Alliance of Blackbirds

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Alliance of Blackbirds Page 2

by M.M. Gavillet

  Chapter Two

  “She’s bleeding internally. Probably from the poison.” Zach laid me down. “I still can’t believe she did it,” he said under his breath. “Quil…” Zach motioned for him.

  “Zach, you’re not dead…it worked…it worked!” I exclaimed. “Where’s Alicia?”

  “Do you have a knife?” Zach asked Quil whose amber eyes gazed at me curiously. “No, I’m not dead.” He looked down at me.

  “Where’s Alicia?” I tried to sit up to catch a glimpse of her through my dizziness. Zach only pushed me back down.

  Quil held his arm over me and Zach delicately sliced with the small dagger a thin line. Two drops of blood hit me on the cheek as Quil put his wrist to my mouth. I looked up at him not wanting to have any of this. I tried to resist him.

  “Come on Em—you have no choice here. Poison from the door guard isn’t something to take’s designed for one thing…” Zach’s voice slightly trembled. Quil knelt down and shoved his wrist to my lips.

  I closed my eyes as his blood seeped into my mouth. It was surprisingly sweet. I opened my mouth more letting it run over my tongue. Suddenly, my repulsion turned to pleasure and I enjoyed the taste and the warmth that filled me. I became relaxed without a care in the world letting Quil’s blood run through every cell, every muscle. I didn’t want it to stop and when he pulled away, I wanted to latch on.

  “Enjoy that, princess?” Quil’s voice entered my head.

  “Yes,” I said as my eyes popped open and Quil smirked at me. I wanted to feel angry, violated and played for a fool, but I couldn’t. My emotions were raw and I held nothing in the way to stop them.

  “I’m fine Zach,” I said as he held my wrist taking my pulse.

  “I’ll decide that for you.” He didn’t even look at me.

  “What about Alicia?” I asked and he only flicked his eyes to me and let my wrist go. “Is she ok?”

  “She’s still in the fountain.” He looked at me and pointed to the pillow. “The poison is still working on you, now lay down.”

  I half glanced at the pillow. “Why can’t she get out?”

  Zach took a breath. “I wish I knew. Karinna and Abe are trying to come up with something.”

  I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. “I shouldn’t have let her go…it’s my fault. I even helped her and now…”

  “You did what any friend would do, don’t beat yourself up. It’s in the past.” His words were soft.

  “She loves you you know. And I mean she really cares for you.”

  “I know,” he smiled. “So, you need to rest.” He pointed at the pillow.

  “Really I feel fine, been worse.” I protested.

  “I’m not just concerned about your health, but also about Gabe. He cares about you and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to anyone that he cares about. Now rest.” His voice was forcefully playful.

  He quickly turned away as pools of water welled in his eyes.

  “Zach,” I said whipping the covers off and standing up. “I want to know if Alicia is ok.”

  He stopped at the door with his back to me. Lowering his head he slowly turned with tears falling from his child-like eyes.

  I went over and curled my arms around him. “It will be alright, I know it will,” I said really not knowing and wishing I was right.

  “She traded spots with me,” Zach said holding me by my shoulders. “Karinna said the fountain of youth is keeping her alive. If we pull her out she’ll die.” He removed his hands and looked down at his feet. “She gave me her energy. She gave me my life back…”

  Just then a quiet knock came from the other side of the door.

  “Is everything alright in here?” Karinna peeked around the corner with flushed cheeks.

  Zach straightened looking at Karinna. “Just trying to get Em here to rest.”

  Her eyes shifted to me. “You look better.” She then motioned towards the bed.

  I sat down as she shook out a soft throw blanket and wrapped it around me. Zach drifted out the door with hardly a sound. A lump began to form in my throat as I looked at the dark circles of worry that hung under Karinna’s eyes.

  “It’s my fault, Alicia asked me and I helped her. I didn’t know what she was doing—she just wanted to help Zach,” I said running the tasseled ends of the blanket through my fingers. “Karinna…I’m sorry.” I lifted my eyes to her.

  She drew in a breath and placed her hand over mine. “Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault and something that can’t be undone.” She smiled slightly. “You have to learn that. We can’t dwell on the mistakes we made wishing them differently. You have to look forward to a solution.”

  “Zach said the fountain is keeping her alive and she’ll die if we pull her out,” I said. “How are we going to get her out?”

  Karinna’s face went pale and she tried to hide it with a smile. “Some solutions aren’t instant.” She ran her hand across my cheek barely touching it. “We have to be patient and look for it. Alicia is strong and her sacrifice was out of love and that love will sustain her.”

  “Is there something magical—a magical implement or tool, spell, chant or something that we can use?” Karinna shook her head.

  “Not with the fountain of youth. It’s magic of its own. There’s nothing to counteract it. Once it’s being used, it must be maintained and that’s why it was placed into storage. It’s a gift as well as a burden to the Phoenix who created it a long time ago.” She looked away and then gazed back at me with her warm smile.

  “Now why don’t you rest a little longer and I will be back.” Her voice was soft and soothing. I drifted back to the pillow and shut my eyes easily lured to sleep by the simple touch of Karinna’s hand.

  Something cold brushed across my cheek. I flinched and pulled the blanket towards my chin. I felt the coolness again and opened my eyes slightly to see a shadowed figure looming beside me.

  “Gabe?” I questioned.

  “Emily, please help me,” David said leaning forward.

  I pulled myself away nearly tripping over the blanket tangled around my legs and knocking over the delicate nightstand. David didn’t move, but only knelt on the floor gazing up at me like a battered dog. His body shook with what few shreds still connected him to the human David. He looked the same except for his eyes that were like two white marbles.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. I want out of this Emily.” He slowly stood up.

  “Em!” Gabe yelled from the other side. “Are you alright?” The door jiggled then flexed from Gabe pounding on it. “Em!”

  David looked over his shoulder at the door that began to glow before turning back to me.

  “You’re the only one that can help me Emily.” He stood up. “They don’t understand what I’ve been through…what I’ve dealt with and how badly I don’t want to be this way, but I had no choice.”

  I stepped back until my shoulders brushed against the wall. “David…I…”

  He leaped over the bed with a growl like a lion as the door flew open. Gabe jumped on David and was thrown off like he’d run into a spring. Like a flash of lighting, David grabbed me and leaped out the open window.

  He only ran as far as the edge of the garden, but I knew he could’ve taken me anywhere. Gently he sat me down and stared at me with his white eyes.

  “I’m not running because I want help, but I need your help Emily. I need their help and they’ll believe you, listen to you.” He sunk to his knees just as Gabe, Caleb and Quil surrounded us.

  David lifted his arms showing no resistance with his eyes steady on me.

  “I mean no harm. Please believe me.” Gabe shoved him to the ground planting his face into the wet grass.

  “Tell that to Zach!” I stepped forward looking at Gabe. He almost looked like an animal himself and I knew David was stronger than Gabe and could break him in two if he wanted

  “No, listen to him.” Gabe lifted David up as Quil tied thin metallic threads around his wrists. David squeezed his eyes shut and groaned between clenched teeth. I then caught a stench of something rotten. David’s skin festered with blisters and burned gold from his bounds.

  “He wants our help!” I yelled as Caleb came behind me pulling me back. I swatted at him.

  “I told you he has affected her.” Quil nodded towards me as Gabe grabbed David’s other arm.

  “He didn’t affect me!” I protested.

  “Take her back to the house,” Gabe said to Caleb quickly glancing at me before dragging David off towards a smaller building beside the house.

  “Come on Emily.” Caleb’s voice was soft.

  I pulled my arm from his hold. “You believe don’t you Caleb?’ He didn’t reply. “He could’ve taken me as far as he wanted to, but he stopped. He could’ve hurt Quil and Gabe.” I searched his eyes for understanding. “He might be able to help us. We’ve got to give him a chance.”

  “It’s cold out here Em, let’s go inside and I’ll make you some tea.”

  “Tea! Really!” I stood in front of him.

  “If you’re going to argue for David’s sake then at least get inside where everyone’s at. It’s a mess in there of what to do, what not to do and what the Alliance is doing to secure everything.”

  I looked into Caleb’s green eyes. “You believe me. David is trying and I think he can or at least wants to help us.”

  He nodded his head. “I’ve seen people like him before. Usually cursed by some spell my mother would try to break. She risked a lot trying to save them, often jeopardizing our livelihood. They were either outlaws or escapees from prison. A few times she succeeded most of the time…she didn’t. Her heart was bigger than her commonsense at times and I know she risked everything trying to make our world better.” He took my hand. “I can see that quality in you and it cost her very much.”

  He took a step away from me letting go of my hand. “What are you saying Caleb, that I shouldn’t help him and let him die to save myself when he might be able to help us?”

  He stopped and looked up at the sky. “My mother would ask me the same sort of thing before helping someone and I would always tell her the same thing every time in return.” He put his hands into his pockets. “What are your innards telling you?”

  I was taken back expecting something a little more helpful that to just go on a gut feeling. Caleb started walking towards the house.

  “But that isn’t logical,” I said catching up with him.

  “What are your insides telling you? It’s perfectly logical. Not everything comes to us in black and white sometimes you have to go by on how you feel.” We stood facing one another in front of the door. “That’s what matters, especially for an Unseen.”

  An Unseen, that’s what my mother was in Eutopia. A secret organization that got rid of anyone caught behind the Wall after it expanded increasing the perfect Crystal City and eliminating anyone not meeting their standards. The only thing is that the magic used belongs to the glass people and when the Wall is complete they will consume Eutopia as their own.

  “But that was my mother, not me.” I pointed to myself feeling the amulet under my shirt.

  Caleb gently took the pendant out and let it fall to my skin.

  “That, that little thing is what is holding as well as pulling everything apart and like I said before, it belongs to you.” Caleb smiled. “And it’s prettier now.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Your mother intended for you to have it—she knew what you were capable of before you were ever born, now all you have to do is see it too.”

  Caleb opened the door and went inside. I could hear everyone speaking at once, but Abe’s and Jimmy’s voice was louder than the rest.

  “The Alliance doesn’t see Eutopia as a threat. They don’t think the glass people are strong enough to come here,” Abe said standing in front of Jimmy.

  I stood just inside the room with my back to the door. Jimmy I’d known for a couple of years when I lived in St. F. He’d given me my first job and was like a father to me. Abe was his brother and the two of them stood face to face like two opponents of a boxing match.

  “And you agree with that?!” Jimmy turned away, ran his fingers through his hair and then turned back into his brother’s face. “That sort of thinkn’ cost us last time!” His eyes darted over to Alice.

  “Thomas was training…you knew the risks.” Abe shook his head.

  I looked over at Thomas who I knew as Ethan in Eutopia. He was Alice’s and Jimmy’s lost son they thought had died. I remembered seeing the newspaper clipping of the obituary when I stayed in their house the night David and I broke up back in St. F. Thomas was the first one I met inside the Crystal City. He had no memory of his past and thought he was from Eutopia, but felt that he wasn’t.

  “Yeah, bruises and scrapes and a few hurt egos—not getting lost through a portal.” Jimmy’s eyes darkened staring at Abe. He stiffened not removing his eyes from Jimmy as well.

  “Look, James,” Abe’s voice softened and he always called his brother by his proper name, never Jimmy. “It was part of the training. We have to be prepared for anything…safety is always…” Suddenly Jimmy’s fist shot through the air like a lightning bolt smacking Abe square in the nose.

  “That’s for all the years lost! All the years your negligence took away!” Jimmy yelled over his brother holding his bloody nose shaking his hand and glaring down at Abe.

  “Jimmy! No!” Alice came over as Karinna bent down beside Abe.

  “This isn’t solving anything.” Alice stood in front of Jimmy with her hands on his chest.

  He folded his arms and glanced up at Thomas who stood behind the couch frozen. I went over to him looking into his confused eyes.

  “Yeah, well I feel better,” Jimmy said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  Karinna helped Abe up and took him to the kitchen as Alice talked quietly to Jimmy.

  “Thomas,” I said turning to him. “I know this is all very confusing to you, but I know Jimmy and he really is a good person. He doesn’t usually go around punching people.”

  He shook his head with a quick smile. “No doubt that he isn’t, it’s just that everything has been dumped on me at once and Alice, I mean my mother has been very kind and patient.” He took his eyes off of them and gazed into mine. “It’s just that I don’t know how to be their son now. I understand that it pains them, but after all those years in Eutopia, I dreamed of this day. Only, now I don’t know how to be a son. I’ve always known my duties and everything they preach about the Wall and how perfect Eutopia will be when it’s completed. I have this gift now and I don’t know what to do with it.” His eyes shifted back to Alice and Jimmy.

  “You don’t have to do anything with it right now. Give it time and get to know them,” I said tilting my head towards them and slightly smiling.

  “I will leave and won’t come back if the Alliance knows I’m here,” said a familiar voice coming through the front door that opened suddenly. “I can do that you know,” Pandora said with a snap of her raised fingers, “just like that.”

  I stared at her as her twinkling eyes met mine.

  “Emily,” she said nodding her head.

  I didn’t reply only stared at the woman who had planted the amulet on me when I had bought junk jewelry at her shop in St. F. She’d also blamed me for transporting it when I sat in front of the council trying to explain myself when I first came to Atlantis. She continued to smile and I felt like punching her as well square in the nose.

  “Okay, you’re here now and no one is going to say anything especially since you’re not supposed to be here.” Claire shut the door and shook her head with wide eyes as Pandora handed her coat to her.

  “Here my little red headed Alfheim, take this.” Pandora glanced over her shoulder. Claire glared at her. “Y
ou know your people are known for their hospitality and many wars were ended and prevented by just being in their presence.” She tilted her head down with a smile and moved her coat closer to Claire.

  “I’m not considered Alfheim.” Claire snatched the coat and hung it on the hook beside the door.

  “Pandora, thank you for coming,” Karinna glided towards her with a smile and a slight bow.

  “You’re welcome and that my little red head is how to treat the line of Pandora.” She looked at Claire with raised eyebrows. “Well anyhow, where’s the little Phoenix?”

  Karinna drew in a deep breath. “Outside.”

  “You brought her here to try to get our daughter out?” Abe stood up removing the ice bag from his swollen nose.

  “Yes, she did and I can fix that for you if you like.” Pandora stood in front of Abe. “Though, I will charge for that separately.” She glanced back at Karinna then back at Abe. “Blackbirds were never known for their self-control in argumentative situations.”

  “Abe I’ve tried everything and consulted every resource I know.” I could see Karinna’s hands shake and tears swell in her eyes even though she looked away. Abe closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

  “I’ll go back.” Zach stepped forward. “I’ll go back and take her place.”

  Pandora suddenly let out a loud chuckle. “No, no, no my dear lover boy,” she said with fat, rosy cheeks swelling from her smile. “It doesn’t work that way. Our little Phoenix is in love with you and she gave you her life—you can’t return it.” She stepped over to Zach and examined his eyes. “You love her. I can see that and you’d do anything for her, but this you cannot.” Her smile faded and looked at me. “Destinies we’re not in charge of, but there are those that can manipulate them. I’m one of those that can.”

  “No kidding!” I spat out as Pandora’s amused smile returned.

  “And the amulet had nothing to do with it? It found you all I did was push it in the right direction when it asked for directions.” I stood in front of her with my fist curling tighter.

  “You blamed me for stealing it! You practically threw me under the bus when we were in front of the council!” I yelled at her. “You lied to save your own skin!”

  “Em, it isn’t worth it.” Gabe pulled gently on my arm then curled his arm around me.

  Pandora’s mischievous twinkling eyes shifted from me to Gabe. “And how is that bus? By the looks of things not too bad,” Her voice chuckled. “If I didn’t give you the amulet then you’d never know about where you came from…you’d been sucked up in that tornado that took your little trailer and your drunkard of a father with it!”

  My mouth tightened and I tensed the muscles in my arm wanting nothing more than to smack that ridiculous smile off of Pandora.

  “Em, come on,” Gabe pulled on me practically carrying me off and outside.

  The night air was cool and the dim lights of Port Blue illuminated in the distance. Gabe took me to Alice’s garden and sat me on a bench nestled among rose bushes. Their scent was sweet and to my relief—calming.

  “I know you want to pound Pandora into the ground, but we need her right now. What she did wasn’t right at council, but…she’s right about one thing,” Gabe said running his fingers over mine. “She brought us together here in Atlantis.”

  I looked away knowing he was right, but still feeling used and manipulated by Pandora. “I know and I wouldn’t change that, but still what she said wasn’t right. What if the council would’ve sentence me to death? Then what? Would she confess then?”

  “There wasn’t even a chance of that happening.” Gabe tugged gently at my chin with his extended finger until our eyes met. “The council would’ve never sentenced you to death and Pandora knew that.”

  “So, what do you want me to do? Thank her?” Gabe smiled at my question and then leaned closer to me until our noses touched.

  I could feel the heat radiate from him mixing with the cool air of Meropsis and the sweet pungent scent of the roses. His lips touched mine with a spark. I closed my eyes running my fingers over his and then up his arm.

  Our kiss deepened until that was all I thought about and all that I wanted. I could’ve easily run away, throw the amulet to the ocean and never leave Gabe’s side again.

  “Gabe,” said a voice. “Em,” I couldn’t stop and wished the voice away.

  “Emily, stop making out with Gabe and get in the house!” The voice of Ian shot through my head like an arrow and I immediately pushed away from Gabe.

  “Do you have to do that?” I looked up to find Ian standing in front of us.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to be so loud, but I had to get your attention,” he said. “Pandora wants to talk to you.”

  “I don’t have anything to say to her.” I crossed my arms and looked up at my half-brother. Ian didn’t look anything like me. His dark hair and icy blue eyes contrasted with my blonde hair and freckles. We share a father and now Receptor abilities that I didn’t know I had until I came to Atlantis.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you socially; she needs information about the rocks you used to make the fountain.” I looked at my feet then Gabe feeling like a brat throwing a tantrum. Pandora was here to help Alicia, not torment me.

  “We got them at the vault in Port Blue on some shelf.”

  “There’s more than one fountain of youth,” Gabe said standing up.

  I gazed up at both of them. “More than one…”

  “The Phoenix made one, but it was the Alfheim that made the first one,” Ian said.

  “So what does that mean?” I asked.

  “If its Alfheim made then only an Alfheim can release her. If its Phoenix made then any of the two can release her.” Ian’s eyes stayed focused on me.

  “How do you tell the difference?”

  “By what color the stones were, the shifting of the light and how the water reacted when she went in,” Pandora said stepping around the rose bush. She smiled with her perfectly painted lips.

  “How the fountain forms tells who the maker is, and unfortunately, the differences are subtle. The Phoenix clan is clever at being copycats of the Alfheim.” Her rounded shoulders bounced as she chuckled. “And Alicia’s fate,” she said leaning closer. “Weather she lives or dies depends on you.”


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