Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942

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Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942 Page 78

by Ian W. Toll

  immigration, nativists opposed to, xxix–xxxii, 77

  Immigration Act of 1924, 82

  Imperial General Headquarters, Japanese, 234, 274, 279, 376, 387, 482–83

  Imperial Navy, Japanese, xviii, xxiv, xxx, xxxiv, 35, 54, 65, 90, 138, 158, 231, 237, 279, 377, 392, 426, 448, 479

  Army’s rivalry with, 119–20

  attack on U.S. and British bases in western Pacific by, 48–58

  aviation of, 314, 441, 482

  aviators of, 404, 479

  in Battle of Midway, 388

  in Battle of the Coral Sea, 319, 332–33

  battleships of, 160

  beatings in, 96–97

  Carrier Division 1 of, 441, 485

  Carrier Division 2 of, 441

  Carrier Division 5 of, 320, 377–78

  Carrier Strike Force of, 320–22, 456, 462

  Combined Fleet of, 65, 67, 75, 102, 114, 116, 119, 230–31, 274, 276–81, 293, 377, 379, 387, 456, 461, 464, 474

  Cruiser Division 7 of, 464

  cutbacks in, 83–84

  Eastern Attack Convoy of, 255–56

  First Air Fleet Staff of, 485

  First Naval Air Wing of, 118

  Fleet faction in, 85

  Fourth Fleet of, 228, 320

  good behavior by, xxv–xxvi

  Hirohito and, 78–79

  homegrown aircraft industry developed by, 92

  losses of, 269, 473, 476–77, 478, 483; see also individual ships

  loss of face by, 299–300

  Main Body of, 380, 456, 477

  at Midway, 232, 378, 380, 423

  at Midway and Aleutians, 407

  morale of, 408, 482

  Naval General Staff of, see Naval General Staff, Japanese

  naval limitation treaties and, 83

  NGS–Combined Fleet discord within, 274–81, 379

  pilots in, 94–101

  political killings by, 87

  Second Fleet of, 382

  slowness to shift from Mahanian doctrine by, 58

  steel allotment of, 121

  superbattleships in, 102–6

  superiority of, 209, 317

  Third Air Group of, 385, 386

  Treaty faction of, 70, 85, 114

  troopships of, 58

  Western Attack Convoy of, 255, 261

  Yamamoto’s concerns about euphoria in, 273–74

  at Yokohama, xxxi

  Imperial Palace, 65, 79, 95, 269, 278, 295, 300, 463

  Imperial Rescript on Education (1890), 77, 108

  “Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors,” xxv–xxvi

  Imperial Rule Assistance Association, 270

  India, 108, 269

  British colonial rule in, 25, 59, 252, 273

  Japan’s proposed invasion of, 264, 276

  vulnerability of, 57, 265, 266

  Indianapolis, Ind., 394

  Indian Ocean, 57, 109, 188, 276

  British command in, 266–67

  Nagumo’s raid into, 255, 264–66, 293, 295, 315–16, 321–22, 416

  Indians, British army discrimination against, 248–49

  individualism, 77

  Indochina, 255

  Japanese airfields in, 48, 49, 54, 234

  Japanese invasion of, 116, 122

  industrialization, xvii

  Industrial Revolution, xiii

  Influence of Sea Power Upon History, The (Mahan), xvi–xix, xxxvi

  Inland Sea, 279, 306, 383, 404–5

  Inoue, Shigeyoshi, 320–21, 344, 370, 374, 392

  International Date Line, 203, 205, 285, 483

  internment of Japanese-Americans, 149

  interventionism, 29

  Inukai, Tsuyoshi, 87

  Irokawa, Daikichi, 80, 86

  Iroquois, USS, xxvii–xxviii

  isolationism, 29, 61, 126, 177, 488

  Itabashi, Koshu, 63, 109

  Italy, 180–81, 484

  fall of, 62

  fascism in, 75

  Tripartite Pact and, 114–15

  U.S. war against, 171

  Iwo Jima, 490

  Izawa, Ishinosuke, 341–43

  Jaluit, 150

  Yorktown carrier raid on, 203, 205, 226

  Japan, 43, 180–81, 268

  air bases of, 21, 220

  airpower of, 10–12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 24, 50–51, 52–53, 64, 66, 92–101, 112, 117–18, 141, 184, 199, 223, 230, 234, 237, 245, 254, 259, 308, 319, 320, 383, 478–79

  aviators of, 11–12, 51, 209, 376, 377, 450

  B-25 bombing raid on, 281–300, 315, 318, 319, 400

  banzai as war cry of, 239, 260, 269, 271, 457, 462

  biological warfare by, 300

  British declaration of war against, 24–25, 34

  casualties of, 374

  as center of history and civilization, 109–10

  crackdown on dissent in, 81

  debt of, xxviii, xxix

  democracy in, 76, 77

  dependence on U.S. and British resources by, 115–16, 234

  deteriorating U.S. relations with, 39

  disarmament and arms limitation treaties and, 77, 83–84, 114

  dissolution of political parties in, 270

  dominance of, 275

  economy of, 123, 486–87

  electricity in, 104

  empire of, 81–82, 89, 107, 119, 201, 307

  failure to declare war before Pearl Harbor attack by, 66

  FDR’s anger at, 46–47

  Force Z defeated by, 53–57

  foreign policy of, 70, 84, 112–13, 114–15, 120–22

  “14–Part Message” of, 66

  German alliance with, 70, 112, 114–15

  Great Depression in, 89

  industrial economy of, 83

  long war imagined by, 64–65

  losses of, 374, 410, 476–77, 478

  Mahan on, xxvii–xxviii

  Mahan’s influence in, xix, 79

  mistaken Western notions about, 50–51, 92, 235, 245, 246–48

  mystery islands of, 208

  natural resources lacking in, 115

  Pacific attacks of, 173; see also specific locations

  Pearl Harbor and fate of, 62

  political killings in, 87, 88, 90, 113

  population of, 89

  ports and naval bases of, 121

  propaganda and information control in, 81, 106–8, 112–13, 248, 255, 483–84

  racial equality clause sought at Versailles by, 77

  racism in, 78, 112, 486

  rationing in, 270

  rise of naval power in, xxi

  rise to major economic and military power of, xxv, xxviii, xxxi

  Rising Sun emblem of, 8, 31, 240, 271, 348, 427

  rumors of invasion by, 37, 43–44

  in Russo-Japanese War, xxiv–xxix

  sense of national destiny in, 270–71, 274, 382, 486–87, 491

  shipping of, 269, 280

  shoribyo (“victory disease”) in, 271, 380

  southern drive by forces of, 201–2, 233–68, 269, 279, 307, 312, 317

  speculation on Russian attack by, 25

  state-controlled media of, 255, 296–97, 299

  supply lines of, 319

  suspicion of Western powers by, xviii–xxxi

  threat of overrunning Allied positions by, 173, 181–87, 190–91

  time difference in, 30

  Tripartite Pact and, 114–15

  TR on, xxvi–xxvii, xxxi–xxxii, xxxv, xxxvi

  ultranationalist right in, 75–83, 85–90, 106, 112–15, 119, 270, 487

  U.S. anger with, 59, 171

  U.S. bombing of, 283–300

  U.S. declaration of war against, 34–36, 62, 171

  U.S. diplomatic negotiations with, 35

  U.S. discrimination against immigrants from, xxix–xxxi, xxxii

  U.S. press rumors about, xxxi–xxxii

  U.S. sanctions against, 115, 116, 120, 121–22, 123

  war against U.S. planned by, 115–23

nbsp; in War Plan Orange, xxxiv, 133

  war production of, 489

  Western imperialism opposed by, 64, 82, 107, 110, 122, 272, 274

  Yamato spirit of, 486, 491

  Japanese, ethnic, in Hawaii, 149

  Japanese-American treaty of 1894, xxx

  Japanese diplomatic code, 304

  Japanese Embassy:

  in Berlin, 115

  in Washington, 66, 69, 122

  Japanese Islands, 286

  Japanese language, 314

  Japanese Naval Academy, 68, 84, 94–95, 230

  Japanese Navy Headquarters, 273, 281

  Japan Times, 81

  Japan Times & Advertiser, 271–72

  Java, 191, 234, 261, 262

  ABDACOM headquarters in, 235, 248

  Japanese invasion of, 236, 252–56, 258, 260, 263–64, 274, 312

  Java, HMS, 256, 259

  Java Sea, 260, 262, 270, 320

  jazz, 76, 107

  Jesselton, 234

  Jintsu, 257

  JN-25, 304–5, 316, 384, 479

  JN-25-B, 305, 479

  JN-25-C, 479

  Johann, Ed, 17

  John D. Edwards, USS, 258

  John D. Ford, USS, 237

  Johnson, Samuel, 172

  Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924, 77

  Johnston, Stanley, 324–25, 332, 346, 349, 355, 359, 367, 481n

  Johnston Island, 150, 385

  Johore, 248–49

  Johore Strait, 250

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 22, 196

  Jolo Island, 233–34, 255

  Jomard Passage, 338, 340

  Jones, Carroll Robbins, 156

  Jones, Elmer, 468

  Jones, John Paul, 13, 158

  judo, xxvii, 107

  Junyo, 406

  Jupiter, HMS, 259

  Jurika, Stephen, Jr., 282, 286–87, 291–92, 298

  Kaga, 322, 377, 381, 403–5, 415, 417, 425, 429–32

  loss of, 434, 435, 438, 439–40, 446, 448, 457–58, 459–60, 462, 473, 484

  Kagamigahara airfield, 92

  Kagoshima Bay, 119

  Kaiser, Henry, 138

  Kajioka, Sadamichi, 143–44, 146–47

  Kaku, Tomeo, 463

  Kamchatka Peninsula, 285

  Kamont, Victor, 18

  Kaneko, Kentaro, xxvii

  Kaneohe Bay, 31

  Kanno, Kenzo, 355

  Kanoya Air Group, 55

  Kase, Toshikazu, 113

  Kasumigaseki, 113

  Kasumigaura Naval Air Training Center, 94, 97–98

  Kasumigaura Naval Air Training Corps, 69

  Kato, Kanji, 84, 85

  Katori, 215

  Katsumi, Motoi, 465

  Katz, Larry, 9

  Kavieng, 320

  Kawai, Chiyoko (Umeryu), 74–75, 272, 403

  Kawanishi, 92

  Kawanishi Type 97 flying boats, 226–27, 320, 335–36, 392, 406

  Kazuei, Koiwa, 294

  Keaton, Buster, 76

  Kelley, Herman A., 453

  Kelley, Jack, 38

  Kendari, 234, 254

  kendo, 99

  Kernan, Alvin, 42, 91, 209, 221, 223, 229, 290, 293, 323, 392–93, 398, 437, 438

  Kerrville, Tex., 131

  Kessler, Woodrow M., 146

  KGMB, 8

  Kiangsu (Jiangsu), 300

  Kido, Koichi, 64, 482

  Kido Butai carrier group, 122, 209, 231, 254–55, 264, 286, 293, 321–22, 377–78, 474–75

  in Midway attack, 404–6, 408–9, 411, 413–14, 416–17, 422, 425–34, 432, 441–42, 447, 451, 455–63, 478, 484

  in wargaming of Midway attack, 381–82

  Kight, Otis, 368, 397

  Kikuzuki, 332

  Kimigayo, 107, 241, 463

  Kimmel, Husband E., 20–22, 41

  as Pearl Harbor scapegoat, 127, 135, 158

  removal of, 129, 150, 152, 157–58, 169

  King, Claire, 167

  King, Eleanor, 167

  King, Elizabeth, 167

  King, Ernest J., 189, 201, 265, 277, 333, 481, 486

  as advocate for Pacific resources, 162, 182–87, 267

  ambition of, 163, 168

  appearance of, 161

  at Arcadia Conference, 180

  background of, 163

  and Battle of Midway, 387–88, 393

  on bombing of Japan, 283–84

  character and personality of, 161–62, 163–67, 168, 394

  criticisms of, 162

  in defeat of ABDA fleet, 262

  family life of, 167

  FDR’s relationship with, 162, 166, 168, 184

  on loss of Lexington, 373–74

  Marshall and partner with, 196–97

  as misunderstood, 161–62

  Nimitz’s meetings with, 317–19

  Nimitz’s relationship with, 199

  Pacific concerns of, 385–86, 387

  perceived Anglophobia of, 162, 185

  press relations of, 228

  on radio intelligence, 310–12, 315–16, 385–86

  replacement of Pacific Fleet admirals by, 318

  safety concerns of, 317

  and unified command, 189–92

  King, Ernest Joseph, Jr., 167

  King, Florence, 167

  King, Martha (daughter), 167

  King, Martha “Mattie” (wife), 167, 171

  King, Mildred, 167

  Kinney, John, 141–42, 152, 154

  Kipling, Rudyard, xiii

  Kirishima, 105, 485

  Kisaragi, 146

  Kiska, Japanese invasion of, 379, 406, 483

  Kita, Ikki, 78

  Knox, Frank, 14, 15, 28–29, 45, 169, 184

  on Pacific Fleet admirals, 318

  in wake of Pearl Harbor attack, 126–27, 135, 149

  Knudsen, William, 488

  Kobayashi, Michio, 442, 444

  Kobe, xxvii, 286

  Kodo (the imperial way), 77–78, 88

  Kokusai Shashin, 272

  kokutai (political order), 80, 110

  Komaki, T., 109

  Kondo, Nobutake, 382, 389, 460, 485

  Kong, Dan, 8

  Kongo Maru, 145–46

  Konoye, Prince, 115, 117, 122

  Korea, xviii, xxiv, xxvi, 89, 274

  Kortenaer, 258

  Koryaku Butai (“invasion force”), 384

  Kota Bahru, 49, 54, 245

  Kouretas, Nick, 18, 39

  Kra Isthmus, 234

  Krian River, 248

  Kuantan, 54

  Kuching, 234

  Kumano, 464

  Kupang Bay, 236

  Kure, 84, 92, 103, 270, 403

  Kure Naval Air Corps, 405

  Kurile Islands, 82, 119, 122, 269

  Kurita, Admiral, 461, 464

  Kuroshima, Captain, 461–62

  Kusaka, Ryunosuke, 441, 474, 475

  Kwajalein, 143, 146, 384, 490

  as Enterprise raid target, 203, 207–9, 211–12, 214–15, 219, 222

  Kwantung Army, Japanese, 276

  Kyoto Imperial University, 109

  Labour Party, British, 175

  Lae, 230, 264, 277, 278, 320

  Lake Kasumigaura, 97

  Lamar, H. Arthur, 127, 130, 134–35, 137–39

  Lamon Bay, 239

  landing signal officer (LSO), 221, 466

  Lawson, Jim, 19

  Lawson, Ted W., 289–92, 294–95

  Layton, Edwin T., 21, 72, 159, 200, 307–9, 312, 316, 334, 337, 373, 473

  on Midway, 385, 387–90, 401

  League of Nations:

  Covenant of, 82

  Japanese annexation of Manchuria condemned by, 85

  Leahy, William D., 168

  Leesberg, Scott, 23

  Le Fan, Leslie, 17, 38

  Legaspi, 48

  Lembang, 235

  Lend-Lease program, U.S., 24

  Leslie, Maxwell F., 429, 431

  Lewis, Fulton, 27

  Lexington, US
S, 40, 229–30, 481n

  Admiral King as captain of, 164–65

  Lexington, USS (continued)

  antiaircraft guns on, 153, 265, 325–26, 348, 357–58, 360–61

  aviators of, 347, 349–51, 354

  in Battle of the Coral Sea, 328–29, 333, 335–50, 352, 354, 387

  Bombing Squadron Two of, 341–42

  damage control teams of, 361–63

  equator crossing on, 326–27

  living conditions on, 324, 327–28

  loss of, 361–68, 369, 373–74, 376, 392, 484

  planes lost from, 374

  power plant of, 324

  Scouting Two of, 341–42, 351

  size and history of, 323

  Task Force 11 and, 150, 151, 155, 319, 329, 333

  Task Force 17 and, 334, 338–39, 346–47, 351, 354–55, 368

  Torpedo Squadron Two of, 342

  Leyte, 156

  liberalism, in Japan, 77, 79, 81, 85

  Libya, 24, 173

  Life, 169

  Lincoln, Abraham, xvi, 75

  Lincoln Memorial, 124

  Lindsey, Eugene, 214, 425

  Lindsey, Robin, 286

  Lingayen Gulf, 238

  Lockheed Hudson bomber, 49

  Lockheed Lodestar, 170

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, xx

  London, xviii, 79, 191, 192, 198, 318

  London Naval Disarmament Treaty of 1930, 83, 84–85, 89, 102

  Long Island, 43

  Los Angeles, Calif., 134, 266

  Louisiade Archipelago, 329, 338, 339, 340

  Low, F. S. “Frog,” 283

  Lower, Jack, 9

  Lucky Bag, 132, 202, 394

  Luftwaffe, German, 25, 245

  Lukouchiao, 91

  Luzon, xxxii, 48, 52, 156, 239

  Japanese attack on, 234, 237–39, 242

  MacArthur, Douglas A., 228, 341, 488

  Admiral King’s dislike of, 162, 197, 267

  in Australia, 243–44, 267, 375

  as commander in chief of “Southwest Pacific Area,” 267–68

  flight from Manila of, 156, 239

  media attraction to, 185, 243

  and Pearl Harbor raid, 48–49

  and Philippine invasion, 235–43

  Task Group 17.3 accidentally bombed by, 340

  machine guns, xxiv

  Maeda, Masami, 242

  Maeda, Takeshi, 95–97, 99, 403–5, 415–17, 430

  MAGNET, 185

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer, xvi–xix, xxvii–xxviii, xxxiii–xxxv, xxxvi, 28, 57–58, 79, 102, 117–18, 136, 159, 164, 262, 275, 321

  on big gun battleships, xvi, xvii, xix–xx, xxxiv, 57–58, 102, 159

  enemy’s capability rule of, 309

  rule of concentration of, xvi, xvii–xviii, 262, 321, 380, 486

  rule of single decisive battle of, xvi, xviii, xix, xxxiv, 117, 118, 262, 275

  Maher, A. L., 261

  Maine, 28

  Majuro, 490

  Makagumo, 463

  Makalapa Hill, 157

  Makassar Strait, 234, 237

  Makin, 184, 199

  Yorktown carrier raid on, 203, 205, 227

  Malaita, 490

  malaria, 244, 490

  Malaya, 24, 25, 246


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