Rich: Benson Security 5

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Rich: Benson Security 5 Page 22

by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

  “We’ll see. In the meantime, let me tell you all the nothing that I know and see if we can’t change your mind.” She poured every bit of contempt she felt for him into her gaze and watched him shift in his seat.

  He glanced over at Harvard, who leaned against the wall beside the door, looking to all the world as though he was perfectly relaxed. But Rachel knew that if Terrance tried anything physical, Harvard would be on him within seconds.

  “Ten years ago, you had an affair with a teenager.” When Terrance started to object, she held up a hand. “I have photos.” He clamped his lips shut. “And so did the blackmailer. Because there was a blackmailer, wasn’t there, Terrance? Someone with inside knowledge who knew you’d get the job at TayFor and asked you to do one small thing for them. All you had to do was sneak into the drug lockup and take a vial. They probably told you that no one would even notice it was missing.”

  She stopped drumming her fingers and focused on him. “But someone did, didn’t they? And you knew they would; that’s why you tried to wipe the evidence from the server.”

  “That’s rubbish,” he exploded. Harvard tensed and took a step away from the wall. Swallowing hard, Terrance sat back in his seat, clearly aware of just how much of a threat the American posed to him. “It’s all rubbish,” he said. “If this person worked at TayFor, they could have stolen their own damn drugs. Why use me?”

  “To muddy the trail? To hide behind you? To ensure that, if someone did discover the theft, you’d take the blame? Again”— Rachel cocked her head at him—“I have evidence. Have you heard of Harry Boyle?” She could tell by the way his eyes shifted that he had. “Yes, the security programmer who literally wrote the code the government uses. Well, he went through our servers and uncovered the mess you’d left behind. He was able to untangle it, which means we have proof you were in the building, in the locked storeroom, and that you tampered with the server.”

  Terrance licked his lips as he looked from Rachel to Harvard. “I want a lawyer.”

  Rachel burst out laughing and shook her head. “You foolish little man. As you’ve already pointed out, there’s nothing legal about this setup. We aren’t the police. We haven’t arrested you, and we don’t owe you legal representation.”

  He tugged at the collar of his shirt. “My wife knows I’m here.”

  “No, she doesn’t. You didn’t tell her where you were going. You see, we’ve been watching you, Terrance, and we know that you rarely tell your wife what you’re doing. Poor woman. She has no idea what a spineless little shit she’s married to.”

  He exploded out of his seat, slamming his hands on the table. “You fucking bitch—” was all he managed before Harvard grabbed him and tossed him against the wall as if he were nothing more than a rag doll.

  Terrance hit with a thud and crumpled to the floor.

  Harvard picked him up and shoved him back into the chair. “Get out of that seat one more time, and I’ll cuff you to it,” Harvard said evenly. “And watch your mouth. I even get a hint you’re insulting Rachel, I’ll make sure you can’t talk again without medical help. You get me?”

  Terrance nodded as he rubbed the back of his head. For the first time since they’d stepped into the room, he seemed to realize that none of this was within his control.

  “Let’s get this over with quickly, shall we?” Rachel said. “Who told you to steal that drug?”

  “I don’t know,” he hissed out. As Harvard moved fractionally closer to him, Terrance winced. “I honestly don’t know. I got an envelope, with photos, and a note telling me what to do.”

  “And you just did it?” Rachel asked the weaselly excuse for a man.

  “They were going to send the photos to TayFor, and I wouldn’t get the job. Worse, they said they’d send them to my superior in the police force. And my wife. I would have been left without a marriage or a job. And for what? She was of legal age. All I was guilty of was—”

  “Please,” Rachel snapped, “don’t say loving too much. We both know you’re guilty of a whole lot more than that. The girl was barely legal, and you were a dirty old man who cheated on your wife.”

  “You’re judging me?” He sneered at her. “If I’m guilty of anything, it’s the exact same crime your family commits every single day—I was protecting my reputation.”

  “By stealing a date rape drug from a pharmaceutical company that trusted you with their security.”

  “It wasn’t a date rape drug. It was a party drug.”

  “You were a police officer. You know exactly what people use that drug for.”

  “I was told they planned to party with it.”

  “And you believed your blackmailer?” She scoffed. “How very trusting of you.”

  “Nobody was hurt.” He glanced at Harvard, suddenly looking very uncertain.

  “Oh, Terrance, you unctuous little man. Somebody was most definitely hurt.”

  She cocked a thumb at herself. “Me. That drug was used on me. Without my permission. By the men who raped me.”

  For a second, he seemed completely shocked, then something like horror stole across his face. And before anyone could guess what he’d do, he turned, bent double, and vomited all over the floor.

  “Open the door,” Rachel called to the surveillance room. “And somebody get a bucket.”

  When Harvard and Rachel stepped outside the room, they were met with a wall of male outrage.

  “Damn it, Rachel,” Callum roared. “We hadn’t finished deciding who’d talk to him.”

  “You were taking too long.” She glanced back at the room. The smell coming out of it made her nauseous. “Feel free to take over. I’m sure he’ll tell you whatever you want to know now. You might want to clean the floor first though.”

  “It’s Saturday,” Callum raged. “We don’t have a cleaner. Just who do you think is going to go in there and wipe up the mess you caused?”

  As one, every person present looked at Ryan.

  “Oh, hell no,” he said.

  Two hours later, Benson Security’s conference room was packed. Everyone who wasn’t out on assignment had crammed inside to listen to Harvard update them on the theft investigation and the hunt for Rachel’s attackers.

  Rachel felt like the main attraction in a three-ring circus.

  “So that’s where we stand,” Harvard said from the head of the board table. “Terrance doesn’t have a clue who blackmailed him, and he destroyed everything the blackmailer sent. He’s a dead end.”

  Thankfully, he kept his eyes from Rachel while he spoke. Enough people were looking at her with varying degrees of pity as it was.

  “Elle,” Lake said, stepping up to the head of the table and looking very much in charge, because he was genetically incapable of doing otherwise, “where do we stand on the forensic tests you’ve been running on the photos?”

  Elle, as usual, looked out of place in a room filled with ex-servicemen. She wore a blue and yellow polka dot dress and had a yellow headband in her blue hair. The look made Rachel long for her sunglasses.

  “There’s no trace evidence on the photos. Anything that might have been there years ago has degraded to the point of being useless, and the minute traces of latex tell me that our blackmailer wore gloves when they handled them recently.”

  “No visual clues from the images themselves?” Callum asked.

  He and Lake stood side by side. Both had a military bearing that couldn’t be hidden, but while Lake stayed stony-faced and icily calm, Callum looked like his head might explode.

  “This isn’t CSI,” Elle said. “I can’t enhance a ten-year-old Polaroid to the point where I see the reflection of a face in somebody’s ring.”

  “A simple no would suffice,” he snapped.

  “No,” Elle said tersely, obviously losing patience.

  “Why don’t we just break into everybody’s houses and search for evidence?” Ryan was still in a huff after being made to clean up the vomit. The experience hadn’t interfered with his appeti
te though, as he was currently snacking on popcorn. “Like Rachel told the asshole downstairs, we aren’t the cops. There’s nothing stopping us.”

  “Uh”—Noah, the ex-cop, raised a hand—“how about the fact we could be arrested for breaking and entering? That should stop us.”

  Ryan shook his head in disgust. “You Americans are way too cautious.”

  “Law abiding. Not cautious,” Noah corrected.

  “We can up surveillance on everyone involved with the company’s board,” Lake said. “But we can’t break into their homes.” He ran a hand through his military-short blond hair. “What we’re missing here is motive. Why does our blackmailer want Rachel out of TayFor?”

  Everyone looked at her as though expecting to see the answer written on her face.

  “I have no idea,” she said.

  “Maybe…” Harry piped up from where he sat beside Elle; their laptops open in front of both of them. “Maybe it’s because you got those two guys fired. Maybe the blackmailer thought you’d poke your nose in where it didn’t belong and get them fired too.”

  “It seems a bit drastic to drug and rape someone just to protect your job,” Rachel pointed out.

  At her words, everyone in the room shuffled in place, looking seriously uncomfortable. Everyone except Harvard.

  “Uh, sorry, Rachel,” Harry mumbled. “I didn’t mean…hell, I don’t know what I meant.”

  Oh, no. She wasn’t putting up with this. Getting to her feet, she looked around at each person in the room. Most couldn’t look her in the eye. Those who could manage were either close to tears, like Joe’s wife—their office manager—Julia, or were full of pity, like Noah.

  “Everybody look at me now,” she ordered in the tone she only used when she was about to cause serious damage. All eyes met hers. “I want to be very clear. I am still the same rabid bitch you all knew last week. I haven’t changed, and I don’t intend to either. If you can’t even look me in the eye, then you need to leave this room right now. I am not ashamed of what happened to me. And I won’t accept having anyone around me who feels shame for me.”

  There were murmurs of apology before the person she’d least expected to talk spoke up. “Rachel,” Julia said from the corner, where she hid behind a large office plant while being guarded by her husband. Julia didn’t do well with crowds. Or people in general. “No one feels shame. We’re all just shocked and hurting for you. This is how we show we care about you.”

  There were nods of agreement as Joe flashed an encouraging smile at the potted plant.

  “Well, if you don’t mind, I’d rather you showed how much you cared by expressing rage and a deep need to find the men who assaulted me and rip their testicles off before shoving them down their throats.”

  The room filled with pained groans as several men covered their privates.

  Harvard shook his head and grinned at her.

  Well, what did he expect? For her to put up with everyone walking on eggshells around her forever?

  As she sat back down, Lake flashed her one of his rare smiles. “Whatever their reason, the blackmailer wants you gone from TayFor. If you walk into work Monday as if nothing’s happened, there’s no guessing what they’ll do next. This could get violent.”

  “They haven’t done so before now,” Rachel said. “I suspect my blackmailer is a coward. Whoever it is likes to manipulate things while staying hidden.”

  “But,” Lake persisted, “it only took one warning years ago to get rid of you. This time, you’re still around after three. They could be wondering what it will take to get you out of TayFor. That’s a dangerous position for you to be in.”

  “I understand, but I’m not the same person I was ten years ago. I don’t scare so easily. Anyway”—she waved a hand at Harvard—“I have a bodyguard.”

  “And a team at your back.” Callum sounded defensive, as if expecting her to argue.

  “You aren’t alone this time, Rach,” Harry said. “You’ve got all of us.”

  Everyone nodded, looking determined and deadly serious.

  “Oh good,” Rachel muttered. “How wonderful.”

  And Harvard burst out laughing.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Please put your phone in the tray,” Ryan said to everyone as they entered TayFor’s main building on Monday morning.

  Harvard and Jonathan stood off to one side, keeping an eye out for anyone who objected. TayFor’s CEO had lost his patience with anybody who didn’t do exactly as they were told.

  “Terrance?” Jonathan forced through gritted teeth for the umpteenth time, fury emanating from the man. “I trusted that bastard. Ten years I looked to him to keep this company secure, and all along, he was responsible for destroying my sister’s life.”

  “Rachel’s life wasn’t destroyed.” Hands in pockets, Harvard stood relaxed, taking in every detail around him.

  “Derailed then,” Jonathan bit out. “In the most horrific way possible.”

  That Harvard could agree with.

  “This is killing Father.” Jonathan cursed. “He hired Terrance. If he hadn’t…”

  “The person behind all this would just have found somebody else to do their dirty work.”

  Jonathan let out a heavy breath. “You’re right. I…we…none of us can get our heads around this.” His hands clenched to fists at his sides. “I want to hurt someone. Never saw myself as a violent man, but now all I can think about is ripping those bastards to shreds.”

  “Yeah, you’re not the only one.”

  As they watched, Charles and Samantha came through the main doors. Samantha smiled and headed straight for them while Charles glared and strode toward security.

  “Harvard,” she simpered, standing a little too close. “You really must have a word with Rachel. She refuses to visit the bridal boutique I found for her. It was a terrible faff getting them to agree to see us. They’re booked out months ahead, and I practically had to beg them to fit us in. Be a darling and make her come with me.”

  Pulling out his phone, Harvard casually increased the distance between them. “I’m making a note now, so I don’t forget.”

  “You are a catch, aren’t you? My cousin’s a lucky woman.” She stepped right up to him and patted his chest. “Are you sure I can’t lure you away? Blondes do have more fun, or so they say.”

  To the casual observer, Samantha would appear to be playing, but Harvard knew better. He’d come across women like her a few times over the years. Their self-esteem depended on them believing that everyone in the room found them to be the most attractive woman available. The only way to get rid of them was to play to their ego.

  He took her hand, patted it, and sighed with feigned reluctance as he released her. “If I wasn’t completely in love with your cousin, you would be a serious temptation. But we both know that you don’t need me; you could have your pick of any man around you.”

  Her eyes flashed with approval. “True.” She took a step back. “Still, it’s a pity. I shall always wonder what might have been.”

  “Now, that isn’t true. I’m the kind of man who’s easily forgotten, but a woman like you…” He left it hanging.

  “I do believe you’re a charmer.” Samantha beamed at him, but all flirtatious behavior had vanished. “Now, don’t forget to tell Rachel that we simply must visit this designer.”

  “You have my word.” He placed a hand over his heart.

  “Men,” she cheerfully reprimanded before strolling away.

  “You dealt with that pretty efficiently,” Jonathan said. “I don’t know whether I’m impressed or want to vomit.”

  “Yeah, let’s keep that little exchange between the two of us. I don’t want Rachel getting the wrong idea and ripping her cousin’s eyes out.”

  “That would be inconvenient,” Jonathan agreed. “Considering Sam’s in charge of our marketing and needs her eyes to approve our visuals.”

  “Wouldn’t want to get in the way of TayFor’s success,” Harvard said somb

  “You know,” Jonathan said, turning serious, “she’s done that with every boyfriend Rachel’s ever had; sometimes it worked. It’s a miracle the two of them still get along.”

  “It’s because Rachel never cared one way or another about those guys. And”—he kept his eye on the desk, where Charles was giving Ryan a hard time—“I’m not her boyfriend; I’m her fiancé.”

  “Does she know you aren’t pretending?”

  Harvard cocked an eyebrow. “Do I look like an idiot? Stealth is the only way to deal with your sister. You sneak in under her radar and slowly occupy her territory. Then one day, she looks around, and she’s married and wondering how it happened.”

  “I almost feel sorry for you.” Jonathan chuckled. “You have no idea what you’re up against.”

  Harvard motioned to security. “Looks like Ryan needs rescuing.”

  “Typical. It’s always bloody Uncle Charles. The sooner that man retires and gives us all peace, the better.”

  As they approached the desk, Preston and his brother, Marcus, arrived for the day. They nodded politely at Harvard before turning their attention to where Charles was arguing with Ryan.

  “I will not hand over my phone,” Charles snapped. “You’re new here and obviously ignorant about our policy. Phones and personal devices are, and always have been, allowed within this building. Call your supervisor. I want to speak to Terrance immediately.”

  “Charles,” Jonathan said as they reached the desk, “what’s the problem?”

  “The problem is that this guard here wants me to give him my phone. Where’s Terrance? He needs to deal with this.” He looked around as if expecting the man to manifest. Which was highly unlikely, given that he was still locked up in Benson Security’s basement.

  “I’m afraid Terrance has taken ill,” Jonathan said, struggling to hide his distaste. “Since that left us rather in the lurch, I’ve asked Harvard to step in until we find a replacement.”


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