

  I shook my head, walking to the bathroom. “This is ridiculous,” I muttered to myself. “Why did I have to have an airhead teach me?”

  I pushed into the bathroom. I couldn't do this. This wasn't the right spot. It was so...gross. I looked into the mirror, taking a deep breath. I needed to relax. I needed to be like the hunter. Like Forrest said. I needed to open myself to everything.

  My tattoo itched again.

  I rubbed it as I breathed in deep. “Come on, spirits,” I muttered, “show yourselves.”

  My tattoo prickled more.

  I needed to command the spirits. That's what Penny said. I focused on the itch in my back, pushing my senses out through it. I used my tattoo as a lens for my senses, trying to experience the world through my totem.

  I stood still, slowly breathing. My eyes were open, staring ahead, my ears listening to every sound. I felt my clothing draping my body and a slight breeze wafting across my face. I tasted my mouth, I smelled bleach.

  I saw the spirit.

  In the sink, a drop of water played around the drain. Wispy clouds zipped through air, frolicking on the current of the wind. I smiled, looking around more. Spirits crawled on the tile floor, little chips of ceramic dancing and whirling. Rainbows flashed, zooming around the light fixtures. Golden hearts swirled around my body while motes of green light slid around my skin.

  “I can see them!” I gasped in excitement.

  They faded, but didn't entirely disappear. Instead, they dimmed into the background. I concentrated again, and they sprang into sharp focus. I laughed, turning around as I sought out more spirits. They were everywhere. Little motes of fire drifted through the air from the light fixtures. I looked out the small window. Rocky pebbles rolled across the gravel of the parking lot while more cloudy spirits zoomed through the air.

  The world was alive.

  I strode back out, grinning in triumph.

  “I can see them!”

  Penny clapped her hands in excitement as I stared in awe at the bar and all the spirits playing around. Penny had the green motes playing across her skin while more of the clouds zipped around her, almost hiding her in a fog bank.

  “Those are Air spirits around you,” I smiled.

  “And you're just dancing with Love spirits,” she giggled. “So masturbating worked, huh.”

  “What, no!” I gasped.

  “Did we get you hot to trot?” laughed a Donovan boy. “If you need satisfaction, we have just the things.”

  “Shut up,” I snapped at them. “Go back to your stupid cards or I'll throw you out.”

  Penny nodded her head. “Okay, now that you can see the spirits, you need to learn how to recognize them and what they can do.” Penny opened her purse and pulled out a notebook. “I copied down some common spells I know. They're surefire ways to get the spirits to obey you.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled, taking the notebook.

  “So let's start with air spirits. Since I know them so well. You'll see I wrote down a weather divination spell first.”

  I opened the notebook. She wrote with curvy, clear letters in blue ink. “Spirits of weather,” I said, glancing at the clouds circling Penny. I squirmed as I spoke, feeling foolish that I was speaking to clouds. “Tell me what storms approach.”

  Nothing happened.

  “You need to be more confident,” Penny said. “Don't be embarrassed. You're a witch. Embrace your magic.”

  “Embrace your magic,” sneered one of the Donovan boys.

  I glared at them. “Maybe we should go someplace else?”

  “No, this is perfect. If you can cast a spell with those animals laughing at you, then you'll be able to do this.”

  I took a deep breath, focusing on the Air spirits zipping about Penny. They were so playful, cavorting through the air like a pack of children. “I just need to be firm,” I muttered beneath my breath. They were children. I needed to think of them like that.

  “Spirits of weather,” I said, projecting confidence. My tattoo itched and prickled, my power surging out, interacting with the spirits. It was just like when I fought Christian. “Tell me what storms approach.”

  One of the clouds stopped whirling. It drifted near me, dragging its metaphysical, cloudy feet as it wandered over to me, like a child dreading his mother's call to do his chores. Penny nodded her head, flashing me a thumbs up. The spirit spun about and almost seemed to whisper in my mind. I had a flash of Moonrise, a few stray clouds drifting overhead as the sun sank towards the horizon.

  “Sunny with a few clouds,” I smiled. “That's what the weather's gonna be like.”

  Penny clapped her hands. “Very good. You're getting the hang of it. Now forecasting a few hours is easy. I want you to try and divine tomorrow’s weather. You'll need to be more confident. You managed to make one spirit obey, but it'll take more than that to see tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” I swallowed. “How m
any days can you see?”

  “A week,” she smiled. “Sometimes two, if I really try. But I'm an air witch, so...” She shrugged.

  I drew in another breath. My tattoo prickled. I shoved out my energy and fatigue settled on me as I cast the spell. My words were forceful, commanding, and I reached out and seized the attention of three of the cloudy spirits. Unlike the first time, they didn't drift over like they were dragging their feet, but were gray streaks zipping towards me.

  I felt like a mother yelling at her children playing in the street to come in and get supper.

  The spirits danced in front of me and I had the same vision of Moonrise. It started out rainy in the morning, but as the sun moved higher in the sky, the dark-gray clouds passed and the sun came out, warming the day.

  “Rain in the morning, sunny in the afternoon.”

  “Yep,” Penny nodded.

  “Boy, that took something out of me,” I said. “I feel like I just ran a mile.”

  “The energy comes from you,” Penny smiled. “It takes effort, and your body needs time to recharge. The more you use magic, the more energy you'll have.”

  “Like exercising? I need to get my magic muscles in shape?”

  “Uh-huh. You feel up to more spell casting?”

  “Absolutely,” I nodded my head, an eager excitement flooding me. “This is fun.”

  “Let's practice controlling wind. It's the second spell I wrote down in your notebook.”

  I glanced down at the notebook. “Spirits of wind, gust and blow where I command.”

  “You can blow me,” cackled a Donovan boy.

  I glanced over at the filthy group. They were all ragged and grease-stained, their hair matted. I didn't bother to learn any of their names, though I recognized a few of their faces. I didn't know how many there were in their mangy pack. At least twenty.

  And I was getting tired of their disgusting intimations.

  I stood up. “Spirits of wind,” I commanded, focusing on the cloudy spirits dancing and playing around Penny. “Gust and blow where I command.”

  I visualized a great wind sweeping through the bar and slamming into the Donovan's card table.

  Another wave of fatigue flowed through me as my tattoo ached. My power seized a half-dozen of the cloudy spirits. They flew from Penny, zipping through the air towards the mangy pack of coyote shifters. The spirit's wake gathered a wind. My auburn hair blew into my face, the light fixtures groaned as they swayed, and the cards and piles of dollar bills on the Donovan's table were scattered to the floor.


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