The woman bit her lip.
“What is it?” Mary-Anne said, noticing her discomfort.
“It’s just… There are some…not very nice people across there.”
Caitlin’s smile didn’t leave her face. “Same shit, different day, wouldn’t you say, guys?”
Dylan, Mary-Anne, and Kain laughed.
“So I guess, knowing you, Caitlin, that settles it?” Mary-Anne asked and stood.
Kain rose as well. “All for one, and one for all?” he said and held his fist out.
They all stared at him.
“What does that even mean?” Caitlin said.
“It’s in a book I once…you know what? Never mind. I’m in.”
They Rot
Eight years ago, an infection hit London, before spreading outwards. 90% of the population was either contained by the military, trampled during the riots, or infected by the disease.
A disease that came to be known as The Rot.
Colin Bolton survived the incident but not without losing everything he held dear to him – his life, his love, and his humanity.
Now, he’s living at a farmhouse, acting as a bodyguard for a new surrogate family. Life is stable. He’s making do. He’s surviving. That is… until a vagrant scavenger comes knocking at the door, desperate for food and water.
An encounter that will spin Colin’s life into chaos once more, bringing him face to face with a murderous family, the dead and the dying, and the failures of his past.
THEY ROT is the first book in a brutal new series of post-apocalyptia set in Great Britain. It’s brought to you by Willcocks and Kondor, two of the groundbreaking authors behind the iTunes chart-busting podcast, The Other Stories, and the story studio, Hawk & Cleaver - A digital story studio bringing you the best new stories to watch, read, sniff, and absorb.
Available at Amazon
Author’s Notes - Dan Willcocks
December 6, 2018
It’s getting close to Christmas. That means, here in the UK, the nights have grown longer. The days are colder. Twinkling lights litter houses along the streets causing epileptic seizures to anyone that looks their way.
And here I am. And here you are. Three months on from the release of the first Caitlin book and you’re still here with me.
The City Revolts has been the book that I’ve been looking forward to writing ever since I put Caitlin’s name on the page and set her out on her journey from Silver Creek. The one where all the culmination of the kickass action of Caitlin, Mary-Anne, Kain and Jaxon comes together in an explosion of action at one of my favourite cities in the world, Hamilton—though I’ve never personally been, it’s definitely a bucket list item.
This book marks the fourth in this series, and there’s still plenty more of Caitlin to come. For those of you who are avid KGU fans, I’m excited at what the next few books are going to bring your way. Caitlin’s journey has only really just begun as she navigates her way through the wasteland of the world and now looks to take on her next challenge—seeking Helena Millican and working to understand more about the Madness.
Is there a cure?
Can the Madness be stopped?
Does chocolate still exist and, if so, what will happen to Jaxon if he eats it?
I won’t spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t yet read any other Michael Anderle books, but I know some of you may know the answer to the questions above.
Caitlin still has a long way to go, but I think we can all safely say that, with the help of her Revolutionaries, there’s a lot more ass left to kick in the Age of Madness.
Now, on a more personal note, I did want to add my usual thanks to Michael, Steve, Lynne, Miha, CM and LE, as well as my buddies at Hawk & Cleaver ( for their support. But I did also want to add another huge thanks to YOU, the reader. Without you my words would just be ink upon a page. Thanks to all of those who have joined the Age of Madness Facebook group and chip in with your excitement at releases as well as suggestions for storylines and where Caitlin’s journey could go. If you’re not already in the group, you can find it here (
And that’s it from me, for now. I’m off to decorate the Christmas tree with an excitable four-year-old and do my best not to slip and fracture my collarbone whilst putting up Christmas lights.
(It shouldn’t be difficult. I don’t have a ladder, so they’ll be going in the downstairs windows…)
Until next time, a merry Christmas, and thank you for riding with me on this journey.
Daniel Willcocks
Author Notes - Michael Anderle
December 9, 2018
THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well.
(I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)
RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?
I was reading Dan’s Author Notes, and just about snorted Coke out of my nose (the drink, not the chalky white substance). I make good money, but Coke is expensive. Have you ever had to buy a bottle of Coke in Europe?
My God, I think the white chalky substance is cheaper.
Anyway, I was reading the first part of his notes when he says this: “It’s getting close to Christmas. That means, here in the UK, the nights have grown longer. The days are colder. Twinkling lights litter houses along the streets, causing epileptic seizures to anyone that looks their way.”
I was imagining a nice scenic picture of older-than-me-by-a-couple-of-centuries homes with strings of lights up under their eaves and young kids pointing up at the pretty lights…
Until I see the seizures part and now, all the kids aren’t pointing at the lights, but trying to block the lights from their eyes lest they also fall to the ground in agony as the Christmas lights affect them.
No wonder Dan writes horror and I don’t. I can just imagine the lawsuits ramping up here in the USA thanks to some enterprising lawyer and Dan’s offhand comment.
Well, thanks a lot, Dan. There goes Christmas. ;-)
Now, we’ve just talked about Dan, so let’s talk some more about DAN!
Here is another bit from his author notes that made me smile:
“I won’t spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t yet read any other Michael Anderle books, but I know some of you may know the answer to the questions above.
I’m going to go on a limb here and say that Dan was probably a real pain-in-the-arse as a kid. (He’s from England, I think? I get my collaborators’ countries all
We are able to support our efforts with you reading our books, and we appreciate you doing this!
If you enjoyed this or ANY book by any author, especially Indie-published, we always appreciate if you make the time to review a book, since it lets other readers who might be on the fence to take a chance on it as well.
One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.
Sitting at my desk in Las Vegas Condo.
So, I’m working on some advertising here at my desk, waiting for 5:30pm when I need to let my wife know it’s time to wake up. (I know I left her saying she doesn’t want to take a nap before we go to dinner with some professional contacts, but I suspect she will be asleep anyway.)
And she says I don’t pay attention.
Anyway, I’m sitting here minding my own business when ZenMasterSteve (AKA #LastMinuteLarry) makes a
comment in SLACK that I owe Author Notes for the morning…
I’m supposed to be going to dinner in a short while and now I owe Author Notes?
So, I say something snickery to him, and he comes back to let me know I owe three more for the week.
Never be a smart ass to the man who gives out the homework.
It’s just not worth it.
I wonder if he is making up any of those books just to make me work more?
I know he gets these last, so he can probably add something totally irrelevant and false to these notes and I’ll never know.
Damn, now I’m wondering what he is going to add?
[ZMS edit: Totally irrelevant, but true - Michael should thank me for keeping him from starting the going to dinner at 5:30 precedent that marks the most obvious passage into old age. You’re welcome!)
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Ad Aeternitatem,
Michael Anderle
Other Books by Daniel Willcocks
They Rot (Book 1 of ‘The Rot’ series)
They Remain (Book 2 of ‘The Rot’ series)
Lazarus: Enter the Deadspace
Twisted: A collection of dark shorts
Sins of Smoke
The Caitlin Chronicles
Dawn of Chaos (1)
Into The Fire (2)
Broken City (3)
Broken City (4)
Dan’s Facebook Group
Books by Michael Anderle
For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit
All LMBPN Audiobooks are Available at and iTunes. To see the complete listing at Audible please visit
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The City Revolts: Age Of Madness - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Caitlin Chronicles Book 4) Page 22