Thurber, James, 438
Tilly, Charles, 615–616, 622
Tirpitz, Alfred von, 117–118
Todorov, Tzvetan, 428
Tolstoy, Leo
Addams and, 310–311
on anarchism, 310
Christianity of, 307
Clausewitz depicted by, 98
Crimean War and, 97–98
Dewey and, 318
Gandhi and, 347–348
Kutuzov depicted by, 100, 102
Napoleon depicted by, 99–101, 617
nonviolent direct action and, 348
on philosophy of history, 98–102, 274, 307–308, 320, 609, 617
political philosophy of, 307–311
Proudhon and, 274
Sermon on the Mount and, 307
strategy depicted by, 99–101
on urban life, 309–311
War and Peace and, 96, 98–102, 274, 307
Weber on, 307
total quality management (TQM), 532
Toyota Motor Company, 523, 531–532, 567, 569
Trafalgar, Battle of, 116, 118–120
Treacy, Michael, 535–536
Trenchard, Hugh, 125–127
Tricontinental, the 400, 402, 404
Trojan War. See Iliad, The (Homer)
Trotsky, Leon
American Communist Party and, 334
assassination of, 298
guerrilla warfare and, 180
Kautsky and, 288–289
Russian Revolution and, 296–298
Stalin and, 298–299
Taylorism and, 465–466
Trotter, William, 340
“Trouble with Stories, The” (Tilly), 615–616
Trout, Jack, 507–508
Truman, Harry, 447
Tuchman, Barbara, 29
Tucker, Albert, 154
Tukhachevsky, Mikhail, 202–203
Turgenev, Ivan, 266
Turkey, 174–175
Turner, Mark, 429
Tversky, Amos, 592–593
Tyson, Mike, ix, xi
Ugly American, The (Burdick and Lederer), 187–188
ultimatum game, 594–596, 603
“Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action, The” (Merton), 319–320
United Auto Workers (UAW), 367, 482, 488–489, 495
United Farm Workers (UFW), 385–387
United Kingdom. See Great Britain
United Mineworkers, 381
United States
American War of Independence and, 178, 232
asymmetric wars and, 220–221
Black Power movement in, 393–394
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 409
civil rights movement in, 350–352, 354–365, 375, 386, 388–390
civil war in, 109–112, 262
Cold War and, 145, 158–159, 168–169, 171–177, 203
Communist Party in, 334
counterinsurgency strategies of, 187–192, 223–224, 231, 247
Fair Employment Act in, 356
First World War and, 123–125, 337
fourth-generation warfare and, 226
Gulf War (1991) and, 214–215, 219
information operations and, 227–228
Iraq War (2003-) and, 222–225, 231–232, 235
labor unions in, 380–381, 385–387, 465, 482, 487–488
military strategy debates in, 199–202, 205–208, 210, 214, 247, 505
naval power and, 116–117, 120–121
nuclear weapons and, 147, 156–157, 168–169, 171–172, 177
Progressivism in, 311, 313, 369, 437, 465, 480
Prohibition Era in, 378
religious right in, 443–444, 448–449, 452
revolution in military affairs (RMA) and, 214–215, 218–219, 222–223
Second World War and, 139–145
segregation in, 350–351, 356–357, 361–362, 390, 441
suffragette movement in, 346
Vietnam War and, 187–192, 207, 218, 220–221, 393, 395–398, 405, 409, 438, 502
“war on terror” and, 222
United States Football League (USFL), 522
van Creveld, Martin, 69–70
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 476
Vegetus, 47
Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 28, 43–44
aerial dogfights in, 196
air strikes in, 191
asymmetric war and, 220–221
counterinsurgency efforts in, 187–192, 207, 221
French war in, 186, 188
guerrilla warfare in, 186–187, 191–192, 221
North Vietnam, 190–191, 221, 397
South Vietnam, 188–190, 221, 397, 407
U.S. war in, 187–192, 207, 218, 220–221, 393, 395–398, 405, 409, 438, 502
Virgil, 22, 24–25, 42
von Bulow, Heinrich Dietrich, 75, 85
von Hoffman, Nicolas, 384–385, 387
von Moltke, Helmuth (the elder)
Austro-Prussian War and, 105
biography of, 103
Bismarck and, 103, 106
Clausewitz and, 102–104
Franco-Prussian War and, 105–107, 112
military strategies of, 104–107, 112–113, 202, 204, 210, 504
politics and, 103–104, 241
on victory, 104
von Moltke, Helmuth (the younger), 113–114
von Neumann, John, 151–152, 154, 516, 582, 585
von Schlieffen, Alfred, 113, 210
Wagner Act, 482
Wall Street (film), 508
Wallace, George, 441
Walras, Léon, 323, 515
Walt, Stephen, 581, 601
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 96, 98–102, 274, 307
War in the Air (Wells), 123, 128–129
War of Austrian Succession, 76
War Without Violence (Shridharani), 355
Warden, John, 208
Warsaw Pact, 171, 199, 203, 214–215
Washington, Booker T., 350
Waterloo, Battle of, 81–82
Waterman, Robert
emphasis on storytelling by, 564
management theories of, 545–547
McKinsey & Company and, 544–547
Waters, James, 554
Wattenberg, Ben, 441
weapons of mass destruction, 218, 221–223. See also nuclear weapons
Weather Underground, 403–405
Weber, Max
biography of, 301
bureaucratization and, 302–303, 322, 368, 370, 459, 551, 609
cause-effect relationships and, 320
on Chicago, 312
democracy and, 319
Dewey and, 318–319
Du Bois and, 350
ethics of responsibility and, 455–456
German Democratic Party and, 304
legacy of, 372, 413, 551
liberalism and, 301
Marx and, 302, 321
political activity of, 304–305
political philosophy of, 304–307, 368, 413
on social science, 303–304
on the state, 305
Tolstoy and, 307
Wedge Project, 421–422
Weick, Karl, 544–546, 563–564, 566
Welch, Jack, 498, 504
Wells, H.G., 123, 128–129
West Germany. See Germany, Federal Republic of
Westen, Drew, 434–435
Western Electric. See Hawthorne Studies
Weydemeyer, Joseph, 262
Weyrich, Paul, 444, 452
Wharton School, 461
Wharton, Joseph, 461, 463
“What Is To Be Done?” (Tolstoy), 309
What is to be Done? (Chernyshevsky), 266, 290
What is to be Done? (Lenin), 290
Wheeler, Burton, 624–625, 716n29
Whitaker, Clem, 437–438
White Collar Workers (Mills), 369
White, Margaret, 463
White, Thomas D., 150
“Whiz Kids,” 501–502<
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Who Governs: Democracy and Power in an American City (Dahl), 372
Whole World is Watching, The (Gitlin), 417
Whyte, William, 369, 491
Wiener, Norbert, 197
Wiersema, Fred, 535–536
Wildavsky, Aaron, 503
Wilhelm I (Kaiser of Germany), 106–107
Wilkins, Roy, 360–361
Wilkinson, Ben, 235–236
Willich, August von, 262–263
Wilson, Charles, 495, 502
Winslow, Frederick, 462
Winsor, Ellen, 351
Wofford, Harris, 358, 361
Wohlstetter, Albert, 160, 168, 176
Wohlstetter, Roberta, 176
Wolin, Sheldon, 421
women‘s liberation, 409–411, 430. See also suffragette movement
Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), 345–346
Wood, Gordon, 609
Wooldridge, Adrian, 505
Wordsworth, William, 178
World Crisis, The (Churchill), 139
World War I. See First World War
World War II. See Second World War
Wrangham, Richard, 7–8
Wrege, Charles, 463
Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon), 392
Wylie, James, 194–195
Xerox Corporation, 546
Yamaha, 567–568
Yarger, Harry, 238–239, 244
Yeats, William Butler, 391
Yippies, 406–407
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 223
Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 665n54
Zeus, 24, 29
zhi, 43–44
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