Fame You

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Fame You Page 11

by Hattie Lou

  I stare up at him as my eyes beg him to keep going. I don’t want him to stop.

  His hand slips under my shirt as he lifts it up high enough to reveal my lace pink bra. “You got some sexy lingerie.”

  “I have been told that I look better without them on,” I say, biting my bottom lip, daring him to take it off.

  He lets out a sexy growl. “I will be the judge of that.” He says as he reaches around my back to unhook my bra using one hand like he’s a pro at it. No surprise there. I’m sure he has had a lot of women in his bed already. Luke takes a moment to stare at me. The way he’s looking at me makes me feel special. Like I’m the best thing he has ever seen. “You look better than I was imagining you would.”

  His hands softly touch my breasts before he leans forward as his mouth covers my nipple making my body go out of whack as my back arches off the bed. I gasp at how amazing his mouth is. “Shh. You might wake up my mom.” He says before repeating the same move on my other breast.

  I watch as he backs away and gets off the bed. He stares down at me with a smirk before opening the drawer next to his bed and takes out a foil wrapper. He wastes no time tearing it open with his teeth. “I need you to be quiet. Think you can handle that?”

  I nod.

  “Good.” He says, smirking as he strips out of his clothes.

  My eyes watch his every move as he quickly tosses the clothes onto the floor.

  Once he finish undressing, he catches me gawking at him with hunger in my eyes. “See something you like?” He teases.

  “I do,” I say, licking my lips.

  “What’s that?” He asks as he moves closer to me until he’s on top of me.

  “You,” I whisper, running my finger up his chest.

  He chuckles as he moves his hand to the string of my shorts and unties them. “Now let’s get you out of these.” He says quickly pulling them down and tossing them on the floor along with my panties.

  Usually, I am subconscious about my body especially the stretch marks that I got from being pregnant with Savannah, but right now I am lying in Luke’s bed completely naked and I’m not worried about how I look. All I know is that I want this.

  “Look at me.” He demands as he makes his way inside of me. The second he is all the way in, he suddenly stops and pins my wrists to the mattress, never taking his eyes off of me. “I like the way you look as you are surrendering your body to me. This is all mine now to do whatever I want.” He says, sounding controlling and sexy at the same time. I have never been big on talking during sex but I want Luke to keep talking. The more he speaks, the more turned on I’m getting.

  He starts to move his hips, making my body rage in lust as I wrap my legs around his waist and dig my heels into his back. “It’s all yours,” I say, breathless.

  “Damn right it is.” He says, thrusting into me faster. My body feels like it has been woken up after years of sleeping. I can’t recall sex feeling like this. It’s powerful and strong. Our eyes remain on each other as he keeps moving his hips. “You feel too fucking good to be real. I’m waiting to wake up from this dream.”

  This is not a dream. Here I am having sex with Luke Stewart.

  It doesn’t take long for my body to tighten up. Luke’s legs begin to shake as he speeds up. “Fuck.” He roars as our bodies come together like a finishing piece to a puzzle.

  He rolls over to the side of me as we are both out of breath. He pulls me onto his chest. “You are incredible!”

  I smile as I’m too speechless to talk and too tired to move.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Olivia freezes as she walks into the living room and sees me standing next to the door, wearing a suit.

  “Wow. You look very handsome. Are you going somewhere important?” She asks, looking at me like she did last night as I had my way with her. She better stop looking at me that way or we won’t be leaving the house today.

  “It’s Sunday. Aren’t you and Mom going to church soon?” I ask, hoping I got the day right. It’s Olivia’s day to take Mom and Harry. I remember Olivia telling Mom a few days ago that she was taking her to church this weekend.

  “Yeah.” She answers, looking skeptical at me. “I’m sure you got more important things to do.” She says.

  “Instead of accompanying you and Mom to church?”

  She gives me a weird look. “Are you sure you want to go? There is going to be a lot of people there.”

  I laugh. “I’m aware that a lot of people go to church.”

  “Church doesn’t seem like your type of thing. People go there to talk about the Bible and God, not celebrities and movies.”

  Does Olivia really think that I don’t know what goes on at church? Sure, I haven’t been to church in years, but I’m not clueless about the Bible or God. Olivia should give me more credit than that.

  “I know. I want to spend time with you and Mom today if that is alright.”

  She gives me a hard stare before giving in. “It’s fine. I’m going to get ready now.”

  It amazes me as the priest talks that I haven’t been to church lately. Maybe I should look for a church by my house when I get back to LA. It is nice listening to him talk about the Bible. It’s such a peaceful atmosphere here. People aren’t glued to their phones or whispering about gossip. They are all focusing on the priest and what he has to say.

  The mass ends and everyone makes their way outside. I stay close to Olivia since I don’t know anyone here. On the way to church this morning, we had to stop and pick up Harry since Ben has the day off. The dude is a real talker. A minute didn’t go by where he wasn’t finding something to talk about. I swear half of the things he was saying were made up like when he mentioned he visited all fifty states. Harry doesn’t come off as a person who likes to travel. He seems more like an indoor person.

  “Olivia!” A guy calls out across the lawn, making me turn around to see who it is. A tall guy dressed in a suit like me with his hair slicked down comes walking over to where we are standing.

  “Hey, Joel. How’s it going?” Olivia asks, giving him a hug.

  We aren’t dating, but seeing this guy put his arms around her makes my blood boil. Their hug isn’t a quick one. It looks like Joel doesn’t want to let her go.

  “Things have been going well.” He tells her as he takes a step back to give her body a full look over. He tries not to stare too long, but I’m a man. I know what it looks like when a guy is checking out a woman. I am guilty of doing it myself. “I’m back at work. The doctor cleared me a few weeks ago.”

  She looks surprised. “That is wonderful to hear. I bet you are happy to be back at the office.”

  “You bet I am.” He says, as he suddenly looks up and sees me standing next to her. He waits for her to introduce me to him. I bet he wants to know if we are dating. I can tell he likes her. How could he not like her? She’s beautiful. If he was smart, he would stop looking at her now since he sees me next to her.

  “This is…” Olivia begins to say, not sure how to introduce me. I don’t want people to know that I’m an actor who lives in Hollywood. They will start to ask me all kinds of questions about where I live and who I hang out with in Hollywood.

  “I’m Luke, Olivia’s friend,” I say the word friend slowly so he knows we are close as I shake his hand.

  Suddenly he looks like he is sweating. Am I making him nervous? I hope so.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Luke.” He says, trying to be friendly since Olivia is standing next to me.

  “Likewise,” I say, staring him down. I’m intimidating him. Good. Now he will know to back off from Olivia. She doesn’t need him when she got me.

  “Sorry, but I have to get back to my grandma. I’m taking her out for lunch today.”

  “That’s sweet. Have fun! Tell Nancy I said hi.” Olivia says as he turns away.

  I snort. “That guy likes you.”

  “Excuse me?” She asks while laughing.

  “How long have y
ou known him?” I suddenly want to know everything there is to know about this Joel guy.

  “Not that it’s any of your business but I met him shortly after I moved in with your mom. He’s divorced and a father of twin girls who live with his grandma. He is raising them all on his own. It’s amazing what he does.”

  “You sure know a lot about him. Have you been on a date with him?”

  “Yeah, I sneak him in the house every night while your mom and my daughter are sleeping down the hall. I kick him out right before they wake up.” She jokes, but I’m not laughing. “Wait! Are you jealous, Luke?” She asks, putting her hands on her hips as she stares at me with playful eyes.

  “I don’t get jealous,” I say, looking away.

  “I believe you. You are the one who lives with your girlfriend who sees other guys on a regular basis.” She teases.

  I’m about to say something dirty to her about last night when an older woman comes walking over to us. “That was a great service today by Father Davis.” The woman says as she is looking me over. She doesn’t want to talk about the service, she wants to know who I am.

  “It was.”

  “Olivia, who is this handsome man here?” She asks.

  “Hi, ma’am,” I answer. “I’m Luke.”

  She gives me a second look like she knows me. “Luke Stewart, Katherine’s son?”

  I was hoping no one would connect me to Katherine. “I am.”

  “Wow! You are the spinning image of your father. You look just like him when he was younger.”

  “You knew him?” I ask, surprise. I barely talk to people who knew my dad outside of Hollywood. Dad didn’t have many friends. If he did, I don’t recall meeting them.

  “Who didn’t? I remember when Katherine used to bring you all over town with her when you guys stayed here. Your dad was always keeping himself busy with writing. That guy could spend hours locked in a room just writing.” She says with a smile. “Michael was a real nice guy. It was shocking when I heard he passed away. Poor Katherine wasn’t the same without him.” She looks back and forth between me and Olivia. “This is one of those love stories that you read in those novels.”

  Olivia laughs. “What are you talking about?”

  “You two. You are taking care of his mom and now you guys are dating.” She reaches out and touches Olivia’s arm. “I’m happy, darling. You deserve to get back out there and find someone special even if it’s Katherine’s son.” She says with a wink.

  “Oh, we aren’t together.” Olivia tries to tell the woman, but she doesn’t believe her. “We came to church for Katherine.”

  “Honey, you don’t have to explain your relationship to me.” She says before walking away.

  I laugh.


  “You are blushing.”

  She rolls her eyes. “No, I’m not.”

  God! She’s so cute when she’s lying.


  “Are you going to stop doing that?” I ask, watching Luke who’s too busy watching his mom that he didn’t even touch his food. It has been over ten minutes. The food is probably already cold.

  “Doing what?” He says, turning his head to look at me.

  I lean back in the chair and stare at him through my sunglasses. “Watching them. You’re going to make Harry nervous.”

  “Good. I want him to know that I’m watching him.”

  This is exactly why I wasn’t too big on Luke coming to church with us this morning. We are sitting at our table while Katherine and Harry are sitting at their own table right across from us. It’s like he’s afraid Harry might kidnap his mom if he looks away too long.

  “Your mom likes spending time with him. Let them have fun. They are enjoying themselves.” I say when Katherine starts laughing at something Harry says to her. They are adorable together.

  “I don’t trust the guy. What do you know about him?”

  Is he serious? Harry is one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet. “He was married two times. Both of his wives passed away from illnesses. He used to work on a train down in Baltimore. Harry was diagnosed with dementia two years ago.”

  Luke looks at me. “He has dementia?”

  “Yes, he doesn’t have it as bad as your mom does. He remembers most of his past, but he suffered a stroke last year that made him forget a lot of things. His daughter moved to Iowa and has five kids of her own so she put him in a nursing home. Ben comes in and takes him out five days a week. Harry doesn’t have much to look forward to in life, but your mom makes him happy. Katherine loves his company. They aren’t doing anything wrong.

  He taps his fingers off the table. “Maybe he is harmless, but if he proposes to my mom, I’m not going to call him dad.”

  I laugh at his crazy notion. “I think you are getting ahead of yourself. They are just having fun. I highly doubt they will ever become a serious couple.”

  “You never know these days. I see the way she looks at him and the way he makes her laugh. She used to do those things only when she was around Dad.”

  “She doesn’t remember any of those memories. Don’t ruin this for her.” I say as we watch them.

  “Okay. I won’t.” He turns his attention on to me. “Are we going to talk about last night?” He asks.

  Now he got me thinking about the things he did to me. He turned me on to a different level. I’ve never experienced sex like that. It was new, hot, and sexy. Just thinking about last night makes me miss it. The way our bodies came together. The way he held me as we both fell asleep.

  “What exactly do you want to talk about?” I ask, hoping he isn’t going to tell me that he regrets it or that I was awful.

  “When can we try that again? I had a lot of fun.” He says, locking eyes with me.

  My mouth hangs open at his words. He doesn’t care we are outside having lunch. There are people walking around that might overhear our conversation. His mom isn’t too far from where we are sitting!

  He flips his sunglasses up and places them on the top of his head. “You aren’t regretting it now, are you?” He asks sounding worried.

  “It’s just that we are outside. I don’t want to talk about it with people around.” I say, looking up at him. “And no, I don’t regret any of it. It has been years since I have been with a guy. You reminded me of how good it feels to be a woman again.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him. Sex with Luke was something I have never felt before. He touched my body like he knew it for years. He knew which areas drove me wild and the way to make me giggle as he blew onto my skin with his warm breath. I’m hoping last night wasn’t a one-time thing. I need to have him again.

  He chuckles. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Luke and Katherine are both still asleep while I’m sitting in the kitchen, bored. I already cleaned the kitchen. There isn’t much for me to do but wait until one of them wake up.

  Luke left his laptop sitting on the kitchen table last night. I stare at the computer, wondering what he has on it. Maybe he’s writing his story on the laptop instead of on paper. I never see him on the computer. It makes me wonder what he does on it.

  I look down the hallway and don’t see anyone coming as my hands begin to open the laptop. There’s no password to enter, making it easy for me to go through his files.

  I click on the last page he had opened. It’s his Instagram account. I don’t know much about his Hollywood life. I go through the photos he posted. There’s close to a thousand photos on his page. Most of them are places he visited. He likes to travel, I can tell. He has millions of followers. I take it that Luke has a lot of fans out there.

  The last picture he posted is of him and Erika. It’s from a few days before he showed up here. They are standing outside together. She’s looking down at the ground while he is holding her close, kissing the top of her head. They are both smiling like they’re in love.

  There is a photo of them with Matthew and some woman. They are on a
beach holding drinks in their hands as they all are smiling for the camera.

  Luke said he and Erika aren’t together, but they look so happy in their pictures. I find myself clicking on all of their photos. I look at them with jealousy. Erika is lucky to have Luke even if their relationship is fake. She still gets to see him every day. He’s nice once you get to know him. He’s caring. I have seen him with Savannah.

  Luke loses himself in his Hollywood life but when he comes back to being himself, he’s a good guy.

  “What are you doing?” Luke’s voice makes me jump and I slam his laptop shut.

  “I was trying to look something up on the internet.” I lie.

  He stops behind my chair and leans in to kiss my cheek. “I don’t think you are going to find what you were looking for on my Instagram account.” He says, chuckling.

  “I was curious about your life. I couldn’t help but notice that you and Erika have a lot of pictures together. You guys look so happy.”

  “The photos of us are planned in advance. We shoot them weeks earlier.” He opens the laptop and clicks on a random picture of them together. “See.” He says pointing to the screen. “The perfect sunset. It’s all photoshopped.”

  “So, you weren’t sitting on the beach together that day?”

  “No.” He says as he clicks on another photo. It’s one of him by himself, shirtless as he is smiling while taking a selfie.

  “Wow,” I say low.

  “Yeah, Fiji is one of the best places to go to when you want to get away. It’s so relaxing there.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the location. I was referring to your body in the photo. You look so ripped.”

  He laughs. “I can’t take too much of the credit, I have a cook who keeps me on a strict diet. She refuses to cook me anything that tastes like real food.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing your cook isn’t here. I will make you real food.”

  He smirks. “I’m hungry, but not for food.” He whispers into my ear.

  “Oh yeah?” I say, playfully flirting with him.

  “Yeah, I think we should go to my room. We can have breakfast in bed afterward if you are hungry.”


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