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Sweet Victory

Page 20

by Melanie Shawn

  It wasn’t a conversation that she was looking forward to having, but she wasn't actively dreading it either. One thing she did know for sure was that she was going to be happy when it was over.

  The loud knock sounding from her door snapped her out of her internal pondering.

  She took a deep breath and could not contain a smile from spreading across her lips as she reached for the brass door handle turned and pulled the door towards her.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Luke favored her with his usual greeting and smiled as he looked Sam up and down. The look was so intimate and warm that she felt like it was a caress, and a shiver ran up and down her body. Oh, and yes, of course, the goosebumps were in full effect.

  “Morning,” she replied, feeling as though she was beaming from within.

  Turning to grab her purse from the table, she suddenly found herself pushed up against the wall, and before she even knew what was happening, Luke’s lips were on hers.

  His tongue traced the seam of her lips and she as she parted her lips for him, Luke’s tongue swept inside her, licking, exploring, claiming, devouring.

  His strong hands were gripping her waist. His fingers slipped under her sweater and she felt the roughened pads of his fingertips as he alternated between gripping and caressing her body, a rhythm which made her feel as though she was on fire. She thought that she might just melt straight into him.

  He pulled away and smiled down at her, placing one more kiss on her nose. The words he spoke next were in a reverent tone, barely above a whisper, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  Sam’s brows came together, “Which? Kiss me up against a wall, or kiss my nose?”

  Luke’s head fell back and he laughed heartily, “Both, I guess.”

  He stood back, allowing her to retrieve her purse, and placed his hand on her lower back as they headed out to his SUV.

  As they were driving, Sam was having a hard time getting over what a different experience that kiss had been from the one they had shared at her car. The parking lot kiss had been a more of a building of pressure - a frantic, almost out of control kiss.

  This felt different, equally as intense, but more controlled. This kiss had spoken more of a deep need. Desire. Passion.

  All of the things Sam had always believed and hoped had existed but had no personal proof of. Until now.

  “I can almost hear the gears turning in that beautiful head of yours,” Luke teased, “What’s got your hamster wheel spinning?”

  Sam laughed and shook her head, “Nothing.”

  Luke reached across the console and took Sam’s hand in his, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. Good Lord, she loved it when he did that. It made her feel…cherished.

  “So, Samantha,” Luke’s voice dropped and goosebumps immediately spread across Sam’s flesh, “I have been wanting to talk to you about why you left so suddenly after we went bowling.”

  Sam took a deep breath and turned, pulling her leg beneath her so she could somewhat face Luke. He was watching the road, but maybe that would make it even easier. She took a deep breath.

  Hey, she told herself, if you want to be in a relationship (if that’s even what you would call this) then you'd better put on your big girl panties on and face the situation.

  Her heart was racing and it was suddenly hard to swallow. She had given a lot of thought to this conversation, so that made it easier. She had some things planned, and just needed to summon the courage to spit out what she had to say.

  “I was embarrassed, I guess,” she began, taking a breath. To Luke’s credit, he didn’t try to jump in, he just patiently waited for her to continue.

  “I knew that with how things were going with us and that I needed to tell you, and I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I didn’t think it would upset me as much as it did. When I felt myself starting to get upset, I left.”

  “Because you didn’t want me to see you upset?”



  She just shrugged. Wow, for someone who thought through almost every contingency of this conversation, you sure missed a pretty basic aspect, she scolded herself. But she still didn't have a reason to give.

  “You know Samantha,” Luke said gently, “I know you like to work things through on your own. I get that. You were very successful in an individual sport, so I get that you are used to dealing with things independently. But, where we are concerned, you need to know that you can talk to me Sam. You don’t have to shut me out.”

  “I know,” she conceded, “and believe me, I am trying.”

  “Good. That’s all I can ask,” Luke smiled, but Sam could tell he had more he wanted to say. She decided to lighten the mood by approaching it from a teasing angle.

  “Oh I bet that’s not all you want to ask me. I am sure you have a ton of questions you’ve been dying to ask,” Sam grinned. She was really enjoying talking with Luke like this, and was shocked to find that she wasn’t nervous. She spread her hands wide, “Ask me anything you like.”

  Luke shifted in his seat a little, still seeming a bit apprehensive to simply come out and say what he wished to say.

  “And remember,” Sam said lightly, hoping to put his nerves at ease, “Karina is one of my best friends, so I don’t think you need to worry about offending me.”

  He laughed and it felt as though the tension was broken.

  “Well, I know this is kind of a broad question How is it possible that you are still a virgin?”

  Sam shrugged, “I guess in high school I was just really focused on boarding, and then once I started competing I was always so busy. I lived with Stephan and his family, so that wasn't exactly conducive...I don't know. It just didn’t happen.

  “When I turned twenty, I remember having a mini-breakdown because I was officially no longer in my teens and it still hadn’t happened. Then I turned 21, then 22. I never met someone I wanted know...and I don’t know, it just never happened.”

  “So is that the reason your relationships didn’t work out? Because, honestly Sam, if some guy wasn’t willing to wait for you then he didn’t deserve you,” Luke said with a slight edge to his voice.

  Sam laughed nervously.

  “Okay, yeah. I forgot about that. So I guess I have ONE more thing to tell you,” she chuckled, feeling butterflies racing around in her stomach once again.

  Luke waited patiently.

  She took a deep breath, “I know that I led you to believe at dinner that I had been in several relationships, but the thing is…well, the truth is, I've never actually had a boyfriend,” Sam said, swallowing hard as she waited for Luke to reply.

  He raised his eyebrows, “Not even in middle school, you know like ‘going out’ for a week and then you break up and ‘go out’ with someone else?”

  She shook her head, “Nope.”

  “So was I your first kiss?” Luke asked.

  “Well, no,” she conceded, “Although that would be a good story, right? But you were not my first kiss. I’ve kissed several guys, even rounded second base a time or two. But never made it to third or crossed home plate,” Sam said matter-of-factly.

  “Did you not want a boyfriend? I just don't get it! Because, honestly, I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around the fact that no guy has ever snatched you up.”

  Sam threw her head back and snorted, “In my experience, I am not the kind of girl that inspires guys to do anything other than hang out, work out, or ignore.”

  “You sure as hell inspire me to do a lot more than that,” Luke said as he took his eyes off the road, looking over at Sam intensely.

  “Well. You’re different,” Sam said, and she could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks.

  “God you’re beautiful,” Luke said, awe in his voice. Sam smiled. She was beginning to believe it herself.

  Luke’s gaze held hers for a moment, and it was filled with a promise, somehow. A promise of what, Sam wasn’t sure...but she was really hoping to fin
d out soon.

  As Luke turned his concentration back to the road, Sam suddenly felt the need to change the subject. She said abruptly, “Now can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” Luke answered without hesitation.

  “Where are we headed?”

  An almost child-like grin spread across Luke’s face, “The Forest Room at Harrah’s. The breakfast buffet. Best in Tahoe. I loved eating there when I was a kid, and even though I have traveled the world, I can still honestly say that it is my favorite place to eat breakfast.”

  “Seriously!?” Smiling widely Sam clapped her hands together and hopped up and down in the seat a little, “I have never eaten there when I wasn’t in training! I am so excited! I always loved the views but, oh my gosh, I have been dying to put in some serious work on that buffet!”

  Luke laughed, “Sam you always surprise me.”

  “Good, it’ll keep you on your toes,” she smiled, and winked at him.

  He laughed and pulled her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it softly.

  They chatted about random things like family, friends, and food until they arrived at Harrah’s.

  On the way up to the top of the hotel where the Forrest Room was located, the elevator stopped at the 3rd floor. The doors opened and two elderly women that reminded Sam of Betty Crocker stepped in. Luke pulled Sam a little closer to him to make room for the ladies. He asked what floor they wanted and they giggled like school girls and told him 11.

  After he pushed the button, they thanked him and the taller of the woman asked, “Are you two on your honeymoon?”

  “Yep,” Luke instantly replied, kissing the top of Sam’s head.

  They giggled again, and the shorter lady advised, “You hold on to him, Sweetie. Looks, charm, and a gentleman. That’s the holy trifecta!”

  “The holy trifecta,” parroted the taller woman as the doors opened and they exited onto their floor.

  When the doors closed, Luke turned to Sam, “You hear that? I’m the holy trifecta, woman. You better hold on to me.”

  “Honeymoon, huh?” Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Luke gave her a smile that she was sure had gotten him out of trouble many times in his life.

  “Sweetie,” he wheedled, “We’re newlyweds, let’s not fight.”

  Sam laughed at the silly joke.

  The doors opened and Luke stretched his arm out, “After you, Mrs. Reynolds.”

  Sam chuckled again as she shook her head and exited the elevator, “You are too much, Mr. Reynolds.”

  When they had stood in line and been admitted into the buffet, Sam stood, tray in hand, trying to wrap her mind around all of the choices. She could not believe her eyes, there was so much to choose from! Where should she start?

  She wandered aimlessly for a moment, feasting her eyes on the food, waiting for one perfect dish to catch her eye and inspire her to start filling her plate. That's when she saw the cinnamon rolls. Her mouth watered. Yep, cinnamon rolls were a great place to start!

  When her plate was full, she met Luke back at their table, a two-top that was right next to a floor-to-ceiling window that had a stunning view of the lake.

  He looked down at her tray and smiled, presumably because she had not one...not two...but three large cinnamon rolls on it.

  She smiled right back, and then opened her mouth and took a huge bite of heaven.

  Luke chuckled a little and picked up his breakfast burrito. He had opted for Mexican cuisine. Just as he took a bite, his cell rang. He took it out of his pocket and answered, “Hey, Mom, can I call you back?”

  He paused, listening.

  “Oh.” He looked alarmed, “I’m actually in Tahoe, I came down this morning with Sam we’re at the Forest Buffet.”

  Another pause.

  “I’ll be right there,” He said and hung up the phone. To Sam, he continued, “My sister in law is in labor and my mom has my brother Bobby’s girls because he and Ashley are in San Francisco celebrating their anniversary. Steph really wants my mom at the hospital because her mom lives out of state and can’t be here. Do you mind if we cut this short and go babysit?”

  “I would love to,” Sam said and smiled nervously.

  This was the first time she had ever ‘met the family.’ She took a deep breath. Here goes nothin'.

  Chapter Twenty

  Luke hoped that this new plan really was OK with Sam. She had been very quiet on the short trip to his Mom’s house. Now, as they walked up the path, he took her hand, “You ready?”

  Her big hazel eyes looked up at him and he saw that she was either nervous or excited, although he wasn’t sure which.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said brightly.

  When he opened the front door to his Mom’s house, she was bustling around, throwing things in a bag, and when she saw him, she rushed over to greet him with a hug and a kiss. “Thank you so much for coming!” she exclaimed, distracted, and went back to tossing things into the bag.

  “Mom, this is Samantha,” Luke said, “And Samantha, this is my Mom, Ellen.”

  Ellen laughed, frazzled, and hurried back over to hug Sam, “Oh my, where are my manners? Sorry honey, I'm a bit crazed. Thank you so much for coming, Samantha, I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”

  Sam smiled, returning the hug, “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Reynolds. Please call me Sam.”

  “Only if you call me Ellen,” She said with a wink. “I am almost ready to head out. The girls and Christopher are in playing on the Wii. I haven’t told them Uncle Luke is coming to babysit. There was already so much excitement with the baby, I didn’t want them to be bouncing off the walls while I was getting ready to go.”

  “Do you need me to help you get anything together?” Luke asked.

  “No, no, I’m headed out now. So, if you just want to head in and say hello to the munchkins, I will see you when I get back.”

  Ellen grabbed her purse, and quickly took Sam by her hand, “It is so nice to finally meet you Sam, I hope we will be seeing much more of each other.”

  Luke saw a blush creep up Sam’s face, “You too ma'”

  Luke pulled Sam into the family room where he saw his nieces and nephew happily playing a game of tennis on the Wii console.

  “I play winner!” Luke said as they walked in and sat on the couch behind the kids.

  When the kids turned and saw him they started screaming and jumping on him in a dog pile. He was under this pile of flailing arms and legs when the sound of laughter was punctuated by his niece Bailey's scream.

  “What is it, Bailey? Are you OK?” Luke asked frantically, pulling the girl to her feet, feeling for broken bones and scanning for blood.

  She was standing, clutching her chest, and staring at Sam.

  Sam looked frantically between Bailey and Luke, wide eyes filled with confusion and concern, “What’s wrong, what did I do?”

  Luke repeated insistently to Bailey, “Bailey, are you OK?”

  Bailey nodded her head wildly in the affirmative.

  “Why did you scream?” Luke tried to stay calm and steady, he found that always worked best with the kids.

  Bailey pointed at Sam, “Are you the girl that knows Karina Black?”

  Sam looked visibly relieved as her shoulders slumped and she let out a huge breath, one that Luke hadn’t even noticed she was holding.

  She smiled and said, “Oh, yes. Karina is one of my best friends.”

  “AHHHHHHHHHHHH” both Ariel and Bailey screamed and ran around in circles. Christopher rolled his eyes.

  Sam laughed as Luke grabbed a girl under each arm, “Ok hooligans, settle down.”

  He tossed them both playfully on the couch, “This is Uncle Luke’s friend Sam. Sam, these two beautiful princesses are Ariel and Bailey and this young prince…”

  “Power Ranger,” Christopher corrected.

  Luke smiled, “I’m sorry, this Power Ranger is Christopher.”

  Sam smiled at the girls first, “Nice
to meet you, I don’t think I’ve ever met a real life princess before.”

  Bailey crinkled her forehead in confusion, “But you JUST said you know Karina Black.”

  Sam laughed, “Well...yes. Good point.”

  Ariel, the youngest, got up on her knees and leaned in to whisper in Sam’s ear, “Anyway, we’re not real princesses, but don’t tell Uncle Luke.”

  Luke turned away pretending not to hear, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Sam nod and give Ariel the thumbs up sign.

  “And, Mr. Power Ranger, I hear you are going to be a big brother.”

  “Yep,” Christopher smiled brightly.

  “You’re so lucky. I always wanted to big a big sister.”

  Christopher defended himself, “I not going to be a big sistuh! I going to be a big bruder!”

  Sam quickly recovered, “Yes, again. Good point. And I bet you are going to be the best big brother ever.”

  That seemed to pacify Christopher and he hopped off the couch to play with his trucks.

  The girls jumped right in, peppering Sam with thousands of ‘Karina Black’ questions.

  “Is she nice?”

  “Is she as pretty in real life?”

  “Have you ever heard her sing?”

  “Do you know Ryan?”

  “Have you ever been to her concerts?”

  “What does she like to eat?”

  “What's her favorite color?”

  “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “When will you see her again?”

  “Do you have any pictures of you and Karina?”

  Sam handled each question patiently, even though every one of her answers was followed by a blood curdling scream.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours of endless questions but what was probably only about 45 minutes, the girls wanted to play board games.

  Christopher wanted to race his RC cars with his Uncle Luke, so Sam played UNO with the girls, followed by Candy Land, and then wrapped it up with a very suspenseful game of Clue.

  After a few hours, it was lunch time, and they dined on peanut butter and jelly, apples, goldfish and Capri Suns.

  When their lunches started to settle, Christopher began to look sleepy. He was definitely getting a bit cranky but did NOT want to take a nap. Luke knew that there was an easy way to make a nap happen without having to start World War III with Christopher, so he said, “Movie time for munchkins! You three go pick one out while I clean up.”


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