Aim for the Top

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Aim for the Top Page 4

by Aleesah Darlison

  ‘I didn’t want to make a big deal of it.’

  ‘That was nice of you.’ Jade took a deep breath. ‘Are we really friends? Like you told the instructor?’

  ‘Of course! Why wouldn’t we be?’

  ‘Well, you have Maia as a friend. And the other Gems. Plus you have plenty of friends at school. Why do you need me for a friend?’

  Isabella blinked. ‘Sometimes you say the weirdest things, Jade! I can be friends with lots of people. So can you.’

  ‘And Maia won’t mind if we hang out together?’

  ‘No way! Maia’s not like that at all. She’s only been here for a little while, so she remembers how it feels not knowing anyone. I bet she’d hang out with both of us if she had the chance.’

  ‘I hope so,’ Jade said. ‘The problem is, I haven’t always been nice. I’m not good at making friends. I guess I’m just –’

  ‘Competitive?’ Isabella interrupted her. ‘Focused? Determined?’

  ‘All those things.’ Jade sighed. ‘I try too hard and I never admit when I make a mistake. And I often say the wrong thing, even though I don’t mean to. Nobody likes me.’

  ‘That’s not true. They just need a chance to get to know you.’

  ‘I wish I could get to know Phoebe better. I think it would make a big difference in how we work together in the goal circle.’

  ‘Phoebe can be very shy,’ Isabella admitted.

  ‘Well … I had an idea. I want to invite the Gems for a sleepover on Saturday so I can get to know them properly. I want to try to be a better teammate. What do you think?’

  ‘That’s a fantastic idea!’ Isabella said. ‘Count me in.’

  Relief flooded through Jade. She was glad Isabella thought she was doing the right thing. ‘Great!’ Jade said. ‘I’ll ask Mum to send the invites when I get home.’

  Isabella nodded towards the waves. ‘Why don’t we give surfing another try?’

  Jade wanted to be brave but the thought of going back into the water terrified her. ‘I’m not sure I can.’

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Isabella said. ‘I’ve got your back, buddy.’

  Jade stood up. ‘Okay. I trust you.’

  Chapter Fourteen

  ‘Mum! Guess what?’ Jade burst into the house. ‘I caught a wave. It was so much fun!’

  ‘That’s wonderful!’ Olive said. She was bent over her computer, staring at the screen. ‘Well done.’

  ‘And I think I’ve made a new friend,’ Jade said. ‘It’s Isabella from my netball team. She goes to my school, too. We’re surfing buddies.’

  ‘Is she the tall one with light brown hair?’ Mum asked, turning to face Jade.

  ‘No.’ Jade shook her head. ‘That’s Phoebe. Isabella is my height and has brown eyes and long brown hair. She’s very pretty. Oh, and she has three brothers.’

  Mum frowned. ‘I don’t remember her.’

  ‘Well, I spoke to Isabella about the sleepover,’ Jade said. ‘She thinks it’s a fantastic idea and she said she’ll come. Can we text the netball parents now?’

  ‘Of course. Let me see.’ Olive scanned through the contacts on her mobile. ‘Yep. I’ve got all the numbers here. What do you want to say?’

  Together Jade and her mum wrote the invitation:

  Your daughter is invited to a Gems team bonding sleepover at Jade’s house. 15 Paradise Parade, Marrang, 2 pm Saturday. Ice-cream and scary movies included. Please pack a pillow, sleeping-bag and netball for some fun games. See you then!

  ‘That looks good,’ Jade said.

  Mum pressed ‘Send’.

  Over the next few hours, Jade kept checking her mum’s mobile to see if anyone had responded. Isabella’s mum had replied immediately but nothing else came through all night.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Mum said. ‘It’s Friday night and some people might not be checking their messages.’

  What if everyone’s too busy or they don’t want to spend time with me? This is my last chance to fit in with the team this year.

  With a shock, Jade realised that she was as excited about just hanging out with the rest of the Gems as she was about the team-bonding exercises she’d thought up.

  Jade went to bed early, intent on getting a good night’s rest before tomorrow’s game. At around midnight, however, she woke because of a nightmare she’d been having. The Gems had lost their preliminary final and had to watch while the other team celebrated. Everyone had been devastated.

  Shaking her head to clear it, Jade slipped out from underneath the covers. Maybe a warm milk will help settle me so I can go back to sleep.

  Jade was surprised to see a light on as she padded down the hallway. She found her dad seated at the kitchen table. His laptop was on and papers were scattered all around but he was fast asleep, his head resting on the table.

  ‘Dad.’ Jade shook him gently. ‘Wake up.’

  Dad sat up, gazing around with blurry eyes. A receipt was stuck to his cheek. Jade peeled it off his face, trying not to laugh.

  ‘I must have fallen asleep,’ Dad said. ‘There are never enough hours in the day.’ He raked his hand through his grey-peppered hair. ‘What time is it?’

  ‘It’s past midnight.’ Jade felt sorry for her dad. He worked so hard.

  Dad gathered the papers together and tied them with a rubber band. ‘I guess this will have to wait until tomorrow. Why are you up?’

  ‘I had a nightmare that I lost my netball game tomorrow.’

  ‘Is it a big game?’

  ‘Don’t you remember?’ Jade said. ‘It’s the preliminary final.’

  Dad nodded. ‘That’s right. Sorry. I’m still a bit sleepy. Now, you know that losing isn’t an option, don’t you?’

  ‘I know, Dad, but sometimes it’s not that simple.’ Jade poured some milk into a mug then popped it in the microwave. She watched the milk spin on the turntable for a moment before speaking again. ‘I don’t suppose you can come and watch me play?’

  The microwave beeped. Jade removed the hot milk and sipped it.

  Dad yawned. ‘I wish I could but one of my boot camp groups was cancelled during the week because of the rain so we’re doing a make-up class tomorrow. It’s worth a lot of money, so I can’t say no.’

  ‘That’s okay. I understand,’ Jade said. She wondered whether her dad might have more time for her – and for sleep – if he wasn’t always so preoccupied with aiming for the top. ‘But if we make it to the grand final next week, can you please try to come?’

  ‘Sure thing. I’ll see what I can do.’

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jade wiped the sweat from her eyes and tried to catch her breath. Despite the mid-week storms, the sun had come out burning hot for Saturday’s game against Barton which, so far, had been fast and intense. Both teams wanted to win so badly!

  Although Jade couldn’t see the scoresheet while she was on court, she always kept track of the goals. The last one from Barton had levelled the game at 11–11.

  Jade jogged to her starting position as Wing Attack behind the transverse line, waiting for Prani to make her centre pass.


  Jade charged forward. Prani passed the ball and Jade caught it safely in both hands. In an attempt to trick her Barton defender, Jade fake-passed to Maddy at Goal Attack, only to turn at the last second and pass back to Prani.

  As the ball spun towards Prani, Jade realised her error. Her lob pass was slow, allowing one of the Barton defenders time to jump up and steal possession. Barton scored soon afterwards.

  ‘Yes!’ The Barton players high-fived each other.


  Jade was hot and frustrated. Wing Attack wasn’t her favourite position and she’d been running around for the last two quarters without making much impact. It didn’t help that the Barton defenders were so tall.

  ‘If we’re going to win, we’ll need to score lots more goals. And quickly!’ Jade said to anyone who would listen.

  Brrrp! went the whistle, marking the start of the half-time br

  Jade stumbled off court and grabbed her water. She held the cool bottle to her cheeks, trying to take some of the heat out of them.

  ‘Hang in there.’ Mum hugged her. ‘You’re doing great.’

  Janet called the girls around her. ‘We knew this wasn’t going to be easy. It is a preliminary final, after all, and only one team can go through to the grand final. But honestly, girls, you’re doing a superb job and we’re only a goal down. There is one strategy I’d like to see you using more, though. Anyone like to guess what it is?’

  ‘Calling for the ball?’ Maia asked.

  ‘Precisely. In the heat of the game, it’s not always easy to keep track of where every player is. You can only hold the ball for three seconds so make it easier for the player with possession by constantly finding gaps and calling for the ball. Stay one step ahead of your opposing player and let your teammates know when you’re free. Got it?’

  ‘Got it,’ the girls said.

  ‘Right. We’ll switch positions for the next quarter to see if that helps, too.’

  When Maddy handed Jade the Goal Attack bibs, her eyes lit up. Her dream position! She spotted Phoebe velcroing the Goal Shooter bibs onto her uniform and hurried over to her.

  ‘Hey, Phoebe, I’m so glad I’m playing in the goal circle with you.’

  Phoebe looked startled. ‘I thought you preferred playing with Isabella. You did so well with her in the training drills.’

  ‘Don’t get me wrong,’ Jade said, ‘I love playing with Izzy and we’re good friends. But you’re our best Goal Shooter. And we desperately need you to shoot some goals today, otherwise we’re never going to win!’

  Phoebe smiled. ‘Thanks, Jade. You’re good at shooting goals, too, so we’ll make a great team. You really like winning, don’t you?’

  Jade shrugged. ‘I guess so. I know I’m a bit full-on sometimes.’ She passed Phoebe the plastic container filled with quartered oranges. ‘Want one?’

  Phoebe reached for an orange. ‘Sure. Thanks.’

  ‘Jade,’ Janet said, hurrying over. ‘Remember that besides calling for the pass, you need to feed the ball to Phoebe. Work as a team in the circle.’

  ‘Don’t worry. We’ve got this,’ Jade said.

  Brrrp! The whistle sounded, calling for the girls to take their positions for the start of the third quarter.

  The Barton Centre got a speedy pass off to her Wing Attack. Several minutes later, Barton were through the Marrang defence and at their goal circle. Jade sprinted up to the transverse line, stopping just before she stepped over it. As Goal Attack, she wasn’t allowed to go in the Barton goal third so she had to watch and wait.

  The Barton Goal Attack took a long shot at goal and missed. Sienna at Goal Defence scooped up the rebound and passed to Maia, who was now playing Centre.

  Jade ran towards the Marrang goal, the Barton Goal Defence sticking to her. When she called for the ball, Lily threw a long pass to her. Jade dodged her opposition and collected the ball.

  I may not be as tall as the Goal Defence, but I’m quicker!

  Jade was still outside the goal circle so the rules didn’t allow her to shoot.

  ‘Here!’ Phoebe shouted, darting around her defender to the middle of the goal circle.

  Jade passed to Phoebe, who quickly went for goal.

  The ball sank through the ring and the crowd cheered.

  Calling for the ball and feeding it to the Shooter really does work, Jade thought.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was the final quarter and the scores were still locked at 12–12. No matter how hard Jade and Phoebe tried, they couldn’t get a decent shot at goal – the Barton defenders blocked them at every step.

  Jade knew time was running out.

  Prani, now at Wing Attack, intercepted the ball then passed to Jade. Jade did a super-pivot to turn away from her opponent for a clear pass to Lily at Centre. Calling and passing, the Marrang Gems had Barton scrambling to keep up for a change.

  Jade flew into the goal circle, hands held high as Lily passed to her. She lined up the goal ring, her knees and elbows bent so that she could get maximum height when she shot for goal.

  I can do this.

  ‘I’m here, Jade!’ Phoebe cried.

  Jade hesitated. This might be her chance to shoot the winning goal. Imagine how good she would feel! Imagine what Mum and Dad might say!

  But Jade knew she was taking a huge risk. She could see that it would be a selfish shot because Phoebe was better positioned, nearer to the ring.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Jade spotted Isabella on the bench. She had her hands clasped together as she watched Jade anxiously.

  Maybe I have to trust Phoebe with shooting, Jade thought, just like I trusted Isabella with surfing.

  Jade bounce passed under her defender’s long arms. Phoebe caught the ball and in one fluid motion bent her knees, lined up the ring and shot for goal.

  The ball went straight in.


  The crowd cheered and clapped. Jade spotted Janet on the sideline, grinning madly as she gave Jade and Phoebe a thumbs up.

  ‘Well done, Gems!’ Janet yelled. ‘Fantastic team work.’

  Happiness washed over Jade. She’d done the right thing.

  When the final whistle sounded moments later, the Gems hugged each other.

  ‘You know what this means, don’t you?’ Isabella told Jade amid the laughter and chatter.

  ‘We’re in the grand final?’ Jade replied.


  ‘Isn’t it exciting?’ Prani said, flicking her long braid back over her shoulder. Her voice took on a serious tone. ‘Ahem. Prani Patel, sports reporter, here.’ She held her fist under Maddy’s chin, pretending it was a microphone. ‘Madison Browne, how does it feel knowing you’ll be playing in your first ever grand final next week?’

  ‘It’s amazing!’ Maddy gushed, going along with Prani’s antics. ‘The best feeling in the world.’

  After a few more moments, the Gems collected themselves enough to congratulate the Barton team, before Janet called them over for debriefing.

  ‘That was unbelievably tight,’ Janet said, as the Gems formed a circle around her and the parents crowded in behind. ‘I saw some excellent teamwork –’ Janet’s gaze rested on Jade ‘– and sharing of responsibilities and opportunities. Your special reward is that you’re now in the grand final!’

  Excitement rippled through the team.

  ‘But we have to play Thomson again,’ Jade said. ‘How are we going to beat them?’

  ‘There’s no doubt that next week will be a tough game,’ Janet agreed, ‘but we’ve got all week to work on our skills and I know you girls won’t give up without a fight! For now, enjoy the rest of your weekend. We’ll regroup on Wednesday at training.’

  What a great game, Jade thought. I’m so glad Phoebe and I worked well together.

  Thinking about Phoebe reminded Jade about the sleepover. No one has said anything about it yet. I wonder if they’re coming …

  She leant close to Isabella and whispered, ‘Has anyone mentioned the sleepover to you?’

  Isabella shook her head then turned to the others. ‘Hey, is everyone going to Jade’s for the sleepover tonight? We can practise our drills there, too.’

  Jade held her breath, waiting to see what people would say.

  The Gems glanced at each other uncertainly.

  ‘Um, yes,’ Maia said. ‘Is everyone else going?’

  ‘I’m coming,’ Lily said. ‘My gear’s all packed.’

  ‘Me too,’ Sienna said. ‘I love sleepovers. Although I must warn you, I do snore.’ She made a fake snoring sound.

  ‘Why am I not surprised?’ Isabella laughed.

  After Prani and Maddy also said they were coming, Jade grew excited. That only left one person.

  ‘What about you, Phoebe?’ she asked.

  Phoebe stared at her feet. ‘I can’t come.’

  Oh no. She doesn’t like m
e after all. I knew this was a bad idea.

  Phoebe’s dad put his arm around her shoulders. ‘Phoebe’s grandparents are visiting and we have a family dinner tonight.’

  ‘Okay.’ Jade nodded. At least it wasn’t because Phoebe didn’t want to come!

  ‘But I can see how important this is to you all,’ Phoebe’s dad continued. ‘Phoebe has spent a lot of time with her grandparents this week and you girls deserve to have some fun together … So she can come after all.’

  Phoebe kissed her dad on the cheek. ‘Thanks, Dad!’

  ‘Yeah, thanks Mr Tadic!’ Jade said. ‘It wouldn’t be a proper Gems sleepover if Phoebe wasn’t there!’

  Chapter Seventeen

  ‘How much longer, Mum?’ Jade said, peering out the front window.

  ‘Relax,’ Mum said. ‘The girls will be here soon.’

  Jade sighed and slumped onto the lounge. She’d never been good at waiting. ‘What if they don’t turn up?’

  ‘They’ll be here soon. Don’t worry.’

  Thankfully she didn’t have to wait much longer for Isabella to arrive. She bounced into the house carrying a purple yoga mat, sleeping-bag and pillow. She also had a purple backpack with a photo of a pug on it.

  Jade giggled. ‘Hi, Izzy. I like your backpack.’

  ‘And you’re going to love what’s in it.’ Isabella unzipped the bag to allow Jade a sneak peek.

  Jade’s eyes bulged. The bag was brimming with packets of lollies, chocolates and chips.

  ‘Quick, hide it before my mum bans it all!’

  Isabella laughed as she zipped up the bag. ‘Where are we sleeping?’

  ‘We have a rumpus room at the other end of the house. We’ve got a data projector screen,’ Jade said. ‘You know, like at school. So we can watch movies.’

  ‘Fantastic!’ Isabella waved goodbye to her mum then followed Jade to the rumpus room.

  ‘Is that where you’re sleeping?’ Isabella pointed to an inflatable mattress covered by a matching sleeping-bag. Both had a frangipani motif.


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