Storm Damage (Big Sky Series Book 1)

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Storm Damage (Big Sky Series Book 1) Page 8

by CP Smith

I looked up and froze in my squat. Kenzie Cox, Chance’s ex-wife, was watching me with a grin on her face. Like Chance and Jamie, she was part Native American. Also, like Jamie, her genetic lottery was stunning. I was ten years old when Chance married sixteen-year-old Kenzie, but I’m the only one who seemed to age. She could pass for my age if she lost the tight dresses and pulled on a hoodie, but I figured she wanted to keep up appearances. She had a thirteen-year-old son and a hefty bank account after her divorce, so she dressed the part.

  Logan immediately strode over to her and crossed his arms. “What do you need, Kenzie?”

  The fact he already knew her name almost knocked me on my butt, but the sultry smile she threw at him turned the lead in my stomach into acid. Kenzie was known to pick up male tourists. I’d never seen Logan in town before this morning, but that didn’t mean anything. He could have come in last night after I went home. When we met on the side of the road, he could have . . . Oh, God, Kenzie lived off the same highway.

  I closed my eyes and swallowed down the acid. I was such a fool.

  “I’m here because I thought about what you said at breakfast.”

  My eyes popped open when she verified my fears. He’d eaten breakfast with her, which meant he’d been with her when he got up.

  “And?” Logan asked, stepping back when she ran a finger down his arm like the lover she probably was.

  She pouted at him then turned her attention back to me. “Beating Chance at his own game is a hobby of mine. I’m good at it, so I’d like to help you with your problem. I spoke with Matt and he’s positive he can find a bank who will loan you at least half the money, so I’m here to offer a solution for the other half.”

  The bar had grown silent as she spoke, but the thundering heartbeat in my ears made it hard to listen. I’d been too focused on the fact Logan slept with Kenzie the night before that I hadn’t paid attention. “Sorry, did you say you want to help?”

  Kenzie nodded. “I propose we have a fundraiser. A carnival with tarot card readers, dunk tanks, and pie sales.”

  I blinked at the suggestion. She had to be joking. “Kenzie, half the town is in the same shape as me. Winter is here, so that means we have to pinch pennies. Not to mention, it’s cold outside. No one would come.”

  She gazed at the men sitting at the bar and raised a brow. “We can have it at the indoor fairgrounds, so it won’t matter if there’s snow on the ground. I figure there are close to a thousand people in Ennis, and if each one of them spent a hundred dollars at the carnival instead of spending it on drinks, we could raise most of what you need. But I’ll go one better since I can see the panic welling in your eyes. I’ll match whatever we raise to make sure you have enough to pay off Chance in full.”

  My mouth dropped open, then closed, then opened again, then I lost my balance and tugged Max with me. He crawled onto my lap and began to lick my face like he had that morning, and I let him. I was too stunned Kenzie would offer to help in that way to care that everyone was staring at me.

  Kenzie smirked. “I think I’ve shocked her.”

  Logan moved behind the bar and squatted to help me stand. “You okay?”

  Kenzie was right, I was shocked. So much so, I didn’t check my reply as I stood. “You asked your girlfriend to help my brothers and me?”

  Logan’s head jerked back slightly, and he scowled. “What?”

  Kenzie laughed in that deep sultry voice of hers. “Honey, I don’t do girlfriend. One-night stands, yes, but I won’t play girlfriend to anyone ever again.”

  I raised my hands to stop her, ignoring Logan as I walked to the end of the bar. “It’s none of my business who you two sleep with. As for the offer, I’m beyond grateful. Blown away, if truth be told, but I’m not sure the rest of the town would agree to help bail out my family.”

  “I don’t know. It sounds like a solid plan to me,” Ed Burk threw out and half the bar murmured their agreement. Even men I’d never seen before.

  “I guarantee Lacy will be the first to sign up to help,” Gerry Sullivan joined in.

  “It’ll take a permit, but I’ll push it through with the mayor. Just give me the date,” Duke offered.

  Tears began to sting my eyes, along with hope. “You would do this for my brothers and me?” My voice cracked with emotion, so I took a deep breath to stall the tears. I wouldn’t shed any more because of Chance. He wasn’t worth it.

  Gordon Andrews rose from his stool and approached me. “Darlin’, everyone in the room remembers your momma and daddy, and how much they loved you and those boys. Ennis is family. That means you’re family. And family takes care of its own.”

  I really shouldn’t have vowed to stop crying since I hated being a liar. But at Gordon’s insistence we were family to the town, a strangled noise spilled from my throat right before Logan folded me into his arms and hung on. Relief filled every molecule of my body. There was hope now. Light at the end of the tunnel. A way to end a nightmare of Chance’s making. I buried my face in Logan’s chest, forgetting for a brief moment I had no right to draw strength from him because he belonged to Kenzie. But I was too selfish to pull back immediately. I needed that hug more than I needed my next breath, so I hung on for a brief second, memorizing his spicy scent before ripping out of his embrace and turning away from him.


  His Poor Nose

  LOGAN FELT LIKE his jaw was about to crack. He’d been gritting his teeth from the moment Skylar called Kenzie his girlfriend, and it was giving him a headache. He hadn’t had a chance to set her straight because Skylar had pushed out of his arms the moment she’d gained control of her emotions, then she was spirited off to her office so Kenzie could plan for the fundraiser. Now he was behind the bar with David Stevens, an average looking man in his middle twenties, who had gone to high school with Skylar. She’d also called in a waitress named, Rachel Moore, because it seemed the entire town had descended on the bar and were circling their wagons around the James family. The tip jar was overflowing with twenties, yet half the people weren’t drinking. The atmosphere was jovial yet watchful. Like they were waiting for something to happen. It reminded Logan of the hours before an operation during his time in the army. The way his unit would psych themselves up for the upcoming mission. Logan had done push-ups to rid himself of the excess energy, but the townspeople were raising the roof instead, while keeping an eye out for someone. His money was on Chance Bear. Ty was more friend to Skylar than a nuisance. That much was clear from her reaction to Logan wanting to ban him from the bar, so he doubted the town cared about a showdown between the two men. No, they were waiting to see if her half brother would show up, and he didn’t think it was for the entertainment of watching Skylar come to blows with the man. He’d heard whispers of conversations during the past few hours. Some that made it clear the good people of Ennis, Montana were ready to back up Skylar and her brothers, if need be.

  Logan glanced at the door when it opened, bracing like the rest of the bar, then relaxed when Jordan marched through, loaded down with notebooks and pens. When she saw him behind the bar pouring a beer, she headed his direction.

  “Can you believe it?” she blurted out.

  Considering he’d been in Ennis less than a day, in which time he’d broken up a fight, manhandled Ty, counseled Josh, then had his nose almost broken in the interim, there was a lot he could believe.

  “Which part?”

  “The fact Kenzie is helping. I thought she was too self-centered to get involved.”

  He grinned at her shock. “Guess she had a change of heart.”

  “Or a transplant,” Jordan grumbled.

  She glanced around the bar looking for someone, so Logan jerked his head toward the hall leading to the back. “Skylar’s in her office.”

  She nodded, then leaned across the bar conspiratorially. “Has he been in yet?”

  He figured she was asking about Ty and his ability to steamroll Skylar, so he nodded. “Came in this morning. He won’t be a problem, thoug
h. Skylar has more backbone than you give her credit for. She won’t let him walk all over her.”

  She seemed shocked. “Chance came in this morning? What an ass!”

  “No. Ty.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m glad that’s been handled, but I was asking about Chance. Lori told me he was seen in town. The news would have traveled by now that Kenzie is helping Skylar out. That’s why most of the town is here. They want to be here to back Skylar up if he shows.”

  Logan hoped like hell he did. He had some choice words for the man.

  He handed off the beer to Rachel, who smiled brightly at him before delivering the drink. Jordan watched her as she bounded away and rolled her eyes. “You’re the talk of the town right now. Did you know that?”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Hmm, have you looked in the mirror?”

  Logan grinned then shook his head.

  “A modest man. I like it. But don’t let your guard down. All the single ladies—and some of the married ones, I’d bet—are hoping for a piece of you.”

  Rachel returned before he could answer and leaned across the bar more than was needed, causing her V-neck to dip lower, and handed him a slip of paper with an order. Her expression was sultry, with just a hint of heat. Logan glanced at Jordan then shot his eyes heavenward for perseverance, before handing the order to David. Ten years in the military was far less dangerous than dealing with small-town politics or women’s feelings. “You can inform anyone who gives a shit,” he looked pointedly at Rachel, “that I’m off the market.”

  Jordan brightened, turning her attention to Rachel. “Well? You heard the man. Go serve drinks and quit showing off what your momma gave you! Shoo.”

  Rachel smirked at Jordan then flipped her hair before strutting away, her hips swinging in invitation, ignoring them both. Logan prayed for patience. He already had one woman to straighten out, if he could get her alone for a single second, he didn’t need the headache of working with a flirt.

  “Classy,” Jordan grumbled, stepping away from the bar. “I’m heading to the back. Wish me luck.”

  “With Kenzie?”

  Jordan glanced back at him. “You bet. I hold a mean grudge when you break my brother’s heart; and I’ve been holding on to it for close to fifteen years.”

  “Kenzie dated your brother?”

  “Yep. They dated for two years, but she dumped him out of the blue when Chance came sniffing around. He didn’t handle it well, kept to himself for a long time, and got into fights almost daily, so I’m in full-on grudge mode. I can’t guarantee blood won’t be spilled.”

  “You need to let it go, Jordan. They were just kids.”

  She raised a brow like it was a stupid question. “One day they’re thick as thieves, destined to be together for the rest of their lives, everyone said so, then she’s like a different person overnight. Next thing we know she’s pregnant with Chance Bear’s son and no one even knew they were dating. So there will be no letting it go, Logan. Capiche?”

  Logan chuckled and waved her off. The door opened again, bringing in a brisk wind and three men carrying guitar cases. Logan kept an eye on them as they headed for the stage. “Is that your band?”

  David looked up from mixing a fruity drink and nodded. “Yeah. They’re early by a few hours, but that’s Woody, Hayden, and Mark. They went to school with Skylar and me. Once Ty gets here, they’ll play.”

  Logan’s attention swung from the three men to David. “Ty?”

  David nodded. “He’s their lead singer. They normally play on the weekends when Skye is on.”

  The door swung open again and Ty walked in carrying a guitar. Logan moved instantly to intercept him. They needed to have a chat before he got too comfortable.

  Ty stopped in his tracks as Logan approached, glaring.

  Reacting to the tension between Logan and Ty, Max appeared at Logan’s side, alert but silent.

  “Are we gonna have more trouble?” Logan rumbled low.

  Ty stared at him with a blank face, then dropped his eyes to the floor and made a full sweeping inspection of Logan’s person. When he was done, he locked eyes with Logan. His jaw twitched as the standoff began. Logan noted the sudden silence; the whole bar had quieted and was watching as the two big men stood their ground. Logan figured this could get ugly for both of them if Ty lost his cool. Logan was an outsider. Ty, one of their own. If he had to throw him out, Logan wasn’t sure the rest of the town would appreciate it.

  Ty broke eye contact first, glancing around the bar. “I’ve looked out for her my whole life. I’m not gonna stop now,” he began then looked back at Logan. “You’re nothing but a drifter who’ll leave eventually.”

  Ty went to move around Logan, so he put a hand to Ty’s shoulder to stop him then leaned in so the bar wouldn’t overhear. “Don’t count on it. Be her friend, but let it go. I’m not going anywhere, not unless she asks me to. And even then, I would fight her.”

  The big man’s attention had been on Logan’s hand, but his eyes jerked up at Logan’s insistence he wasn’t leaving and the look he shot Logan was lethal. “You hurt her, and I’ll end you.”

  He shoved past Logan without another word and headed for the stage as murmurs broke out around the bar. Ty and his band began to tune their instruments as the murmurs grew louder, so Logan leaned against the back wall and watched with Max at his side. Within minutes, Skylar emerged from her office with her keys in hand and stared at the stage in shock, then her gaze darted around the full bar. When he saw Skylar, Ty stopped tuning his guitar and placed it on a stool, then jumped off the stage. Logan tensed as he approached her, ready to intervene even though he knew she’d be pissed if he did. He’d stay out of it for now; give her control in this situation since she’d been stripped of so much by her older brother. But he wouldn’t hesitate to step in if she seemed the least bit upset.

  His concern was for nothing. Skylar said two words to Ty, then patted him on the shoulder before she turned Logan’s direction and headed his way, leaving Ty to watch her walk away from him. And giving Logan the opportunity, he’d been waiting for.

  Logan pushed off the wall as she approached. He needed five minutes of her time to set her straight about Kenzie, and he wasn’t waiting another minute.

  “We need to talk,” Logan said as she neared.

  “Maybe tomorrow. I’m going to pick up Josh and Jake from school. Football practice was cut short and after everything that’s happened, we need some downtime together. I won’t be back until the morning. Goodnight, be sure and lock up before you go to sleep.”

  She barely looked at him as she spoke, so Logan reached out and snagged her hand as she tried to walk away and jerked her toward him, not about to let her imagination fester a minute longer. He had a pretty good idea what was running through her head after Kenzie’s comment about breakfast, so he needed to make it clear she was the only one he wanted.

  She squeaked like a mouse when her body slammed into his. He should have kissed her earlier like he’d planned, but Max’s bark indicated she was anxious, so he’d backed off at the last second to give her breathing room. He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

  Logan didn’t waste time controlling Skylar. Instead of arguing with her to listen to him, he wrapped his arm around her waist and grabbed her ponytail, tugging her head back so he had full access to her mouth. When she struggled against his hold, Ty thundered, “You’re a dead man,” from the stage, and the atmosphere in the bar went wired.

  Logan ignored all of it and slammed his mouth over Skylar’s like he’d wanted to from the moment he laid eyes on her. She fought him for a nanosecond, then her mouth opened to his and the kiss ignited. He drank her in and didn’t let up, even when he heard a scuffle close by. He knew Ty wouldn’t strike him and risk hitting Skylar, so he deepened the kiss to lay his claim before Ty, the town, and God. He’d fought to protect his country. Lost the only family he’d known trying to keep this nation safe, but he was done sacrificing himself for othe
rs. He intended to be selfish for once and take what he wanted, what he suspected he’d needed all along to chase the nightmares away: Skylar.

  The door opened behind them, and a cold breeze hit his back as he tightened his hold on Skylar, pinning her soft curves to his body. He registered several gasps of surprise when the door closed with a thud, and it sent the hair on his neck standing on end. Like he’d been trained, Logan reacted without thinking, knowing exactly who he would find when he turned around. Ripping his mouth from Skylar’s, Logan swung her behind him so she was protected, and raised murderous eyes to her half brother, Chance Bear.


  I’d only had enough time to steady my legs after Logan’s fiery kiss, when I realized what was happening. The urge to kill had never overcome me so quickly, but there it was, burning like a fire in my belly. Chance might be the richest man in the county, but I realized today, I was far richer for the friendships I had. He could keep his money. I would take being rich in friendship and love over his life any day.

  I opened my mouth to order Chance out of my bar or I’d shove a bottle up his ass, but I was cut off when three high school friends pulled me back and stepped in front of me. “Get out, you unbelievable asshole!” I tried pushing through Woody, Hayden, and Mark, but they wouldn’t let me pass. “Let me through, so I can kick him in his tiny balls.”

  Logan glanced back and smiled at my outburst, but Chance didn’t even flinch.

  My older brother was an average-sized man with dark eyes that seemed to pierce through you when he was angry. And he looked angry. No. Scratch that. He looked almost wild as he searched the bar for someone who wasn’t me.

  Chance had always been an enigma to me. Native Americans valued family and tradition to the exclusion of almost everything else. They protected Mother Earth and her resources while trying to preserve their dying way of life. They’d never been savages, no matter what the history books told you. They’d been protecting their land against European intruders, just as the white man had protected his when he thought they were being threatened, yet Native Americans were deemed savage for doing the exact same thing: protecting their families and way of life. Family and tradition were the most important things to all First Nations tribes, yet here he stood, ready to take from his only living relatives because his father had poisoned him against their mother.


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