While It Lasts

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While It Lasts Page 13

by Abbi Glines

  “Hey! Where you going?”

  I threw my hair back over my shoulder and glanced back at him. “I’m starving. I’m going to see if there is food to eat in this place.”

  Cage groaned, “Food. I forgot to get food.”

  He swung his legs off the bed and stood up, then stretched. Every tanned muscle in his body flexed and bulged. Suddenly food no longer seemed important.

  He finished and caught me gawking. “I normally charge for that show but you get it for free.” He winked and grabbed a pair of jeans out of his closet.

  I started to suggest he just leave the jeans off and do that stretchy thing again when a knock at the door interrupted me.

  Who would be here this early? I stepped back into the room and went over to my bag to find some clothes.

  Cage didn’t bother with a shirt. His jeans hung deliciously on his hips and showcased the two dimples in his lower back. I wanted to lick those next time.

  “It’s probably Low,” he said, heading for the door and closing it behind him so I could get dressed.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to officially meet Low now that I knew who she was. I pulled out the short yellow sundress I’d brought and slipped it on. I’d left my toiletry bag in Cage’s bathroom last night. My hair and teeth both needed a brush.

  I tried hard to look presentable without going to the trouble of putting on makeup. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and put a ponytail holder in it to keep it from going wild. I would need a shower before we went anywhere.

  When I opened the door and stepped into the kitchen the smell of coffee hit my nose. Thank God.

  “There she is,” Cage said smiling at me. He was sitting on the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand. Still shirtless and looking too beautiful for his own good. “Low brought food.” He jumped down off the counter and came over to me.

  “Eva, you remember Low. She committed the great offense of changing my sheets.” Cage was grinning like a little boy at his attempt to be funny.

  Low laughed and it sounded almost musical. “Leave her alone Cage. It isn’t nice to tease females. You know better,” she scolded him

  Low held up two large brown paper bags. “I knew he wouldn’t have any food here and I hated for y’all to wake up hungry. So I brought biscuits, sausage, eggs and donuts if you prefer sweets for breakfast.”

  My stomach rumbled. I put a hand over it and Cage chuckled, “Come on girl, I’ll feed you.”

  Cage took the bags from Low and began opening them and getting down plates from the cabinet. I turned my attention to Low. “I’m really sorry about how rude I was when we met. I don’t know why I acted so ridiculous over sheets and a towel…” I trailed off hoping she accepted my moment of stupidity.

  Low smiled and cut her eyes over at Cage. “Don’t worry about it. I completely understand. I shouldn’t have just intruded.”

  Trying to explain myself would only prove to be embarrassing so I just decided to let it go. Maybe she’d just forget about it eventually.

  “Your breakfast is served,” Cage said, bringing me a plate of food. “Go sit down and I’ll pour you coffee.”

  “Thank you,” I replied. He’d put some of everything on my plate. I wasn’t about to complain. I was starving.

  “Coffee with two creams and a sugar right?” he said as he walked toward the coffee pot.

  I started to reply and stopped. How did he know that? We’d never had coffee together.

  When I didn’t reply he glanced back at me. He saw the question in my eyes and his cocky smirk tugged at his lips.

  “You told Jeremy once what you wanted in your coffee while you were sitting in the rocking chair on the front porch. He was inside so you called it out. I was unloading the truck and I heard you,” he explained.


  “Oh,” I replied, feeling Low’s eyes on me. She was watching us closely.

  “So, you met everyone last night? Are you terrified now?” Low asked in a chipper tone as I sat down at the table across from her.

  “They were nice. Very entertaining.”

  Cage laughed, “That’s her way of saying my friends are all a bunch of freaks.”

  “That is not true. I really did like them.”

  Cage walked over and set a cup of coffee down beside my plate then placed a kiss on my head before going back to fix himself something to eat. The curiosity in Low’s face almost made me laugh. Did she not know this man better than anyone else? Surely she wasn’t shocked by anything he said or did.

  “When do y’all have to go back today?” Low asked

  I had just taken a bite of my eggs and couldn’t answer her.

  “I figure we’ll head out about five or so. I want to get her back before her dad gets home. And I need to check the cows before I get in bed.”

  Low turned her curious gaze off me and she shifted it to Cage. I didn’t need to look up to know they were having a silent conversation. I used to have those with Josh. I understood them. My chest ached a little at the thought of never having that again. But it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it used to. I was getting better. Maybe someday I would actually be able to move on.

  Cage cleared his throat and I knew that he was letting Low know that their silent conversation was over. Another signal I’d used with Josh.

  “Well, what are y’all planning on doing today?” Low asked

  I glanced up from my plate and looked to Cage. I had no idea what all he wanted to do today.

  “I thought we’d spend a few hours on the beach and that’s about as far as I’ve gotten with plans,” Cage replied.

  “That sounds like fun.” Low started to say more but her phone began ringing. She glanced down at it and frowned.

  “Who is it?” Cage asked watching her carefully.

  Low sighed and stood up. “It’s my sister,”

  Cage scowled. “Want me to get rid of her?”

  Low shook her head and headed into the other room before I heard her say. “Hello?”

  Cage was watching the door with a strange protective stance. It almost looked like he was ready to snatch the phone out of her hand if her sister said anything to upset her.

  “Is her relationship with her sister that bad?” I asked, wanting him to relax. He turned his head towards me and his shoulders eased when our eyes met. “Yeah. Her sister’s a bitch. She’s put Low through hell.”

  But Low had obviously had a very loyal Cage to fend off the bullies in her life. “If you need to go check on her, it’s okay.”

  He studied me a minute then a pleased smile came over his face. “If she needs me she’ll come get me. I’d rather sit in here with you and enjoy my breakfast.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Eva had dosed off while we lay out under a large beach umbrella and watched the waves. I’d been worried about the parts of her that weren’t completely covered by the shade and I’d woken her up rubbing lotion on her feet.

  Both those big blue eyes of hers watched me intently as I went from rubbing lotion on her feet to massaging them. “Mmmm, that’s nice. I hope you aren’t expecting a tip,” she said in a sleepy voice.

  “I don’t work for free.”

  “I’m afraid to ask what form of payment you accept.”

  I could think of a few different things to say but I decided to be careful with my words. Eva had seen and heard enough stuff last night as far as I was concerned. I didn’t want her to think I was being serious.

  “Are you getting hungry?” I’d decided to change the subject.

  She sat up a little straighter and gave me a shy smile. “Yeah, kinda.”

  I picked her foot up from its resting spot on my leg and laid it back down on the chair. “Let’s go eat,” I replied, holding a hand out to pull her up.

  “Are we going back inside? Do I need to gather our things up?”

  “No, we can leave it all right here. It won’t get touched. I know a guy,” I assured her.

  A small frown puckered
her lips. I decided what the hell. If she was going to do sexy shit like that with her lips, I was going to react the way I wanted.

  I bent my head and pressed my lips firmly against hers before pulling that sweet bottom lip of hers into my mouth. Her hands grabbed me and she made a small surprised gasp. Smiling, I pulled back and winked at her before reaching down to take her hand.

  “What was that for?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  “You do sexy little frowns and pucker those lips of yours and I’m not gonna be able to ignore that.”

  A slow smile spread over her face and she licked her lips. “Oh.”

  I led us over toward the Beach Shack, which was a walk up seafood po’boy place. They also had some of the best homemade fries I’d ever eaten.

  “Cage, my day just got a whole lot brighter.” Rock’s cousin Jess called out as she strutted toward us in an American flag string bikini. Jess was trouble. I’d made the mistake of messing around with her one night just to get her off Marcus Hardy because she was upsetting Low. Jess did not understand a no-strings attached fuck. Rock and I had come to blows over it. After a few solid punches from each of us we’d both felt better and decided to let it go. It wasn’t like Rock didn’t know Jess was an easy lay.

  “Jess,” I replied, threading my fingers through Eva’s. You never could tell what Jess would pull.

  “I heard you were shipped off to the country for being a bad boy.”

  Jess walked up to me and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

  I moved my head back away from her lips. “Yeah. I’m off on Sundays.”

  Jess didn’t like being snubbed. She was a major brat when things didn’t go her way.

  “You need to call me so we can catch up when you get back next Sunday. I miss you.” She dropped her voice to a whisper like she was sharing a secret between the two of us.

  “That ain’t gonna happen, Jess. I don’t intend to get in another tie up with Rock over you.” Also, you’re a crazy bitch.

  Jess reached up and ran her fingernail down my arm, “I promise not to tell him.”

  I let go of Eva’s hand and slipped my arm around her waist. “Jess, this is Eva. Eva, this is Rock’s cousin Jess.”

  Eva seemed tense and I hated it was my fault that she felt uncomfortable. Would I ever be able to take her anywhere and not have some chick I’d banged show up? This sucked.

  I brushed my lips against her temple. She eased some in my arms and leaned into me. That was better.

  “So, are you like, in a relationship? “ Jess asked incredulously.

  How the hell did I answer this question? Eva wasn’t some random girl I’d picked up for today’s entertainment. But we weren’t in an actual relationship either.

  “We’re dating,” Eva piped up.

  Jess scowled, “Cage doesn’t date.”

  I opened my mouth to say something to stop Jess from going on and on about my bad boy code of ethics.

  “Maybe he doesn’t date you but he is definitely dating me,” Eva responded before I could say anything.

  The heated annoyance of Jess’s gaze was directed my way. I could feel it but I couldn’t take my eyes off Eva. She’d handled the situation herself and the ridiculous grin on my face couldn’t be helped. Damn, she was sexy when she was saucy.

  Eva tilted her head back to look up at me and I bent down and kissed the pleased smirk on her face.

  “Unbelievable,” Jess replied in disbelief.

  “Yeah, she is,” I replied, winking at Eva.

  “Y’all have fun with that,” Jess said sarcastically before finally stalking off.

  Packing up and heading back to the farm where she would be away from me most of the day wasn’t appealing. I wanted to keep her here with me. Last night might have started out bad but it had taken a major turn for fucking amazing.

  I threw our bags in the Jeep and headed back upstairs to help Eva who was determined to clean up before we left.

  The strumming of guitar strings met my ears when I opened the door to the apartment. A soft voice joined the unknown song. Eva could play the guitar? I closed the door quietly behind me. It wasn’t a song I was familiar with but I knew enough about playing the guitar to know that what she was playing wasn’t easy. I could play a few songs but my talent ended there. The acoustic guitar she’d obviously found in the corner of my room was one I’d won in a bet. Krit had been pissed when he’d had to give it up. But I’d wanted a guitar so I wasn’t about to let his sorry ass out of the bet.

  The smooth sound of her voice had a country feel to it but not entirely. Eva was musically talented. There was no doubt about it. If Krit heard her he’d have a damn orgasm. I didn’t want her to see me and stop but I couldn’t keep myself from getting as close to the bedroom door as possible. I wanted to see her like this.

  Her head was bent and the curtain of her hair kept me from seeing her face. The emotion in her voice spoke to me more than any visual. Leaning against the doorframe I crossed my arms and watched her hands fly over the strings. There was no mistake. She simply didn’t miss a chord. Her voice was so low I couldn’t make out the words but the ones I did hear tore at my soul.

  Once the song came to an end she lifted her head and let out a long heavy sigh. “That’s only the second time I’ve picked up a guitar since Josh’s death,” she said aloud then turned her head to look at me. The smile on her face wasn’t sad which was what I’d been expecting. She was happy. She had recovered something else Josh’s death had taken from her.

  “How long have you played?” I asked

  “Since I was five. The guitar has always fascinated me. Most musical instruments do but the only one I’ve ever learned to play is the guitar. I’ve always wanted to play the piano but my momma played the piano and seeing one just upsets Daddy. So, I never asked for one or expressed interest in it.”

  I was getting a piano. It would be here the next time she came home with me. “You are amazing,” I said and walked over to sit beside her.

  “Will you play another one? I want to hear your voice this time.”

  She ducked her head and blushed. “I can’t. I knew you were back there but I couldn’t see you. If you are where I can see you I won’t be able to play. You’ll make me nervous.”

  “Hmmm,” I slid my hand inside the warmth of her thighs. “What if I bribed you?”

  She giggled and shook her head. “No amount of kisses can get me to sing with you looking at me. I can’t. Maybe one day but I just can’t right now.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I asked as I leaned in and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

  “Yes,” she said in breathless voice.

  “Mmmm… I don’t mind trying anyway,” I replied, kissing the other corner of her mouth.


  I took the guitar out of her lap and laid it on the bed beside her before pulling her into my lap. Burying my hands in her hair, I devoured her lips.


  Cage: What are you wearing?

  I laughed as I read the text Cage had just sent me. He’d made sure to get my cell phone number before we got home Sunday night.

  Me: Nothing

  Smiling, I waited for him to respond.

  Cage: Fuck. The lake, now.

  I covered my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Daddy was in the house somewhere. I hadn’t seen him since dinner.

  Me: You know I can’t. Daddy’s still awake.

  Cage: the barn then?

  I walked over to the window and stared out into the dark to see the single light on in the back of the barn.

  Me: bad idea too.

  Cage: I disagree.

  Me: You would. Good night 

  Cage: It could be better.

  The grin on my face seemed to be permanently there lately. Daddy even noticed it earlier during dinner. I wanted to tell him all about Cage but I’d never be able to do that. He would never accept Cage and he’d probably fire him. I didn’t want to be the cause of Cage losi
ng his scholarship. Besides, he’d be leaving in a little over a month. The summer would end and our time together would just be a memory. I was having to remind myself of that more and more. Getting attached to Cage was bad. He had been the key to my healing. He’d forced me to get over things. No one had pushed me before him. I’d always cherish him for that.

  Flopping down on the bed the happiness I’d felt had suddenly vanished. I didn’t like facing the facts about Cage. And as sweet as Low was I hated that she would never have to lose him. He’d always be there when she needed him. I envied that.

  A knock on my door broke into my melancholy thoughts. “Eva girl, you awake?” Daddy called out.

  “Yeah, come on in,” I replied.

  He eased the door open and stepped inside. He always looked so out of place in my room. He rarely stepped foot in it.

  “I wanted to talk to you about something,” he said, crossing his arms over his wide chest.

  “Okay.” I hated it when he started our talks like this. It normally meant I wasn’t going to like what would follow.

  “Jeremy will be leaving soon for school. Before he gets gone I want to have him and his parents over for dinner. He’s helped you every step of the way get through everything and they’re like family, even though things turned out like they did…”

  I hadn’t thought of that but Daddy was right. We needed to have them over for dinner. They’d had us over so many times over the years.

  “Good idea. I’ll call in the morning and set things up.”

  Daddy nodded, “Alright then, well, goodnight.”

  “Good night.”


  The invisible fairy was no more. I made sure Cage was nearby when I took him lemonade, an ice towel and a snack. I also took these things out every chance I got instead of just a couple times a day.

  Once I knew Daddy was gone into town, I took a big slice of the chocolate cake I’d made for dinner with the Beasley’s tonight, out of the fridge and grabbed the other things I knew Cage needed. Watching his back as he picked up hay bales and threw them over the fence was mouth-watering. I sat down on the tailgate and decided to enjoy the show for a few minutes. He’d see me soon enough.


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