Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 31

by Shawn Conners

  Verse 9

  Now when the army is toiling on the march, the general must establish himself as an example. In the heat, he does not set up an umbrella; in the cold, he does not wear thicker clothes. On difficult terrain, he must dismount and walk. Only after the army’s well is finished does he drink. Only after the army’s food is cooked does he eat. Only after the army’s ramparts are complete does he rest. He must personally experience the same toil as his troops. Through this fashion, even though the army is in the field for a long time, it will be neither worn-out, nor exhausted.


  Chapter 5 – Tactical Balance of Power in Attack

  Verse 1

  The military unit is victorious through being quiet and calm; a state is victorious through being united. One whose strength is divided will be weak; one whose minds have doubts will have their fighting spirit lowered. Now, when one’s strength is weak, advancing and retreating will not be bold, and pursuing an enemy will not result in anyone being captured. Generals, commanders, officers, and troops should be a single body, both in action and at rest. But if the commander’s mind is already doubtful, or the troops are inclined to disobey, then even though a plan has been decided on, they will not move; or if movement has been initiated, they cannot be controlled. When different mouths speak empty words, the general lacks the proper demeanor, and the troops have not been properly trained; if they set out to attack they will inevitably be defeated. This is what is referred to as army that is too sick to attack. It is inadequate for engaging in warfare. Now the general is the mind of the army, while all those below are the limbs and joints. When the mind is determined and focused, then the limbs and joints are invariably strong. When the mind moves in doubt, then the limbs and joints are invariably slow and weak. Now, if the general cannot have the cooperation of his troops, like the mind moving the limbs as when and where it wants them to be, then even though the army might be victorious, it will be a lucky victory, not the result of the tactical balance of power in attack.


  Verse 2

  The troops should not fear the enemy and their general at the same time. If they fear us then they will despise the enemy; if they fear the enemy they will despise us. The general who is despised will be defeated; the general who establishes his military grandeur will be victorious. When the general is able to establish military greatness, his commanders will fear him. When the commander fears their generals, the troops will fear their commanders. When the troops fear their commanders, then the enemy will fear the troops. For this reason, those who would know the Way of victory and of defeat must first figure out the relationship between fearing and despising. Now, one who has only gained the goodwill of the troops through love, he cannot use the troops; one who is not respected and feared in the minds of his troops, he cannot use the troops. Love makes the troops follow orders, military grandeur is established from above. If they love their general they will not have divided minds; if they are awestruck by their general they will not be rebellious. Thus excelling at generalship is merely a question of exercising love and military greatness.


  Verse 3

  One unsure of victory should not rush into battle. One unsure of capturing a city should not launch an assault on the city. Credibility must be established before the moment of need; affairs must be managed before the first signs appear. Thus the masses, once assembled, should not be dismissed. When the army has set forth, it should not return empty-handed. They will seek the enemy as if searching for a lost son; they will attack the enemy as if rescuing a drowning man, with haste.


  Verse 4

  One who long occupies strategic points lacks the mind to do battle. One who lightly provokes a battle lacks fullness of fighting spirit. One who is belligerent in battle lacks soldiers capable of victory.


  Verse 5

  Now in general, one who starts a war in the name of righteousness values initiating conflict. One who contends out of personal animosity should respond only when it is unavoidable. Troops mobilized because of hatred, should await the enemy and act after them. Thus to start a war, one must look at the timing to start it. When the war has ended, one must still be alert and fully prepared.


  Verse 6

  There are wars that are victorious because of great plans from court; there are those who achieve victory in the plains and battlefields; and those who attain victory by attacking the cities. Those who fight can gain victory; those who submit are lost; and those fortunate enough not to be defeated, as in cases where the enemy is unexpectedly frightened and victory is gained by a turn of events, are said not to have achieved a complete victory. What is not a complete victory lacks any claim to having created a tactical imbalance in power. Thus the enlightened ruler, on the day of the attack, will concentrate on having the drums and horns sound in unison, and the army marching in unison as well. Thus without seeking victory, he can still be victorious. There are armies which, from the front look unprepared or weak, but are still able to achieve victory; because they have a strategy for victory, are well-prepared, have good execution of plans and are under great leadership. For five men there is a squad leader, for ten men a lieutenant, for 100 men a company captain, for 1,000 men a battalion commander, and f
or 10,000 men a general. This organization is already all-encompassing, already perfected. If a man dies in the morning, another will replace him that morning; if a man dies in the evening, another will replace him that evening. The wise ruler weighs the tactical balance of power with the enemy, evaluates the general, and only thereafter mobilizes the army.

  战争有靠谍略取胜的,有靠野战取胜的,有靠强攻城市取胜的。总之,要敢于战斗才能胜利,屈服退让就会失败,即使侥幸不败,也是由于敌人意外地发生惊慌而偶然 胜利的。偶然的胜利不能算是真正的胜利。不能获得真正胜利的将领,就不合有真正的权威。所以英明的主帅在作战的时候,必须以正确的指挥,统一的行动来与敌决战,这样,虽不强求胜利而胜利也会自然到来。军队也有假装没有准备或故意表示怯弱而取胜的,这是因为它有巧妙的制敌办法,有充分的战斗准备,有周密的应战计划,有坚定的临战指挥的原故。按军队的编制,五人为伍设有伍长,十人为什设有什长,百人为卒设有卒长,千人为率设有率长,万人为军设有将军,这样的编制已经是很周密很完善的了,战斗中指挥官早上战死,早上就有人接替,晚上战死,晚上就有人接替。战前要分析敌人的虚实,察明敌将的才能,然后才能起兵。

  Verse 7

  Thus in general, when assembling an army a thousand miles away, they must arrive within ten days and when a hundred miles away, they must arrive within one day; while the assembly point should be at the enemy’s border. When the troops have assembled and the generals have arrived, the army should penetrate deeply into their territory, sever their roads, and occupy their large cities and large towns. Have the troops and the citizens ascend the walls and press the enemy into endangered positions. Know the configuration of the terrain and attack any strategic barriers. Occupy the terrain around a city or town and sever the various roads about it, follow up by attacking the city itself. If the enemy’s generals and armies are unable to believe in each other, the officers and troops unable to be in harmony, and this situation happens up to a point where there are those unaffected by punishments, we will defeat them. Before the rescue party has arrived, a city will have already surrendered.

  If fords and bridges have not yet been constructed, strategic barriers not yet repaired, dangerous points in the city walls not yet fortified, and the iron caltrops not yet set out, then even though they have a fortified city, they do not have any defense. If the troops from distant forts have not yet entered the city, the border guards and forces in other states not yet returned; then even though they have men, they do not have any men! If the domesticated animals have not yet been herded in, the grains not yet harvested, the wealth and materials for use not yet collected; then even though they have resources, they do not have any resources. Now when a city is empty and void and its resources are exhausted, we should take advantage of this vacuity to attack them. The ‘Art of War’ says, ‘They go out alone, they come in alone. Even before the enemy’s men can cross blades with them, they have attained victory.’ This is what is meant.


  如果敌人交通设施没有战备,要塞没有修理,工事没有构筑,障碍没有设置,虽有城塞也是不能防守的。边境的堡垒没有部队占领,守边的部队没有调动就绪,虽有人也等于无人了。敌人应征集的牲畜没有集中,应征集的粮食没有征集。该征收的财物 没有收齐,虽有资财也等于没有资财了。对这种城邑空虚而资财穷尽的敌人,我应乘虚进攻它。兵法上说,”我军行动自由如入无人之境,敌人不待交锋就已被打败”,就是指的这种情况。

  Chapter 6 – Tactical Balance of Power in Defense

  Verse 1

  In general, when the defenders do not occupy the outer walls of cities nor the borderlands, and when they retreat, do not establish watchtowers and barricades for the purpose of defensive warfare, they do not excel at defense. The valiant and brave sturdy armor and sharp weapons; powerful crossbows and strong arrows should all be within the outer walls; and then all the grain stored outside in the earthen cellars and granaries collected, and the buildings outside the outer wall broken down and citizens brought into the fortifications. This will allow the attackers to grow their fighting spirit, while the defenders’ fighting spirit will be cut in half. The defenders will suffer heavy losses. Yet, generals through the ages have not used such principles.


  Verse 2

  Now the defenders should not neglect their strategic points. The rule for defending a city wall is that for every zhang (3.5 miles), you should employ ten men to defend it – artisans and cooks not being included. Those who go out to fight do not defend the city; those who defend the city do not go out to fight. One man on defense can oppose ten men besieging them; ten men can oppose 100 men; 100 men can oppose 1,000 men; 1,000 men can oppose 10,000 men, Thus constructing a city’s interior and exterior walls is not just accumulating loose soil and tamping it down, wantonly expending the strength of the people. It is truly for defense. If a wall is 1,000 zhang, then 10,000 men should defend it. The moats should be deep and wide, the walls solid and thick, the soldiers and people should have firewood and foodstuffs provided; the crossbows stout and arrows strong, the spears and halberds sharpened. This is the method for making a solid defense.


  Verse 3

  If the attackers number at least 100,000, while the defenders have a reinforcement outside that will certainly come to the rescue, it is a city that can be defended. If there is no reliable reinforcement to inevitably rescue them, then it is not a city that can be defended. Now if the walls are solid and rescue certain, then even ignorant men and women will all, without exception, give their all to defend the city. For a city to withstand a siege for one year, the strength of the defenders should exceed that of the attackers and the strength of the reinforcement exceed that of the defenders. Now if walls are solid but rescue uncertain or reinforcement cannot be depended upon, then the ignorant men and women – all without exception – will defend on the parapets, but they will weep. This is normal human emotion. Even if you then open the grain reserves in order to relieve and pacify them, you cannot stop it. You must incite the valiant and brave, with their sturdy armor, sharp weapons, strong crossbows, and stout arrows to exert their strength in the front and the young, weal, crippled, and ill to exert their strength toget
her in the rear.


  Verse 4

  If an army of 100,000 is encamped beneath the city walls, the reinforcement must break open the siege, and the city’s defenders must go out to attack. When they move forth, they must secure the critical positions along the way. But the reinforcement to the rear of the besiegers should not sever their supply lines; and the forces within and without should respond to each other. This sort of rescue displays a half-hearted commitment and we can wait for the opportunity to topple the attackers. To deal with the reinforcement, the enemy general will put their stalwarts in the rear, and place the old in the forefront. Then the enemy will not be able to advance, nor be able to stop the defenders from breaking out. This is what is meant by the ‘tactical balance of power in defense’.



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