moan for uncle 3

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moan for uncle 3 Page 2

by Towers , Terry

  Looking up at Grant she caught his eyes for a moment and he gave her a reassuring smile, before responding to his older brother. "Look, Ron, we didn't mean for this to happen..."

  "So it's true?"

  "How long has this been going on?" Her mother chimed in, though she didn't seem to be quite as shocked or outraged as her husband.

  "This ends now. It's unacceptable. Now Nikki... I would expect this from you, but Grant. Jesus! Grant, you're an adult. What are you thinking?"

  Nikki could feel Grant's body stiffening against her, "No, don't." She wasn't even sure what she was expecting him to do or what she was trying to convince him not to do, but couldn't help the words slipping from her lips.

  "It's alright, sweetie," Grant assured her, keeping his voice low enough that only she could hear. Raising his voice for her parents he continued, "I understand this is a shock, but we've been engaged for a couple of months now. And Ron, Nikki isn't a child anymore. I love her, and I'm going to marry her. There's no discussion on the matter."

  "You're her uncle, Grant!" Ron's voice raised further, his thick body vibrating from his controlled anger. "I will not allow this to happen."

  "You don't have a choice in the matter, Ron."

  "The hell I don't!" Ron's voice bellowed, in the still cool night air. His eyes shifted to Nikki, "Get into the house, girlie; I want to speak to your uncle privately."

  Looking up at Grant, she saw him give her a slight nod. She looked from her father back to Grant then back to her enraged father.

  Shit! This is why I didn't want to tell them. She gave Grant another look.

  Go get your stuff, Nik, he mouthed to her and gave her a gentle nudge towards the front door of the house.

  As Nikki jogged past her father she heard him continue to bellow, "It's been over twenty years since I've kicked your ass, Grant. You ready for a long overdue ass-kicking?" If Nikki hadn't been so concerned over a potential fight between her father and Grant, she would have been amused at the idea of her father giving her soon-to-be husband an 'ass-kicking.' Nikki stopped just inside the door and turned back to see her father rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt.

  Oh god, she groaned.

  She locked eyes with Grant once more and he mouthed: go on.

  Heaving a loud sigh she hustled her way into the house to retrieve her belongings, not wanting to leave the combatants outside for very long. As far as she was concerned the faster they got out of there, the faster her parents would get over their initial shock and would be willing to speak with her and Grant reasonably about their relationship.

  Nikki had brought two suitcases with her, but only bothered re-packing one for tonight. She figured she could come back for the rest, if necessary, in a day or two, when her father had calmed down.

  "How long has this been going on with Grant, Nikki?"

  Nikki paused in her packing when she heard her mother's voice behind her. "Since my nineteenth birthday," she responded as she finished filling the suitcase and zipped it up.

  "Why didn't you tell us?"

  Sighing, Nikki turned to face her mother, tugging the suitcase from the bed. "Because I knew dad would react the way that he did. Grant wanted to tell you guys in Boston, but I didn't want to." She shrugged, "I guess I was scared of your reactions."

  Audrey nodded and moved away from the entrance. She walked over to the single bed in the middle of the room and sat down where the suitcase had just been. "And you're engaged to him?"

  Reaching into her purse, Nikki grabbed her engagement ring from the inside pocket of her handbag and slipped it on. "For two months now," she responded thrusting out her left hand, with the glistening diamond on it, for her mother to see.

  Nikki could hear shouts and the odd grunt coming from outside and visibly cringed. Her bedroom didn't have a window facing the front of the house so she could only imagine what was happening outside. "What's going on out there?"

  Audrey waved a dismissive hand at Nikki. "Don't worry about Grant and your father. Just give them a few minutes to work it out on their own."

  Nikki hesitated, still concerned about the two men she loved outside, but then finally set the suitcase on the floor and sat next to her mother. "I wanted to tell you..."

  "So you love him?"

  Nikki nodded, "I've never felt for anyone what I feel for him."

  "And he loves you? Treats you well?"

  "Yes. You know him mom, he's a good man. Of course he does."

  "It can be a lonely life being with a man like Grant. Have you really thought this through? And I mean really thought it through, you're only nineteen Nikki."

  Nikki nodded, her eyes downcast. Her mother was right about it being lonely, she knew that she had to make every second she had with him count. Then it occurred to her; her mother didn't seem to be as shocked over the discovery as her father was.

  Looking up, Nikki caught her mother's concerned eyes, "Did you already know?"

  Audrey shook her head and gave her a warm smile, "I suspected in Boston. The way you two look at each other, the way he is around you - protective, it's pretty easy to spot."

  "Oh-my-god, but dad," Nikki gasped. "Dad suspected too?"

  Audrey laughed lightly, "Nah, your father was completely unaware, until tonight." The room fell quite for a moment before Audrey continued, "You know, he may be a good man, but he's a devoted man... to his work. You'll always be sharing him with the CIA, and nine times out of ten, the government will come first. You know that, right? Protecting this country is and always will be his first priority."

  Nikki nodded. She knew it. She both loved and hated what he did for a living, but most importantly she respected him for it. If sharing him was what she had to do to be with him, than that's how it would be.

  "And you know, this is... unusual. He may not be blood, but he is your uncle. People in town will talk, you realize? Bar Harbor is a pretty small place."

  Nikki shook her head and looked up into her mother's eyes, "I don't care about other people. I just care about being with him. He makes me happy, mom."

  Audrey sighed and patted Nikki's hands which were resting on her lap. "Then you and Grant leave for the night and I'll talk it over with your father."

  Relief washed over Nikki. She turned and embraced her mother, "Thank you, mom - for understanding."

  "You're welcome honey."

  Standing, Nikki grabbed the handle of her suitcase and proceeded across the room, her mother close on her heels. Just as Nikki was about to exit the room she felt her mother's hand on her arm stopping her.

  "Mom?" She turned to look her mother in the eye - dark blue eyes identical to Nikki's, but carrying many more years of knowledge and wisdom in them.

  Her mother smiled. "Grant's a good looking, charming man; women have always swooned over him. Sometimes the thrill of being with a man like him can override your judgement, especially with someone your age." When Nikki started to protest her mother raised an elegant hand silencing her, "It takes a special type of woman to be with Grant, you have to be sure you can be that kind of woman before you marry him, Nikki."

  Nikki gave her mother a reassuring smile. "I know, mom, and I am. I swear to you."

  "Good. Now let's go break the two of them up, before they accidently hurt each other." her mother teased.


  "Dad did get you pretty good there, slugger," Nikki joked from the passenger seat of the Lotus, referring to his left eye which was starting to swell as they drove to the hotel where Grant was registered. As it turned out the 'fight' wasn't near as bad as it sounded from her room, the only real damage was Grant's black eye.

  A grin graced Grant's lips for a moment and he chuckled. "Yeah, well... I guess I underestimated him. It's been a while since Ron's attempted to beat me up. At least he didn't stick my head in the toilet like he used to when we were kids."

  Nikki giggled and placed her hand on his inner thigh, close to the knee and then began to slowly move it upwards.

; Grant's mood became sombre for another quick moment. "And for the record, the only reason he got the punch to the eye in was because he was wheezing like he was going into cardiac arrest. I was fearful for his life and what did I get for my sympathy? He sucker punched me."

  "Uh-huh." Nikki stifled her laughter as her hand slid further up, reaching the top of his inner thigh.

  Flicking on the signal light, Grant pulled the Lotus into the hotel's parking lot and slid into an empty spot. "He fought dirty when we were kids too, you know," he continued to grumble as he shut off the car.

  Nikki sighed, reclined back in the leather seat and turned her head to face him. Her hand moved from his inner thigh to his crotch, stroking the ridge of his cock, through his jeans. His sharp intake of breath had her smiling, it was about time she got his mind off her ‘date’ and his fight with her father; those two topics had featured equally in their fifteen minute drive to the hotel.

  However, she couldn't help but like the jealous, unnerved Grant, at least a little anyhow. Tonight made her realize that even her hero wasn't without a few minor flaws.

  Grant looked over at Nikki, his eyes, which were quickly filling with his desire for her, locked to hers. "You do realize that you're going to have to be punished for your little date earlier?"

  Keeping his gaze Nikki caught her bottom lip between her teeth, and a shiver of anticipation ran through her, beginning at the top of her spine and traveling down to her pussy. She immediately felt her pussy clench and moisture begin to build between her legs. She could hardly imagine - or wait - to find out what Grant had in store for her ‘punishment’.

  Turning in his seat so he was fully facing her, Grant slipped a hand around her neck, and urged her over to him. He met her part-way, his lips touching hers. He caught her lip between his teeth and nipped at it. When her lips parted in a half-whimper, half-sigh, he slipped his tongue between them to further explore her mouth.

  Slipping her hands under his open jacket, she ran her palms up the front of his sweater-clad chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath. She had the almost uncontrollable need to straddle his lap and feel his warm, rock-hard body more intimately, but the hotel was just across the parking lot. If she could just keep hold of herself a short while longer they could be in a nice comfortable king-sized bed in a few more moments.

  His tongue teased hers, causing her to groan against his lips and fist his sweater. Two months was way too long to go without him. How could she endure another two or three months away from him, maybe more? Suddenly her mother's image flashed in her mind, her solemn words ringing in her head, 'be sure you can be that kind of woman before you marry him, Nikki'. With her heartbeat racing she pulled away from, him taking in a deep unsteady breath.

  Catching her chin in his hand Grant looked into her eyes, concern filling his, "You okay, Nik?"

  With tears threatening to escape, Nikki bit her lip and nodded. Wrapping her arms around his neck she held tight to him, burying her face in his neck and taking in a deep breath of his musky aftershave. "I've missed you so much, Grant," she murmured as a single tear slid down her cheek.

  "I know," he whispered into her hair, then planted a kiss on her temple. "I've missed you too, more than you'll ever know."

  Nikki wasn't sure how long they stayed there embracing, as she enjoyed the feel and sense of security of his arms around her, but she eventually felt the cold winter air creeping into the car and causing a shiver to run up and down her spine. Satisfied that she'd gotten her weepiness out of her system, she pulled away from him. "We should get inside."

  A wickedly sexy smirk crossed Grant's lips. "We should, because I have your punishment all planned out ready."

  Chapter 3

  Opening the door to his hotel suite, Grant pushed the door open wide and allowed Nikki to enter before trailing behind, closing and locking the door behind them. He had wanted their few days together to be extra special so he had rented the lavish honeymoon suite, which included a heart-shaped bed and matching heart-shaped hot tub. If anyone were to ask, he'd say the ‘guy thing’ and claim it was lame, but secretly he thought it had a certain appeal to it; in a tacky Las Vegas sort of way. Either way he knew Nikki would love it.

  By the time Grant set down her luggage, Nikki was in full exploration mode.

  "Oh-my-god!" He heard her squeal from the bedroom.

  With a grin spreading across his lips, Grant made his way to the bedroom to find Nikki sprawled on the massive heart-shaped bed. Stopping at the room's entrance he leaned his left shoulder against the door jamb and crossed his arms over his chest, watching her.

  Upon hearing him enter, she sat up, beaming. "This is a beautiful room!" She crawled off of the bed and hurried over to the hot tub. "Ohhh, and the hot tub! Have you ever done it in a hot tub?"

  Not wanting to answer that question, and hoping it was rhetorical, Grant simply remained quiet, amused by her reaction and continuing to watch as she played with the levers adjusting the temperature of the stream of water. His heart warmed seeing how excited she was with the room and seeing how happy she was at that moment.

  As she leaned over the tub, the skirt she was wearing rode high up on her thighs, barely concealing her tight, round ass. His cock immediately came alive at the sight. Pushing himself off the door casing, he shrugged off his leather jacket and tossed it on top of her full length black overcoat, which she had discarded on a chair beside the door.

  Turning back to Grant, Nikki frowned.


  "Why aren't you naked yet?"

  Chuckling, Grant crossed the room and perched himself on the edge of the bed, "Because you haven't come over here to do it for me. Remember, you've got to pay up for your little indiscretion earlier tonight. I think you can start by coming over here."

  Seemingly satisfied the temperature was perfect; Nikki stood and walked over to him unbuttoning her black blouse as she walked, "It wasn't an indiscretion. I was doing what had to be done to keep our little secret."

  "Mmm-hmm. Sounds like a response I'd hear from one of my co-workers."

  Damn, he'd missed her nice, pert breasts with her nice large pink nipples. He could barely wait to get his lips around one. His cock went from semi-hard to rock solid with that single thought.

  She came to a stop, standing between his legs and shrugged her blouse off. Reaching behind her, Grant unhooked her red lace bra, and slipped it off her shoulders, letting it fall in a puddle at her feet with the blouse.

  While palming one breast, pinching the nipple between his thumb and index fingers, his tongue flicked the other, teasing and circling the tip. Nikki moaned and clutched his shoulders, her fingernails digging into the sweater.

  Grant released her nipples when both were tight, pointed peaks and leaned back onto the bed, bracing himself up on his elbows. When Nikki started to crawl onto the bed beside him, he stopped her.

  "Strip for me," he ordered, loving the idea of seeing her peel the remainder of her clothing from her body before his eyes.

  She considered his request a moment, then the mischievous gleam that he loved to see caught her eye. "Alright, Uncle Grant."

  Grant laughed as she gave him a coy smile, turned and strutted over to the stereo, across the room. Within seconds a soft, sultry beat filled the room. Nikki sauntered back over to him standing just a couple of feet away. Reaching behind her and giving him an even better view of her breasts - pushed up and out - she began to undo the back of her skirt. As she unzipped the skirt she turned her back to him and lowered the skirt inch by excruciating inch.

  His cock was so tight now in his pants it was beginning to ache, but he was enjoying the show too much to have her stop now. The skirt slid past her wide hips and nice round ass and then dropped to the floor, leaving her wearing a pair of red lace boy shorts and her thigh high, black stiletto boots.

  Strutting back over to him, she flipped her long silken brown hair over her shoulder and placed one booted foot next to him on the bed. He was itching to reac
h over and pull her onto him, but again restrained himself. His eyes trailed down to the apex between her legs and could see her underwear had gotten damp.

  "Oh fuck," he groaned.

  Nikki smiled as she leaned over him, her breasts mere inches from his mouth and undid his pants, freeing his rock hard cock. Wrapping her soft hand around him, she gave his cock several fast strokes, then wiped the pre-cum from the head with her thumb, brought it to her lips and sucked it off.

  His body felt so tense, Grant thought he was going to explode. Whatever happened to him being in control tonight? Who was he kidding? He resigned himself to the fact that she had him under her thumb, whether he liked it or not.

  Giving him a quick wink, she straightened back up, her wet, lace-covered pussy now just a couple of inches from his mouth. Again, he found himself fighting the desire to grab her and fuck her fast and hard - then and there.

  She began to grind her hips in time with the music, as she slowly unzipped the first boot which was still positioned on the bed. Once it was undone she lowered her foot to the floor and kicked it off. Twirling around so her back was to him, she bent over and wiggled her ass enticingly for him as she undid the second boot and pulled it off. The lace at her crotch was nothing more than a thin bit of fabric that had wedged itself between her folds.

  Unable to control himself any longer, Grant stood, removed his sweater and stepped up behind her, his hands, caressing her nice, round ass cheeks.


  Nikki grinned when she heard Grant stand and then heard the rustling of clothing behind her. She had wondered how much teasing he could take before his cock took over. Considering they hadn't had sex for over two months she was impressed he had lasted as long as he had without grabbing her and fucking her senseless.

  She moaned as his large, warm hands caressed and moulded her ass in them. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of her panties, he pulled them down. The cool air in the room, teased her wet pussy as it became exposed. A shiver ran through Nikki as she felt Grant's lips on her lower back.


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