The Hollow Blade: A LitRPG Portal Apocalypse Story (Arcadia Academy Book 1)

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The Hollow Blade: A LitRPG Portal Apocalypse Story (Arcadia Academy Book 1) Page 14

by Wolfe Locke

  ​Time to use what I have. We could use the boost anyways. I activated the Lightning Blade technique and in response, white lines of energy streaked down through the air, illuminating my Katana. With my body aching from the activated power, I swung attack after attack after attack, though I was sure it helped and caused the undead to regenerate slower. It wasn't what I needed it to do. The dead kept coming. I needed more power.

  “We’re never going to get to the throne like this.” Markus shouted. “I might have an idea. But it’s going to suck for me if it goes wrong. If I don't make it, tell the King I did a good job ok?”

  ​I raised an eyebrow just as I felt Markus start to gather power into himself before activating his ability. "Iron Skin!" Instantly, Markus’s skin tone took on the look and consistency of steel.

  ​“Come get your meal!” He taunted, as the large cadet charged into a large group of the undead and toward the throne.

  ​He must have had the right idea because as he did so, the skeletons all congregated on him and tried to block his path. Even the ones that had been centered on me. The throne really is the key, isn't it? They hacked and slashed, but they could not find a way through his protective Swordcraft. When they couldn't harm him, they tried to smother him instead. .

  ​“Valdanes!" He shouted from beneath the pile. "Get there while they’re on me! I can't maintain this much longer."

  ​Markus’s plan was sound, but if I did that then some of the undead would just peel off and focus on me, obstructing my path too.

  ​Well, there is something else that I can do. It worked in the last challenge, why not here?

  ​I summoned power into my blade. The power taught to me by the Dullahan. I was not yet ready to lean on the power taught to me by Vozrun. "Shadow Blade"

  ​Instantly, some of the nearby skeletons broke off from Markus and rushed toward me, while others started to spawn from the very ground and push up through the floors. But it was too late. I pointed my now shadow covered Katana directly at the throne, knowing exactly what I needed to do.

  ​"Shadow Fall." I activated the Sword Technique. There was the feeling of vertigo as I was pulled into the shadows and transported across the room at an impossible to comprehend speed. Once I emerged, I was standing right in front of the throne.

  ​This close, I could feel its power. There was no one sitting in the throne, but that did not mean that it was entirely void.

  ​“To stay the hordes, you must claim the throne and pay the cost. Crest Bearer. Will you accept more of the Hollow realm?”

  ​The voice of the throne was thick with darkness and contempt. Time stood still and the mark on my arm flared.

  ♄ Saturn’s Crest ♄

  The nature of the Hollow realm is of power. It is not evil to seek the power to protect and to defend. But be warned, for power in itself is corrupting. Forewarned is forearmed. Do what you must. I am behind you. You will find when you are finished that your own power is beginning to eclipse most of the others.

  This message will now fade, and time will return to normal.

  ​Thank you for the guidance. It's true, too. I have no choice. If we don’t pass this challenge, then the academy and the world is done for.

  ​I knew what I had to do. I accept. I turned and sat on the throne. As soon as I did so, the undead surrounding Markus collapsed into piles of bone once more. Outside, I could hear the same thing happen. A shimmer of gold and grey orbs spawned on the ground where the undead had been and immediately flew towards me and were absorbed.

  ♄ Saturn’s Crest ♄

  Your power will only grow from here. Cherish this gift. Few have every received it.

  Shadow – 1,

  Your shadow can briefly match your movements with physical effect.

  Strength – 22.78

  Your strength is above the average man

  Agility – 26.19

  Your agility is far above the average man.

  Endurance – 15.34

  Your endurance is above the average man.

  You can now Summon 2 Imps.

  This message will now fade, and time will return to normal.

  ​“Yeah! You did it!” screamed Markus. "You did it, Valdanes! I'm so glad that worked. I'm surprised my Iron Skin lasted that long."

  ​I was surprised too and filled with relief. Another challenge had been passed and our survival was one step closer. I moved to stand from the throne, but it was like rising through quicksand. As I rose, I felt as if something inside was torn asunder. I gasped for breath as I saw what looked like a shadowy version of me get sucked into the throne.

  ​I waited for some type of pain, but none came. I felt fine. Actually, I felt amazing. Like somehow I'd been freed. I felt powerful.

  ​I’m not even tired after using so much Swordcraft. I can feel myself getting stronger.

  ​“Come on, Valdanes. Don't just sit there with a creepy look on your face. Say something.” Demanded Markus sounding concerned. “Let’s head back to the academy.”

  ​I moved to join him, but just then the air in the center of the throne room erupted into fire, and gradually spread until it formed into a new gateway, and within that gateway was another staircase.

  ​“What the hell?” asked Mathias as he and the others cadets entered the room. They were pretty battered, and none of them were unbloodied.

  ​“It’s the next challenge.” I responded, and I knew from the grim looks on their faces, the challenge might be more than they had left in them. I can handle it though. “Looks like they’re giving us the option to take it on right now.”

  Chapter 20: The Bitter Taste

  * * *

  ​All of us gathered around to talk about our options. We should have been celebrating our victory. Instead, we were discussing whether to press forward, or to try and quit.

  ​“What do we do now?” asked Lana. I wish I knew.

  “I don’t know.” Was all I could reply. “This didn’t happen when I finished the first challenge. I had to go back to the academy, going forward wasn't an option."

  ​“Maybe that was because you were all banged up and near death. There was no way you could have survived if you kept going, as it is, it's a wonder you even managed to walk out of the portal that day.” Said Markus. “We’re all still pretty fresh, all things considering. We've got some cuts and bruising, but are mostly ok. I think we should try continuing. Besides, I don't want to think what they'll do to us out there if we turn back now."

  ​"One moment everyone," Mathias interjected. "Before we decide anything, lets look at the information we have. Lana, do us a favor and run to see if the portal back to the arena is still opened.”

  ​“On it!” She replied and started to sprint away.

  ​“Are you sure it’s a good idea to send her alone?” I asked, worried about some unknown monster of the Hollow realm taking her out.

  ​"Not even a little bit." Mathias responded. “You were too busy to see. But that girl took down more of those skeletons than I did. She's got a lot of raw talent and skill. She'll be ok."

  ​I nodded at that and watched for her to come back. We all shared a smile when, a few moments later, Lana returned and declared that the portal was indeed still open.

  ​Markus had been quiet, but chose now to share his thoughts. “If the portal to the arena area is still open, that likely means that the portal to the academy is still open too. We can leave right now if we want, or we can continue ahead. It’s up to all of you.”

  ​The result was unanimous. As much as everyone wanted to turn back, no one wanted to be the one to call it quits. The taste of victory had blinded us.

  ​“We need to show those demons that we’re up for any challenge that they give us! Monsters, undead, or otherwise. We won't be stopped.” said one cadet, and it was echoed by the others.

  ​“Alright. We’ll continue.” I responded. “But if things start going really bad, then we need to retreat. Run straight through the portals a
nd don't look back. Understood?”

  ​I got nods from everyone. If we face off against something, they can't handle. I should sense it in advance. It's up to me to save them if we come across something like that.

  ​“Alright, let’s do this.” I tried to sound confident, but I wasn't. I felt like I would be ok, but the rest of the cadets, I wasn't sure about. Once again, I led the team of cadets through a portal into the unknown.

  ​Waiting for us on the other side of the open doorway was a noxious looking green sky. We had found ourselves on a round plateau whose ground was flattened with grey stone. The edges of the plateau were accented by a sheer drop that descended down into an infinite nothingness. The plateau we were on was basically an isolated column in the sky.

  ​“Careful, everyone.” Cautioned Markus. “This doesn't seem right. Beware of your surroundings. None of us want to take a tumble down there.”

  ​It was a good reminder. All of us cadets nodded. Our faces were stern and concentrated as we looked for signs of the next challenged. Mathias pointed to a darker set of stone in the middle of the plateau, and we all walked over to await the next challenge.

  ​“Where is this challenge going to even come from? The sides?” asked Lana with an edge to her voice. “There’s nothing out here. Unless the challenge is going to rise up out of the ground like those skeletons did.”

  ​“I doubt it.” Said Mathias as he looked around and at the ground with caution. Taking a moment to check how sturdy the stone was with a stomp. “This is solid. I don't think anything is coming up through this layer.”

  ​“Then what’s the challenge?” asked another cadet.

  ​The answer came just a moment later. From out in the sky came a roar that quaked the plateau. It was both deep and guttural, but high and piercing at the same time.

  ​“What the hell was that?” asked Markus as he looked to the sky.

  ​Suddenly, a gale of wind kicked up over the plateau. It forced all of us cadets to brace ourselves. Accompanying the uptick in the wind was the sound of flapping wings. That can't be good.

  ​From above, we heard another roar. It sent chills down all of our spines. Then, from above, a figure broke through the clouds. A figure of doom.

  ​The only way that I could describe it was a winged nightmare. Its skin was blood red and it had curved horns extending from atop its head. Its black and leathery wings flapped through the air. It was humanoid, with four massive, muscular limbs that ended in large sharp claws. It roared once more, opening its fanged mouth to the sight of hellfire beyond, and its eyes burned with the same glow.

  ​“That can’t be!" Said Mathias. “They’re supposed to be extinct. The last one was seen decades ago!”

  ​“You said yourself, this is the Hollow realm. We can't judge based on what we know from the world outside of here." I responded. "As you can see, things are different here."

  ​The monster descended through the sky and landed on the far end of the plateau, sending tremors through the ground.

  ​“Tristan.” Said Lana with fear in her voice. “What is that?

  ​“It’s called a Doom Bringer.” I replied. "One of the greater breed of devils. The little I knew about them came second hand from the ritualists college."

  ​Immediately, shocked and scared expressions went through the team of cadets.

  ​The doom bringer snarled in fury, flames lapping over its maw. These monsters were believed to be the apex demon. The last one that had been seen nearly wiped out an entire army before it had been taken down. Now, here was one, facing down a group of cadets that never even made it through training. Even with my newfound power, I can't beat that thing.

  ​“Tristan!" Shouted Markus. "We need to go, we can't beat this thing. I'm sounding the retreat."

  ​“Agreed!" I admitted, as I motioned for everyone else to back away. "We need to get out of here. I’ll distract it while you take the others back through the portal.”

  ​“But what about you?” asked Mathias.

  ​“If we all run, then we’re all dead.” I replied. I'm the only one who can stall it.. “Just do what I say and don't waste it.”

  ​But before any of us cadets could run, the Doom Bringer was on us.

  ​It moved faster than should have been possible for a creature of its size. Even with my newfound agility, I could barely keep track of it, and if I was struggling to track its movements, I knew everyone else would too. Before any of us could even react, the monster dived into our formation in a hail of claw and fang. We scattered, allowing our reflexes and our flight responses to take over. But one cadet wasn’t fast enough. The Doom Bringer gripped him in a massive hand and squeezed, tearing the cadet asunder.

  ​“Retreat!” I called out again. “Get back to the portal!”

  ​All of us started running at a dead sprint, but even then, it wasn't over. Another cadet fell to the massive demon.

  ​I need to do something. I activated my Lightning Blade technique and for the first time; I didn't feel the ill effects of the ability at all. I ran straight at the Doom Bringer and though the monster was fast, I could see it telegraphed its approach a bit. Nothing the others could use, but me with my increased agility, I could manage it. I brought my blade down on one of its massive legs. It was the only spot that I could reach from my vantage.

  ​The Doom Bringer ignored the blow completely and sent out a vicious punch toward me in counter attack. I rolled out of the way just barely enough to avoid the attack and immediately got back into a fighting stance just in time to meet eye to eye with the Doom Bringer who was staring at me with malice and now stood in my way to get back to the portal.

  ​“Valdanes!” yelled Markus from near the portal. “Let’s go!”

  ​I saw that all of the cadets besides Markus and Mathias were through the portal. However, with the attention of the Doom Bringer on him, there was no way that I could make it. At least they'll survive.

  ​“Go on guys! I’ll catch up when I can. Just go!" I yelled.

  ​I was not at all sure that I could get past this thing. In fact. I was pretty confident I couldn't. The Doom Bringer was an aberration of demonic rage. Once it set it’s sight on prey it did not let it go until its prey was either caught or killed in the process, and it had decided I was prey.

  ​I raised my Katana, ready to fight till the end. The least I can do is try to get some damage on it. If I do that then they might be able to take it down next time. We can’t fail. Some way to hobble it for the next attempt. I hope they'll make use of it.

  ​My blade was still crackling with energy when the Doom Bringer lunged once more. The monster raked me with its sharp claws and I was only barely able to parry them. With a howl, the demon took off to the skies.

  ​It’s trying to catch me off guard. But if I bring the fight to it, then maybe I could turn the tables. Time to use it. "Shadow Blade!"

  ​I aimed my blade at the Doom Bringer as it swooped down and came at me like a thrown spear. I followed up one technique with another. "Shadow Fall".

  ​Suddenly, me and my Katana were right in front of the face of the flying monster. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought for a split second I saw surprise registered there. It had never been challenged in the air before.

  ​With a yell, I sliced downward at its face, fully expecting the Shadow Blade to do a bit of damage, but instead, my blade clanged off of the Doom Bringers hard skin, doing no damage at all. It must be immune.

  ​The Doom Bringer howled with rage and opened its maw to let loose a cone of flame. If that hits me, I'm done. Blindly, I pointed my blade down to where I hoped that the plateau below was. "Shadow Fall!"

  ​My aim was true, but I had aimed at the very edge of the plateau. As I emerged from the shadow, my foot slipped off of the edge and I began to fall. No. Not like this. I have to do better I have to help.

  ​I desperately tried to come up with a plan. Maybe I could Shadow Fall upward and then aim for the plateau again.
But the Sword Technique was unresponsive. Must still be on cool down.

  ​My mind was racing as I teetered on the edge, about to fall to my death. But then, a hand reached out and grabbed my own and began to pull.

  ​“Hold on!” said Markus with a grunt t as he started to lift me up past the edge.

  ​“What are you doing?” I asked him. I couldn't quite bring myself to say thanks, when I'd fully expected to have to sacrifice myself for the good of our group.

  ​“I’m not leaving you here to fight with that monster Valdanes. Now, let’s go." Markus commanded, and for a moment, it was easy to see his linage in him.

  ​Using his considerable strength, Markus pulled me up and onto the plateau. What I saw next made my blood run cold. Mathias was facing down the Doom Bringer alone. If I couldn't do it, what chance does he have?

  ​“He didn’t want to leave you either.” Explained Markus.

  ​“We need to get me out of there. Nothing I do hurts that thing. We need to go.” I yelled. "Come on, Mathias. Get out of there!"

  ​“He said he had a plan to distract it.” Markus responded, not really sounding like he believed.

  ​Just then, Mathias’ hook sword erupted in a blinding light and the demon roared as it reared back, covering its smoldering, blinded eyes. In that moment, Mathias made a mad dash to the portal, screaming the whole way. "Don't just look at it, run!"

  ​Together, the three of us were able to retreat back to the castle, winded, hurt, but alive. It was more than we could say for others.

  ​Waiting for us on the other side in what had been the 2nd challenge throne room were the remaining cadets. Somehow, we had lost more, our group was down to 10 from fifteen.


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