City of Sin

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City of Sin Page 12

by Ford, Mia

  Luckily for me, Mia is here. She’s been my saving grace. Thank God fate intervened and made sure it was her who found me in that alleyway, not someone else. She’s taking control, she’s my calming influence.

  “Okay, so you need to get the money sorted in whatever means necessary,” she tells me firmly. “Then we need to contact the police because this transaction needs to be done in front of the authorities.”

  “What do you mean by that? Why do we have to get the cops involved?”

  “Are you serious? You need back up, you have no guarantee that Hayley won’t betray you.”

  The tight knot gets even tighter in my chest, painfully so. I almost can’t breathe. “What do you think is going to happen? Do you think that she’s lying to me about Alex? I need to get him back.”

  “I know you do, which is why I think you need the police.”

  I don’t know if I like the idea, but she isn’t as twisted up as me. She’s the only person in this room who has her head on straight so I need to listen to her. Hopefully, I can trust her and it doesn’t back fire.

  “Okay, fine. So, shall I get the money? You talk to the police?”

  “Yes, fine. I don’t mind doing that. I’ll get an officer here but I think you’ll need to do a lot of the talking because you understand this situation way better than I do. Does that make sense?”

  I nod again. I’ve explained it all to her, but I am emotional so I probably didn’t make myself clear.

  “Right, okay, and are there any other family members you might want to tell first? Because once we get the cops involved there’s a chance this story might end up on the news and it’ll be better to hear it from you.”

  I gulp and nod, knowing that what I have to say next will open a massive can of worms. “Yeah, my mom.”

  “I know it won’t be easy, but she’ll be fuming if she hears it on TV, or if Hayley gets there first.”

  “Oh, fucking hell. Yeah, you’re right. She’ll go ballistic. I’ll call her too.”

  Mia hands me my phone and gives me a look, indicating that it’s time to get started. I sigh deeply and head up the stairs while calling my mother. The money is much less of an issue. I have a safe full of emergency money just in case my business ever crashes or anything. Hayley knows this which is why she’s coming for me. She knows that I can do it, she’s using her fucking knowledge about me against me.

  I wonder why she hasn’t ever done it before. She could have done this over and over again.

  “Hello, Noah, are you okay? I’ve just been watching the marathon…”

  “Mom, I have something to tell you and it isn’t going to be easy to hear.”

  “Oh God, what is it?” Immediately, she sounds panicked. “You sound really freaked.”

  My phone bleeps against my ear so I pull it away to see who’s messaged me.

  Hayley: Time is ticking down. I hope you’re in your safe…

  Lovely. A taunt, just what I need right now. I feel a prickle on the back of my neck like she’s watching me.

  “Hayley has been causing trouble again, this time it’s really bad…”

  “What has that woman done now?” She’s fuming, I can hear it.

  “She’s…” Oh God, this is going to be horrible. “She’s taken Alex.”

  “What the…” I have to take the phone away from my head as she screeches a string of expletives at me. If the situation had been any different at all, I would have prefered to tell her face to face. “Where is she?”

  “She wants money, Mom, that’s all it is. It’s going to end okay because I’m going to pay her off.”

  “Pay her how much? In the millions, I bet. I hate that woman so much.”

  “Yes, Mom. It is a lot, but I need to get Alex back. You understand that.”

  “I’m coming over to be with you. I’m calling a cab right now.”

  “No, Mom, you don’t have to do that… I have it under control. I just didn’t want you to hear it from anywhere else, that’s all. I know you will worry, but I don’t want you to freak out…”

  “No way, I’m not sitting around here while you go through this. I won’t be able to stay still.”

  “Okay, Mom.” I know that I won’t be able to calm her down now. “I guess I’ll see you soon then.”

  I hang up the phone just in time as Mia comes thundering up the stairs two at a time. “The police are coming. There is an officer or two on the way now… are you okay? You look all freaked out.”

  “My mom is on the way now. I guess you’ll be meeting her.”

  I don’t know what that look in Mia’s eye means, I don’t know what the look in my eyes mean. I barely know anything anymore. I’m just all raw and exposed, more vulnerable than I’ve ever been before, and I’m glad that she’s here. I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world by my side through this crisis.

  “Okay, well that’s okay, there isn’t anything to worry about. Let’s get all prepared.”

  “Can you help me count the money? I want to get it done quickly.”

  She nods and watches as I pile the notes out, onto the bed. I can see that she’s shocked, but she gets on with it all the same. She counts it out, keeping her shock inside. Thank goodness, because I can’t deal with anything else than I already have right now. I’m literally on the edge.

  * * *

  My home has become a circus, there are people everywhere. Jenny’s sister has come out to support her since she refuses to leave until Alex is back, my mom is talking away to the endless police officers that are marching through here, I feel like I’ve lost all control of the situation. It’s only Mia keeping me insane.

  Hayley: I hope the money is ready. Only an hour left.

  Hayley: Why are you ignoring me again? I’m getting impatient.

  Hayley: Half an hour left…

  “Don’t worry about the messages,” Mia says reassuringly while rubbing my arm. “She’s desperate.”

  I nod along with her, knowing that she’s been an angel. “I know, thank you.”

  “Are you all prepared? You know the plan, right?”

  “I’m just worried about the cops following me. What if Hayley sees and things go bad?”

  “That isn’t going to happen. They know what they are doing. They probably do this sort of thing more than you think. The police know what’s at stake and they want you to succeed.”

  “Yeah, I just… I can’t stop being nervous about it.”

  She leans her head softly against me and I take the body warmth from her gratefully. I’ve been icy cold ever since I first got that phone call from Jenny with those dreadful life altering words.

  “Your mom is an awesome woman. She seems very strong.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know how I’m going stop her from kicking Hayley’s ass for this. She hates her.”

  I watch my mom talking animatedly to the police officers about everything that’s been happening for years now. She’s probably going into far too much detail for them, making it more complicated than it needs to be, but I don’t have the inner strength to stop it. I’ve just lost all the power that I usually have inside.

  “Are you ready for eight o clock? We probably should get ready to go in a moment.”

  I glance at my watch for what feels like the millionth time. “Yeah, I agree.”

  Mia takes control again and she goes about the room telling everyone that it’s time to think about leaving. Gratitude runs through my body as I witness her sorting it all out. Honestly, she’s incredible. How did I ever think it a good idea to keep myself a secret from her? She’s everything, she would understand it all. I think back to our relationship and I imagine just letting her in. How different things could be now. I could have it all. This mess with Hayley probably wouldn’t have even happened because Mia would have told me how to handle it. She would have me sorted. I should’ve given her a chance, I was a freaking idiot.

  “Come on then.” Mia slides her hand through mine. “Let’s get to the car. Let’s do t

  * * *

  The drive over is horrible. It’s the worst thing in the world. I insisted on driving which I only regret when I get out onto the roads and my hands are shaking. I keep peeking in the mirror to see behind me, to look for the cops, but true to their word they have kept a respectful distance the whole time.

  My hand slips of the steering wheel ever so often because of the sweat slicking over my skin. Nerves shot like little snakes through my system, coiling through my organs. Every second of it is torture.

  “Is the case of money still in the back,” I demand. “I didn’t forget it, did I?”

  “No, it’s there.” Mia sounds more stoic now. “Don’t worry, we have everything.”

  “I shouldn’t have let you come along.” I shake my head. “I shouldn’t. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I wouldn’t let you come alone and you know it. You need some back up.”

  I dart my eyes towards her. “What if it pisses Hayley off that I’ve brought a woman along?”

  “I don’t know if that will bother her. She just wants the money, doesn’t she?”

  “She has messaged me about you before. I think she was watching us.”

  “Holy shit, why didn’t you tell me that before?” Mia yells.

  “What if she was watching us now and she knows about the police? She might be about ten steps ahead of us.”

  “She hasn’t said anything in the messages and I know she can’t help herself. She loves to brag.”

  “Oh God, now I’m really worried.” She rubs her head hard. “Now, I don’t know what to think.”

  “It’ll be fine. I’m sure she would have told me.”

  “It could be a game,” she insists. “It could all be a plan. She might be smarter than you think.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to think about that right now.”

  Mia’s anxiety creeps in with my own and we both stew in a pit of panic just waiting until we get there. This better not go badly, I won’t be able to relax now until we get there. Luckily, we’re only moments away, so this hideous anticipation won’t need to last too much longer.

  “This is it,” I whisper as we pull up into the business park. “We’re here.”

  “Can you see anyone?” Mia’s voice shakes. “This place is weirdly empty.”

  I peer up, unable to know for sure. “Not yet, I need to go a little closer.”

  “Okay, drive slower. Let’s keep an eye out. We need to be sure.”

  My heart thumps hard against my sternum, my body zig zagging with nerves. This is it, the moment is here, I don’t know how to keep myself cool. This is the worst fucking thing that Hayley has ever done and it leaves me worried about what she’s capable of.

  “Oh fuck,” I gush out as I spot shadows moving, flickering, dancing. “We’re here. There she is.”



  Hayley is nothing like I expected, not at all. I had this witchy image of her in my mind, black long hair, ugly features type of woman who’s willing to kidnap her own child to try and extortionate money. But she isn’t like that at all. She’s got buttery blonde hair, a sweet heart shaped face, and bug fake boobs. Not only does she not look evil. She also doesn’t look like someone I can imagine Noah with. But she must be.

  “That’s really her?” I gasp back. “Where is your boy?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t see him.” He reaches back and grabs the case. “You stay here.”

  At first, I do as he commands. I remain frozen in the seat while Noah takes a few giant strides closer to his ex. Her expression is soft, she almost looks like she might be making flirty comments at him, but that soon falls off her face. I guess she isn’t getting back whatever she wants. Then she looks much nastier.

  With my heart pounding I crack the window open slightly to let some of the words sink in.

  “…this is ridiculous, you have no idea what you’re doing here…”

  She sounds pissed off. I don’t like the edge to her tone. Maybe she normally sounds this way but to me it’s as if she could lose her freaking mind at any moment. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to act badly and make this worse, but I also don’t want to leave him out there alone to get in the shit.

  Where the hell are the cops? I turn and glance behind me, but I suppose they aren’t going to show themselves this quickly. We had a plan but it’s all gone from my mind. I can’t think of anything.

  “…you bring your slut with you?” Shit, Hayley’s voice drags me into it. “…that appropriate?”

  I can’t hear Noah’s end of the conversation, he’s mumbling too quietly, but this is about me now. I click the door open to try and hear some more. The air rushes in and I feel even sicker to my stomach.

  “…this is about your son. Do you even give a shit about him?”

  “Don’t you dare throw that at me, Hayley, you have no right to talk about him.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m the one who has him right now, not you.”

  “Because you kidnapped him, you absolute crazy bitch.”

  I cringe, he needs to try and remember that Hayley does have something that he wants back. He’s letting his mouth get away with him and if he isn’t careful, he will tip her to somewhere very bad.

  “I’m his mother, I can’t kidnap him.”

  “So, taking him from his nanny and demanding money for his return isn’t kidnapping?”

  “Don’t turn it into a big thing, we’re just doing what we’re doing.”

  “Look, where is Alex? I’m not giving you any money until I see that he’s okay.”

  “I’m not a monster. I haven’t hurt him, this is just a warning. He’s with Bryan.”

  “Your new boyfriend? That is disgusting.” I can see the rage in Noah and it scares me.

  “Oh, but it’s okay for him to meet the slut in the car? You don’t care about that?”

  “Alex hasn’t met any of the women in my life, so you might as well shut that down.”

  “I’m bored of talking to you now, so let’s just hand over the money already.”

  “I just told you, that is not happening. Not until I see Alex.”

  Something catches my eye, a glinting coming from Hayley’s side. It takes me a couple of seconds to process it, but I eventually realize that it’s metal which can only mean one thing. I dive out the car, stumbling to the ground as I go and the words fly out my mouth before I can really think about it.

  “Noah, she’s got a weapon,” I scream.” Be careful.”

  A look of sheer pleasure crosses Hayley’s face as she waves the gun around, now happy to have it known. “What did you expect me to do? Come out here unarmed? The world is a very dangerous place for a woman alone. I’m not an idiot, Noah, I have no idea what you intend to do to me!”.

  The gun points at me and I hit the ground hard, trying to avoid the inevitable bullets flying my way. But I don’t hear a bang, just a cackling evil laughter coming from Noah’s ex.

  “She scares easy, doesn’t she, Noah? I can’t imagine you being with such a wimp.”

  “Put that fucking gun away, don’t be crazy. We don’t want anyone to get hurt here. There’s absolutely no need for it. I have the money right here, I’ve done everything that you asked of me.”

  “I didn’t ask you to bring her along, did I? I don’t want to see your latest screw.”

  “Mia is nothing to do with this. Nothing at all, leave her out of it.”

  “If she wasn’t anything to do with this, then she wouldn’t be here, would she?”

  “You have your support and I have mine.”

  “Oh, so she’s here to look after you, is she? To protect you from me?”

  “Where is Alex, Hayley? I’m not getting into a fight.”

  “Once I call Bryan out here, I need the money quick. The man is desperate. I don’t know what he’ll do.”

  “Why are with you someone like that, Hayley? It makes no sense.”

  She cackles again. As she do
es I find the energy to peel myself off the dusty ground and I discretely try to clean myself off. This is so fucking embarrassing. I can’t believe the mess I’m in. I thought I was doing okay in the crisis, I assumed that I had been helping Noah today, now I’m not so sure.

  “Oh, you want me back now, Noah? You fed up of the red haired boring bitch. You want to get our family back together and live a happy ever after? We can’t do that, can we? It didn’t work.”

  “I wouldn’t let you back in my life even if you wanted to, we are done, Hayley. I just want to know what you’re doing with the man who gets you into this mess. I might not love you anymore but I don’t want to see you making all of these foolish mistakes. This isn’t you at all. Can’t you see that?”


  This time the gun shot was real and it shattered all the way through my head. Not literally, just the sound. I darted my eyes everywhere but Noah wasn’t hurt. Nor was Hayley. She looked more shocked than anything else.

  “I am not having anyone fucking speaking about me like I’m a dickhead.”

  Uh oh. The man I presume is Bryan comes into view and he isn’t messing around. He’s got a giant scar across his cheek like he’s been involved in some serious fights in his life. That’s probably what’s got him into this mess. He’s in some kind of criminal gang or something which is why he needs this cash.

  “I’m sorry, mate, I don’t even know who you are, I just want my son back.”

  “Your son is back there.” Noah takes a step towards where Bryan has just pointed, but he halts when Bryan fires off another warning shot. “Oh no, I’m the one with all the power here. Don’t you forget that.”

  “Alright sure, I’ve remembered.” Noah is back to being pissed off. “I have the money so can we just do this?”

  “I need to count it out first. I want to make sure every penny is there.” His eyes make their way up my body. I fold my arms across my chest to keep myself covered up. “Then I think we should have some fun.”


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