Paradisal Tragedy

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Paradisal Tragedy Page 23

by Ada Marie

  Lastly, there was Lucas, the man she had pushed away every chance she got. It wasn’t enough though, because as much as she pushed, he pushed harder. She fought him for months, not wanting to let him in, fearful that she’d only end up with another broken heart. The way Ian hurt her had consumed her. It broke her. She vowed to never feel that way again, even if it meant ruining her own happiness.

  Somewhere along the lines though, something changed with Lucas, something big enough for her to open her heart up and love him. It had been the best decision she’d ever made. She loved him, and they were perfect together. Could she have the heart to tell him that she wanted this opportunity? Did she want it? What would it mean for their relationship?

  Sighing, Allison decided to finally pick up a manuscript; she’d think about all her worries later. Right now she only wanted to get lost inside a book. Her reality could wait. She knew she had to do it soon, but she had no desire to choose between her loved ones and her dream.


  Xavier- I can’t even explain in words how much you were the biggest influence and supporter throughout the journey of the last few months with publishing this book. You believed in me like no one else did, and did your best to help me accomplish my dream. On the days when I was falling apart and the doubt in me was incredibly overwhelming, you just took my hand and told me that it would all be okay, and I love you for that, you’re honestly the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ask for. I’ve accomplished with this book because of you, so thank you!!!! You’re truly amazing.

  Mom- Thanks for believing in my writing and always telling me I could do whatever put my mind to. I love you.

  Erica Mayer- Thanks for always putting up with me and believing in my dream when no one else did. You’ve been a great support system and I can’t explain in words how grateful I was to have you as my mom and dad growing up. I love you.

  Jordyn Kinder- Our friendship was something much unexpected but I’m so glad that you braced me with your presence in my life. I can’t tell you how truly much it has meant to have that one person that never stopped showing how much they supported you, even through the times we didn’t chat. Out of all the people you’re probably my biggest supporter when it came to helping me promote and stay on task, you helped me in so many ways, listened to my frustrations and doubts and honestly, you were such a true friend throughout this whole process. I owe you so much, my little star. Thank you for all you’ve done for me.

  Laura, Sarah, and Candice- Without your support, I honestly have no idea what I’d do. Each of you has been there for me at one time or another and I honestly couldn’t thank you enough, even on my self-doubt days, you all saw the best in me and helped me through it.

  Megan Toby Gallt- I can’t express in words how much your support has meant to me. You’re such an amazing friend and this book wouldn’t have been possible without you. You were the first blogger I ever reached out to and ever since you’ve been such a great support system, thank you.

  Shanda Payne- You were the first person to ever read The Power of Love and loved it instantly. I can’t tell you how much all your support means to me. You’ve been here for me through so many doubts and I couldn’t or wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have you.

  Stephenie and Savannah- I’ll never forget the days I spent with you at pace. The memories we shared and all the encouragement you gave me to pursue a dream that everyone else told me was silly. Out of everyone you two have the biggest hands in where I am today. Without your emotional support and pushing me to do what I love, I probably would still be keeping my writing to myself.

  Shay- You’ve always inspired and encouraged me to follow my dream of being a writer since I was sixteen. I thought there was no way I could do it for a living, but your words telling me to never give up were always burned into the back of my mind. Thank you for always being here, not just as my former English teacher, but helping me with some editing. Before and after rewrites. This book wouldn’t be published without you.

  Melanie White Smith- I can’t explain how much your support means to me. Meeting you was a blessing, and I’m so thankful to be able to call you a friend. You’re the one person who always gives me honesty, when it comes to my books, you never sugar coat, you tell me whether you think something is realistic or not, and I can’t tell you how much I need that. As an author, I only ever want honesty, even if it’s not what I want to hear, and on top of that you’re just one of my biggest supporters and no matter what you’re always trying to help me and I can’t say thank you enough. So thank you for supporting and believing me.

  Jennifer and Kirsty- You guys are truly amazing supporters and I’m thankful to have you in my life.

  And to all the amazing authors I’ve met who’ve helped me with the smallest things. There are honestly way too many to name. Coming into the Indie world I never once expected to make so many amazing friends. You’ve all helped me in some way and I can never thank you enough for that.

  To all my beta readers, thank you for giving my book a chance when you barely knew anything about it. I can’t tell you how much your love and support of Paradisal Tragedy means to me. You guys love it before anyone, and you’re a big part in how I came about being more confident about it.

  And to all my readers!!! I have a hard time with calling you fans so I’m sticking to readers!! Anyway, I wouldn’t be here without all your amazing support, constant questions, sharing and just supporting me through this amazing journey. You guys are truly amazing and I couldn’t ever ask for more than what you’ve given me. THANK YOU!




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