Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 5

by Shawn Conners

  “He, who does not take from the people, takes the people. He, who does not take from the state, takes the state. He, who does not take from anything under Heaven, will take all under Heaven. He who does not take from the people, the people will profit. He who does not take from the states, states will profit. He who does not take from all under Heaven, all under Heaven will profit. Such actions lie in being unseen; such affairs lie in being unheard; and victory lies in what cannot be known. How marvelously subtle!”


  The Demised State

  “When an eagle is about to attack, it will fly low and draw in its wings. When a fierce wild cat is about to strike, it will lay back its ears and crouch down low. When the Sage is about to move, he will display a blank countenance.

  “Now there is the case of Shang, where the people were confused and suspicious of each other. The Shang Emperor’s indulgence in pleasure and sex were boundless.[4] This is a sign of a doomed state. I have observed their fields - weeds and grass overwhelm the crops. I have observed their people - the perverse and crooked overcome the honorable and upright. I have observed their officials - they are violent, perverse, inhumane and evil. They overthrow the laws and make chaos of the punishments. People from all ranks have not awakened to this state of affairs. It is time for their state to perish.

  “When the sun appears, the myriad of all things is illuminated. When great righteousness appears, the myriad of all things will profit. When the great army appears, the myriad of all things will submit. Great is the virtue of the Sage! Listening by himself, seeing by himself, this is his pleasure!”


  Civil Instructions - How a Sage Governs

  King Wen asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “What does the Sage govern?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “What worries does he have? What constraints? The myriad of things will realize their positions naturally. What constraints, what worries? The myriad of things all flourish naturally. No one should realize the transforming influence of government, similar to how no one realizes the effects of the passing of time. The Sage takes ‘action-less’ action and the myriad of things are transformed. What is exhausted? When things reach the end, they return again to the beginning. Relaxed and complacent, he turns about seeking it. Seeking it, he gains it and must store it. Having already stored it, he cannot but implement it. Having already implemented it, he does not turn about and make it clear that he did so. Now because Heaven and Earth need not let everyone know how they work, they are forever able to give birth to the myriad of things. The Sage does not pronounce what he is doing and he is able to attain a glorious name.”



  Civil Instructions - Three Greats of Governance

  “The Sages of antiquity assembled people together as families, assembled families to compose states, and assembled states to constitute the realm of all under Heaven. They divided the realm and enfeoffed worthy men to administer the states. They officially designated this order the ‘Great Order’.

  “They promulgated the government’s instructions and accorded with the people’s customs. They transformed the multitude of ‘crooked’ behaviors into ‘straight’, changing their form and appearance. Although the customs of various states were not the same, they all took pleasure in their respective places. The people loved their rulers, so they termed this transformation as the ‘Great Settlement’.

  “Ah, the Sage concentrates on educating and transforming without notice, the Worthy focus on rectifying themselves. The stupid man cannot be transformed, others cannot rectify him, therefore he contends with other men. When the ruler creates too many rules, punishments become excessive. When punishment is excessive, the people are troubled. When the people are troubled, they leave and wander off. No one, of whatever position, can be settled in his life, and generations on end have no rest; this they termed the ‘Great Loss’.”


  Civil Instructions - Governing the Populace

  “The people of the world are like flowing water. If you obstruct the water, it will stop. If you open a way, it will flow. If it is quiet, it will be clear. How spiritual! When the Sage sees the beginning, he knows the end.”

  King Wen asked: “How does one be at harmony with them?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “Heaven has its constant forms and the people have their normal lives. If you work together with them, then the relationship will be tranquil. The pinnacle is to accord with them, the next-highest is to transform them. When the people are transformed, and follow their government, then affairs can be completed, even when no actions are taken. The people are enriched, even if no one gives to them. This is the virtue of the Sage.”

  King Wen said: “I agree with all that you have said. From dawn until midnight, I will think about it, never forgetting it, employing it as our constant principle.”





  Civil Offense

  King Wen asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “What are the methods of civil offense tactics?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá replied: “There are 12 methods of civil offense tactics.”

  “In regard to your target: First, accord with what he likes in order to accommodate his wishes. This will feed his arrogance and he will invariably mount some perverse plan. We can then use the situation to our advantage and be able to eliminate him.

  “Second, be close with those he loves in order to fragment his reputation. When men have two different inclinations, their primary loyalty invariably declines. When his court no longer has any loyal ministers, the state will inevitably be endangered.

  “Third, bribe his assistants; secretly foster a deep relationship with them. While they stand in his court physically, their thoughts and inclinations will be directed outside it. The state will certainly suffer harm.

  “Fourth, foster his licentiousness and his indulgence in entertainment in order to dissipate his will. Present to him generous gifts of pearls and jade, ply him with beautiful women. Speak deferentially, listen respectfully, follow his commands, and agree with him in everything. He will never imagine you might be in conflict with him and will unleash his treacherous ways.

  “Fifth, treat the ruler’s loyal officials generously, but reduce your gifts to the ruler. When the ruler himself comes as emissary, delay him, appeal to his vanity but do not actually assist him. When he sends other men as emissaries, treat them with sincerity, embrace and demonstrate trust in them. The ruler will then again feel you are in harmony with him. If you can to obtain the loyalty of his officials by treating them generously, his state can then be plotted against.

  “Sixth, make secret alliances with his most respected ministers. Sow discord between the ruler and his officials who are not in court. Make it advantageous for his talented people assist other enemy states. Entice other enemy states to encroach upon his territory. Few states have faced such a situation and survived.

  “Seventh, if you wish to obtain his trust, you must offer him generous gifts. Gather in his assistants, loyal associates and loved ones, by secretly showing them the gains they can realize by allying with you. Have his assistants slight their work, and then his preparation will be futile.

  “Eighth, present him with great treasures, and pretend to conspire with him. When your plans are successful and profit him, he will have faith in you because of his profits. This is what is called ‘being closely embraced’. The result of being closely embraced is that he can be easily manipulated. When someone rules a state but is externally manipulated, he will inevitably be defeated.

  “Ninth, honor him and praise him. Avoid anything that will cause him personal discomfort. Display the proper respect owed to a great power, and you will surely be trusted. Glorify and praise him; magnify his image; proclaim his virtues; humbly embellish him as a Sage. Then his state will suffer great misfortune.

  “Tenth, be courteous and submissive to him so that he will trust you. Thereby you may learn about his true situation. Embrace his ideas and respond to his affairs as if you were his brother. Once you have achieved full knowledge of his affairs, you can subtly control him. Thus, when the time comes, it will seem as if all Heaven wants him to be destroyed.

  “Eleventh, disrupt his channels of information. There will be found no one among his subordinates who does not value rank and wealth or hate danger and misfortune. Secretly express great respect towards them, and gradually bestow valuable gifts in order to subvert his best talent. Build your own resources until they become very substantial, but present an appearance of shortage. Secretly bring in wise and able counselors, and entrust them with planning great strategy. Attract courageous generals, and encourage their fighting spirit. Even when they are adequately rich and honored, continue to add to their riches. When your faction has been fully established, you will have attained the objective of ‘blocking his information channels’. If one is the head of a state, but his information channels are blocked, how can he control his state?

  “Twelfth, support his self-indulgent and immoral officials in order to confuse him. See that he is provided beautiful women and licentious music in order to befuddle him. Send him hunting dogs and outstanding horses in order to tire him. From time to time, allow him to exercise great power in order to entice him to greater arrogance. Then investigate his transgressions and plot with the world against him.

  “By full implementation of these twelve methods, they will become a military weapon. Once the signs that your plans have been achieved are obvious, that is the time to attack.”













  十一是,闭塞敌国君主视听的方法:凡是臣民没有不渴望富贵而厌恶危难与灾祸的,用暗中许给尊贵的官位,秘密送给大量财宝的方法,收买敌国的英雄豪杰。国内 积蓄很多,外表却装作穷困。暗中收纳智士以制定谋略;收纳勇土以提高士气。要满足他们取得富贵的愿望,而不断发展壮大,结成自己的党徒,聚集起力量。这样 做就能闭塞人的视听而秘密壮大自己了。敌人虽有国家,但耳目已为人�



  According with the People

  King Wen asked Jiāng Zǐyá: “What should one do so that he can best govern the populace?”

  Jiāng Zǐyá said: “When your greatness spreads over all the populace, only then will you be able to govern it completely. When your trustworthiness spreads over the populace, only then will you be able to make covenants with it. When your benevolence spreads over the populace, only then will you be able to embrace it. When your grace has spread over the populace, only then can you preserve it. When your authority covers the populace, only then will you be able not to lose it. Govern without doubt, similar to the revolutions of Heaven or the changes of the seasons; nothing can change them. Only when these six are complete will you be able to establish complete governance over the populace.

  “Accordingly, one who profits the populace will find them open to him. One who harms the populace will find them closed to him. If one gives life to the populace, they will regard him as virtuous. If one kills the populace, they will want to be rid of him. If one acts in accordance with the wishes of the populace, they will be accessible to him; if one impoverishes the populace, they will regard him as their enemy. One who gives peace to the populace, the populace will rely on; one who endangers the populace, the populace will view as a disaster. The populace is not the realm of one man. Only that ruler who can run the State according to the Way can dwell in the ultimate position of authority.”


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