Adele, Claire - Guardian of Her Heart (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Adele, Claire - Guardian of Her Heart (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Claire Adele

  Guardian of Her Heart

  Tormented private investigator Mike Wolfson has a killer to catch. Hidden family secrets, including his shape-shifter side, alienate him from the one woman he's always wanted. Stunning child crisis center director Melissa Haven is threatened by the evil underworld of his greatest enemy. Mike must protect her from kidnappers without revealing his dark reality.

  Melissa's always believed Mike's wealth and her middle class status kept them apart. Finally together, they can no longer deny their feelings. Daring and determined, she welcomes his tempting caresses as hidden passions ignite. She never expected to share hot erotic pleasures with Mike.

  As Mike protects the woman he's always loved from mortal danger, can he reveal his heart-wrenching secret, or will the truth lose her love forever?

  Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 21,124 words


  Claire Adele


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Claire Adele

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-159-9

  First E-book Publication: February 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my friend Jane Leopold Quinn who answers most of my questions.



  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  Desert Edge, Texas

  “What the hell?”

  Mike Wolfson stared at the end of the block where Melissa Haven’s blue van had been stopped by another vehicle. Three guys in dark clothing ran from a black sedan and dragged Melissa from her car. Her dark hair whipped around her face.

  Rage exploded inside Mike. He slammed the gas pedal of his Jag, hit the brakes behind the attackers, and skidded to a stop. “Let her go,” he shouted.

  Fury and fear for Melissa raced through Mike at her frantic protests. How dare they treat her like that? The feral hunter within threatened to escape. Mike ran the short distance between them. He forced down the urge to shift to his werewolf form, the violent urge to kill her attackers. That would shock Melissa more than being assaulted by these hoods. He couldn’t keep the killing instinct or the claws from forming.

  With a few lightning-swift kicks and slashing chops to their heads, he convinced the thugs to release her and sent them running to their vehicle.

  His claws disappeared. He forced the animalistic urge down. “Are you all right?” He grasped Melissa’s shoulders.

  “Yes…I’m all right.” She sounded out of breath. “Just a little shook up.” She combed her fingers through her hair. “One of those men is the father of a young boy at the Haven. The boy’s mother sought refuge there for both her son and herself.”

  “Nice guy.” Mike looked her over for cuts. Her beautiful face was clear. The delicate flesh of her slender neck showed red marks left by one of those idiots’ clutching hands. Her full breasts rose beneath her light blue shirt with each gasp of her breath.

  He wanted to hug her close, cup her breasts, and bring one nipple to his mouth. He wanted to kiss her, protect her, make her his for all time. The beast inside him needed controlling.

  It was past time to tell her he cared for her more than anyone he’d ever known. She was his sole life mate. His to love and protect, though he’d never told her. He’d known for years but had kept it to himself.

  “He’s already found the shelter and given me and the security guard an earful today,” Melissa continued. “The mother said her son’s father, her ex-husband, had beaten her and threatened to take their son away from her.”

  Mike put a protective arm around Melissa’s shoulders. She fit him perfectly, and he gathered her close.

  At the sound of Desert Edge Investigations partners Juan Enriquez and Derek Wolfson burning rubber as they sped after the gang members, Mike glanced their way. His friend and cousin had been following him home from their business office for a beer. He’d check with them later.

  He’d better warn her. “Melissa, those three thugs are members of a south side gang. They’re suspected of robbing neighborhood stores and, worse, trafficking in slavery and prostitution of women and possibly children.”

  She looked up at him. Her full lips gasped open. “Oh, how horrible for those poor people.” Her voice shook. “I was lucky tonight. Thanks for being here when I needed help.”

  Mike felt her slender body tremble. He wanted to comfort her. Be by her side forever. Her scent of lilacs and warm woman surrounded him, filling him. “I’ll follow you home if you feel like driving. If not, I’ll have Juan and Derek come back and get your van later.”

  “No, I can drive, but I’d appreciate you coming with me.”

  After helping his longtime friend into her car, Mike drove behind her to her nearby home. He pulled up in the driveway and escorted her inside.
Tonight, he needed to tell her, somehow, that he wanted to take care of her and stay by her side from now on.

  “Will you have something to eat? I planned to bake some frozen lasagna.”

  He met her clear, blue-eyed gaze. “Sounds great.”

  “Good. I’ll put it in the oven.”

  His boot heels sharp on the wooden floor between area rugs, Mike crossed the living room of the Craftsman-style cottage. Melissa had bought the house cheap and renovated it herself. She’d made the old place warm and inviting with burgundy curtains to match the oriental rugs he’d helped her carry home from a garage sale.

  Her house was small but cozy compared to the cold, sprawling place he lived in on Crazy Cat Mountain.

  He took the frozen dish from her and placed it in the oven. She set the temp and timer.

  “Want a glass of wine?” she asked.

  “Sure.” He wanted her. Wanted to make love to her, kiss her soft, full lips, caress her until she wanted him like he wanted her. He longed to cup her sweet, rounded hips in his hands and sink deep inside her.

  She handed him the bottle from the pantry, and he removed the cork while she took down a couple wine goblets. Her breasts pressed against her shirt. He imagined her breasts bare, pressed against his naked chest.

  When she placed the glasses on the counter near him, she bumped against his side. Mike caught her with one hand at her slender waist and steadied her as he poured. He detected her slight shiver. He had a feeling she wasn’t as okay as she pretended to be.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to get a quick shower.” She smiled at him. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Tito’s assault had obviously left her feeling like she needed a shower. Mike didn’t blame her. It would help her deal with it to wash off the memory of their hands on her.

  He sipped his wine and wandered into the dining room, taking in the changes she’d made here and there. The addition of candles on the table and various shelves was a nice idea. Candlelight could make for a romantic setting.

  She returned quickly in a new shirt and jeans. She looked refreshed, too.

  “Let’s sit in here while dinner cooks,” she said and led the way to the living room.

  She settled in the middle of the couch and crossed her long legs. He welcomed the chance to sit next to her. He could imagine those legs without jeans, naked and wrapped around him. His cock became rigid with his desire.

  He cleared his throat. Later, Wolfson, if you’re very lucky. “Even though I don’t want to and I expect you don’t either, we need to talk about this guy and his goons who attacked you.” He wiped one hand over his eyes. “You’ll need better security at the shelter. I don’t like the thought of him showing up again.”

  “I can’t afford another security guard at the shelter, but I’ll ask the one I have to walk with me to my car in the evening when I leave.” Her eyes revealed her trust in Mike. Her lips curved up in a warm smile.

  He wished he could hold her heart-shaped face with his hands and kiss her freckled nose, her full lips. Feel those lips on him.

  “Good. That’ll help, but until we catch those guys, you need to have someone follow you home. I’ll do that. Juan and Derek have been investigating this gang for over a year. If you’ll call the police to make a report about what happened tonight, it’ll help them build a case. The sooner we put these guys in jail, the better.”

  She slowly snuggled up to Mike’s side. “I recognized the father of the boy as a troublemaker from our high school days. It’s been a while.”

  “I remember him, too,” Mike said and urged Melissa closer to him. His cock stiffened more with his need for her. “In high school, he thought it was fun to pick on kids who were smaller or younger than he was. Now, he uses women to make money.”

  Mike clenched his jaw. He should have taken Tito down tonight. He shouldn’t have let him get away.

  She smoothed her soft fingers over his hand. “The little boy’s mother signed their last name as Gonzalez.”

  “Yeah. Tito Gonzalez.” A rogue werewolf with a dangerous pack. “He owns an apartment building near downtown. He and his gang live there. The police have a detective checking out the place, but so far, from what I’ve heard, he hasn’t found any conclusive evidence to prove human trafficking. The apartment is handy for prostitution, under the guise of a massage parlor, as well as meetings with those looking for free illegal labor. Maybe the boy’s mother can give you some info that would help with the case.”

  “I’ll see if she wants to talk about him, but I’m not going to badger her. She came to the shelter for rest and protection. I won’t cause her more distress.”

  Mike smiled at the protective tone of Melissa’s voice. “I won’t ask you to. If she closes up, let it go. We’ll find some other way to arrest these guys.”

  Anger and determination made his blood boil. The thought of Melissa being hurt by Tito and his gang tempted the dangerous side of Mike with the urge to tear their throats out.

  Melissa was the most beautiful, generous woman he’d ever known. Her dark hair fell in waves around her delicate face. He pushed a tendril back as he gazed into her blue eyes.

  Her familiar, sweet scent tempted the primal force raging through his veins. He must control it now and always. She would run from him if she knew he was more than human.

  The drive to mate with Melissa grew stronger. His cock rose higher with his need for her. She’d been his close friend since high school. He wished she could love him forever. He ached to make her his woman, to make love to her, thrust deep, again and again. Become one with her.

  If she knew what he was capable of, he doubted she’d be sitting beside him now. Melissa was the only woman he would ever love. He loved her so much it hurt deep in his chest. He feared he was destined to live alone. Now and always.

  In the meantime, he’d protect her with his life. Tito’s gang didn’t stand a chance against him if it came to physical violence. The problem was to keep Melissa safe from them when she was alone and vulnerable. He could have lost her tonight. Thank God he’d driven right behind her.

  Knowing her spirit and determination, she wouldn’t want a full time bodyguard hanging around. He’d keep a close eye on her, and if he had to be somewhere for a business meeting, he’d ask Derek or Juan to take over.

  If she refused to be his life mate, Mike intended to keep her safe, wherever she was. How would he tell her what he’d become?

  * * * *

  Melissa took another sip of wine. It warmed her insides but couldn’t stop the shudders that shook her at the memory of those thugs manhandling her. What if Mike hadn’t been there? She rested her head on his broad shoulder, so thankful he’d come to her rescue.

  His warm palm smoothed up and down her arm.

  “If you hadn’t stopped him tonight, would Tito have sold me for a prostitute?”

  “Don’t think about what might have happened. The fact is we chased Tito and his friends off.”

  Melissa turned to gaze at Mike. She studied his confident expression. His sexy, midnight-black hair needed combing after his lightning-fast action to save her. She wanted to delve her fingers through those strands. His white, western style cotton shirt accentuated his broad shoulders.

  He finished off his wine in one long swallow. She took another sip of her own and put their glasses on the coffee table. Her hands trembled, and the glasses clinked together.

  Mike pulled her back against his side. The touch of his firm hands at her waist caused a physical need to ache inside her.

  She shivered, the sensation of his caress soothing the shock of being bruised by those hoodlums. “I wish I’d punched those guys for taking hold of me. I fought them as hard as I could. I thought if I could get loose, I’d grab my cell and call the police. I should’ve kicked harder.”

  “I know you wanted to.” His deep baritone voice sounded soft as velvet. He took her hand in his.

  Melissa felt angry tears burn her eyes. “I wish I h
ad more courage. I was afraid for you when you came to help me. What if they’d had knives? I couldn’t stand it if they’d hurt you.”

  “Don’t worry. They wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I was only concerned about you. I can’t handle the thought of you getting hurt.”

  The memory of Mike’s lightning-fast punches and her fear for him caused her tears of angry frustration to overflow. At the touch of Mike’s thumb wiping them from her cheeks, she met his concerned gaze. The heat in his topaz eyes drew a guilty sensation of need from her belly. Did Mike care for her as much as she cared about him?

  She’d always been drawn to Mike more than any of the other guys she’d known. He had always been there for her, working on projects with her. Over the years, they’d become close friends. They’d shared the good times and some of the bad times.

  He’d held her with such gentleness and protection earlier when she’d been assaulted by Tito. Mike’s strong, protective arms wrapped around her had made her feel safe. She’d felt at home in his embrace. Would he kiss her now? She would love to feel his lips on hers. She wanted to kiss him and know how that felt.

  Suddenly, she knew that either their relationship had changed this evening or she’d become aware of the truth. The truth that she wanted Mike so much—since high school, when he’d hung out in a different crowd—that now, she was willing to take a chance on making love with him.

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips. Did he feel it, too?

  Whatever had happened between them to make her aware of this daring on her part? It didn’t matter. She wanted him to kiss her. Now. As he leaned nearer, she tilted her head and offered her parted lips. When he paused, she feared he’d move away. She lifted a hand to pull him closer.


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