Nexus of Change (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 2)

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Nexus of Change (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 2) Page 17

by K. E. Young

  His grin to Mero was unsympathetic. "Poor Mero will lose his assistant before he has even finished training her. I have yet to determine what role she will fulfill in my court, but I have high expectations. Somehow, given her accomplishments so far, she won't find it too difficult to meet those expectations. Perhaps even exceed them." He raised his wine glass. "To Princess Kendra, the newest daughter of the Drakkeni Imperial clan."

  This was the first time it truly hit home that Mero and Geran were serious about the royalty thing. Now it was public, official even, I panicked a little. I knew nothing about being royal! What if I let everyone down? A wave of reassurance flowed from Mero and I calmed down. I had Mero's and Dantalion's help, and I could rely on them.

  I was still twigging though.

  Mero and Geran insulated me from Nurian and Sandish, but they were still within earshot. Nurian was just as arrogant and pushy as I had thought. Sandish seemed to be all right, but was loud and rambled a lot about the old days before dragonlords took over. He seemed to believe the pre-dragonlord days were a golden age. Despite that, he thought it was wonderful that Lord Cassettis had found his chosen and that a female dragonkin had manifested in the world.

  I wondered if he really was as daft as he seemed. Nurian, however, would be safest six feet under. I didn't trust him any further than I could throw him and my dragon bristled at the sight of him. I knew he was trouble, I just couldn't prove it. Yet.

  In between my occasional comments to Mero and Geran, I examined the other diners. After a time, I noticed that the men would look up at Nurian whenever his voice rose, but never when Sandish's did. When Mero or Geran's voice rose, there was a scattered response. I thought it said a great deal about the dynamics on the court's side of things. Unfortunately, it gave me even more reason to worry about the power structure of my new home.

  I reached down and petted Mero's thigh. The velvet felt as nice as I thought it would, as did the leg underneath. Mero looked over at me sidelong and I leaned closer indicating I wanted to talk. He finished his comments to Sandish and tipped an ear towards me without taking his eyes off Sandish. I leaned closer. "Watch the men when Nurian, Sandish, you, or Geran speak up. Make a note of who reacts and when. It's interesting." Mero kept a subtle eye on the court after that. I was wondering if he would see what I saw. Near the end of the dinner, I saw him look toward me, and nod a little. He had spotted something not right as well.

  In time, the dinner wound down and Mero, Geran, and I could escape, but not before Nurian inflicted himself on me. "Princess Kendra, the High-Lord claims you are a warrior. Are the men of your world so weak that it's common for women to defend them?"

  Right out of the gate and I wanted to smack him. As a result, my words were sharp. "On the contrary Lord Nurian, my ancestors decided that regardless of the strength of the man, a weak woman will only breed weak offspring and have thus chosen stronger, more intelligent, and capable women. They've mostly been right.

  "My line dates back almost two thousand years and includes some of the greatest warriors and statesmen my world has ever known. A significant number of those ancestors won a title on their own merits, usually on the battlefield and some of those battlefields were won by women.

  "Just because you purposely keep the women of your own country weak and submissive, don't assume that all women are like them. Although, I would think the scales and claws would have been enough of a clue."

  Nurian didn't seem to like that answer but said, "Perhaps so. I will leave you for now. Perhaps we can speak again later." I nodded and watched him make his way out, speaking quietly to others as he exited.

  Sandish approached me. "You haven't made a friend there, Lady Kendra, but you already know that, don't you?" he murmured.

  The pieces rearranged themselves in my head as I turned towards Sandish thoughtfully. "Yes, I do. He wants to be king and he thinks he can do it, doesn't he?"

  A tiny approving smile lit his face. "Of course he does. He plots against the dragonlords because they stand in the way of what he wants. I think he hoped that you might prove useful to him, but you just made him look bad. He holds grudges. Now, he will target you even above the others."

  His voice dropped even lower as members of the court drifted closer. "While the days before the dragonlords were good for the nobility, I'm not blind to the fact that the dragonlords have been excellent for this country in all other respects. You dragonlords shouldn't trust him. He would make a very bad king. But you didn't hear that from me."

  Sandish wasn't at all as daft as he presented himself. I wondered what he had heard. "So why speak to me? I'm only a woman, and a Nakairu at that."

  "I speak to you because you are an outsider and not a powerless one either. You see things as they are, I can see it in your eyes. My wife was like you, an outsider although not a Nakairu. She saw things here far more clearly than I ever did. She opened my eyes. Now she's dead, I speak of the 'good old days' so they let me stay around where I can listen. I like to keep an eye on things and I've begun to worry since Nurian arrived six months ago. Your arrival gives me hope."

  I rather liked the elderly man and he made me smile. "I'll do my best." He smiled back, patted my hand, and moved away.

  I turned to Mero who raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, that was a far more interesting dinner than I expected. I learned more than I thought I would. Perhaps I should do it more often," he said.

  I snorted. "Oh, I wouldn't get too carried away if I were you. I expect this was a one-time experience."

  He laughed. "I'm sure that Geran enjoyed it, or at least parts of it." He looked a little smug at that. "The gods know I did. I wish I had a memory stone recording of when you chopped Nurian's legs off there at the end."

  I returned his laugh. "Aw, I was hoping you enjoyed me petting your pants. That was my favorite bit." He rested his forehead against mine and hummed.

  "All right you two, that's enough for now. Dantalion informed me he would have a bottle ready for us and we need to talk. Privately." Geran patted my shoulder before striding off.

  Chapter 12

  Day 7: 45th Day of Sanctuary, 3866

  We adjourned to the same salon the dragonlords spent evenings in. My attire caused a few double-takes, but not enough to make me uncomfortable. Dantalion was sitting next to the fire with an open bottle of wine and several glasses waiting in front of him. Mero and I sat on a couch next to him while Geran pulled up a chair.

  "So how bad was dinner?" Dantalion asked as he poured.

  Mero chuckled and Geran flashed a feral grin before responding. "It was surprisingly entertaining and far more informative than I thought possible."

  "Oh, Dantalion, I wish you could have seen Faldin's face when Kendra said she would eat him for breakfast. I thought he was about to have a heart attack." Mero's grin was gleeful.

  Geran gave a surprised laugh. "Is that what she said? He was panicking when he told Nurian that they had no choice but to move him to a lower status seat."

  Color me confused. "Why? It's just a saying. It means that defeating them would be so easy it's almost not worth the effort."

  Dantalion tried to wipe the grin off his face as he answered. "Dragons don't lie, sister. It's a well-known fact. When you told Faldin that you would eat him for breakfast he took it literally."

  I should watch my mouth. "Oh, hell no. I don't know where he's been. He'd make me sick." Geran nearly spat out his wine on that one.

  "I was rather hoping that Nurian would do something stupid," Mero interjected.

  Geran huffed and wiped a drop off his chin. "Not with me there. If it had just been you two, or only Kendra he might have. I'm glad Kendra wasn't close enough to hear what he was saying before we resolved the seating issue. We'd still be cleaning up the blood if she had."

  If I had a single positive thought about Nurian, that would have killed it right there. "If he says anything even vaguely insulting again, can I beat the crap out of him?" I hoped that Geran would say yes. It would be
easy to have an 'accident' that either killed him or left him a vegetable. The thought brought me up short and I paused for a moment. Just when had I become so bloodthirsty?

  Geran's smile said I didn't fool him. "You can pound on him enough to get the point across, but nothing permanent. Mero, I want you to wait until he heals up somewhat before doing any pounding of your own. The same goes for you Dantalion."

  I thought about it. "Are you sure that even three beatings will make a dent in his ego if it's not permanent?"

  Geran grinned. "Four. I plan on exacting my own."

  Here I was, back to thinking he wasn't such a bad guy. I was actually liking him. He had as much of a mean streak as I did. Maybe it would have been okay in his household after all. The moment I thought that, my eyes flited to Mero and wave of proprietary contentment passed through me.

  It wouldn't have mattered. My dragon had spoken. Even if I had joined Geran's household, I still would have ended up right where I was.

  Dantalion laughed. "I'm almost sorry I missed it! Almost."

  I chuckled. "I rather liked Sandish though. Geran, what did you think of what he had to say?"

  Geran looked equal parts grim and thoughtful. "I didn't hear everything he had to say, but what I heard worries me. It appears I haven't been paying enough attention to the plotting of the nobles of late. Nurian bears close watching. Mero, I know most of your agents are out in the field, but could you direct someone to look into Nurian? I would be interested in just who he talks to and about what."

  "I was already planning on it. Kendra pointed out something interesting during dinner that I'm not sure I would have noticed otherwise." Geran gave him a questioning glance. "A few would listen when any of us spoke, not many, but if Nurian spoke up, they all listened, every one of them. They may have been subtle about it, but they paid very close attention."

  Geran's grim expression intensified. "Demon spit. I'm even more worried now. I know you're concerned over Marin, but can you make this a priority? If all of them are listening to him, then we may not have much time."

  Mero sighed. "The news gets worse. Sebas cornered Kendra at the reception with some very interesting news." He looked abashed. "He seems to think she's more reliable at the moment than I am. Anyway, I already have people looking into it on our end."

  Geran's eyes flitted to me. "Does this have anything to do with why Nurian being related to the old king makes him dangerous?"

  I sighed. "It does. The last thing Sebas told me was that he had overheard some of the lords talking about a 'king-in-waiting'.

  Dantalion's looked alarmed. "Are we discussing treason? Would it be worthwhile for me to pull troops back here? Perhaps in civilian garb?"

  Geran mulled it over. "Yes. If Sebas is volunteering information on the matter, it's serious. Work with Harad. He can help you get half a phalanx into the palace unnoticed. I want them close in case we need them."

  I didn't think a frontal attack would be Nurian's choice. He was slime and slime always takes the easy route. He would do something sneaky to get the dragonlords out of the way first. "You might look into securing the food and drink here at the palace. Drugging or poisoning the dragonlords' wine or dinner would be an easy way to get you all out of the way or at least weaken you enough to make an attack successful."

  My newborn bloodthirsty streak insisted on presenting its idea for a solution. "Perhaps it would just be better if Nurian went to sleep one night and didn't wake up, or he could trip on the stairs and break his neck, maybe stabbed by a thief in the town, something…"

  "Yes, but then we risk someone else taking over from him and not being able to identify them in time, my love." Mero's words may have been chastising, but I could feel his approval of the overall sentiment through our bond.

  Speaking of which, that sucker was just getting stronger wasn't it? Would Mero and I be able to speak mind-to-mind the way the dragons can? No. I remembered that Mero said it was a dragon skill. I felt equal parts disappointment and relief that it wasn't an option.

  I returned to the subject at hand. Mero had a point. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Usually. "Well, let's hope they don't make a move until after our expected guests from Drakken leave. I wish I could believe Nurian would actually wait though. He thinks he can get away with assassinating all of us so I don't think he's thought the consequences through. Stupid of him given the recent war against the Arboren. Adding Mero's mother to the situation just makes it more difficult." The thought brought Mero's words to mind and my dragon flared in anger.

  I had realized that my inner demon was indeed my dragon. Still a part of me, but definitely her own… was person even the right word? She had even more of a temper than I did too. My dragon and I very much wanted to dismantle Mero's mom after hearing his latest confession about her actions. Preferably with a cheese grater.

  "Ah. Mero told you about her?" Geran had an amused expression.

  "He may have mentioned her." The words came out as a growl so I gave myself a shake and changed the subject. "I have a question. If she's still alive, why does Mero have her promise bracelet?"

  Mero smoothed his hair with one hand. "The promise bracelet actually belongs to the giver, not the receiver. Other jewelry becomes the property of the receiver, but not that one item. The chosen returns it to the giver during the wedding ceremony when he or she replaces it with the bonding bracelet. When my father died, I inherited it."

  His phrasing caught my attention. "He or she. So it's not always the male who chooses?"

  Geran's eyes were merry. "No. Often it's the female. In a way, you yourself were the one to choose when you bit Mero. Perhaps I should ask if you have a promise bracelet for him."

  I thought over the fortune sitting in the chest. There were a couple of heavy Navajo men's bracelets in there my grandfather used to wear. "I think I have something big enough for him. I'll look through what I have." Glancing over at Mero, he looked even more pleased than Geran did.

  Geran chuckled. "I am happy that the Goddess brought you, Kendra. You remind me of my mother. You fit into the family as if born there. I'm glad I said yes when you two petitioned to marry. I tell you now Mero, if Kendra hadn't shown that she wanted it, I would have said no."

  Mero sobered. "Thal said you spoke to her. Did you try to convince her to change her mind?"

  Geran looked sad. "I wanted to be sure she understood you. You are not an easy man my friend. Besides, I needed to show her Sara's chronicle. It was necessary she know."

  Dantalion set his wine cup down. "You didn't give her Sam's?"

  Geran gave him a measuring glance. "What Sara did was legendary, but she had help. No one else could have done what she did, but she could not have done it alone. Sam's Task was likewise legendary but in a different way. Sam performed it without aid. She was alone and in my eyes, what she did was all the greater for that. However, the Goddess didn't speak to Sam so there was nothing in her chronicle that could have added to what you can tell. Sam was your foster mother. There is no one else here more qualified to speak on her or her Task than you are and Kendra can learn more of it from you than from the chronicle."

  Geran's voice rose as if trying to throw off the somberness of the moment. "Besides, you claimed Kendra as your sister, just as I have. Shouldn't you tell your sister more of who her brother is? I intend to."

  Dantalion sighed as he picked up his cup again and took a sip. "You're right. I'm sorry. The Goddess's Tasks are a sensitive subject for me."

  Geran gave him a nod and a sympathetic nudge. "I understand. You are as much an oddity among the Nakairi as Kendra is. Perhaps together you will find your purpose in being here."

  Dantalion didn't sound at all hopeful when he whispered, "I hope so."

  I could feel Mero's discomfort at the direction the conversation had taken. Time to change the subject. "How long before we can expect guests from Drakken?"

  Dantalion roused himself from his funk. "It's a quarter day's travel in each direc
tion but we rarely fly at night unless it's an emergency. News went out immediately after you manifested in the morning. If we've seen no arrivals yet, then they'll wait until tomorrow to come. We could expect someone as soon as lunch tomorrow, but it will be longer before we can expect the Emperor to arrive."

  "The Emperor?"

  Geran smiled. "Do you think anyone less would come to welcome you to the family? First, the Emperor is Mero's uncle by marriage. Second, you have imperial coloration, not just royal. Add to that that you're the first female dragonlord in centuries and I don't see how anyone less would do. This is a historic occasion."

  "It's that important then?"

  "I'm afraid so. We're adopting you into the Imperial family but you won't be of the direct line, meaning you wouldn't be able to inherit the throne. Your children might though. The only thing stopping you from taking Rendas' place as the heir is a lack of training and the fact you weren't born and raised in Drakken. The people would adore having an Imperial dragon on the throne again, but not one who knew nothing about the land or its history. Meanwhile, it is a good thing that Mero is the Emperor's nephew."

  I mused on this. Mero is a nephew of the Emperor. Well, that explains the skank's insistence on staying part of the family, power. "So, the Emperor, Mero's other uncle and mother, who else should I know of?"

  "It's too early to tell. It depends on who is at court when Alal gets there with the news. I can't imagine that the Emperor will take more than a day to decide who will come with him. His guard of course, Kelan and Halara, mother, Ziri, Rendas and his mate, and hopefully Daro. I'm hoping Sen will come back too." Geran looked hopeful at the thought of Sen's return.

  "Who are all these people?"

  He looked amused. "Ziri is my sister. Sen is my mate. She's visiting family right now. Kelan and Halara are Mero's unfortunate relatives. Rendas is my elder brother and Daro is a younger brother. You'll like him. He's almost as irreverent as you, mother, and Ziri. He's done a fair bit of travel despite his youth and he's been boasting of some martial art he picked up west of Direnis along the way. I'm curious to see how he does against you."


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