The Rainmaker : Cole : A Von Larsen Crime Family Novel

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The Rainmaker : Cole : A Von Larsen Crime Family Novel Page 11

by Piper Page

  Cole kept his word. Anything I suggested he arranged for us to do. We sunbathed on the yacht he had leased to take us from the Caymans to Jamaica and finally to Aruba. It was our private getaway, when we weren’t on land. We parasailed, we danced under the stars to Caribbean music, we drank frozen drinks of every variety, and we snorkeled to shipwrecks in the crystal-clear waters. Every day was a new adventure from the time we woke up until the moment we crashed into deep sleep, each worn, but happy. We made love under the moon, on the beach, in just about every room in the yacht that was not occupied by staff, and in the ocean on a warm bright night while we skinny-dipped just off shore. I felt like I was living a fantasy.

  When we reached Aruba, Cole took me shopping at the capital, Oranjestad. The buildings were hues of gorgeous pinks, blues, gold, and oranges. It was like a make-believe world of sun and wind and warmth. He brought me into Prada and Gucci, Ralph Lauren and Salvatore Ferragamo, along with countless other places that I’d never dreamed of being able to afford looking at. By the time we were done, Cole needed to call the service for a second car to take all our purchases back to port and have them ferried to the yacht for us. After today, I would never need to buy another purse or pair of shoes. He had bought me scarves and hats and dresses and bikinis, and as the icing on the cake, Cole clasped a diamond pendant on a silver chain about my neck. The gem glittered in the sunlight.

  “Cole, it’s beautiful.” I held it up and looked at the perfect clarity of the stone.

  “Not nearly as perfect as you are, Sunny.” He kissed my forehead. “Have you ever played cards before?”

  “What do you mean? Like Rummy or Slap Jack?”

  Cole laughed and took my hand, leading across the street. “No, I mean like poker and Black Jack.”

  “You mean gambling?”

  “You guessed it.” We entered a building full of lights, bells, and whistles. A casino.

  “I’ve never gambled, Cole. I don’t think I would know how.”

  He led me to a row of slot machines and sat me down, feeding a hundred dollar bill into the bill slot. The machine came alive. Cole punched the max bet button, and the electronic wheels spun for a bit before coming to a stop. The machine rang out, and a light twirled on the top while I watched in awe. “You’re a natural.” He commented. “Look at that, you won the first go ‘round!”

  Cole explained the buttons, the combinations, and the payoffs. I hit the max bet button, and the digital symbols dialed around again. Bells and whistles made my insides flutter and the read out announced I had won another hefty sum. Cole smiled at me. “Here.”

  I looked down and he was handing me several bills, all hundreds. “See if you can double this. I need to go talk to the manager about a possible investment. Can you stay put at this machine until I come back for you?”

  I nodded and hit the max bet button again. My win window showed I had won fifty dollars. “Okay, if you aren’t too long. I was hoping we could spend some alone time this afternoon,” I said as I winked at him, with an added playful smile.

  He held my face and kissed me full on the mouth. “I have created an insatiable monster and I love it. I’ll be back shortly.” He waved at the slot machine. “Keep going, doll.”

  Hours later, we were back on the yacht, having made love out on the sundeck where I was now waking up. I lay there in Cole’s arms, listening to him breathe, feeling his chest rise and fall with the thum-thump, thum-thump of his heartbeat. I’d never felt more connected to someone outside of my own family before.

  “Do you come to the Caribbean a lot?” I asked, draping a leg over his.

  He stroked my hair and let his body relax with me. “I try to come out here at least twice a year, but never for vacation, mostly for work-related things.”

  “Where did you vacation as a kid? My dad took us all to the Outer Banks one year, that’s where I first learned to fish.”

  “My father always said he was going to take us three boys to Hawaii, but the only trip he could ever afford or have time for was Cedar Point in Ohio. My mother’s sister lived there, so we would stay with her for a week each summer and go to the amusement park to ride all the roller coasters. When I made my first million, I took my brothers to Hawaii.”

  * * *

  First million?

  * * *

  “Where did you grow up?”

  “Right in River Oaks. My father was a good lawyer, but a shitty businessman. He tried. He kept us boys in the best private schools—we weren’t rich, but we managed.” His tone was far-off. I wondered if this was a tender spot for him to discuss. I knew his mother had passed. Perhaps his father had to. I didn’t want to dampen our time here, so I held my tongue.

  “Where’s your favorite place to go now?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Wherever you are.”

  “Flatterer.” I nipped at his bare chest.

  Cole yelped out and laughed. “I keep to Houston, mostly. My brothers are still there. I do make it out to Vegas a few times a year, and more here as well, in the last few years. We are thinking of expanding this way. Heavy tourist populated areas are good for real estate and business investments.”

  “I like it here. Maybe one day we can come back.”

  His hand rubbed at my shoulder. “I like that idea. Do you think you’d like to go to Vegas with me some time?”

  “Can I play the slot machines?”

  Cole laughed. “Slots, tables, bingo, anything that makes you happy.”

  “…and can we go back to the casino tonight?”

  “Yes, doll, we can.”

  I giggled. “My father would be lecturing me with a thousand reasons why I shouldn’t be gambling.”

  “Good thing he’s not here.”



  Sunny’s tanned hand slipped into mine, and I helped her off the shuttle boat onto the main land. Her body was a masterpiece in a silver lame mini-dress that hugged her curves and ended just below her bottom. I would need to keep my eye on her tonight. Men would want her without a doubt, and I don’t share. Her stilettos clicked in a steady rhythm beside me as we made our way to the car that would take us into the center of the capital. We hit the town in time to see the vivid flourish of feathers and sequined costumes of the Bon Bini Festival. The island music resounded through the streets, and local vendors served food and flair for all the tourists to enjoy. Tables of souvenirs and fine crafts lined the sidewalks, and I took note of it all. This tiny island would be the perfect addition to the von Larsen Empire. Uninhibited tourists looking to spend money and unload their day-to-day cares, hotels and high-rise resorts for real estate, clubs, event centers, and casinos to funnel money and willing investors for the import and export of the merchandise.

  * * *

  Time to make it rain in the Caribbean.

  * * *

  “Ready to spin the wheels?”

  Sunny was swaying to the street music and had somehow managed to get a tall, fruity drink in her hand. Her eyes were wide, taking it all in. It made me happy to see her so carefree and really enjoying herself. I knew she was tired. Everything had been go, go, go since we left Houston. When we weren’t exploring or shopping or on an adventure, we were discovering one another between the sheets, and when we weren’t doing that, Sunny was napping. So I knew she was using up her energy to its fullest potential, but she never complained. I was going to try to make this last meeting at the casino a quick one tonight. I wanted to get her back to the yacht early for a change.

  “Let’s go.” I pulled her away from the spectacular show and into the same casino we visited earlier. Her eyes lit up when she located the slot machine she was on earlier that day. “Do you want to play that again?”

  Her head bobbed. “Yes, please!”

  I set her down and gave her my black AmEx card this time. “Use this.” I showed her how to insert the card and load a specific amount onto the machine. Soon, she was punching at the buttons like she had been gambling for years.
“Do you want a drink?”

  I watched as her face fell. “But I just started playing, and I’m winning!”

  “You stay put then. I’ll get drinks.” I kissed her cheek and stepped away. My guilt meter was spiking. My plan was too easy, and I felt bad that I was deceiving her, but I needed to keep her protected for her own safety. My cell phone screen lit up, and I texted my new client, telling him where to meet me. At a table in the lounge area, I ordered drinks and waited for my contact to arrive. I could see Sunny down on the casino floor. She was content.

  * * *

  Let’s get down to business and get this done.

  “Okay, I’ll spin it three more times. If I don’t win, then I walk away.” My fingers hovered over the lighted button. I was almost back down to the original amount I started with. I knew Cole wouldn’t mind if I lost a little of his money, but I didn’t feel like it was right. I mean, I was having a lot of fun, and it was free money. I crossed my fingers and tapped down on the big square that would send the video wheels into action. I wiggled into the attached high-back chair as the jingling music played. The various boxes snapped into place, and I watched for combinations. Nothing.

  “Alright it’s okay, I still have two more spins. Ready? Go.” I watched as the screen flashed and the music played again. Magic wand, magic wand, wild, and…nothing. The bells went off, and I saw that I made my bet back, though. “Nothing gained nothing lost! That counts. We still have two spins. Okay.”

  There was a small giggle next to me, and I glanced over to a little elderly woman, complete with glossy, patent leather hand bag, sitting at a duplicate gaming machine. “I always talk to the machines too, dearie.”

  I blushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking so loud.”

  She smiled and tapped her ear. “I have to keep the speakers turned all the way when I’m in here, otherwise I can’t hear a darn thing.”

  I gave her a polite smile just as an older man in a gold golf shirt and khaki pants appeared behind her. He laid his hand on her frail shoulder and handed her what looked to be a soda water. “Here you are, sweetcakes.”

  She took it and gave him the sweetest smile and a kiss to his weathered cheek. “Thank you, my love.”

  I thought my heart would break. I couldn’t help but stare at them. They were so precious, so in love. I was hypnotized at the way he looked at her. She obviously cared for him as much now as when they first met.

  * * *

  I want that.

  * * *

  My brain immediately replaced their faces with Cole’s and my own. Would we still be together when we were old and gray? Would we still be enthralled with one another like we were now? Would Cole still want to take me on Caribbean vacations and teach me to gamble and get me my drinks? Where was he? I leaned over to the lovely couple. “You two have a wonderful time tonight. Win big!”

  They both nodded at me, smiling. I wondered if they heard me or if they were just being polite. I started to walk away to go search for Cole, when I remembered the AmEx card. I ran back to the machine and pulled it free of the slot after hitting the payout button. At least I hadn’t lost anything.

  The card flicked and flipped through my fingers as my feet bounced across the casino floor, in search of Cole. He was going for drinks, so that would mean I should check the closest bars first. I ducked my head into one dimly lit section. A wide-screen television boasted the island’s news, and a handful of downtrodden faces dotted the seats around the wooden bar. I supposed they were all mourning the loss of their funds, nursing their regrets for having bet it all. There was no Cole in and amongst their faces, though. Should I have been worried? Maybe I needed to find my way back to the machine I was on. Maybe he was back there already.

  I retraced my steps, but somewhere amidst the lights, the sounds, and the people, I became lost. I couldn’t find the machine or even the elderly couple. I couldn’t get back to the bar I was already at. I wondered if there was an information desk. What had Cole said? He was possibly going to start talks with investors here? Maybe someone would know who he was or could get me to a manager who might have spoken with Cole. A big desk caged off from the rest of the grand room was off in one corner.

  * * *

  Cashier. If only I had won.

  * * *

  I stood at the window and waited for the woman in a blue blouse that had the casino logo embroidered above the breast pocket to acknowledge me. “Bon Bini, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, yes, um, I’m a little lost. I was with my, um my…”

  * * *

  Here goes nothing.

  * * *

  “I was here with my boyfriend. Cole von Larsen. I can’t seem to find him, and I was wondering if you could point me to the casino’s manager. I think they know one another.”

  “Yes, of course. I can tell you.” She explained to me how to make my way to where she knew the manager was and hoped that I would be able to find my “boyfriend” there with him.

  “Thank you.” A sense of relief washed over me. I needed to be back in Cole’s arms. I wanted to tell him how happy I was and how I wanted what that older couple had, that I wanted it with him. My feet couldn’t move fast enough, and soon, I was close to jogging through the aisles of the establishment. There were several other rooms off from the main floor that housed more machines and tables for cards, roulette, and dice games. In the last room was a lounge area, and several steps led me up onto the platform. I saw the circular bar and walked up to it, catching my breath. I didn’t see Cole.

  “Excuse me?”

  A young, sun-kissed skin, island bartender turned to me and set a bar napkin in front of me. “What can I bring you, beautiful lady?”

  “Oh no, no thank you. I’m looking for the casino manager and my boyfriend, Cole von Larsen. Were they here?”

  The man’s eyes registered recognition and intrigue. “You are Mr. von Larsen’s girlfriend are you?”

  I nodded.

  The bartender propped up a champagne flute and filled it with clear bubbly liquid. “Looks like we’ll be seeing you on the island often, hmm?”

  I was confused. “Well, I do like it here, but I don’t know when we’ll be back. Cole is a busy man back in Houston.”

  He leaned in close, resting his elbows on the bar. His posture urged me to lean in and listen. “Think you can put a good word in for me?”

  I clasped my hands together and hunched further over the bar, trying to hear him better. “A word in? Are you looking for another job? I mean, I could ask.”

  “Not another job. I want to be a dealer. I mean, come on, I’ve got the perfect setup here.”

  I scowled, not getting what he was saying. “I’m sure your manager would let you deal if you asked. I mean, some of the tables don’t even have anyone working them and with all these people.”

  He blinked, brow furrowing. “Are you fucking with me?”

  I jolted upright. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not talking about dealing cards. Your boyfriend has enough card sharks in his back pocket. I’m talking about snow.”

  I shook my head, still confused.

  He tilted his head and gave me a funny look. “Are you sure you’re von Larsen’s girlfriend? You don’t seem to know much.”

  I was offended. “I know one thing, that if you don’t tell me what’s going on here, Cole isn’t going to hire you for anything. In fact, you’ll probably be out of this job too.” I narrowed my eyes and gave him a hard stare to let him know how serious I was, even though I had no clue what was going on or if Cole really could have him fired. It didn’t matter—I needed to keep up my bluff.

  “Look, he can trust me with his coke, and I already work here so he knows how to find me. I just want a cut in, if this action is coming our way. I mean it has to eventually. He runs the largest ring in the southern states. People call me a visionary, you know. I have vision. You can tell him I have the same expansive vision as him.”

  My heart was skippi
ng beats, stopping, pounding at warp speed and drowning in the words that were forming a picture in my head. What was this man saying? Was he telling me that Cole was a drug dealer, some sort of kingpin? Did he say coke, as in cocaine? This wasn’t true. It couldn’t be true.

  * * *

  He’s filthy rich. He deals in “investments,” imports and exports?

  * * *

  Cole had said the words himself. I suddenly felt nauseous, dizzy, and off-kilter, and my champagne glass was still full. “Oh…okay, thanks. Excuse me.”

  “You’ll tell him, right?” His voice trailed off behind me as he yelled across the bar. I didn’t look back, I just kept walking straight out of the casino and back onto the street



  “Sunny?” I couldn’t believe she took off on me again. Thank God, the staff had seen her leave the casino and head back to the port. I managed to reach the dock just as the shuttle was pulling away, headed back to the yacht. Twenty minutes later I was able to catch my own shuttle. “Sunny?”

  I found her in the bedroom, packing up her bags. “Hey hey hey,” I gently took hold of her arm and turned her on her feet to face me. “What’s going on here? What are you doing?”

  “I want to go home, Cole. I want you to put me on a plane for Houston tonight. Now.” Tears were flowing down her cheeks, but there was anger in her voice.


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