His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance Page 2

by Sullivan, Piper

  “Thank you .”


  “Great to meet the woman able to tame this guy,” he told her and shook his head as he walked off with a smile .

  Sylvie turned to me with a disbelieving stare. “I can’t believe you did that! Don’t blame me when it’s all over the world that you’re in love and then you can’t get a date.” She stuck her tongue out and all I could do was laugh .

  “I won’t because you’ll just have to be my date. Problem solved.” I’d rather spend time with her most days anyway .

  She snorted and bumped my shoulder as we finally made it onto the dance floor. “Yeah but I don’t put out .”

  True. “You say that now, but I haven’t put the moves on you. Trust me, my moves work .”

  She tossed her head back and laughed, sending her soft curves in even closer contact with the harder parts of me while I spun her around the dance floor. “It’s been so long they just might work .”

  I couldn’t stop thinking about whatever she needed to talk about. So as soon as I could leave without being rude—after the awards and speeches and rubber chicken—I grabbed her hand and reversed our path back to the limo. We laughed and talked the whole way back, especially when she told me how the notorious Marcos Antoni was jealous of me this weekend. The man was smart to be jealous .

  Back at the suite we changed into comfortable clothes, made drinks and ordered room service as we prepared to talk. I handed Syl two fingers of whiskey in a crystal tumbler. She took a long, fortifying swallow .

  “Now spill .”

  With a twitch of her lips, Sylvie nodded and took another sip. She sighed and drank a bit more. Fidgeted and then sighed before finishing off her drink .

  “Okay,” she said on an exhale. “You know how hard I worked to make junior partner, and I think soon they’ll make me senior partner. Which is all great, except it hasn’t left time to develop any significant relationships, not that I did all that great with the insignificant ones,” she joked. “Let’s just say I’d rather do another green juice cleanse than try another relationship. But that doesn’t mean I want to give up all my dreams for the future. Specifically, a child .”

  Okay, I could handle that. “You’re going to be a great mom, Sylvie. You’re bossy as hell and so damn nurturing. Most people didn’t think of that when they thought of the powerhouse shark attorney Sylvie Porter, but I knew her best .

  She grinned, just as I hoped she would. “Thanks, Brady. I’ve done a consultation, two actually, with a fertility clinic and I got as far as looking at donor profiles when I realized I couldn’t do it. I can’t let a stranger father my baby .”

  She sounded so bleak, so hopeless I nearly volunteered to give her a baby myself. “Okay,” I said instead, unsure how else to respond to that. She took another deep breath and laid those big blue eyes on me .

  “I want you to give me a baby, Brady. Just listen before you say no. I’ve known you forever, so I know your family’s mental and medical history. Which let’s face it, is a crucial fact with a stranger who sells his jizz. Plus, we’re best friends, so you’ll always be around to answer questions, if you want,” she added the last part late, as though it had just occurred to her. “Oh, and you don’t have to be the ‘dad’ if you don’t want to be .”

  I let her words sink in for a moment, because it was a hell of a lot to process. In one breath, she’d just sent my world tumbling headlong into uncertainty. I turned back to the bar and grabbed two big handfuls of mini bar bottles because this was no time to worry about quality .

  Sylvie wanted a baby .

  My Sylvie wanted a baby. And she wanted me to give it to her. That was enough on its own, but she was giving me the option of being involved or not. “Wow,” I said and drained another bottle .

  “I know, and I don’t mean to spring this on you Brady. If you feel uncomfortable you can say no, and it won’t change us. Take some time to think about it .”

  “How long until you need an answer ?”

  She sighed in resignation. “Well I’m already off birth control and I don’t think I’ll need any hormonal help getting pregnant, so I can give you five or six months to decide .”

  I heard what she didn’t say, which was she hoped I’d make up my mind much sooner. “And after that ?”

  Then she did sigh, and I heard the disappointment. “I’ll go back to a fertility clinic. Too bad you don’t have any brothers,” she offered with a smile that didn’t quite reach her big blue eyes .

  “Tell me about it,” I laughed .

  “Yeah, yeah. Poor Brady never got a brother or a pony for Christmas.” She rolled her eyes affectionately and patted the cushion beside her. “Come on then, let’s table this discussion until you’ve had some time to think about it. Right now, I’ll rub your stinky feet while we veg out right here .”

  I took a seat and she rested my feet in her lap, flipping on a music station before she began to dig deep into the tension in my feet. “Fuck that feels good, Syl. Why are you so good to me ?”

  “You’re my best guy, Brady.” She flashed that girlish smile that reminded me so much of teenaged Sylvie. Even then she’d been unaware of her own appeal, but even with glasses and a poor fashion sense, she’d been beautiful to me .

  I relaxed into the sofa, trying hard not to think about the fact that Sylvie wanted me to give her a baby .

  Or the erection her massage caused .


  T he day after the reception I slept in, and when I finally woke up, Brady was already at practice. Even though he’d just won a tournament, there was another one in a week and he had no down time. It was an exhausting lifestyle but he seemed to excel at it .

  I dressed quickly and decided to do something I hadn’t done in years. I explored the Indian Wells gardens, and let my thoughts focus solely on Brady and what he might think about my proposal .

  It was obvious he was nervous. Worried and a little hesitant, all of which was to be expected. But he never revealed what he really thought about it, and I knew that overthinking something I couldn’t change was a recipe for stress, which I couldn’t afford at the moment. Either Brady would help me, or he wouldn’t. The end .

  But as much as I wanted to forget it, I couldn’t. It was a huge ask, I knew that. Hell, it was an ask that might end our friendship if he was really committed to being commitment and responsibility free. But as much as I wanted a baby, I didn’t know if I could risk it. Maybe an anonymous donor wasn’t so bad ?

  Yeah right .

  Even the crisp, clear day and the colorful flowers couldn’t distract me, so I turned and made my way back to the room. I could tell Brady was back the moment I entered because his cologne lingered in the air. I found him in the main room with his head back, eyes closed and feet on the table as he relaxed in nothing but a towel that hung low on his hips .

  Damn but he was a beautiful man, inside and out sure, but right now, those abs …

  “Jeez I seriously need to get laid if I’m gawking at you with my tongue wagging out .”

  His mouth curved into a slow grin and one green eye popped open, then the other. “Hey babe, I don’t work hard to not look this good .”

  “Of course not. You work hard to make what, half a million for a week of work ?”

  He frowned. “One point one .”

  My eyes bugged out of my head. “I guess you chose the right time to become a tennis great .”

  “Don’t forget the glory and the fame,” he said around a goofy grin .

  “Right. How was practice ?”

  His expression instantly changed and I had my answer, but still, I waited. “Shit. I lost serve three times in that second set on fucking double faults and you know what McEnnis said? He said fuck all, jack shit about it, Syl!” He shook his head, completely disgusted. “I did it on purpose hoping he could see it so we could work on it before heading to Montreal tomorrow. But he’s fucking useless .”

  I knew he wouldn’t want to hear my
next words, but I said them anyway. “Are you hurting somewhere and hiding it ?”

  “No,” he answered a little too quickly, and I quirked my eyebrow .

  “Then maybe you should call Gladden sooner rather than later.” He wanted to, I knew he did. The man was an amazing tennis player, but he was a better coach, and until now he’d only worked with new talent. Kids on the cusp of greatness. “He offered. The least you can do is hear what he has to say about your game .”

  He groaned, stretching his long body until the towel dipped so low I spotted a sprinkling of dark hair that intrigued me. I really needed to get laid. Things were bad if Brady was getting to me .

  “You’re right .”

  “I usually am. Now get dressed, get pretty and let’s go do some tourist crap before you go .”

  “We always do tourist crap and we’ve both been here too many times .”

  “Fine. Stop whining and tell me what you want to do .”

  He grinned that salacious grin he did so well and I rolled my eyes. “Get your mind out of the gutter, I want to eat .”


  “Who in the hell is that going to satisfy? I want some barbecue, ribs with cole slaw and corn on the cob .”

  “Oh sure, there’s a place where I hear they give out blood pressure medication with every half slab of ribs .”

  He stood and the towel nearly fell, but he caught it and winked at me. “I’m completely okay with that .”

  “Then let’s go.” I smiled as he disappeared into his room. Things were still normal, still right with us .

  No need to worry .

  * * *

  “Y ou want me to do what ?” I leaned forward in my seat around the conference room filled with junior and senior partners, palms flat on the table and I’m sure, outrage splashed all over my face. I’d heard exactly what they, no what he said. And it was pure bullshit .

  “You heard me, clearly.” Paul sneered at me like a fucking child .

  I looked around the table at the other senior partners, waiting for someone to smile and say it was a prank. Or to brush off Paul and say this was all a mistake. But they didn’t. “So after winning this case, thousands of billable hours with only one associate to help, you want me to give Antoni to Paul ?”

  “One associate?” Harvey Milsen, one of the named partners cut a curious glance at Paul. “The Antoni case required at least two associates .”

  “Yet I got it done with one. I won that case. While Paul suggested a deal right out the gate .”

  He scoffed the same way he did when Marcos told him “fuck no” on a plea deal. “Everyone knows what Antoni is .”

  I laughed. “Maybe. But what matters is that they have to be able to prove it. And last I checked it was our job to make sure they can’t prove a damn thing .”

  I’d felt so good this morning. A few days with Brady was just what I needed to give me a little more gas to get through the week. I made it to Thursday on that alone. And then this shit at the weekly staff meeting .

  “Sometimes a deal is what’s best, and you’ll learn that. When you’ve had more experience .”

  It was my turn to scoff. “I agree, but this time was not one of those times.” I held my hands up, taking a quick second to admire my pink French tips, to stop anymore words. “What is this, you want me to talk to Marcos and get him to agree? Because he does not like Paul.” Paul and the other senior partners bickered and I tuned them out, looking out the window and wishing I was anywhere but here .

  If Brady agreed to help me start a family then I would look for work at a smaller firm. Or maybe start my own little firm somewhere else. Even if he didn’t agree, it was time I started making plans. Past time, actually .

  “Are you still with us, Sylvie ?”

  “Sorry, no. What did I miss?” A few people snickered but I wasn’t trying to be a smartass, I had just lost interest .

  “I want Marcos Antoni on my roster. Make it happen .”

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. “If you want him, take him. But there’s nothing in my contract to say I have to help you poach a client.” And I wouldn’t do that, but I wouldn’t stop it either .

  “That is not acceptable !”

  I nodded. “You’re right. I’ll make the call now.” Reaching across the table, I dialed my assistant. “Sebastian please get me Mr. Antoni .”

  “Right away Ms. Porter .”

  The phone rang, echoing in the cavernous conference room. Three times. Four times. “Ms. Porter, I hope you’re calling to tell me you’ve given more thought to what we talked about .”

  All eyes went to me and I knew they were thinking sex. Because a woman who looks like I do must have fucked her client .

  “I have already explored a few options for expansion but that, unfortunately is not the reason for my call. You’re being moved to one of the senior partners .”

  “Fuck that shit! If you try to pawn me off on that little dick fucker Nelson, I walk. With my retainer.” He heaved a breath. “What the fuck is going on Sylvie ?”

  “Mr. Antoni, I can assure that I am perfectly -,”

  “No! Hell no. Sylvie I’m not dealing with this shit. Call me back when you can talk, for real.” The line went dead, and I didn’t smirk. I didn’t grin. I just sat there calmly and waited. I know they wanted me to say something, to jump in and promise to smooth things over with Antoni. But I wouldn’t. Not because I’m not a team player, but because this was bullshit. I’m not some associate getting a big fish stolen. I am a fucking partner .

  “How do you plan to fix this ?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know after I make sure Antoni doesn’t take his business elsewhere.” I left the conference room and made straight for my office, closing the door behind me so that I wouldn’t be disturbed. I had a lot to think about, and it seemed that the state of my career had been bumped up to the top of the list .


  Making an enemy out of a senior partner wasn’t the brightest move, even if I had to protect my client from a mediocre attorney. But now that I had, I knew Nelson would make life difficult moving forward .

  I pulled out my phone and sent an inquiring email to a few headhunters, just to see what my options were. Then I worked to calm down a very pissed off, possible gangster. Antoni was mostly bark when it came to the small stuff like switching attorneys, because he knew he had all the power. “Just consider it .”

  “I did when the firm first offered him up. But then that jackass brought up a plea deal. I don’t employ wimps. I need soldiers, and I already got one in you .”

  “Right. Thanks. I’ll call your assistant about meeting on the business matters .”

  “Good. Later .”

  The call disconnected and I felt…drained. I didn’t want to deal with it anymore but this was my job, and until I decided what happened next, I would do it the best way I knew how. I’d missed a call from Brady while dealing with Antoni but I’d call him once I was home .

  By the time five o’clock rolled around, I had put a good dent in some of the research I needed for another upcoming trial. But I still felt betrayed from the meeting earlier and I had every intention of drowning my sorrows in some Ben & Jerry’s Karamel Sutra. And maybe a good curry. That was my plan, not poring over briefs, not getting ready for a date. At home, relaxing. Dreaming up the life I would have with my baby .

  Just the two of us .


  I tried to call Sylvie before I left for the final match but she didn’t pick up and I didn’t want to give her my answer on the phone. All week, her words were all I could think about. Having a baby with my best friend. It wasn’t something I’d ever thought about, not having a baby with Syl precisely, but having one period .

  I always figured I was too selfish since most of my life had been focused solely on me. As an athlete it had to be that way. There were people who worried about what I ate, how I worked out, my private life and public image. How could I go fr
om all that, to worrying about someone else first ?

  It was why I hadn’t bothered with any real relationships. But I didn’t feel bothered by the idea of having a kid with Sylvie. I took a few more days to think it over, and while I went through my pre-match ritual, the idea just seemed right. Giving Sylvie a baby that was part of me. It might be the only baby I ever had .

  Then I had to put it all out of my head and focus on the match. Nathaniel Polansky was the number one player in Canada and the kid had a serve so brutal it should come with a warning. I knew his strengths and his weaknesses and as the match began, I focused on those weaknesses and exploited the hell out of them. The kid gave pretty good during the first set, nailing ace after ace for a quick service game .

  But he tired out easily with his trick shots and reel-worthy moves and I broke him and held to take the first set. He put up a good fight in the second set but he had no gas in his tank, and I easily broke him twice. The match had been easy. Too easy .

  But a win was a win, and I smiled, gave my acceptance speech and wished Polansky a good rest of his season. It all felt perfunctory. Good, but perfunctory .

  Later at the gathering for players, I spotted a woman in a red dress and my mind went back to Sylvie in that silky number she had on in Indian Wells, and her jeans, which should be illegal. And because my mind was already in the gutter, it went back to that yellow bikini last summer. Practically indecent, which meant it often popped up in my fantasies .

  That thought made me smile as I stood in front of a bank of cameras and held the trophy in my hand. That’s when it came to me. The perfect idea .

  It might be the worst idea I’ve ever had, but now that it was in my head, I couldn’t let it go. Eager to leave the party, I grabbed my agent before he did something we both would regret and we waited for our limo .

  “What’d you do that for? I could have tagged that little cutie before I signed her, damn you !”


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