The Rainmaker : Cole : A Von Larsen Crime Family Novel

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The Rainmaker : Cole : A Von Larsen Crime Family Novel Page 9

by Piper Page

  The Monarch was as elegant and intriguing as the hotel. I was in awe of the décor that seemed beyond chic. Like the décor of the hotel, it had a plethora of variations on art and industrial design. I could tell why Cole had decided to eat here. It reverberated with his own aura and personality.

  “Good evening. Do you have a reservation?” The almond-eyed woman with the sleekest black locks I had ever laid eyes on did not lift her head from the schedule book that lay open before her. She exuded an Asian flair, that men must fawn over.

  “Um, yes I am dining with Mr. von Larsen. I’m supposed to meet him here.”

  Her head shot up fast enough that her tightly pinned hair wavered in the still air of the room. Did everyone always seemed so shocked to hear of Cole’s pending arrival? I watched as her lips drew tight, and I instantly felt as if she were sizing me up. I shifted from one foot to the other, waiting. “Is there a problem?”

  The corners of her mouth remained tight. “No. Not at all. Mr. Von Larsen has not arrived yet. Perhaps you’d like to wait in the lounge for him.” Her eyes darted toward the dimly lit bar.

  “Yes, I suppose that will be fine. You will let him know that is where I am when he arrives?”

  “Yes, we are quite familiar with the routine,” She mumbled, picking up a few black menus and tilting her head to indicate I should follow her. Was she intentionally being rude to me, or was this normal behavior for the hotel staff?

  “You can wait here. Order a drink if you’d like, I’m certain Mr. von Larsen will pick up the tab.”

  I shook my head. Should I say something to her or bite my tongue?

  * * *

  Don’t make waves.

  * * *

  I watched her strut away as another woman equally gorgeous with caramel-hued skin that glowed, flawless and smooth, approached me. She exchanged smirks with the hostess, then stopped beside my table to ask for my order.

  “White wine is fine, thank you.”

  “I will assume the house wine is suitable?” Her tight, full, red lips were a replica of the woman before her.

  What was the deal here? Were they jealous? Compared to them, I was a short, pale unsophisticated girl, while both of them were beyond elegant. They were obviously familiar with Cole. I kept my cool and was polite when my drink was delivered. However, I did let my ear bend to hear the conversation going on behind me when the rude duo retreated to the hostess station behind me.

  “I wish we could do something. I mean, this is an elite clientele place. These bigwigs shouldn’t be allowed to bring their ‘paid’ company in here.”

  * * *

  Paid company?

  * * *

  “I know. Last week there were three of them. Three! In one week.” Their tones were not so hushed anymore. The more I listened, the less attractive these two women became to me.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t turn him down, personally. Of course, being on that level comes with some serious ounces of white perks, if you know what I mean.”

  “Must be nice.” Their voices trailed off as the sound of others approached. What did they mean “ounces of white perks”? The comment seemed somewhat prejudiced. Did they think Cole only dated white women? Maybe he didn’t give them the attention they thought they deserved when he was here. Even so, that didn’t make their little tea party right.

  “Mr. von Larsen is seated now.”

  I nearly knocked over my wine when the snarky hostess appeared to lead the way to where I was to meet Cole. I didn’t bother to say thank you. Instead, I sipped at my wine, keeping my mouth occupied so I didn’t slip up and say something about her and her chat-mate’s rude behavior.

  Cole’s eyes beamed when he saw me approach the table. He stood up and pulled out my chair for me, assisting me into a seated position. I took note of how the hostess’ demeanor changed dramatically in his presence.

  * * *

  Wait and see how he tips you after I tell him how rude you are.

  * * *

  I’m not a vindictive person, but I thought that it was wrong to gossip behind a person’s back. I gave her an equally false, sweet smile as she handed me my menu and walked away. Cole took my hand across the table and pulled my attention from her to him. “So how was your afternoon, doll? What did you think of it all?”

  “I enjoyed the spa very much, and all the great art in and around the hotel,” I said, hesitating. Should I tell him?

  He looked over the top edge of his menu. “I sense a ‘but’ coming. Did something happen?” His blue eyes were clouded with concern.

  I tensed my fingers around his hand, then released them a few times, smiling. “Everything was lovely,” said as I leaned in close to whisper around my menu, “but there a few prejudiced here. I mean, I know I’m a blonde girl from Galveston, but come on, I don’t think I can justly be called a ‘white perk’.”

  Cole covered his mouth with his napkin and choked back the water he had just swallowed. He coughed and sputtered. I was instantly concerned for him and patted his back with a furrowed brow. “Are you okay, Cole?”

  He nodded and began to laugh. I couldn’t help but giggle with him, it was so infectious.

  “What? Is that funny?”

  He took my hand again. “You know what I like about you, Sunny Banks?”

  I shook my head.

  “You are refreshingly honest.”

  * * *

  I hope you see that as a good thing.

  * * *

  When we were thoroughly stuffed on beet salad and lamb, again, I had no room for dessert. Cole suggested we make our way to a high-rise rooftop bar he liked for an after-dinner cocktail. I was feeling warm and content in his company, and if a drink added to the time I could spend with him then I was in. Deep down, I was hoping it may lead to more than drinks. What had he called me, a “wanting wench”?

  * * *

  Only with you, Cole.



  Music assaulted my ears as soon as our feet left the elevator. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to hear anything he had to say soon. My feet stopped outside the frosted glass doors that led out into the unknown rooftop party he had brought me to. “Cole, what is this place?” I felt like I was yelling already, just standing in the hallway.

  “The Lava Lounge.”

  “And you like it?” It didn’t strike me as a place he’d like, but maybe I still had a lot to learn about Cole.

  “I own it. Well, actually, I own the whole building.”

  I smirked. I was starting to think Cole owned Houston. He pulled back on the long silver bar that was the handle of the Lava Lounge entrance and the thunderous music increased tenfold. We had entered the Garden of Eden, and wanton pleasure seemed to abound to all the senses. Music thumped and made people move in an ebb and flow against one another. Drinks flowed from fountains in various flavors of alcohol. Women drew the eyes of men and women with sequins and sheer sarongs, bikinis, and mini-dresses that were next to nothing when it came to covering their moving bodies. Hot tubs framed a rooftop pool, and red chaise loungers were interspersed between wrought iron tables and chairs. Cole led me to a table and set of lounge chairs roped off from others that were occupied. He sat me down and kissed my cheek, lifting a finger to indicate he’d be right back.

  I watched as he crossed the wild party to get us a couple of drinks. He looked relaxed and confident amongst these people. I felt vastly underdressed and out of place. Cole was approached by no less than seven guests during his trip to the bar for drinks. He addressed each one, if only for a few seconds to acknowledge them. He was a good businessman. Knowing your fan base was important. I wondered if all these people really knew him. Maybe they were employees or customers. Wasn’t it a wise idea to wine and dine your investors?

  * * *

  Wait, who is she?

  * * *

  Cole had been sidelined by a statuesque brunette. Her legs went on for days, and even I could tell she was a goddess of a bombshell. I suddenl
y felt like a street urchin begging for a scrap of food.

  * * *

  Can I have some more, sir?

  * * *

  Her head tipped back, and it was obvious she was laughing at something he had whispered into her ear. She touched his shoulder and he didn’t back away. In fact, he smiled even more charmingly at the model.

  What was that? Um, hello? I’m right over here. Are you going to flirt all day in front of me?

  * * *

  I felt an emotional tear inside my chest and my hand went to my chest. Is this what a heart attack feels like? How could he spend a lovely evening with me and then flirt with another girl, right in front of me? Was that his method? He wines and dines a woman, gets her to go to bed with him, and then shows her the real Cole? The lanky, lustful young woman wrapped her arm around his neck and leaned in close with her back to me. I thought I might vomit.


  “Beverly, what do you have for me?” I yelled into her ear. My hands were full with drinks for Sunny and I, but I needed the information Bev had before I could relax and enjoy the rest of the night with Sunny. If all went well, I’d be holding her close in the privacy of the penthouse. My assistant spent the better part of the afternoon setting up the room with flowers, champagne, smooth jazz, and some gift-wrapped jewelry I had bought earlier. I couldn’t wait to see how the emerald pendent and matching earrings would sparkle against Sunny’s perfect skin.

  “Who’s the gorgeous babe? And the better question would be, is she available?” Beverly purred.

  “Not your type, Bev, and she’s spoken for.”

  “Oh, boss-man got a girlfriend. Good for you. If you ever let her go, send her my way,” she laughed with a wink at me.

  “Not in the plans. She’s a keeper. In fact, I’m making plans to take her away on a surprise, week-long trip to the Bahamas. Do a little fishing, grab a bit of fun, actually relax on an actual vacation—one that isn’t related to work.”

  “Well, she certainly is a fine catch.”

  “That she is, but before I can do any of that, I need to know what you’ve heard.”

  Beverly leaned in close so no one could hear her or read her lips. When she gave me the news, it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I could feel my fingers clenching the glasses of wine in my hands. If I didn’t calm down, they were sure to break and cut me to hell. My brain was screaming that I urgently needed to get Sunny out of here.

  “Bev, go check the hallway and the elevator. I’m going to grab Sunny and get her out of the city.”

  “I’m on it.”

  I watched Beverly put herself into full work mode. She was another employee I was honored to have on my staff. I turned to smile and acknowledge Sunny, to let her know I was on my way back and pretend everything was going as planned. The table I left her sitting at was empty. I set the glasses down and spun around, scanning the rooftop. Sunny was nowhere to be seen.

  * * *

  Where are you?

  * * *

  “Damn it.”



  The Uber door slammed it behind me. I had managed to keep the hot tears at bay on the way down from the rooftop, but now that I was seated securely in the confines of the Oldsmobile and the driver had pulled away from the curb, I couldn’t hold them back. I was a fool. I let myself get sucked out of my comfort zone, my home playing field, and my internal security by Claire and Cole. I blamed them both. The only difference was I would forgive Claire. In fact, she would be the first person I would call in the morning…after the long night of crying and self-wallowing I knew I was headed for.

  The driver hit 45N, and I let my body slouch down into the seat, drawing my knees upward against the back of the front seat and crossing my arms over my chest. I focused on the overcast sky and couldn’t tell if the window was blurry and streaked from my looking through my tears or if it had begun to rain. It didn’t matter. Either way, I was miserable. My cell phone sang a sweet song of chirping birds. I fished it out and saw that it was Cole. My fingers swiped over the glass and powered down the device to a black screen.

  Goodbye, Cole.

  I tossed the phone to the seat next to me. I wouldn’t be answering his calls or texts. In fact, tomorrow morning, I would stop at the wireless store on my morning run and have my number changed. He had enough girls’ numbers in his cellphone. He would never miss mine. Who does this? What kind of man treats a woman like a princess and then crushes her heart in his hands right in front of her? He could have had the decency to excuse himself and before going off to flirt with that glamazon out in the hallway. No, his ego was far too big and bold. Mister Rich had to flaunt his conquests in front of my very eyes. What a jerk.

  “Hey, you’re a guy, right?” I scooted forward and laid my chin to my arms across the back of the bench front seat.

  “Last time I checked,” he smiled in the rearview mirror. He wasn’t unattractive, very boyish, with his slightly crooked teeth and elfin upturned nose.

  “Would you ever talk to a woman you may or may not have dated, possibly slept with, if you were seeing—well not officially—but definitely interested in a girl that you had out on a date?”

  His eyes narrowed as he tried in earnest to sort out what I was asking. “Umm, I only get paid to drive, m’am.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not looking for advice. I just want to know how men think.”

  He laughed out loud. “Listen honey, I’m only driving you to Galveston. That mystery, the differences between men and women, has been a question for a lot longer than I’ve been driving.”

  * * *

  Thanks for nothing.

  * * *

  He wasn’t going to help me. I slumped back into my original position and pouted. Maybe I could get my father to write up a bunch of citations against the von Larsen buildings. Like those minimal charges would have any effect on his wallet.

  * * *

  Dumb, petty idea.

  * * *

  I sat back up. “Okay, let’s say the shoe was on the other foot. Say your girlfriend meets her ex while you are out and starts flirting with him. What would you do?”

  “Kick his ass.”

  That thought never occurred to me. I tried to envision myself standing up to the runway model and punching her right in her perfectly-sculpted nose. I doubted I could have reached up to even tap it. I sighed. Violence is never the right answer.

  “So, you’re saying your man went out on you? What a chump. You’re a good-looking gal, you can do better.”

  * * *

  Fat chance.

  * * *

  “You know what you ought to do?”

  I shook my head.

  “Find another guy and go out where the asshole can see you. Have the best time, even if you have to fake it. Guys can’t stand it when they know someone they use to have is in someone else’s bed now. We can be territorial like that. Go get you some revenge sex.”

  Revenge sex? Did I want that? No, I don’t think I’d trust another man with that experience again any time soon. But maybe I could date someone. Take him to the places Cole took me and…and what? Sit and wait for Cole to show up? And if he did, by chance, then what? It wasn’t in my nature to be false like that. No, that was Cole’s M.O.

  The car slowed, and I realized we were in front of my bungalow already. “Here we are. You’ll get your fare texted to you, and it’ll automatically be taken off your debit card.”

  I picked up my phone and remembered I had shut it off. “Thanks, I’ll look later. Thank you, and you can add the standard tip to the total.” I slammed the door behind me.

  Once inside, I felt the tears start again. The familiarity and security of my own house reminded me what a fool I was to think I could exist outside of it. Cole was a full head and shoulders above me in finances, but I would always be above him in simple respect and caring for a human being. In that, I could be proud.

  I poured myself a slim wine glass of dessert wine, scooped out a hea
ping bowl of my favorite vanilla and cherry ice cream, curled up on my couch in my fluffy pink bathrobe and warm puppy-head shaped slippers. Their little red felt tongues wagged as I propped my feet up on the coffee table and reached for the remote. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep tonight. What was I thinking? Giving up my virginity to a guy who slept with a fresh woman every night probably from the looks of it? Yes, I acted extremely rash leaving like that. But, I couldn’t pretend to be something I’m not any longer. This—his high life—who was I kidding? This isn’t my scene. I don’t share, I don’t sleep with someone I care about and watch them get on with other women. I just don’t do it.

  Fire burned in my chest.

  I couldn’t believe how worked up I was getting.

  The screen flicked as I surfed through the channels, finally settling on an old black and white movie. I watched as an elegant woman danced across the stage in a luxurious gown of feathers and sparkles while a man in a suit and tie looked after her longingly.

  * * *


  * * *

  I switched to Animal Planet and watched as a praying mantis ripped the head of her mate off with her buggy pinchers.

  * * *

  You go, girlfriend.


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