Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942

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Pacific Crucible: War at Sea in the Pacific, 1941-1942 Page 81

by Ian W. Toll

  State Department, U.S., 27, 66

  Station Belconnen, 315

  Station Cast, 309–10

  Station Hypo (Combat Intelligence Unit), 302–16

  Coral Sea news from, 329, 337

  criticism for Pearl Harbor attack directed at, 310

  and Midway decrypts, 383–92, 479–81

  plotting board of ship positions at, 312–13

  Redman’s rivalry with, 310–12, 316, 386–87, 481–82

  steel, 115, 138

  Stilwell, Joseph W. “Vinegar Joe,” 179

  Stimson, Henry, 15–16, 27, 29–30, 43, 59, 126, 242, 244

  codebreaking seen as unethical by, 303

  Strait of Malacca, 265

  Stroop, Paul D., 334–35, 343, 348, 360, 365

  Subic Bay, xxxiv

  Submarine I-23, 222

  Submarine I-168, 467–69

  submarines, xiv, 83, 118, 313, 460, 466

  Allied, 405

  bogus contacts for, 151

  German, see U-boats, German

  hazard pay for testing of, xxiii

  Japanese, 24, 184, 231, 265–66, 316, 320, 369, 483, 485

  Japanese picket line of, 406, 480

  Nimitz and, 132

  Pearl Harbor and survival of, 159, 238

  rules of naval warfare rewritten by, xxxiv–xxxv

  seaborne supply lines and, xxxv

  U.S., 159–60, 163, 164, 214, 256

  substitution codes, 391

  Suez Canal, xxxiii, 265

  Sugimoto, Goro, 78

  Sugiyama, Hajime, 121

  Sulu Sea, 234, 255

  Sumatra, 234, 254, 312

  oil fields in, 182, 234, 237

  Sumitomo, 86

  Sunda Strait, 260, 261

  Sun-Tzu, 5, 51

  supercarriers, 298, 300

  supply lines, seaborne, xxxv

  Supreme Court, U.S., 35

  Supreme War Council, Japanese, 123

  Surabaya Harbor, 235, 254, 255–56, 258–60

  Surgi, Bill, 450

  Sutherland, Richard K., 48, 241

  Suva, 184

  Suzuki, Daisetz T., 110

  Suzuki, Hiroshi, 414–16, 433–34, 463

  Swanson, Claude A., 168

  Sweden, 202

  Sweeney, Walter C., 407–8, 414, 455

  Sydney, 182

  Japanese shelling of, 483

  tabulators, IBM, 302, 304, 384, 388

  punch cards for, 313

  Tactical Method No. 3, 293

  Taft, William Howard, xxxii

  Tagaya, Osamu, 95

  Tagula Island, 339, 341

  Tainan Air Corps, Japanese, 233

  Taisho Democracy, 76–77

  Taisho Emperor, see Yoshihito, Emperor of Japan

  Takagi, Takeo, 257–60, 320–22, 336, 338, 339, 344, 349, 370–71, 377

  Takahashi, Kakuichi, 355

  Takechi, Susumu, 241

  Talbot, Paul, 237

  Tambor, USS, 464

  Tamura, Yoshiro, 112

  Tanabe, Yahachi, 467–68

  Tanaka, Giichi, 86, 301

  Tanaka, Raizo, 406–8

  Tandjong Priok, 256, 260

  Tangier, USS, 150–51, 153

  Tanikaze, 465

  Tarakan Island, 234

  Tarawa, 490

  Taroa, 230

  carrier raid on, 208, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224

  Task Force 8, 150, 155, 200, 226, 227

  Task Force 11, 150, 151, 155, 319, 329, 334

  Task Force 12, 151

  Task Force 14, 150, 151, 153, 155–56

  Task Force 16, 285–93, 295–98, 297, 319

  and Battle of Midway, 387, 389–90, 392–94, 401–2, 406, 417–19, 420–21, 436, 464–66, 471

  Task Force 17, 203, 226, 319, 328, 333, 334, 338–39, 346–47, 351, 354–55, 368–70

  in Battle of Midway, 390, 393, 402, 406, 442, 458, 466, 471

  Task Force 18, 285, 297

  Task Force 44 (Royal Navy), 328

  Task Group 17.3, 338–40

  tatemae, 70–72

  Tatsuta, 146

  TBS (“talk-between-ships”), 257, 258, 348

  Tennessee, USS, 10

  Tenno (emperor), 77–78, 80, 88

  divine descent of, 78, 79, 108–9

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 423–24

  Tenryu, 146

  10th Indian Division, 245

  Terauchi, General, 91

  Texas, 133

  Thach, Jimmy, 399, 428, 430–31, 444, 449, 459

  Thach weave, 399, 428

  Thailand, see Siam

  Thompson, Tommy, 172

  time-date cipher, 391

  Timor, 234–35, 269

  eastern, 236

  Tippecanoe, 329, 333

  Tirpitz, Alfred von, xviii

  Tjan, 217

  Tjilatjap, 262

  Tobruk, 182, 265

  Togo, Heihachiro, xix, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, 67, 69, 79, 85, 132

  Tojo, Hideki, 64–65, 67, 120–23, 242, 270, 274, 294, 483

  Tokyo, 64, 65, 86, 89, 91, 94, 95, 102, 108, 111, 139, 230, 234, 242, 285, 403

  air raids as concern for, 272, 278

  Akasaka district of, 73

  B-25 bombing raid on, 281–300, 318, 319

  Great Kanto earthquake in, 278

  Imperial Palace in, 79

  Shinbashi district of, 73, 74, 278

  Westernization of downtown, 76

  Yamamoto’s warnings of air raids on, 67, 117, 231–32, 278

  Tokyo Bay, 75, 81, 95–96, 114, 132, 294

  Tominaga, Shozo, 112

  Tomonaga, Joichi, 411, 413, 415–16, 422, 448–49

  tonarigumi (neighborhood associations), 81, 107, 270

  Tone, 408, 455

  No. 4 floatplane of, 412–13, 416–17, 420

  Tonga Islands, 182, 184, 370

  Tongatapu, 184, 370

  Toranomon Incident, 80

  torpedo bombers, 100, 214, 332, 351, 352, 354, 356, 358–59, 370, 376, 413, 417, 434, 448, 454

  fogging problem of, 353

  torpedoes, 237, 411, 451

  dud, 256

  loading of, 417

  Mark 13, 422

  self-propelled, xiii

  shallow-run, 118–19

  shortage of, 205

  Torpedo Squadron Eight (VT-8), 292

  Tosa, 84

  Tosa Gulf, 84

  Townsville, Australia, 329, 335

  Trafalgar, Battle of, xxiv

  traffic analysis, 306–7

  trains, wartime, 489–90

  Treasury, U.S., 148

  Treaty of Portsmouth, xxviii–xxix, 274

  trenches, xxiv

  Tripartite Pact, 114–17

  Truk, 202, 228, 231, 295, 306, 314–15, 322, 354, 370, 384, 386

  Truman, Harry S., 162

  Tsuchiura, 94, 97

  Tsushima, Battle of, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, 67, 69, 118, 275

  Tsuzuki, Ishichi, 295

  Tulagi, 320, 329–33, 392

  ordnance and ammunition wasted at, 333

  Tulagi Invasion Force, 329

  Tully, Grace, 15, 27

  on Churchill, 174

  Tully, Tony, 378, 380, 455

  turbine engines, xiii

  Turner, Richmond K. “Kelly,” 170, 189

  24th Air Flotilla, Japanese, 222

  22nd Air Flotilla, Japanese, 54, 66

  Two-Ocean Navy Act of 1940, 137

  Type-3 Primary Trainer, 99

  Type 80 land bombs, 412

  Type 91 800-kilogram aerial torpedo, 93

  Type 93 biplane (Akatombo), 99

  typhoid, 300

  U-boats, German, xxxv, 169, 171, 265

  Ugaki, Matome, 66, 231, 275, 277, 279, 293, 295, 300, 377

  on battleships, 380

  at Midway, 455, 460, 461–62, 474–75

  in Midway wargaming, 381–82, 383

  Ulithi, 490

  Ultra, 309, 337

  Umi Yukab
a (“Across the Sea”), 474

  Unalaska Island, 281, 379

  Unit 731, 112

  United Nations, Charter of, 195

  United States, 100, 181

  Australia’s relationship with, 185–86

  Axis propaganda and, 62

  United States (continued)

  battleships of, 105

  as British ally, 171, 188

  British friction with, 176–77, 188, 195, 317

  CCOS and, 191–93, 195

  collective hysteria in, 43–45

  as democracy, 176, 487–88

  European intervention by, 187

  Germany’s declaration of war against, 59–60

  industrial economy of, 62, 70, 138

  Japanese attacks on western Pacific bases of, 48–58

  Japanese criticism of women in, 487

  Japanese immigration limited by, xxix–xxxii, 77, 82

  Japan’s dependence on resources from, 115–16, 120

  Japan’s desire to be seen as equal to, 84

  as Japan’s “hypothetical enemy,” 120

  military aid to Chinese Nationalists by, 112

  mobilization of, 478

  morale in, 487–88

  Pacific forces of, 182, 188

  pilots of, 378, 397, 414, 415, 418–19, 435

  ports closed to foreign shipping by, 43

  seen as imperialist oppressor of Asia, 64, 82, 107, 110, 122, 272, 274

  supplies to Allied forces by, 59, 61, 182, 187

  territorial acquisitions of, xxi

  viewed as malicious by Japanese right, 82–83

  war declared against Japan by, 34–36, 62, 171

  wartime production economy of, 47, 62, 172, 174, 194–95, 200, 317, 486–89, 491

  in World War I, 25

  Yamamoto’s opposition to war with, 115

  Yamamoto’s strategy towards, 273–74

  United States–Australia lifeline, 182–84, 183, 186, 201, 264, 277, 311, 386

  United States Embassy, in Tokyo, 72, 114

  Utah, USS, 126

  Vang, Pat, 24

  VB-5, 340

  Versailles Conference, 76–77

  racial equality clause rejected by, 77, 82

  VF-6 fighter plane, 216, 288

  Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 124n

  Vindicator SB2U plane, 464

  Vireo, USS, 467, 469

  Virginia, 43

  Vladivostok, 298

  Waikiki Beach, 398, 475–76

  Wainwright, Jonathan, 244

  Wake Atoll, 144

  Wake Island, 230

  abandonment of relief operation for, 156–58, 160

  code for, 308

  Japanese aircraft based on, 471, 474

  Japanese attacks on and capture of, 36, 47, 134, 139–47, 151–57, 182, 278, 385

  Kimmel on, 150

  relief efforts for, 151–55

  revenge for, 208

  Waldron, John C., 400–401, 418, 422–25, 438

  Wall, Robert W., 292

  Waller, George E., 39

  Walsh, W. J., 132

  Warden, Horace D., 150

  War Department, U.S., 26, 43, 194–95, 244

  Ware, Charles, 442

  war industries, 47

  War of 1812, xxiii

  War Plan Orange (WPO), xxxiv, 133, 239, 241

  War Production Board, U.S. (WPB), 195, 488–89

  Warspite-class battleships, British, 339, 377

  Washington, D.C., xxii, xxiii, 25–26, 52, 133, 135, 152, 165, 169–70, 202, 242, 267, 268, 298, 303–4, 310–11, 316, 373, 385, 387, 481–82

  blackouts in, 42

  Churchill in, 171–79, 197–98

  first stages of mobilization in, 42–43

  as unified command headquarters, 191–93

  Washington Evening Star, 34, 36

  Washington Mall, 124

  attack on cherry trees on, 42

  Washington Naval Conference of 1921–22, 83

  Washington Navy Yard, 171

  Washington Post, 177

  Washington Star, 176

  Watanabe, Katsumi, 97

  Watanabe, Yasuji, 65, 279–81, 461–62

  Wavell, Sir Archibald P., 190–91, 195, 234–35, 248–52

  weapons systems, xiii

  Wehrmacht, German, 25, 60

  Welles, Orson, 8

  Wenger, Joseph N., 310, 312, 481

  West, Norman, 213

  western Pacific, 48

  West Point, U.S. Military Academy at, xv, 131

  West Virginia, USS, 17, 30–31, 36

  Wheeler Field, 12, 33

  White Fleet, xxxii–xxxiv

  White House, 24, 26, 29, 45, 124, 127, 162, 169, 189, 192

  Christmas tree-lighting ceremony at, 176

  Churchill as guest at, 173–79

  Lincoln Study of, 173

  Monroe Room of, 173

  Oval Office of, 13, 175

  Oval Study in, 12–14, 47, 197

  press room of, 27–30

  Rose Suite of, 173

  security at, 34

  South Portico of, 176

  Wildcats, see Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter plane

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, xviii

  Wilkes, Charles, 208

  Wilkes Island, 139, 143, 145

  Wilson, Edith, 35

  Wilson, Woodrow, xxxvi, 29, 35

  Winant, John “Gil,” 24

  Wingo, Ted, 27

  Wolfe, Thomas, 100

  Wolf’s Lair, 59

  Wordsworth, William, 132

  World War I, xxiv, 24, 26, 159, 160, 236

  Anglo-German naval arms race and, xviii–xix

  arms limitations after, 83

  beginning of, xxxiii

  French battlefields of, 80

  glimpses of future revealed in, xxxv

  Japan in, 82

  Nimitz in, 132

  temporary buildings in, 124

  United States in, 25

  unity of command in, 188, 189

  U.S. declaration of war in, 35

  World War II:

  atrocities in, 299

  causes of, xxix

  Indian Ocean in geopolitics of, 265

  Mahanian dogmas and, xvi

  Pearl Harbor as turning point of, 59, 61–62

  World War II (continued)

  ranking admirals in, xiv, 307

  technological change in naval warfare leading to, xiv

  U.S. entry into, 34–36, 62, 171

  Wotje, Enterprise carrier raid on, 203, 208, 215–17, 220

  Wright, Ham, 386, 391

  Wright brothers, xiv

  Wynn, Bert, 54

  Yamaguchi, Tamon, 441–42, 447, 454, 463

  Yamamoto, Isoruko, 230–31, 287

  background and appearance of, 68–69, 272–73

  Battle of the Coral Sea and, 370, 378

  concerns about Navy’s attitudes by, 273–74

  as foreign policy moderate, 70, 113–15, 117–18

  as gambler, 70, 73, 119, 381

  Midway Island and, 66, 67, 232, 277–81, 301, 371, 378, 380–83, 389, 390, 403–4, 406, 411, 414, 446–47, 455–56, 460–62, 464, 474–75, 477, 479, 485–86

  as naval aviation proponent, 66, 69, 94, 102

  Nelson compared to, 67–68, 72

  Pearl Harbor attack planned by, 65–67, 118–19, 122, 279, 281, 383

  in press on East Indies, 255

  public vs. private personas of, 71–73

  and relations with geishas, 72–75, 278, 403

  and Task Force 16 bombing attack, 293, 295, 300

  in Treaty faction, 70, 85

  Tripartite Pact opposed by, 115–16

  in U.S., 69–70, 75

  as vice minister of navy, 114

  on Yamato, 272–73

  Yamashita, Tomoyuki, 250–51

  Yamashita, Yoshiaki, xxvii

  Yamato, 103–5, 272–73, 277, 280–81, 293, 403, 446–47, 460, 462, 464, 471, 474–75

, Ryusaku, 440

  Yangtze River, 112

  Yashiro, Yukichi, 215

  Yatsushiro, Sukeyoshi, 222, 228, 230

  Yayoi, 146

  “Yellow Peril,” xxxii

  YE-ZB radio homing signals, 435

  Yokaren, 95

  Yokohama, xxxi, xxxiii, 64, 286, 294

  Great Kanto earthquake in, 278

  Yokosuka, 92, 103

  Yokosuka Naval Base, 75, 95–96, 294–95, 485

  Yokoyama, Ryuichi, 64

  Yonai, Mitsumasa, 114–16

  Yorktown, USS, 323, 391

  air group of, 398–99, 418, 422

  antiaircraft guns on, 450

  aviators of, 331–32, 343, 347, 349–50, 437

  in Battle of Midway, 393, 417–19, 421–22, 428–29, 431, 436, 442–44, 451

  in Battle of the Coral Sea, 329–30, 332–33, 336–41, 343–45, 347–53, 355–56, 361, 368–72, 387, 398

  Bombing Five of, 353

  Bombing Three of (VB-3), 421, 429, 432, 454, 457, 465

  damage to, 361, 368–72, 373, 374, 375, 376–77, 396–97, 448

  dive-bombers of, 330, 421, 431, 432, 476

  fighters of, 421–22, 444

  “Fighting 42” of, 336

  Fighting Three (VF-3) of, 398, 399, 428, 432, 435, 444, 446, 449, 450

  Lexington planes transferred to, 369

  loss of, 445–53, 458, 466–70, 471, 477–78

  at Midway, 393, 417

  planes lost by, 374

  raid on Gilberts and Marshalls by, 203, 205, 218, 226–27, 230

  scout bombers of, 419, 453

  Scouting Five of (VS-5), 330–31, 353, 398, 465

  Task Force 17 of, 203, 226, 319, 328, 333, 338–39, 346–47, 351, 354–55, 368–70, 390, 471

  torpedo bombers of, 330, 343, 353, 421–22

  Torpedo Five of (VT-5), 399

  Torpedo Three of (VT-3), 398–99, 428–30, 432

  VF-42 of, 398, 399

  Yoshida, Toshio, 63, 65

  Yoshihito, Emperor of Japan, xix, 78, 79

  Yoshihito, Miyasato, 474

  Yoshino, Haruo, 440, 458

  Young, Howard, 220

  Yubari, 144–45

  zaibatsu, 86

  Zeros, see Mitsubishi AGM “Zero”

  Zimm, Alan, 381n

  Zuikaku, 231, 320, 322, 333, 343, 344, 350, 352, 353, 355, 370–71, 378, 485

  Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840–1914). Getty Images.

  Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. From left to right, the stricken battleships West Virginia, Tennessee, and Arizona. FDR Library.

  The USS Arizona shortly after the detonation of her forward magazine. Official U.S. Navy photograph.

  A crowd gathers outside the White House, December 7, 1941. Getty Images.

  FDR asks for war, December 8, 1941. Getty Images.

  Isoroku Yamamoto in diplomat’s attire, 1934. Getty Images.

  Admiral Yamamoto in the early 1940s, as commander in chief of the Combined Fleet. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command photograph.


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