Passion's Fire (Passion Moon 2): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance)

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Passion's Fire (Passion Moon 2): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance) Page 9

by Renee Jordan

  “The spirits don't care who they serve,” Burt laughed as Forrest hopped back up to his feet and swiped his claws at Burt's shield. “They only obey power.”

  “Boss!” Vanessa shouted.

  Vanessa and three deputies came around the burning gym's corner, racing down the strip between the building and the forest. Their eyes glowed in the raging light of the fire, fur sprouting on their bodies as they unleashed their beasts, falling into snarling lopes.

  “You can't fight them all,” I said, standing up and kicking off my shoes.

  “Not alone he can't.” Fiona stepped out of the trees, hunger in her eyes a she gazed at me.

  Snapping barks erupted from the woods. The Donovan boys, changed into their gangly coyote forms, burst out of the brush, slamming into the three wolf shifters. Vanessa snarled as three tackled her, falling into a tangle of furry bodies snarling and snapping at each other.

  More coyote shifters surged around Fiona, leaping at Forrest.

  My wolf mate swiped his paw, batting one coyote out of the air into a bloody heap. The second slammed into Forrest, but he pivoted and sent that coyote tumbling to the ground in a whimpering ball of fur before Forrest turned and attacked Burt's shield.

  Fiona advanced on me, licking her lips. “You are just gorgeous. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you in days.”

  “What?” I gasped, backing away from Fiona.

  Fire roared behind Fiona, flames lashing out at Forrest. He dodged around them, and the fire raced into the building. More coyotes poured out of the woods, snapping and snarling at Forrest. He tore the throat out of one and slashed his claws across another's face.

  “Burt rented you to me,” Fiona purred. “I get you for an hour or so.”

  I shuddered in disgust, “I'm not into women.”

  Fiona shrugged. “If you don't resist, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.”

  “And what will you do once Forrest finds out?” I demanded. “I'm his mate.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Killing Forrest is another part of the deal. With Burt's help, we're exterminating his filthy pack.”

  “Fucking bitch!” a snarling Vanessa growled, lunging past me and slamming into Fiona. Vanessa's tawny-furred body was covered in bloody scratches, scraps of her red dress hanging from her transformed figure. She fell atop Fiona, the disgusting woman sprouted brown fur, and heaved the wounded Vanessa off of her with a fierce snarl.

  Fiona and Vanessa growled at each other, circling on all fours, their eyes burning with fire. I backed away, bumping into a tree. Violence was all around me. I was so helpless. I had no magic. I reached back, touching my tattoo.

  There had to be a way to fix it. But I had no idea what that was.

  Forrest fought more coyotes and dodged Burt's bouts of flame. The asshole was still cocooned by the traitorous Love spirits. They should be protecting Forrest and me. We had love. Not this monster who twisted my love and generosity to make me care for him.

  I reached out with my magic. Penny said the totem just focused it, made the spirits easier. I had to be able to do something. I had to help Forrest. My mate howled in pain as one of the coyote shifters clamped onto his leg.

  Forrest limped now, barely dodging Burt’s next fire attack. Trees crackled and burned, ignited by Burt's careless attacks. Forrest was losing. He couldn't fight the pack of coyotes and Burt all at the same time.

  Not if he couldn't hurt Burt.

  “Spirits of Love!” I shouted, focusing on the dancing hearts protecting Burt with a powerful intensity. “Stop protecting Burt.”

  They didn't listen.

  “Spirits of Love!” I roared again, projecting my command. “Feel the power of my love. Feel the strength of my passion.”

  Forrest roared in pain again, battering off a coyote that bit into his flank. His black fur was matted and gleaming with dark blood. My love was dying. He couldn't keep fighting all of this. My heart thudded faster.

  “Spirits of Love!” I pleaded. “Help me! Help me save my love! Please, help me defend our love! Stop helping the man that's trying to destroy it!”

  A wave of exhaustion washed through me, so much more powerful than any I had experienced. It was much harder to use my magic without the totem. My vision danced black as the spirits of Love listened to me, they shot away from Burt to Forrest, flowing into my mate. Golden light danced around Forrest, and some of his wounds were repaired.

  Forrest roared in triumph. He lunged at the defenseless Burt. Golden motes trailed behind him, falling like glowing dust from Forrest's hulking, furred body. Fear crossed Burt's face as he flinched before the bestial fury of my mate.

  “Get him, Forrest!” I screamed.

  Fire burst from Burt and slammed into Forrest.

  Horror punched my gut as Forrest was engulfed in the hungry Fire spirits. Burning, my mate hurtled into Burt, throwing the bastard to the ground. Burt landed in a heap as Forrest howled in pain. My legs trembled.

  Burt rose, snuffing out the fire that burned his suit.

  “You fucking dog!” he snarled.

  “Run, Kotie!” Forrest howled as he forced himself onto all fours, fire dancing on his fur, consuming the Love spirits that warded him.

  “No,” I sobbed.

  “Run!” he roared, his voice echoing through the night. “Run!”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks. I ran into the woods as Forrest somehow found the strength to lunge at Burt again. “Protect him, Spirits of Love!” I sobbed as I ran. “Keep protecting him!”

  The magic poured out of me as I crashed heedless through the brush and shrubs, chased by the pain of my love's howls.

  Chapter Eleven: Strength

  I ran.

  The rough forest floor shredded the soles of my nylon stockings. I barely felt the twigs and stones biting into my flesh and snarling in my hair. Fear compelled my feet to keep running. Forrest was fighting, but Burt's magic was consuming him in fire. I couldn't help him. I couldn't do anything.

  I was weak without my magic.

  Forrest's howls of pain drove me to keep running, whipping at me like a coachman driving his team. Branches slashed at my face and tore at the thin fabric of the black dress, scratching me as I fled. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know these woods at all. Were there any roads back here? I needed to get to civilization. I needed to find help.

  I needed to stop and think.

  My eyes closed and I leaned against a thick tree, taking deep breaths as I forced myself to think.

  When my breathing finally slowed, I opened my eyes. There was a red glow behind me. The school's gym still burned and lit up the night sky. I tried to visualize Moonrise and picture where I was. I was moving away from the town deeper into the foothills. If I moved parallel to the school, I should hit the road that led back to the main part of town.

  I took a few steps, my fear diminishing now that I had regained my composure. The pain in my feet made itself known now that the adrenaline had worn off. I couldn't move fast now. I had to gingerly step across the pine needle-covered ground, wary for hidden rocks and gnarled twigs as a limped. I was certain the soles of my feet were cut.

  I kept moving south, hoping Forrest would somehow triumph. I just didn't think it would happen. I clutched at the necklace around my throat, tears streaming down my cheeks. Forrest had grown so fast in my heart, the imprint tying us together with a soul-deep connection.

  I froze. We were connected.

  I concentrated on our love, trying to sense him the way he could sense me. I closed my eyes and took a huge breath. My heart thudded in my chest, the blood roaring through my ears. Beating with passion. The passion I harbored for Forrest.

  Something stirred inside me. A presence. A shadow of a beast touching my soul.

  My wolf.

  Joy burst inside me. He was alive, but in so much pain. My knees buckled as I was engulfed by his agony. I fell onto the loamy soil, hugging myself. The anguish he experienced as he fought overwhelmed me.
How could he stand it? I had to help him.

  I had to regain my magic.

  Burt had cast a spell on my totem. That must mean there was another spell that I could cast to undo it. He did something to my tattoo and to the Imbuement spirits that power it. I tried to remember what he said, his exact words. It was something about commanding the spirits to stop lending me their bond.


  “Spirits of...” He didn't call them Imbuement spirits when he cast the spell. Construction? No, that wasn't it.

  “Creation. That's what he said.” I took a deep breath, focusing on my tattoo. “Spirits of creation, restore the bond between us. Imbue my tattoo with your power once again.”


  I barely could control the Love spirits without a totem, and that was my affinity. Controlling other spirits would be so much more difficult. I reached back, lifting my dress's skirts so I could directly touch the vine-wrapped heart tattoo. I had no idea if it would help.

  I stroked the tattoo, focusing on the spirits that must be playing along the design. “Spirits of creation,” I said again in a firm voice, projecting all my will at them I could. “Restore the bond between us.”

  Something tingled back there, like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings brushing my lower back.

  I was reaching them.

  “Imbue my tattoo with your power once more.”

  For a moment, my power rushed out, touching the spirit, but it wasn't enough. The spirit refused to listen to me. I hadn't used enough force of personality. I grit my teeth, my anger growing. This spirit would listen to me. I needed its help.

  I demanded its help.

  “Spirit of creation!” I snarled.

  The brush rattled behind me. I gasped in shock, looking over my shoulder.

  Fiona stumbled out, her face twisted with rage and lust.

  “There you are,” she panted, blood running down her side. She was naked, striding towards me as she licked her lips. “You are mine for the next hour.”

  “I'm only Forrest's!” I shouted, grabbing a fallen branch and hurtling it at her.

  She swung her arm, swatting the branch out of the air. The dry wood snapped in half, splintered pieces tumbling to the ground. Fiona kept marching toward me, her eyes wild.

  I scrambled to my feet. She was too quick.

  Fiona seized my shoulder, slamming me down onto the ground. I gasped as the air burst from my lungs. I coughed and she stared down at me. I squirmed, pushing with my legs to buck her off me while my fingernails scratched at her arms.

  “I love it when they fight,” she purred, seizing my wrists and pinning them over my head. “That just makes it more enticing.”

  “Bitch,” I groaned, struggling beneath her. She was strong, keeping both of my arms pinned with only one hand.

  I flinched as her other hand stroked my cheek. She leaned down, kissing my lips. I turned my face, spitting the taste of her from my mouth. Her tongue licked up to my ear, nuzzling me. I felt soiled by her touch.

  I struggled again. Vanessa had been fighting Fiona. “What happened to Vanessa?”

  “I gutted her,” Fiona cackled. “The bitch howled so loud.”

  I bucked again beneath her, anger surging through me. “You'll pay for that. Forrest will tear you apart and I'll be there to watch!”

  “You are just so beautiful when you're angry,” she purred. “So passionate. His scent is all over you. It's so much fun taking you from him.”

  “You can't take me from him,” I sneered. “We're imprinted.”

  “Maybe once you've come a few times you'll feel different,” she purred. “I can even get rid of Burt for you. You can be my little pet. Doesn't that sound nice?”

  “It sounds disgusting. I'll always love Forrest, and I'll never submit to your depraved desires.”

  Her finger slid down my cheek to my neck. My skin prickled. I tried to squirm away from her touch. The dirt and detritus on my back was cleaner than the coyote shifter's touch. She squirmed as she stroked me, humping against my groin as she groaned with lust.

  “You are a filthy bitch,” I spat.

  She madly cackled, her finger tugging down the bodice of my dress. “What do we have in here?”

  I needed my magic back. I focused on my tattoo again. “Spirits of creation, restore the—”

  Her hand clamped over my mouth. “None of that,” she hissed. “Burt claimed he could neutralize your magic, but I'm not taking chances. I should rip out your tongue.”

  My heart thudded harder as her fingers pried at my lips. I clamped my jaw shut, ice pumping through my veins. Her fingers were strong, prying open my jaw. A finger shoved into my mouth. I bit down.


  Blood filled my mouth as she snarled in pain. A hot surge of satisfaction burst inside me. This horrible woman deserved to feel pain. She hurt Vanessa. She helped hurt Forrest. And she thought she could touch me like this.

  This bitch needed to learn who she was messing with.

  “Fucking whore!” Fiona snarled, ripping her finger free. She let go of my arms, prying my jaw open with one hand, forcing my teeth apart so she could reach in with the other hand.

  My shouts were practically wordless as I seized her hand trying to reach into my mouth. Fiona was so strong, her thin arms like bars of iron. I strained against her, but she kept pushing down, her fingers getting closer to my tongue with every second.

  No. No. No.

  I strained with every ounce of will I had, fighting against her preternatural strength. She licked her lips, her saliva dripping on my face. Fiona was a mad beast. She was completely consumed by her coyote self, no longer a woman. She yipped and snarled as she fought me, her eyes glowing golden.

  A dark shadow loomed above her. Fiona barely had time to yelp as a great paw swatted at her. The coyote shifter flew off of me, crashing hard into a tree and falling into heap of whimpering pain. She blurred, transforming into a coyote, whining in agony as she stood on a twisted leg.

  A wolf snarled at her. Forrest had come for me.

  Huge swaths of his fur were burned away, blood matting other parts in great, dark clumps. Agony filled his howls as he faced down Fiona. The coyote whimpered, slinking back, her right leg broken by Forrest's first attack, then Fiona retreated off into the darkness.

  “You're still alive,” I gasped in shock.

  Forrest whimpered at me, his limbs shaking before he collapsed. I scrambled over, crawling to him. I pulled the wolf’s head onto my lap, stroking his fur. He shuddered, his panting breath hot on my side. Tears fell from my eyes as I stared at his wounds.

  “Oh, Forrest, how are you still alive?” I had seen the fire engulf him.

  “Your...magic...” he panted, the words twisted by his snout. “”

  I shook again, leaning over him. His breath grew slower, his whimpers retreating. His wounds were so great.

  “You can't die, Forrest,” I whispered, another sob racking my body. “I need you.”

  Forrest's eyes closed.

  “Please, Forrest!”

  I needed my magic back. I needed to save him.

  “Don't die, Forrest. Don't die.” Desperation gripped my heart. That spirit would listen to me and reimbue my totem.

  “Spirits of creation!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

  “I can't have that, Dakota.”

  My heart sank. Burt stumbled out, clutching his side ripped bloody by Forrest's claws. Blood stained his lips. He coughed up more crimson, limping into the clearing, his eyes fixed hard on me.

  “It's time to come back with me, Dakota,” he spat. “Let me just kill this beast.”

  “No!” I hugged Forrest about the neck, shielding him with my body. “You can't touch him.”

  “Spirits of wind, carry Dakota away,” Burt cast, his words thick and scratchy.

  The Air spirits dance towards me, whipping about my body. The air moved, billowed about me, then I was jerked away from Forrest. I landed in a heap twenty
feet away, tumbling twice before I came to a stop.

  Burt stood over my mate. Fire danced about his hand, wavering like a torch.

  “Spirits of creation,” I spat out. This would work. Nothing will stop me. I will save my mate. “Restore the bond between us.”

  The fire leaped down from Burt's hands at Forrest.

  My magic rushed out of my body, seizing the imbuement spirit. It obeyed my desperate need. My tattoo suddenly exploded in prickling energy. The fire slammed into Forrest, engulfing my mate in its flames.

  I sent out my healing magic, focused through my totem. I didn't need to speak any words now to control Love spirits. The dancing hearts flashed golden between us, swarming around Forrest. The golden hearts drank in the fire like it was nectar. They fed off the heat of my passion as they consumed Burt's attack.

  The flames dancing on Forrest's body were snuffed out, the hearts diving into his flesh. Burnt, red-raw skin healed, knitting over, followed by sprouting fur. I swam with exhaustion, forcing more and more of my magic out to heal him as the world swam dark around me.

  “No,” groaned Burt. He swayed, his feet collapsing between him. “No, Dakota. I...I have to protect you.”

  I stood up, my head swaying. The last of my magic trickled out of me. The golden hearts abandoned Forrest. He still lay crumpled, his wounds only half-healed. But he would live. I stumbled towards Burt. My ex coughed again, spitting up more blood.

  “You heal me...Dakota,” he shuddered. “Please.”

  “I can't,” I said.

  “You hate me...that much? I just...was protecting he...wanted...”

  “I don't have any magic left,” I said, kneeling before him. “Who wants me protected? Who sent you to watch over me, Burt?”

  “I...failed...him...” he groaned. “Master'll be...mad. Punish me...”

  “Who?” I asked. There was such fear in his eyes. “Who is this master? Why did he want me protected?”

  “You always...did have...the prettiest...eyes...Dakota...” he coughed. His blue eyes stared at me, his eyelids struggling to close, but he fought to stay conscious.

  “Come on, Burt. Focus. Tell me what I need to know.” I grasped his cheeks, staring into his eyes. “Please? Why were you watching me?”


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