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Bounty Page 25

by Aubrey St. Clair

  He couldn't resist any longer. He dropped his soapy hands to Amber's red hair and dug his fingers between the strands, wrapping them tightly to get a good grip. Guiding her head, she continued until he was ready to explode. He tried to pull her away, but she gripped onto his ass tightly until he couldn't hold on any longer. He released himself into her mouth, feeling himself spasm multiple times at the feeling of suction as her mouth swallowed and her tongue continued to stimulate his glans.

  Amber didn't stop until she could tell he had nothing else to offer. Only then did she pull away and look up at him with a smile. He looked down at her with a dopey grin, and she reached up and pushed him backwards into the spray. The water fell across his lathered head, cascaded down his face and causing him to close his eyes against the bubbles.

  Before he could open them, he felt Amber's lips press against his and he kissed her back, leaning forward as he knew she was probably on her tip toes to reach his lips. He wrapped his arms around her and spun her so that she was now the one under the waterfall. He pulled back and wiped away his eyes so that he could look at her.

  She stood under the cool water with her head back, a smile still on her face and her eyes closed. Her small, pale breasts jutted forward, caped with small pink nipples that were like little water spouts now, directing the flow that came down from above. He reached down and kissed one of them, taking it into his mouth and giving it a soft little bite. Amber squeaked and then wrapped her hands around his head, hugging him close.

  The water poured down his face as his body connected with hers, rinsing off the last of the shampoo. His mouth moved from one hard nipple to the other, and he felt Amber shiver under the touch of his tongue. His hand slipped down, starting at her flat stomach and then lower to her neatly trimmed pubic hair, and then still lower. As he touched the folds between her legs he felt her jump, letting out a little moan of encouragement.

  Pressing forward, his strong fingers slipped inside of her and she gasped as she squeezed against his head. Urged on, he moved deeper into her enveloping warmth, curling his fingers and rubbing along her insides. Amber spread her legs, giving him more access than he needed for just a hand, so he took that as a hint. Joel wiggled his head to loosen her grip and then he sank to his own knees until he was low enough to face his goal. Without waiting, he pressed his lips against her tight little nub, sucking it into his mouth and then flicking it with his tongue as his fingers pushed even deeper.

  Amber took a step backwards to steady herself against the wall of the shower, causing a surge of cool water to spill down across Joel's head as the shower head now directed its flow onto him. He didn't miss a beat, though. His hand moved in and out, faster now, and his mouth and tongue began to paint little invisible designs against her sensitive and engorged nerve center.

  "Holy... shit..." she gasped. Amber lifted one leg, wrapping it around Joel's neck and pulling him harder against her. He responded by rubbing faster, his mouth sucking her in harder. "Fuuuuuuucccckkkk..." she gasped, as she began to quiver and shake. Her leg squeezed around his neck like she was putting him in a triangle choke, but he held on as his fingers and tongue continued their assault. Finally, she had had enough and loosed her grip, pushing his head away.

  The water poured forth against face until Amber moved forward, cutting off the flow from reaching him. She put a hand on his arm and yanked until he stood up, pulling him in for a deep kiss.



  Joel left the shower first, since he was just finishing up when Amber had arrived. She watched his tight wet ass step over the tub as he disappeared behind the shower curtain and bit her lip. The pleasure from her orgasm a few minutes ago had still not completely dissipated, and just the sight of his hard body made her feel tingly all over again. She wondered whether or not she could entice him into bending her over the bed and taking her hard before he had to get ready to leave.

  The mental image of Joel behind her with his powerful hands on her hips, filling her as their bodies were pulled together made her face feel hot, so she turned the knob to reduce the water temperature even more. If she was going to try to have sex with Joel, she wanted to cool down completely before venturing back out into the warm apartment - otherwise the heat from their bodies would make it even more uncomfortable.

  She quickly finished her shower and stepped out, toweling off quickly before leaving the bathroom, still naked, in search of Joel.

  She found him in the bedroom, already half dressed.

  "Hey," he said, nodding at her. She noted his eyes roam over her body as a little smile formed on his chewable lips.

  "Hey yourself, stud," she said with a little wink. She walked forward and slid a hand into his still open jeans, grabbing him firmly. He was soft now, but she knew she could fix that soon enough.

  Joel chuckled and then stepped back, causing her hand to fall out of his pants. "Not now," he said. I have to get ready and get going.

  She frowned at him and quickly glanced at the clock. "It's not even seven. I thought you don't have to be there until nine?"

  Joel zipped up his pants and fastened them, as if to lock himself away in case she tried to grab him again. "I do, but I have to stop by the Y and get a couple things from my locker. And I want to get there early, anyway. First day and all."

  Amber's frown deepened. She picked up her comfy pajama pants and slipped them on now that she knew Joel wasn't interested. "Why do you even still have a locker there?" she asked.

  "What do you mean? I need a place to store my stuff."

  "You can leave it here. Anyway, I was thinking that maybe you should just move in. Like, officially."

  Joel paused in the middle of pulling on a light short sleeved shirt, his head about to disappear underneath the cotton. He gave her a weird look and then pulled it on. By the time his head had emerged again, his face had darkened a bit.

  "Amber, I thought you understood, I don't have money to pay for a place. After I paid you back for the tournament, and the fact that I haven't fought in a couple of weeks, my savings-"

  "I told you that entry fee was a gift, I didn't want you to pay me back unless you won."

  "And I told you I don't like being in debt to people."

  "Whatever. Look, I'm not asking you to pay for rent. I'm just saying that you might as well move in-"

  "Which would put me right back into debt to you!" he said, his voice raising in frustration.

  "So what? What's the difference anyway? You've been here every night since the tournament and you're not paying me now."

  His eyes flashed in anger. "You're right. You're absolutely right. I should pay you for the time I've spent here."

  "That's not what I'm saying," she said, shaking her head. He could be such a hot head, especially around money and debt. It frustrated her.

  "No, that's what I'm saying. I've been freeloading and it's time it stopped. That's one lesson I learned from Darryl and Linda, at least. There ain't nothing in this life that's yours that you haven't paid for. I'll go back to the shelter tonight after training." Amber always thought it was sad that he referred to his parents by their first names on the rare occasion that he brought them up. Fully dressed now, Joel pushed past her and left the bedroom. Amber grabbed her own shirt and pulled it on as she followed after him.

  "Joel, don't be an idiot."

  He stood by the door, pulling on his shoes and not looking up at her. She could see he was fuming.

  "This is silly. I don't want your money, I just want you. I can pay for the rent. I've been doing that since I started living on my own."

  "Well congratulations on being so together with your life," he spat. "Not everyone got such a positive head start in life." He stood up and spun around without looking at her, yanking the door open.

  "Joel, wait! Don't leave like this. Come back after training and let's talk."

  "I have nothing more to say." With that he stepped out into the hallway and pulled the door shut behind him with a bang. />
  Amber let out a shuddering breath, her eyes starting to sting a bit. What the fuck was that all about?



  Joel stomped through the city towards the YMCA, his shirt already wet with sweat. He had originally planned on taking a bus, but after the fight with Amber he decided to walk off his frustrations. He had plenty of time before he needed to be at Rock House anyway.

  He kicked a loose piece of concrete hard, sending it skittering into the road. An oncoming car swerved to miss it and honked at him angrily. He threw up his middle finger and kept walking. The one feeling he hated more than any other was that he owed someone something. His parents had kicked him out with only the clothes on his back, and from then on he learned to rely only on himself. If you rely on other people for things, you're in for disappointment.

  He owed Amber more than anyone. She was the one that helped him that night he was injured. She was the one that found the tournament and sought him out to convince him to try it. She was the one that paid for his membership - although at least he had been able to pay her back for that. There wasn't a lot he could do about the others; it was harder to pay back gestures.

  But she was right. He was basically living with her rent free, which was just racking up his debt to her. The fact that they were... what? Seeing each other? Boyfriend and girlfriend? They had never defined it - but anyway, it didn't matter. It was still freeloading and it had to stop. Unfortunately, he was just about broke. Paying her back the $300 to join Golden Dragon had taken most of his savings, and he had used the rest to buy some of the training equipment that Shawn had told him he would need before starting at Rock House.

  The equipment was what he needed from his locker. He hadn't brought it back to the apartment because he didn't want Amber to ask questions about it. He knew she would offer to pay for them or something, which would have just ended them up in the same fight they just had. The whole argument was unavoidable, with no money it was bound to come up sometime.

  He could see the YMCA in the distance now, it would only be another 20 minutes or so before he got there. He considered having another quick shower to clean off the sweat and then change into another shirt, but there was no point. He'd just get sweaty again once he started training.

  Was this relationship with Amber really going to work? They were so different. She may live in a crappy apartment, but at least it was a stable roof over her head and her own bed at night. And at the end of the day, if things went bad she could always go back home to her parents. She had a safety net, and she couldn't comprehend what life was like without one.

  And yet, he wanted things to work. Even though deep down he knew he didn't deserve someone like Amber, not by a long shot, he still wanted her. She was kind hearted. More so than anyone he'd ever met. And when she turned that kindness towards him, it made the bleakness of his existence just a little bit brighter.

  It didn't hurt that she also gorgeous. Especially naked. A smile crept across his face as he pictured her. It had been a long time since a girl had offered herself to him the way Amber did - exposed and vulnerable. Even in bed she was giving, always putting his pleasure above her own.

  It made him feel guilty sometimes, adding to an internal debt tally that just grew and grew with no hope that he could ever repay it. Adding money to that list as well, something he could repay if he was more successful, just made him feel even worse. Maybe if life had given him a few more breaks instead of just constantly finding new ways to remind him of his failures.

  That was what had made him so angry at the apartment. He hadn't even considered the fact that he was freeloading, living with her this past week while she continued to pay the rent, the bills, even buy all the food. She may not have been accusing him of it, but bringing it up made him realize he was just digging himself in deeper with her, and he really had no plan to even things out.

  Shawn Rock had offered to train him, but that wasn't going to earn Joel any money. And even if he could find a job, there was no time for it now since he'd be training during the days and needing his sleep at night. There was only one thing he was qualified to do anyway. Joel squeezed his fists.

  He'd promised Amber that now that he was going to train at Rock House he would give up fighting at nights. But if he did, he'd have no money at all. Yet he really did want to live with her - he just wasn't willing to do it for free. He needed to pay his own way. If he couldn't, then he didn't see a lot of hope for a future between them.

  Surely breaking that promise was better than breaking their relationship. That rationalization solidified the decision in his mind, although he knew he had to keep it to himself, at least for now.

  First thing he had to do was track down Randy, the organizer of the underground fight club. He had an idea of how to do that, but it would have to wait until after today's training session.



  Amber spent most of the rest of the morning angry and confused. How did a morning that started off with a sexy shower end up in a fight like that? It had all happened so fast, she was confused about what exactly it was even about. Joel was quick to anger, she knew that about him, but she thought they had been getting to a good place and he was really starting to trust her. Now he was painting her as a gold digger looking to dip her hands into his pockets. That wasn't what she meant at all.

  She had been paying rent on this place on her own for almost two years, she didn't need him to chip in. Sure, it would help in the sense that then she could save for an even better place, with him, but that wasn't even her goal. It had really just been an innocent suggestion. Why did he fly off the handle like that?

  What burned her the most was his comment about her "head start". She bit her lip in frustration. What did he know about her home life, anyway? He never once asked about it, and she knew better than to dare and ask about his. Her parents didn't give her anything to help with this place, if that's what he meant. They hated that she lived here, but it wasn't like they ever offered to help her find anything else. They lived in their own little bubble, making comments about everyone else's life and affairs without ever lifting a finger to change anything. Full of advice and no action.

  Still, Amber had a feeling she did know what Joel was talking about. She had suspicions that Joel's home life was pretty bad. One didn't end up living in shelters and fighting for a living after growing up in a happy and positive environment. She couldn't imagine what it must have been like, but she hoped one day he would open up and tell her. For now she would leave it alone. He had mentioned once that the shitty apartment she lived in was at least in a better neighborhood than where he came from. When he told her where that was, she had to agree - he grew up in the worst part of town.

  But other than a rough idea of where he had grown up, the only other thing she ever really got out of him was that his parents were gone now, although she wasn't even sure how long ago they had died. If it was relatively recent, then that could be part of his touchiness. Joel had told her he'd been on his own and in shelters for the last few years, though, so it couldn't have been that recent. It was sad that he ended up on the streets after they died. She couldn't imagine not having anyone else he could have turned to in all this time. Then again, she had no idea how much of that was his choice.

  What frustrated her the most was that if she just understood more about his past, and it was really as bad as she supposed, then it would go a long way toward excusing his current behavior. But since she was in the dark, she wasn't sure how mad she should be at him.

  Was he acting unreasonably and just being a jerk? Or was there a very good reason he was so touchy about things like money, debt and his family. She was his girlfriend, for god sakes. Wait, was she? They never really had a conversation about it. She wanted to bring it up a few times, but she was always concerned about how he would react. The truth was, she wasn't sure at all what he felt about their relationship.

  She resolved to bring it up the next time she sa
w him, whenever that was. He was already pissed off at her anyway, she may as well get this subject out there as well and deal with it all at once. It would help to know where she stood. After all, if he was just thinking about her as a fun little diversion, or a place to sleep where he didn't have to worry about getting robbed in the night, then it was better to end it now anyway. But she hoped she was more than that. A lot more.

  According to the clock next to her bed, Joel's training should just be starting. Neither of them had any idea how long it would go, but now it sounded like he wasn't even planning on returning when it was finished.

  Fuck him. She had to work tonight anyway. Friday night was a big tip night, and the money was always needed. Still, tips often reflected the frame of mind she was in, which meant that by the end of the night she might actually owe somebody money. Guys typically wanted their hot bartender to be perky and friendly and flirt with them. If any of them so much as made a comment about her mood tonight, though, they'd be lucky not to end up with a drink in their face.

  She needed a distraction. Someone or something to take her mind off of Joel for the night. Her mind immediately went to her gay bar-back, Simon. He was always asking her to go to an after-hours place to get shit faced once their night ended, but she was usually too tired. But she had no reason to run home tonight, or to get up early tomorrow morning. Better to sleep away a hangover than deal with obsessive thoughts about where Joel was and whether he was still mad at her.

  Amber got back into bed and pulled her sheet up to her chin, despite the heat in the apartment. If she was going to go out late tonight, she could use a nap. She was up too early this morning, giving out surprise shower blow jobs. Look how well that turned out. She closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to lull her back into unconsciousness. At least then she could stop thinking about Joel and the oversized chip on his shoulder.


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