Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer)

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Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer) Page 5

by Dawson, Devyn

  Everyone in the class is watching with curiosity as he plugs and unplugs wires until the room suddenly has power.


  “You really did think I did something didn’t you?” Amber asked accusingly to me.

  “Not really, but when I saw Thorne give you a thumbs up, I couldn’t help but wonder.”

  “It didn’t mean anything. What if it did mean something? Do you think he meant something?”

  “Class, if I can get your attention. I am pleased with your reaction to the live experiment. We test our Tamers to make sure they know how to handle the pressure of darkness. A few of you were a little timid and daunt, but that is to be expected. It is only your second day of class. Mr Woodson, what was number three on the list I gave out yesterday?”

  “Tamers that haven’t bonded will turn into a Dark One,” Thorne reads out loud. By the expression on his face, he isn’t happy about being called.

  “What do you think Mr Woodson?”

  “I don’t know. It seems a little silly to me to think everyone can find their partner, even sillier to think they have to turn dark if they don’t.” He scoots his butt as far forward he can without falling out of his chair.

  “FACT. You are not destined to be dark if you don’t find your partner. You won’t be as strong to avoid the temptations the dark provides. Some turn dark by accident. How many of you know one certain way of turning you dark?”

  I raise my hand and mentally pray I won’t regret it. “Can’t you lose your light if you absorb another Light Tamer’s light by accident?”

  “Yes, and no Miss Lucente. If the dying Tamer’s light is young and vibrant and their mate absorbs their light, they can and probably will become a Dark One. There’s a hitch, a simple loophole to that rule. You won’t turn dark if the Tamer that dies is at the end of their lifecycle. When you’re at the end of your life cycle, your light isn’t as strong, therefore, nothing happens.” A buzz of voices interrupts the teacher’s lecture. “It is easier to gauge if the Tamer is old, but many younger ones that die are at the end of their life.”

  “What about those of us that don’t bond before we’re 18?” A boy across the room blurts out.

  “You won’t be as strong as a pair that are, pure and simple. There are plenty of Tamers finding their mate as an adult. One of the teachers here found her partner after she started teaching. We’re hoping that with the experiment, they find the compatible mate to help Mother Nature. She can be so temperamental.”

  Mother Nature is a real being too? Oh, Mylanta.

  “Is it really plain and simple, or is that what you want us to believe?” Thorne asks suspiciously.

  Amber snorted trying to contain a laugh.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t it Mr Woodson?”

  “No reason, just curious if anything in this world is plain and simple.”

  Mr Wolfshadow rubs his chin in frustration. I can hear Amber’s thumbs clicking as she madly taps out a text message. I duck my head to check my lap for messages.

  Amber: HE’S SO HOT

  Me: Mr Wolfshadow?

  Amber: HA! HA!

  I’ve lost track what they’re talking about and start willing time to go faster. I send a text to Jersey, my best friend in New York about her Facebook status. She went from single to ‘in a relationship’ last night. I’ve decided for my birthday, I want a ticket for her to visit.

  “You daydreaming about me again?” I look up to see Caleb standing next to my desk and smiling down at me.

  I’ve learned quickly that the school parking lot is not the safest place. One girl in a red Prius practically backs up into us. Prius driver’s have a different type of road rage. They’re jealous of cars that have more power. Caleb tugs on my skirt motioning me to follow him to his car. Above the noise I hear Amber yelling at someone to watch where they’re going. Thorne’s walking with her, but not actually. He wasn’t talking to her, and he didn’t seem to mind the parking lot bumper car session. They hop into her jeep, and I notice another guy climb in with them. Caleb eases his BMW out of his spot and we get in line behind a tricked out black car. I click the button on the stereo and turn up Gold on the Ceiling by El Camino.

  “What had you so deep in thought? You seemed lost inside of your head.”

  “Oh, I was thinking about Jersey. I was wondering if my mom would buy her a plane ticket. We have a 3 day weekend over Labor Day.”

  “My dad has tons of frequent flyer miles; he is always wanting to run off on a short trip to use them up. I’m sure he can spare some miles to fly her here.”

  I reach over and move his hand from the gear shifter. Our fingers entwine together, perfect…minus the fact I’m in desperate need of a manicure. “You are the perfect boyfriend. That would be incredible, if your dad agrees.”

  He takes my hand and pulls it up to his mouth and kisses it. “Oh, I’ve been meaning to tell you about the dance. I bet we can get permission to bring Jersey with us. The fall equinox is in September, and we get two extra days out of school. This year the dance is on September twenty-second.”

  “They celebrate the fall equinox? Do you actually think the school will let Jersey into the dance?”

  “I don’t see why not. They don’t technically call it the fall equinox, it’s the fall semi-formal. We get fall break earlier than other schools. It will still be hot, but not nearly as bad. Miss Lucente, will you please be my date to the dance?”

  Squeeeeee! I’ve never been to a dance before. Mom is going to go crazy for dress shopping. “So, that’s an official invitation,” I say and bat my eyes at him. Luckily we’re at a stop light so he can get the full effect.

  “Oh it’s official baby, its official.”

  “I’d love to go!”

  Chapter 8. Box of Secrets

  I haven’t heard from my dad in a few days. Earlier in the summer he told mom he was going to Greece to study under his mentor Yiannis Melanitis. Originally that was what I was told too. He took mom’s emergency credit card to pay for his flight. Mom had finished up her masters in nursing and was looking for a job when our landlord said we had to move. Without dads income, we couldn’t find another place to live. We moved in with my mom’s mom, Grandma Gayle, or Miss Gayle as she likes to be called.

  My dad showed up at our house one night and told me the reason he is an alcoholic is because he is a Dark One. My dad, my DAD is one of them. He said, we come from the original family of Tamers. My own father is the bad guy. He told Caleb and I about the girl he had been bound too. She died in front of him, and to keep the other Dark Ones from draining her light, he did it himself. He said it was something so natural to do, and it didn’t feel wrong. It awakened a thirst for light, one he couldn’t fight without the help of a bottle of booze.

  Oh, mom might have a dress I can wear to the dance. I’m taller than she is, but maybe. When times were good, mom and dad would dress up and go to art premiers. She sold a few of the dresses to consignment shops when we were short of cash.

  I tiptoe to her room on the other side of the house. The plush carpet masks the sound of my shoes. It comes in handy when Amber and I sneak to the kitchen for a midnight raid or when I try to borrow a fancy dress without permission.

  I’ve never been a kid that does a lot of snooping, I’ve never had to. I don’t typically go through my mom’s drawers, not after I found a slinky see-through nightie last year. It was hard to look her in the face for almost a week afterwards. The four-poster bed once belonged to my grandma and grandpa when he was still alive. When I was younger, I’d sit in the bed and pretend I was a princess.

  Mom’s walk in closet looked bare without my dad’s clothes. Her scrubs were separated by color and h
ung neatly up front. I reach up to pull the string to turn on the light. The dresses are towards the back and still in their dry-cleaning bag. One of my dad’s suits is haphazardly hanging on a wooden hanger. I take the sleeve and hold it to my nose trying to get a whiff of him. “Daddy, please come back,” I whisper out loud. How many nights I would watch mom get dressed for an art gala and wish I could go with her. I tried to convince my baby sitter to drive us by the gallery to watch the people on the red-carpet. She never would.

  Behind all the ordinary dresses is one I’ve never seen her wear. It’s a gorgeous black floor length gown. Oh, if she still has those gold strappy heels they’ll go perfectly with the dress, I think to myself. Her shoes are stored neatly in their box on the top shelf of the closet. I pull over plastic storage bin, and attempt to pull down two boxes of shoes. As I do, I lean over too far and start to fall. In typical Jessie fashion, I knock down every box on the right side of the closet.

  I rush to pick up the shoes and match them up with their correlating box. Sitting on the floor putting everything together, I notice a box on the floor of the closet. It’s a wooden box with a weirdly shaped keyhole. After checking both her nightstand and jewelry box, I give up looking for the key. The chimes go off letting me know a door has opened. For whatever reason, I hurry and put the box back and slide it into the closet.

  “Mom, I’m in your room!” I yell out.

  Mom is suddenly in the doorway. “Why are you in my room?” Her tone is slightly annoyed sounding.

  “Trying to find all your secrets,” I say, trying to be chipper. I hold up the black dress. “What do you think this would look like on me?”

  “What’s this about?” She throws her purse on her bed and starts pulling her top over her head. I can’t help but admire the black lacey bra she is wearing.

  I wonder if they have anything cute in my size. I’m sure it is too expensive for someone who seems to grow a cup size every year. “They’re having a semi-formal next month. Fall break is the weekend of the twenty-second; we get off Friday and Monday. Caleb thinks his dad will give us his frequent flier points to get Beth a flight to visit us.” I used Jersey’s real name because mom thinks it’s a silly nickname. I hold my breath, hoping she’ll agree.

  She takes off her scrub bottoms, revealing the matching panties. I avert my gaze, embarrassed to have her see me watching her. “Jess, I’m okay with it, but you need to make sure grandma doesn’t have anything planned. Try it on,” she says and points at the dress I’m still holding.

  The dress slips over my head easy enough. The black chiffon sleeves have a dainty silk cuff that should end at the wrist. On me, the sleeves are too short. I wiggle around until I get everything adjusted. I look in the mirror and try to keep from crying.

  “Black is such a pretty color on you. Your dirty blonde hair looks so pretty against the black. Even with your tan, the black is set off your hair and your eyes.”

  I let out the breath I’d been holding, still trying to keep my composure. “I can’t wear this. Look at the sleeves, they’re too short. I’m sure it’s because I have this giant uniboob in the front.” I fumble around with the side zipper and take it off.

  “Baby, the dress is too small. We’ll go shopping this weekend.”

  “I don’t want you to spend all your money on me. Maybe we can find something cheap at a thrift store.”

  “I want to dress shop with you, my love. You’re looking at a newly promoted supervisor, and I was given a sign on bonus. When I applied, they were offering an incentive that if I stay at least sixty days; I’d get a three thousand dollar bonus. If that doesn’t make you happy, your dad sold some of his artwork and sent some money for you.” She says as she puts on her booty’ jeans and a black tank top.

  “That’s awesome mom! I need a job that does a sign on bonus like that!”

  “Go to nursing school.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I could empty a bedpan. Why did dad send money for me?”

  “He’s your dad, and he should send money for you. With that said, how about Saturday morning, we take a drive to Greenville and look at dresses?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I throw my uniform on haphazardly so I can run and call Jersey. “You want to do just you and I, or invite grandma and Amber?”

  “I’m happy whichever way you want.”

  “Okay, I’ll ask grandma tonight.” She won’t say no, I know her too well. I better check with Caleb and see if he has asked his dad yet. I don’t think my feet even hit the floor as I ran into my room.

  Chapter 9. Dream

  The river is so beautiful in my secret hiding spot. In the past, I’ve become so entranced with the beauty of the river, I’ve almost dropped my journal in the water. The bees dance and hum in the trees behind the bench. I keep my distance, hoping that if I don’t bother them, they won’t bother me. My reaction to a bee getting too close ends with me flailing around and throwing whatever is in my hand at it.


  I jump at the sound of my name. “Mrs. Ward?” Her dress looks out of place, being that we’re on a canoe dock.

  “I need to warn you about Nyx. I put out some feelers and came back with a positive sighting. As I’ve said before, I don’t have any influence over Underworld escapees. ”

  “Can you explain to me, why all of this is happening? I don’t know what my role is, and what makes me so unique.” I pull my hair away from my sweaty neck.

  “Do you mind if I sit with you?” I nod my head. “Jessie, you’re unique because of your bloodline. There’s a sense of power that radiates off of you. I know it’s all new, and this is a big surprise…it is what it is. Your power, the light that you have in you is powerful Jessie. It is like no other in the last five centuries. You and Caleb together are astonishing. As soon as you both know how to control your inner light, your light absorption will be needed less frequently.”

  “Since you’re Fate, why can’t you control my path?” I close my journal and turn sideways on the bench, tucking one leg under me.

  “I can guide you; I can’t weave your life though. I may cause a distraction or add a person that will show you the path to take. It’s much like writing a story…you can control the scenario, but your mind and freewill chooses the words.” Her voice soft-spoken, but her power radiates through her words.

  “So what do I do?” I ask. I look at her, taking in the beauty of her face, how her pale blue eyes sparkle, so beautiful and regal, yet she emotes power. “I don’t know how to make potions or martial arts to fight her. Caleb has shown me some moves, but nothing that I’d feel comfortable using on another person.”

  “That is where you’re wrong Jessie Lucente, Nyx is not another person, she is a deity. I’m going to arm you with the human skills you’ll need. When the time comes, you’ll be called upon to join forces with others…you must choose wisely. There will be enemies who will fight on the same side as you. There will be a time when the only person you can trust is yourself. That isn’t to say Caleb will betray you, but the potential will arise. Someday, light will bend to your will and power will attempt to sway you to the dark. Keep your wits about you Jessie Lucente, the queen of your land. This will hurt a little bit,” she says and takes my hand into hers.

  That doesn’t sound good, I think to myself.

  Fear, then anguish ripped through me like a forest fire, burning, searing, through every pore and muscle in my body. My head fell back in pain, tears slipping from my eyes, it’s too intense to scream. Internally my brain is screaking in misery.

  “Jessie, wake up!” Mom yelled as she shakes my shoulders.

  I look around the room and realize I’m on the couch, the television is tuned to Wizards of Waverly Place, and there isn’t any sign of Mrs. Ward. “I must have fallen asleep, I’m sorry. Give me five minutes and I’ll be ready for dinner.” I touch my arms and legs, the pain is gone, but I feel different somehow.

  “You were screaming in pain, are you okay?”

p; “Yeah, I’m fine. I was dreaming about school, nothing major.” I check my phone to see what time it is. “It’s 6:45, five minutes, okay?”

  She leans in and hugs me. “Maybe you’ll tell me about it at dinner. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  My room is bright, the sun is peeking through the blinds leaving striped shadows on the wall. I grab a tie-dye sundress, it’s the least wrinkled quick thing I have to wear. I’d already taken off most of my uniform, everything except my shirt. I pull it off, and for reasons I can’t begin to explain, standing there in only my bra and panties, I kick my leg straight up. Standing there, in a perfect split, with incredible balance, I gasp. Without stumbling, I shift and relax my leg to stand upright. It reminds me of one of Caleb’s memories that I got from one of our first kisses. I’ve seen a picture of Caleb in his Gi doing the same pose when he got his black-belt. He was embarrassed that his mom put it up on the fireplace mantle for the world to see.

  I’m athletic, but I’m not limber. Well, I wasn’t limber, not until now. I wonder what else I can do.

  “TWO MINUTES!” Mom yells from the other side of the house.

  I send a quick text to Caleb asking if he can come over in an hour or so.

  8:15 p.m.

  Like clockwork, the doorbell rings. Caleb is the most punctual person I’ve ever known. Growing up, my dad had a ritual he did every time he left the house. His OCD was always an issue with my mom. We were late to almost everything, especially things that made him nervous. If his art was up at a gallery and he was doing a show, that was the worst. He’d triple check everything, every lock, every light, the oven and his keys. We traveled mostly by subway, which does run on time.

  “It’s for me!” I yell out.

  As I open the door, I get waft of his cologne, it’s spicy with a hint of musk. I always think crisp when I smell it. “Hey gorgeous, are you ready to play?”


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